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Nama : Andrea Esther Bangun

NIM : 20111006
Mata Kuliah : Yunani-1


1. (4) kakh. a`marti,a kai. h` basilei,a a`gaqh,)

kakh. = Adj-NFS = Bad

a`marti,a = N-NFS = Sin

kai. = conj. = and/also/even

h` = Art-NFS = the

basilei,a = N-NFS = kingdom

a`gaqh, = Adj-NFS = good

The sin is bad and the kingdom is good.

2. (5) ble,pomen to.n kako.n karpo.n kai. to.n kalo.n a;rton)

ble,pomen = V-PAI 1st P = We see/ we are seeing

to.n = Art-AccMS = the

kako.n = Adj-AccMS = bad

karpo.n = N-AMS = fruit

kai. = conj. = and/also/even

to.n = Art-AccMS = the

kalo.n = Adj-AccMS = good/beautiful

a;rton = N-AccMS = loaf/bread

We see the bad fruit and the good bread.
3. (7) oi` profh/tai le,gousin kainou.j lo,gouj avlhqei,aj toi/j pistoi/j.)

oi` = Art-NMP = the

profh/tai = N-NMP = Prophets

le,gousin = V-PAI 3rd P = speak/say

kainou.j = Adj-AccMP = new

lo,gouj = N-AccMP = words

avlhqei,aj = N-GFS = of truth

toi/j = Art-DMP = to the

pistoi/j. = Adj-DMP = faithful

The prophets say new words of truth to the faithful.

4. (8) o` avpo,stoloj ginw,skei tou.j dikai,ouj kai. ta.j dikai,aj)

o` = Art-NMS = the

avpo,stoloj = N-NMS = apostle

ginw,skei = V-PAI 3rd S = knows

tou.j = Art-AccMP = the

dikai,ouj = Adj-AccMP = righteous man

kai. = conj. = and/also/even

ta.j = Art-AccFP = the

dikai,aj = Adj-AccFP = righteous women

The apostle knows the righteous man and the righteous women.

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