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Grade 11/12
(UCSP11/12SPU-Ia-1,2; Ib-3,4,5)

art/ photo
Department of Education • Schools Division of Benguet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Benguet
District of Mankayan

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Learning Resource Management and Development System



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What I Know

PRE-ASSESSMENT: Before we continue, let us try to test how familiar are

you with the succeeding topics through a Pre-Assessment Activity. You need
to take this honestly and independently; the result of this activity will
determine if you will proceed with the module or advance further.

I. Identification. Identify what is being asked or described.

_______________1. The shared knowledge, beliefs, and values of those in a
society which are passed from generation to generation.
_______________2. Refers to the study that deals with analyzing social
problems and explain trends and various phenomena
pesent in society.
_______________3. The characteristics of a political group.
_______________4. Refers to “that complex whole which encompasses beliefs,
practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts,
symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns
and share as a member of society
_______________5. Holistic approach to learning and a better appreciation of
the learning experience.
_______________6. Refers to the social organization of human life, patterns of
interaction and power relationships

II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, write FALSE if
the statement is incorrect.
_____7. Social diversification describes the relative social position of persons
in a given social group, category, geographical region, or other social
_____ 8. Social science’s utmost goal is to answer different questions and find
solutions to problems of the society to improve the human condition
despite cultural, social, and political differences.
_____ 9. Anthropology is the holistic “science of man”, a science of the totality
of human existence.
_____10. The study of how man was created is called sociology.
_____11. The use of multidisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary approaches are
seen appropriate to look into the interplay of culture,
society and politics.

III. Multiple Choice. Understand the statement and choose the correct
answer. Write letters only.
_____12. A discipline that studies the society and the manner in which people
behave and influence the world around us
A. Social Studies C. Social Society
B. Social Science D. Social Diversity
_____13. A term used to refer to large divide between the lower and upper
classes in the hierarchical structure present in a society is called
A. Social Science C. Social Stratification
B. Social Change D. Social Divide

_____14. It is characterized by a number of morphological, developmental,
psychological, and behavioral changes that have taken place
since the split between the common ancestor of humans and apes.
A. Social Evolution C. Regeneration
B. Human Evolution D. None of these
_____15. It is a concept that states no culture is superior to other culture
A. Culture C. Ethnocentrism
B. Culture Relativism D. Xenocentrism

*NOTE: If you have perfected your Pre-assessment, you may not proceed.
However, you are encouraged to continue with the module for deeper
understanding. Congratulations! You can proceed to the next module. If your
score is 50 to 99% please do proceed with the module. Enjoy your journey of
the lesson.


What’s In

How is culture, society and politics manifested in everyday life? This is

the common question we ask when the subject we talk about is on culture
and society. As a social being, we tend to relate and interact with a larger
social scale. The intersection of private lives of an individual in the broader
social world will deepen understanding of worldviews about culture, thereby
creating a society governed by rules for co-existence.

In this lesson you are going to broaden knowledge on how human

variations is exhibited culturally, social differences, social changes and
political identities. By doing so your learnings will elevate your views on how
communities differ from the other but exist harmoniously through
understanding culture, society and politics.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be able to explain the
importance of looking at the interplay of culture, society and political
identities in examining societal change as well as relate it to the current
situation we are in through series of activities which will enhance your
retention of the lesson and put it into real life situations.

What’s New

PICTOpinion. Study the pictures below. They are the common

things/events/practices in society. Familiarize yourself with them and answer
the following questions with honesty.
8_Fechen.pdf. A 8_Fechen.pdf. B
Photo from Mr Wilbert Wanas C
8_Fechen.pdf. D

E F 8_Fechen.pdf.
G H .

What is it

1. What are the pictures all about? Can you name them ?
Picture Name

2. Are you familiar about these pictures? Which one is closely

related to you? Why?
3. Identify which among the pictures are cultural, sociological
and/or political by ticking the right column
Picture Cultural Sociological Political

4. If you were to choose with one of these cultural tradition and

practices which one will you choose and why? How does this
affects you as an individual/ a member of society?

LET’S DISCUSS. At this point, let us understand deeper the content of the
I. Manifestations of Human variations through cultural diversity, social
differences and political identities.
Social Science as a discipline, studies the society and the manner in
which people behave and influence the world around us. The utmost goal of
social science is to answer different questions and find solutions to problems
of the society to improve the human condition despite cultural, social and
political differences.

