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NAME: ____________________________________________ SECTION:___________________________


True or False: Read each statement carefully. Write your NAME if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is

_____ 1. The cooler the temperature the faster the travel of sound in the area.
_____ 2. The constant speed of sound in the 0-degree Celsius is0,60 m/s.
_____ 3. The equation in finding the speed of sound is: v= 331m/s + (0.60m/s/^Celsius) T.
_____ 4. Reflection is one of the properties of sound that define as the change in direction of sound waves as they pass
from one medium the other.
_____ 5. Reverberation is classified as the multiple reflection in a certain place.
_____ 6. Sound travels at a constant speed even if air temperature changes.
_____ 7. Molecules move faster so sound travels faster in warmer air.
_____ 8. Echo is an example of reflected sound.
_____ 9. The metric unit used in the speed of sound is meter per second.
_____ 10. The warmer the temperature the slower the speed of sound.

Computation: Write the formula, given and solution in each problem.

1. The atmospheric temperature in Baguio City is 20℃. How fast does sound travel in the air?

2. Determine the speed of a sound wave in air at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

3. How fast does sound travel if the air temperature is 20 degrees Celsius?

4. What is the speed of sound in the air if the temperature is 22 degrees Celsius?

5. Determine the speed of sound wave in the atmosphere when the temperature rises in 33 degrees Celsius.

Fill in the blanks to complete the statements.

1. The speed of sound in dry air at 00C is around __________.

2. The speed of sound in air increases by __________ with every increase of 1C0.
3. Sound exhibits the following properties: __________ and __________.
4. The turning back of the wave as it hits the barrier is called __________.
5. The reflected sound is known as __________.
6. __________ refers to the multiple reflections or echoes in a certain place.
7. An application of sound reflection used by scientists to map seafloor and to
determine the depth of the ocean or sea is __________.
8. The __________ of sound involves a change in the direction of waves as they
pass from one medium to another.
9. Sound waves travel __________ in cooler air than in warmer air.

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