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Online Facilitation 2022_2

EDU726 Week 2: Self – Assessment Checklist

Week 2  M1U2  Historical Development of Testing and Evaluation

 M1U3  Importance and Functions of Test in Education

Learning Outcome Objectives

By the end of the week, you will be able to:

 Select “I can” level of the self-assessment checklist response of your Authentic Assessment (AA) and
Assessment for Learning (AFL) for the week’s learning content.
 Appraise the historical development of testing and evaluation globally and in Nigeria.
 Explain the importance and functions of tests in education especially at classroom level and by the
national examination bodies.

Self – Assessment Checklist

 Using the Self-Assessment Checklist below can help you monitor your level of authentic performance
for this week.
 Put a check (√) in the box that best describes your learning by grading your ability using the ranking: “1
can”; “I think I can”; and “I cannot” in the response section of the checklist as it applies to you in this
week’s content

S/No. Intended Learning Task Responses

can think cannot
I can
1 Tell your level of reflection of the course in general and specifically in
week 2.
2 Trace the historical development of testing and evaluation globally and
specifically in Nigeria.
3 Evaluate the roles of early players in testing and evaluation globally and
in Nigeria.
4 Appraise the role of testing organizations in Nigeria with special reference
to date of establishment, location, functions/responsibilities and their
importance in educational assessment in Nigeria.
5 Interpret the functions and roles of education both at the classroom level
and nationally especially with respect to professional and employability
6 Explain the different levels of measurement scales and integrate them
appropriately in the measurement of students’ learning outcomes in the
classroom settings and in educational research.
7 Appraise your entry and exist level in the course for the week

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