“We need to adopt an open and critical attitude towards different social,
political, and cultural phenomena through observation and reflection” (Adora,

The way we look at things and how we react affect our relations to
others. Everything we do is influenced by our experiences. Different certain
conditions also contribute to how we perceive them. People see things from
their standpoint.

Cultural diversity and cultural relativism play an important part in our

dealings with humanity. Cultural diversity refers to the existence of a variety
of cultures within a region or society. On the other hand, Cultural relativism
refers to a perspective which suggests that one’s belief, values and norms
should be understood in the perspective of such individual.

It is not only the case that people have varied practices but also have
varied sets of morals and values. For instance, the concepts of honor and
shame vary from culture to culture. In one society, a public official caught in
a scandal immediately steps down from office. He or she may even commit
suicide because in their place, shame is tied to face-saving and to the
upholding of one’s dignity. A public official must hence be honorable and
appear honorable.

Cultural diversity triggers a person to observe the spirit of empathy, a

deeper meaning of sympathy whereas cultural relativism suggests respect for
differences. It puts emphasis on cultural context which is critical in
understanding people’s values, beliefs and practices. Such things should be
understood in terms of people’s own culture.

Definition of Terms:
a. Culture – that complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices,
values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and
everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society (E.B.
Tylor 1920)
✓ Material Culture –tangible, created by human person
✓ Non-material Culture – culture that is being learned or observed
by human
✓ Anthropology regards culture as the “acquired cognitive and
symbolic aspects of human existence” (Eriksen 2001)
b. Society - refers to the social organization of human life, patterns of
interaction and power relationships (Eriksen 2001)
- A group of people, wherein its members share similar
lifestyles, culture and beliefs
c. Social differences – which describes the relative social position of
persons in a given social group, category, geographical region or other
social unit.

d. Social Stratification - a term used to refer to the large divide between
the lower and upper classes in the hierarchical structure present in a
society on the basis of wealth, status or power.
FOUR (4) Major Types of Stratification:
a.) Caste - hereditary endogmous social group in which a person’s rank
and his/her rights and obligations are ascribed or on the basis of
his/her birth into a particular group
b.) Class – a person’s position is based upon achievement
c.) Estate- gives emphasis to birth as well as wealth and possessions
d.) Slavery – had economic basis wherein the master shows power over
a slave
e. Political Identities – the characteristics of a political group
f. Government – is the system by which a state or community is
controlled so as to put an order.
II. Significance of Studying Culture, Society and Politics
Social Science is a very complex study. It is divided in many areas:
a. Anthropology (culture)
b. Sociology (society)
c. Political Science (political identities and government)
Definition of Terms:
a. Anthropology - is the holistic “science of man”, a science of the totality
of human existence.
Etymological Definition
• “Anthropos” (Greek) = “man”
• “logos” (Greek) = “study”

Two (2) broad fields of Anthropology:

✓ Physical Anthropology sometimes called biological anthropology is
mainly concerned about how humans emerged and evolved
through time (subfield: Human Paleontology and Human
✓ Cultural Anthropology is basically concerned with the differences
of cultures from time to time
Subfield of cultural anthropology:
1.) Archeology – studies past cultures through tangible or
material remains
2.) Anthropological Linguistics – study of languages where
experts explain the differences of languages by culture and how
it is constructed
3.) Ethnology – study of recent or present cultures

b. Social Evolution - It is characterized by a number of morphological,
developmental, psychological, and behavioral changes that have
taken place since the split between the common ancestor of
humans and apes.
c. Sociology – the study of relationships among people. It is the study of
the society and the behavior of people in the society.
• “Sociology” – coined by August Comte (French Philosopher 1798-1857)
- From Latin word “socius” meaning group or partners and the
Greek word “logos” meaning study
d. Political Science – a discipline that deals with systems of government
and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.
e. Social Science – disciplines that are focused on the study of the
behaviors of humans. Some studies include Economics,
Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology.
f. Social Change – refers to the transformations in social institutions
In everything we do has political, social, and cultural implications. So
we relate culture, society and politics in daily life simply by living our lives.
All of these academic disciplines are based on the idea that the combination
of individual lives are what creates trends in group behavior. Sociology,
anthropology and political science are the disciplines that study politics,
sociology and culture. Each of these areas is made up of the interactions of
individuals. The only way for an individual’s behavior to not to relate to
politics, culture and society is for the individual to be alone permanently.

