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1. qe,lousin le,gein th.n avlh,qeian th/j evntolh/j.)

thelousin legein ten aletheian tes entoles.

Qe,lousin = V-PAI 3rd P They wish

le,gein = V-PAI 3rd S He speaks

th.n = Art-AccFS the

avlh,qeian = N-AccFS truth

th/j = Art-GFS of

evntolh/j. = N-GFS commandment

They wish He speaks the truth of commandment

2. to.n ku,rion ble,pei o` a[ggeloj kai. ginw,skei th.n h`me,ran

ton kurion blepei o ageelos kai ginoskei ten emeran eirenes.

to.n = Art-AccMS The

ku,rion = N-AccMS Lord

ble,pei = V-PAI 3rd S Sees

o` = Art-NMS the

a[ggeloj = N-NMS messenger/angel

kai. = conj. and/also/even

ginw,skei = V-PAI 3rd S knows

th.n = Art-AccFS the

h`me,ran = N-AccFS day

eivrh,ehj.. = N-GFS of peace

The Lords sees the messenger and knows the day of peace
Kalo dia Nominative meskipun dia ditengah, taruhnya tetep di depan jadi - The angel
sees the Lord and knows the day of peace.

3. avkou,ete th.n didach.n tou/ maqhtou/ kai. ginw,skete th.n

do,xan th/j
akouete ten didachen tou mathetou kai ginoskete ten doxan tes.

avkou,ete = V-PAI 2nd P hear

th.n = Art-AccFS the

didach.n = N-AccFS Teaching

tou/ = Art-GMS of

maqhtou/ = N-GMS disciple

kai. = conj. and/also/even

ginw,skete = V-PAI 2nd Pknow

th.n = Art-AccFS the

do,xan = N-AccFS glory

th/j = Art-GFS of the

basilei,aj. = N-GFS kingdom

Kingdom hear the teaching of disciple and know the glory of the kingdom

4. oi` proqh/tai le.gousin lo,gouj avlhqei,aj o;cloij avnqrw,pwn)

oi prothetai legousin logous aletheias ochlois anthropon.

oi` = Art-NMP the

proqh/tai = N-NMP Prophet

le.gousin = V-PAI 3rd P say

lo,gouj = N-AccMP the word

avlhqei,aj = N-GFS of truth

o;cloij = N-LMP in crowd

avnqrw,pwn = N-GMP of man

The prophets say the word of truth in a crowd of man.

5. a;geij tou.j ui`ou.j kai. le,geij parabolh.n tw/n grafw/n

ageis tous uious kai legeis parabolen ton graphon.

a;geij = V-PAI 2nd S Lead

tou.j = Art-AccMP the

ui`ou.j = N-AccMP Son

kai. = conj. and/also/even

le,geij = V-PAI 2nd S say/speak

parabolh.n = N-AccFS the parable

tw/n = Art-GFP of the

grafw/n = N-GFP of Scripture

Lead the Son and speak the parable of the Scripture.

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