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What are they?

zygospore fungi- mould- small balck dots- look similar to break when its expired- indudes bread
mould, and other saprotrophs, a few parasites of protists and small invertebrate animals
Club fungi- these are all short lived reproductive structures called fruiting bodies or basidiocarps
sac fungi- powdery mildew on leaves that turn into truffles to the morels and truffles used in
gourmet meals
imperfect fungi- greenish colour found on mouldy fruit, cyclosporine obtained from a fungus that
lives in soil called

What do they do?

zygospore fungi- Infect and decompose things like bread. Protects the contents from drying and
other hazards
Club fungi- the mycelium begins growing, expanding outward like spokes of a wheel to produce
the basidiocarps at the ends.
sac fungi- break down hard to digest materials in wood and bone
imperfect fungi- used after transplant operations to suppress the patient's immune system,
helping avoid rejection of the transplant organ

Fun facts
zygospore fungi- the zygospore remains dormant until conditions for growth are favourable
Club fungi- commonly called smuts and rusts you can see the serious damage they cause to
cereal crops such as corn, wheat and rye.
sac fungi- this group also includes single cell yeast
imperfect fungi- appear to not have a sexual phase of reproduction as other fungi do

How they reproduce

zygospore fungi- zygospores are diploid structures that develop after two haploid hyphae of
opposite types called mating strands. Reproduce asexually,
Club fungi- the complete reproductive cycle of a club fungus involves a complex sequence of
sac fungi- reproduce asexually
imperfect fungi- reproduce asexually

Where they can be found

zygospore fungi- bread, food
Club fungi-lawn, forests, tree trunks
sac fungi- mostly used in meals, dispersed through the wind, water and animals
imperfect fungi- found growing on mouldy fruit

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