III. Rationale for Studying Anthropology, Sociology, and Political

Science – The use of Transdisciplinary Approach

“Change is the only thing that does not change. Change is impermanent.”
- Heraclitus-
Culture, Society, and Politics are very popular factors that affect every
man’s living. In school, we are taught of the things that will be useful in the
near future. Not all may be of importance but in can serve as a guide or
starting point of your career. Every teaching from simple math to complex
The interplay of Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science is the
approach used in examining social issues therefore the transdisciplinary
approach to learning is encouraged in the lessons. Transdisciplinary permits
a learning strategy that crosses many disciplinary boundaries to create
holistic approach to learning and a better appreciation of the learning

The intersections of anthropology, sociology and political science would

make sense to us as we begin our quest for understanding ourselves better.
They are part of social science. First Intersection: The three are classified as
branches of the Social Sciences; which deals with the functions and structure
of human society as well as the interpersonal relationships of individuals as

members of society. Second Intersection: Empirical proof as basis for truth;
A rational proof laid the foundation for modern science, the idea of thinking
developed into a proof. Example: Archimedes wanted to know he could
measure the volume of mass (such as a King’s crown). Rational proof and
empirical proof are ways to test whether or not an idea is accurate.
Philosopher and mathematician rely heavily on rational proof, while scientist
rely on empirical proofs. The third Intersection: Objectivity in Science Science
is not merely observation but careful observation (Joel M. Charon); Science
as “Value-free” investigation (Max Weber). The scientist’s only commitment
must be to scientific investigation itself; the conclusions remain constantly
open to further investigation. (Maribao,2016: Slideshare July 20)

Disciplinary: Epistemologies, Multidisciplinary: Using the

assumptions, knowledge, skills, knowledge/understanding of more
methods within the boundary of a than one discipline. E.g. Physics
discipline e.g. Physics; History; and History; Biology and
Psychology Architecture
Interdisciplinary: Using the Transdisciplinary: Focus on an
epistemologies/methods of one issue such as pollution, poverty or
discipline within another. e.g. hunger both within and beyond
Biochemistry; Eco-philosophy; discipline boundaries with the
Astrophysics possibility of new perspectives
Transdisciplinary Learning Diagram http://www.Greenwichschools.Org

Showing respect and recognition of the existence of different levels of reality

governed by the different types of logic embraced by the different disciplines
is inherent in the transdisciplinary attitude. Beyond this, is the acceptance of
the unknown, the unexpected, and the unforeseeable that may be unveiled
by using the transdisciplinary perspective. Thus, the use of a lens or
perspective that embraces the interplay of many disciplines to examine the
sources and consequences of change is imperative.

What’s More

Activity 1.
Using the picture presented in page 8 and 9 on WHAT’s NEW Identify which
among the pictures are cultural, sociological and/or political by ticking the
right column

Picture Cultural Sociological Political


Assessment 1.
ARTICULATIONS OF OBSERVATIONS. The world has undergone changes
since time in memorial, based on the social, cultural changes globally, come
up with five (5) general observations that are happening in the society today.
These observations must be briefly described.(UCSP by Adora, 2016 p.14,
Wise Ideas Publishing Co.)

1960s ❖ Post 2nd World War: Post war rehabilitations after bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
❖ Militaristic Discipline
1970s ❖ Proliferation of inventions in medical and natural sciences
❖ Political upheavals in asia China – Tiananmen Square,
Polpot of Cambodia, separation of North and South Vietnam
by ideological rivalries
1980s ❖ Democracy versus Communism: KGB of Russia versus CIA
of USA
❖ Women’s rights
❖ Use of Betamax
1990s ❖ Introduction of faster communication through internet,
microchips, use of VCDs, CDs, introduction of
2000s ❖ Rise of apocalyptic predictions breligious gurus, spiritual
mystics about “End of the World” and scientific calculations
and cosmic interpretations

