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Nama : Andrea Bangun

Arnida Purba
Eyunike Beten
Friendly Pryst
Gideon Billy
Hana Balompapueng
Yehuda Charis
Yunias Gracia
Mata Kuliah : Yunani 1

Tugas Yunani: PREPOSISI

1. o` maqhth.j le,gei parabolh.n peri. th/j basilei,aj

o` =Art-NMS = the
maqhth.j =N-NMS =disciple
le,gei =V-PAI 3 S = he/she/it says/speaks

parabolh.n =N-AccFS = parable

peri. = prep acc = (around, about)
th/j = Art - AccFP = the
basilei,aj =N-AccFP = Kingdoms
The disciple speaks the parable about the kingdoms.

2. lamba,nomen avgaqa.j didaca.j avpo. tou/ pistou/ avdelfou/

lamba,nomen =V-PAI 1ST P = we take/receive
avgaqa.j = Adj-AccFP = good
didaca.j = N-AccFP = teachings
avpo. = prep abl = from
tou/ = Art- AMS = the
pistou/ =Adj-AMS = faithful
avdelfou/ = N-A MS = brother
We receive good teachings from the faithful brother.
3. dia. tw/n grafw.n tw/n maqetw/n ginw,skomen th.n avlh,qeian
dia. = prep gen = through
tw/n = Art- GFP = the
grafw.n = N-GFP = writings
tw/n = Art- GMP = of the
maqetw/n = N- GMP = disciples
ginw,skomen = V-PAI 1st P = we know
th.n = Art-AccFS = the
avlh,qeian =N-AccFS = truth
Through the writings of the disciples we know the truth.

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