PE 1 Prelim Practical Exam Rhythmic Gymnastics Mechanics and Rubrics

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1. Create 3-5 minutes of rhythmic gymnastics applying the basic positions where most exercises
2. Choose any light apparatuses( except poom-poom)
3. F2F presentation

L Poor (10) Fair (15) Good (20) Excellent (25)

Timing/ Group moves Half of Three quarters of
Synchronicity were not in time movements movements Majority of
to the music or in completed by completed by movements
As a group, the sync. group members group members completed by
moves must be in were in time. were in time. The group members
time to the music Most of the overall routine were in time. The
and all group routine was was completed to overall routine
members must be completed to the the timing and was completed to
in sync. timing and rhythm of the the timing and
rhythm of the music chosen. rhythm of the
music chosen. music chosen.
Knowledge of the Remember a few Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
steps of the steps/ some knowledge good knowledge excellent
movements and of choreography, of choreography. knowledge of the
tries but looks but ensure some few errors choreography and
lost. movements. does it well
Make some
Light Apparatus Routine used only Routine used only Routine used at Routine used at
one piece of ligjt one piece of light least two pieces least two pieces
Students are apparatus but the apparatus which of light apparatus of light apparatus
required to use use of equipment was used in a but use of which used in a
light apparatus lacked creativity creative and equipment lacked creative and
twithin their effective way. creativity. effective way.
Flow There was no flow Transitions at Majority of the The transition
to the routine. times were moves were from one move to
The routine smooth but at smooth in the next was
moves from one other times were transition and smooth and free
move to the next discontinuous and free from from mistakes.
smoothly. mistakes were mistakes

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