❖ Extremism in socio-political cultural, and religious
ideologies; Bombing of Twin Towers – World Trade Center;
invasioof Iraq; Rise of Militia in Middle East countries
2011 ❖ Global impacts of Climate Change and environmental
onwards disturbances; Tsunamis in Japan; Katrina in the US;
Yolanda in the Philippines
❖ Rise of LGBTs
❖ Global pandemic of the Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Observations Descriptions

Activity 2.
PEOPLE SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY. Examine the three pictures below.
What does each of the picture shows? Justify your claims in short sentences.
(UCSP by Adora 2016 p.6)

Picture 1 __________________________________________________________________
Picture 2 __________________________________________________________________
Picture 3 __________________________________________________________________

Assessment 2.
MIX and MATCH. Match the concept with its siginificant function. Write
letters only.
Answer A B
1 It is better to be a wise citizen in a world a. Society
full of deceptions and empty promises
2 Who are you? What makes you? What is b. Culture
your place in the society?
3 The study of relationships among people c. Anthropology
4 Allows us to have knowledge of our life d. Politics
blood of our existence

5 Knowing our functions help better e. Sociology
improve our lives
Activity 3.
Analyze social, cultural and political change based on Help us understand that humans
your understanding of the lessons discussed in the develop political governance to
set rules and parameters of
Help us understand
that humans existed ANTHROPOLOGY
(Study on the origin of
and created civilization Man)

that undergoes change

in history.
(Study of society (Study on the
and civilization development of

Help us understand that society

develops and progresses as time
goes by

2. Briefly identify the common goals of anthropology, sociology and

political science (answer in one complete sentence)

Assessment 3.
GREEN or BLUE. Answer the following questions based from the discussion.
Write GREEN if it is true, BLUE if it is false.
1. Social Studies is that branch of knowledge that studies the society and
the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us.
2. People share similar cultural backgrounds yet different views in
different aspects.
3. Cultural relativism triggers a person to observe the spirit of empathy, a
deeper meaning of sympathy whereas cultural relativism suggests
respect for differences.
4. A group of people, wherein its members share similar lifestyles, culture
and beliefs is called Society.
5. Political affiliation of every country is fueled by a system of governance
to rule its people/constituents

What I Have Learned

To summarize what you have learned from this module, answer

the data retrieval chart based from the given criteria.

3 things learned
2 most important facts still in mind
1 question remains in mind

What I Can Do

The Sophists Protagoras said that “ Man is the measure of all things.”As active
member of the society
and as catalyst to
change ,what can you
do in order to help
address the social
issues that we have
today using the
interplay of
sociology and political
science? Show it in a
poster to be submitted
before the next module
will be given. Use A4
bond paper.


I.Identification. Identify what is being described or asked.

______________1. The shared knowledge, beliefs, and values of those in a
society which are passed from generation to generation.
______________2. Refers to “that complex whole which encompasses beliefs,
practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols,
knowledge, and everything that a person learns and share as
a member of society
______________3. Refers to the study that deals with analyzing social problems
and explain trends and various phenomena pesent in
______________4. Refers to the social organization of human life, patterns of
interaction and power relationships
______________5. The characteristics of a political group
______________6. Holistic approach to learning and a better appreciation of the
learning experience.

II.True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if incorrect.

_____ 7. Social science’s utmost goal is to answer different questions and find
solutions to problems of the society to improve the human condition
despite cultural, social, and political differences.
_____ 8. Anthropology is the holistic “science of man”, a science of the totality
of human existence
_____ 9. The study of how man was created is called sociology.
_____ 10. Social diversification describes the relative social position of persons
in a given social group, category, geographical region, or other social
_____ 11. The use of multidisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary approaches are
seen appropriate to look into the interplay of culture,
society and politics.

III. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer, write letter only.
_____ 12. A discipline that studies the society and the manner in which people
behave and influence the world around us
A. Social Studies C. Social Society
B. Social Science D. Social Diversity
_____ 13. A term used to refer to large divide between the lower and upper
classes in the hierarchical structure present in a society is called
A. Social Science C. Social Stratification
B. Social Change D. Social Divide
_____ 14. It is characterized by a number of morphological, developmental,
psychological, and behavioral changes that have taken place
since the split between the common ancestor of humans and apes.
A. Human Evolution C. Regeneration
B. Social Evolution D. None of these
_____ 15. It is a concept that states no culture is superior to other culture
A. Cultural relativism C. Ethnocentrism
B. Culture D. Xenocentrism


