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Nama : Andrea Esther Bangun

NIM : 20111006
Mata Kuliah : Yunani-1
Hari/tanggal : Selasa, 14 Desember 2021

1. ouv cai,romen ta.j presbute,raj avlla. suna,gomen su,n tw/| law/|
cai,rein to.n qeo,n
ouv = Particle =not
cai,romen = V-PAI 1ST P = We rejoice
ta.j = Art-AccFP = the
presbute,raj = Adj-AccFP =older/elder
avlla. = conj. = but
suna,gomen = V-PAI 1ST P = we gather together
su,n = Prep. Inst = With, together with
tw/| = Art-IMS = the
law/| = N- IMS = people
cai,rein = V-PAI 3RD S = rejoices
to.n = Art-AccMS = the
qeo,n = N-AccMS = God
We don’t rejoice the older people but we gather together with
the people rejoices God.
2. o` me.n a[gioj o` maqhth.j u`mw/n dida,skei th,n a`gi,an
evvvvvvvvvvn th/| basilei,a| th/| dikai,a| tou kuri,ou tou a`gi,ou( o` de,
avdelfo.j auvtou/ doxa,zei to.n nekro,n evn tw/| i`erw/|(
o` = Art-NMS = the
me.n = Particle = not (indicating contrast)
a[gioj =Adj-NMS = Holy
o` = Art-NMS =the
maqhth.j =N-NMS = Disciple
u`mw/n = PProp-G2NDP = of you/ your
dida,skei = V-PAI 3RD S = teaches
th,n = Art-AccFS = the
a`gi,an = Adj-AccFS = Holy
evvvvvvvvvvn = Prep. Loc = in
th/| =Art-LFS =the
basilei,a| = N-LFS = Kingdom
th/| =Art-LFS =the
dikai,a| = Adj-LFS =righteous
tou = Art-GMS =the
kuri,ou = N-GMS = Lord/lord
tou = Art-GMS = the
a`gi,ou( = Adj-GMS =holy
o` = Art-NMS = the
de, = conj. = but
avdelfo.j = N-NMS = brother
auvtou/ = PProp-GA M1ST S=of them/from them
doxa,zei = V-PAI 3RD S = glorifies
to.n = Art-AccMS =the
nekro,n = Adj-AccMS =dead
evn = Prep. Loc = in,at,on
tw/| = Art-LNS = the
i`erw/|( =N-LNS = temple
Your disciple teaches the not holy in the righteous kingdom of
the holy Lord, but their brother glorifies the dead in the temple

3. o` di,kaioj o` lao.j me,nei evn tw/| oi;kw| tou/ qeou/ tou a`gi,ouÃ
ba,llei de. ponhrou.j avgge,louj eivj to.n ko,smon
o` = Art-NMS =the
di,kaioj = Adj-NMS =righteous/just
o` = Art-NMS = the
lao.j =N-NMS =people
me,nei =V-PAI 3RD S = remains/dwells
evn = Prep. Loc = in
tw/| = Art-LMS =the
oi;kw| = N-LMS = house/household
tou/ = Art-GMS = the
qeou/ = N-GMS = God
tou = Art-GMS =the
a`gi,ouà = Adj-GMS =holy
ba,llei =V-PAI 3RD S =throws
de. = conj. = but,and,now
ponhrou.j = Adj-AccMP =evil
avgge,louj =N-AccMP = messengers/angels
eivj = Prep. Acc = into,to ,in
to.n = Art-AccMS = the
ko,smon =N-AccMS = world
The righteous people remains in the house of holy God and He
throws evil angels into the world.

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