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GOVERNOR ALFONSO D. TAN NAME: Rubie Ann s. Pao Program and Year:
MalorTangub City SUBJECT:BAFBANA Date:
INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND 10:00 PM– 11:00 PM (MWF) _________________________
Midterm Exam _________________________

1. Do not cheat, don’t fool yourself. (Non-negotiable)
2. Do not use the result from the internet as your answer, instead use it as reference only
3. Time is of the essence, make sure to submit on or before the due time to avoid deductions. Deductions are
computed using the following formula, Deduction = minutes late x .50 points (Negotiable)

I. FILL IN THE BLANK: Fill in the correct word or phrase that corresponds to the table below.
Prepare a separate clean sheet of paper for your answers with your name visible at the top of every
page. Upload your answers in the MS FORM published on your MS TEAM. (20 items x 1 point each
= 20 POINTS)

Category of Predictive Prescriptive Descriptive Diagnostic

Source of Data Historical Data Newspaper Measures of central Data mining
Data Data mining Machine learning Data aggregation Data discovery
Manipulation techniques
Role of Analytics Improving Data driven Analyzing data Correlation
operation Decision making
Technique used Predictive modeling Business rules Mining data Data discovery
Critical question Algorithms Business rules Variability Drilling down

II. ESSAY: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely. Write your answers in the MS
FORMpublished in the MS TEAM. Below of the test questions is the Essay Rubrics(5 items each x
8 points = 40 POINTS)

1. Choose a real-life business, how can you apply Market Business Analysis in that business?
= My business plan in market Analysis , this section needs to demonstrate both of expertise in particular
market and the attractiveness of the market from a financial standpoint  This market analysis can help me to
identify how to better position of my business to be competitive and serve my customers. I will use this market
analysis in my business for analyze my competitors. Great help in understanding my customers and test
before launch.

2. Why does the balanced scorecard include financial performance measures as well as measures of how
internal business processes are doing? Discuss further.
-The balanced scorecard involves measuring four main aspects of a business: Learning and growth,
business processes, customers, and finance. BSCs allow companies to pool information in a single report, to
provide information into service and quality in addition to financial performance, and  to help improve
efficiencies. .Internal business process measures of performance  relate to organizational efficiency . The
balanced scorecard is put together to support the organization's strategy, which is used to further the company's goals.
Both of these measures are included in order to fully understand how a business is doing and how effective their
strategy is.

3. Why balanced scorecard differ from company to company? Discuss further.

=     - A company's balanced scorecard differs from company to company because  it is based on and
supports each company's strategy . Since each company's strategy is different, their balanced scorecards

4. Create a balance scorecard of your personal life for the next 5 years (must not be related to business)
by creating this table:
= The performance measures considered up to this point have relied only on financial accounting measures as
the means to evaluate performance. Over time, the trend has become to incorporate both quantitative and
qualitative measures and short- and long-term goals when evaluating the performance of managers as well as
the company. One approach to evaluating both financial and nonfinancial measures is to use a balanced
Perspective Objectives Measures Initiative Target
Financial To increase sales Expenses as a % of Develop new credit Increased by 5%
(How do we look and reduce costs policies for distributors
ourselves from our
family and friends?)

Customer To be reference for % Initiatives with Have a high a

(How do our people a variety of products cost benefit customer rating
surround see us?)
Internal Process To be able a Training and Revamp infection 10% per quarter
(In which activities develop new information request reporting process
must we excel?) product constantly
Learning and To have extremely % Performance in Hire new HR lead Train 100% of
Growth knowledge staff in development plans the sales team
(How can we product completed
continually improve development
and create value?)

5. You’re working toward an accounting degree and do the bookkeeping for your parents clothing
boutique on the side. Your parents are trying to implement control to deal with theft. You have been
asked to provide the sales and inventory figures for the last quarter so they can determine data, what’s
the next step in the control process?
a. Take corrective action
 Simply put, a correction is an immediate action taken to fix an issue identified during an
audit or while monitoring and corrective action works to resolve the root cause of the
issue. Preventative action is one taken to prevent a food safety problem in the future.
Feature 4 (Expert) 3 (Accomplished) 2 (Capable) 1 (Beginner)
Quality of Writing Piece was written in Piece was written in Piece had little Piece had no style
an extraordinary an interesting style style or voice. or voice. Gives no
style and voice. and voice. Gives some new new information
Very informative Somewhat information but and very poorly
and well organized. informative and poorly organized. organized.
Grammar Usage Virtually no Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
and Mechanic spelling, punctuations errors, spelling, punctuation and
punctuation or minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors
grammatical errors errors. grammatical errors. that it interferes
with the meaning.
III. APPLICATION:Write down theapplication or importance of data analyticsin the business on the
Table, which presents the contributions of analytics in theworld of business, showcasing the
exponential relevance of analytics in these sectors. Enumerate at least 2 applications each sector.
Write it down on the MS FORM published in the MS TEAM. (6 sectors x 2 application each x
2points = 24POINTS)

Production and Manufacturing inventory management is the practice of keeping enough stock on hand so
Inventory production lines can fulfill orders. The process helps managers see stock levels at a glance
Management and tracks raw materials, parts, work-in-progress and finished goods. Find out more about
manufacturing inventory management.

Sales and Operations Sales and operations planning is an integrated business management process through which the
Management executive/leadership team continually achieves focus, alignment and synchronization among all
functions of the organization. 

Price Setting and Price optimization is the practice of analyzing customer and market data to find the most
Optimization optimal price point for a product or service. The goal of price optimization is to determine
the best price that will help companies attract consumers, maximize sales, and increase

Finance and Investment Financial investment refers to putting aside a fixed amount of money and expecting some
kind of gain out of it within a stipulated time frame.

Marketing Research Market research is an organized effort to gather information about target markets and
customers: know about them, starting with who they are. It is an important component of
business strategy and a major factor in maintaining competitiveness.

Human Resource Human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective and efficient
Management management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain a
competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer's strategic objectives.

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