1. Venn Diagram. Based from your knowledge on Political Science,

Sociology and Anthropology, write down terms related to each social
science branch in their perspective circle. In the areas where two circles
overlap, place a term that describes or is related to both social sciences.
In the innermost connection, write down the term that is related to all
categories. (UCSP,Arcinas 2016 p.6)



conflict theory deviance states

Constitutions ancestors culture
Indigenoues people hierarchy crime Social Science

2. Therefore I Can Say. To test deeper your understanding of the lessons

in this module, kindly read the article below and relate it to how it is
related to help address the social issues that we have today using the
interplay of anthropology, sociology and political science. Your reaction
to this article will be written in your answer sheet in not less than 10



"It is not that we don't have poor and needy families but I believe that
we as tribal communities still have and should sustain our "built in"
and homegrown or indigenous social structure, values, and practice of
taking care of our respective relatives or kins, neighbors, or kailyan in
distress during hard times or economic crisis.

It is during these kinds of economic hardships such as "food shortages",
hunger and famine that the "richer or better of" (kadangyans) among a
clan or village are expected to aid their needy relatives by lending their

Should this crisis extend longer to the extent that our needy families
really run out of their rice supplies, we shall mandate the kadangyans
of every barangay to open up their rice granaries (agamangs) to sustain
us through to the next harvest season.

I assure that no family shall go hungry in our municipality even during

these hard times.

Let the Nat'l Gov’t feed those more needy urban poor in the cities and
those less fortunate in other areas who can't sustain themselves, while
we sustain ourselves while we can.

Rubric for the ESSAY.

Assessment 2 Assessment 3
1. D 1. Blue
2. C 2. Green
3. E 3. Blue
4. C 4. Green
5. A 5. Green
Wat Is It
1 3
1. Spear and shield 1. Political
2. Peace pact/Bodong 2. Political
3. Pakedlan 3. Cultural
4. Traditional Community 4. Sociological
5. Benguet Cultural dance 5. Cultural
6. Bayanihan 6. Cultural
7. Human Evolution 7. Cultural
8. Ato/Dap-Ay 8. Political
9. Tagalog Social Stratification 9. Sociological
10. Social Media 10. Sociological
Post-Test Pre-Test
1. Culture 1. Culture
2. Culture 2. Sociology
3. Sociology 3. Political Identities
4. Society 4. Culture
5. Transdisciplinary
5. Political Identities
6. Society
6. Transdisciplinary
7. False
7. True
8. True
8. True 9. True
9. False 10. False
10. False 11. True
11. True 12. B
12. B 13. C
13. A 14. A
14. B 15. A
15. B
16. B

2019. ABS-CBN NEWS. July 14. Accessed May 30, 2020. https://news.abs-
Campanilla, Cora. n.d. Pinterest.
n.d. Colegio Highlands. Accessed June 1, 2020.
DepEd. 2016. Accessed May 28, 2020.
Geminiano, Pamela Mariz. 2018. Philippine News Agency. September 10. Accessed
June 1, 2020.
Hiponia, Rhean Iraya. n.d. Scribd. Accessed june 1, 2020.
Joting, Milorenze. 2017. Slideshare. November 20. Accessed June 1, 2020.
Maribao, Danny. 2016. slideshare. july 20. Accessed June 2, 2020.
Melvin A. Adora, Pagasa Shah B. Balaw-ing, Francis R. Balderas, Emmanuelle
Jayson T. Boac, John Mark B. Romero, Marc Ivy Raphelin Allan P. Sales,
Dennis N. Tion. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Wise Ideas
Publishing Co.
Montilla, Angelita. 2018. Slideshare. October 29. Accessed May 28, 2020.
Myla M. Arcinas, PhD. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Neely, Karissa. 2019. October 22. Accessed June 1, 2020.
Network, Korean Progressive. 2003. jinbonet. Accessed June 1, 2020.
Seca, Eduardo Munoz. n.d. Feschen. Accessed May 28, 2020. https://www.unesco-
2018. The Aswang Project. June 3. Accessed June 1, 2020.

Valera, Diony. 2020. Facebook. April 2. Accessed june 1, 2020.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Benguet

Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Telephone: 074 422 6570

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