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Experiment 1

Student Name: Rohit UID:20bca1150

Branch: BCA Section/Group:6
Semester: 5th Date of Performance:8/9/2022
Subject Name:Web Technologies Lab Subject Code:20-CAP-315

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Create a simple web page to display name, uid, gmail using boostrap.

2. Task to be done:

Display UID,Name,Gmail using bootstrap 5 classes

3. Concept used:
1. In this experiment we are added online (CDN) bootstrap rather than offline
<meta charset="utf-8">

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-

ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">

2. Use bootstrap classes to implement bootstrap css.

4. Steps/Commands involved to perform practical:

 1. HTML’s CSS:-
1. Set font -style to cursive for all body element

<body style="font-family: cursive;">

2. Bootstrap CSS:-
<h2 class="text-center p-4 text-info  "><strong>Experiment 1</strong></h2>

In this line I am using three classes(text-center, p-4, text-info)

i. text-center class is used to set the text to center position
ii. P-4 class is used to set the padding (0.25*4)
iii. Text-info is used to set the color of info to blue
There is also a strong tag this tag is used to set the text to bold and gives a
strong text look.
Output of the line:-

<div class=" container-fluid row md-4">

        <div class="col-sm-4"  >

            <h2 class="bg-info  p-5 text-center text-white">UID</h2>

            <h2 class="bg-warning p-5 text-center text-dark" >20bca1150</h3>


From here div tag started div tag is used to create a container.In this div tag
there is two classes (container-fluid,row md-4).
a. Container-fluid class is used to provide a full width container.
b. Row md-4 tells us that the container is behave likes row md is used to
define the grid md means the screen size is defaulty sets to tablet
c. After the parent tag we also declaring here another div tag which work
like a column in parent row . and here is also an another sm class
which is used to set the screen size to phone screen mode
H2 tag:- In this tag there is 4 classes(bg-info p-5 text-center text-dark)
a) Bg-info class is used to set the blue background to this element

b) P-5 class is used to set the padding in this -5 is used to give user
defined padding size(.25*5)
c) Text-center class is used to set the text to center according to div col
class tag.
d) Text-dark class is used to set the font color to light grey

e) Bg-warning is used to set background color to warning it represent the

warning sign
f) Text-white is used to set the font colour to white

Output of above lines code:-

        <div class="col-sm-4">

            <h2 class="bg-danger  p-5 text-center text-light">Name</h2>

            <h2 class="bg-success  p-5 text-center text-white">Rohit</h3>


This is our 2nd column in which we are trying to add our name

Here we creating an another columns using div container tag in which we define col
and sm-4 class. Col class is used to represent the div tag as a column and sm-4 is
for small size screens its size set to sm-4

H2 tag:-in h2 tag we using 5 classes(bg-danger,bg-success, p-5, text-center, text-


a) Bg-danger class is used to background color to red it represent danger sign.

b) Bg-success class is used to set background color to green it represent success sign.

c) P-5 is used to set the padding

d) Text-center is used to set the text to center according to div container

e) Text-light is used to set the white color it is slightly more brighter than white color

Output of above lines code:-

        <div class="col-sm-4">

            <h2 class="bg-secondary  p-5 text-center text-white">Gmail</h2>

            <h2 class="bg-dark p-5 text-center text-light"></h3>        


5. This is the 3rd div tag in which we represent our gmail

In this we are using 5 classes(bg-secondary, bg-dark,text-center,text-white,text-
a. Bg-secondary class is used to the background text to light gray.
b. All the other classes we discuss already in above topics.

In this also we are using the same classes that we are using same as above
Output of above lines code:-

6. Result/Output/Writing Summary:
Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. We learn multiple classes in into boostrap.

2.We learn to use of container class

3.We learn how to use online bootsrap.

Evaluation Grid:

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Worksheet 10
2. Demonstration/Performance /Pre 5
Lab Quiz
3. Post Lab Quiz 5

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