Eu 1911 NOV30 D FULLupdate of 100 D 6 Sect Slat 15 B

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Piers Corbyn -Mini

Europe Pressure-weather maps November 2019 Ice Age is here

Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b

Europe inc Scandinavia Nov 2019 Spain: Hail and

Cold Pool SpotOn
6 sections, (to Dec2) - Confidence B 75%. Same Summary as 100d Ahead:
detailed forecast
Dramatic early Winter north and much of 25d ahead. UK
central Europe! One fine spell centre-NW. similar success
Scandinavia very cold & snowy through most of Nov. WeatherAction gets congrats.
N/W Continental Europe often cold/snowy in first half; Below: Congrats note from GF,
subscriber in Sweden. Right: Hail hit
while centre & East / South more dry and fine. and WeatherAction 21-25Oct 2019
2nd half: West / NW Europe largely fine and quite warm / map forecast extract pic.
before turning cold & snowy later; while NE & E Eu
cold and snowy turning milder and quite fine late Nov.
 (Near) record extreme cold for November in Scandinavia with
major blizzards.
 A number of ~cyclonic (mainly in North) at times “displaced polar
vortex” events in Scandinavia and North & N/W Europe..
 Main uncertainties: N/S stretch of polar-type Lows, N/S boundary of
most extreme cold and snow / blizzards and extent of warm high.
 Dramatic changes coldwarm West Eu. V deep & sometimes narrow
Jet Stream “tongues of cold” meanders in (eg) Atlantic/Biscay
(Classic Little Ice Age events).

General Changing Climate Factors: Wild-Jet-Stream (Little-Ice-Age) circulation with huge

NEW MUST READ AND PASS ON "Brilliant, incisive & clear":
meanders and long N-S fetches and significant pressure blocks dominate this month. The South- Piers Corbyn writing in Reading University Debating Society-
shifted, lengthened, meandering Jet-Stream giving these often-extreme patterns is caused by Man-Made Climate Change Does Not Exist
generally LOW Solar activity and specific changes in Solar & Lunar factors which are predictable by

NEW Top Interview (112k+ views) Piers Corbyn on

WeatherAction’s revolutionary Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique, now SLAT15b, months ahead. No
weather or climate whatsoever is caused by CO2, the levels of which are controlled BY (sea)
temperatures, a fact proven by over 500,000 years of data.

Weather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of
forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Piers Corbyn +AliceGrant New VID Make ExtinctionRebellion Extinct!
Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes to
the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on
- Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, 22 Sep YouTube
Europe Pressure-weather maps NOVEMBER 2019 © Weather Action
Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b (+44/0)2079399946

European Forecast likely Pressure & Weather for 1st - 5th Nov 2019 Confidence AB 80% Key Weather Development Notes:
1st - 5th November 2019
Timing to 1 or 2 days (wild Jet stream makes uncertainties). Likely success rate of weather periods is 6 or 7 basically successful of every 8

Mostly Solar Factors: R2 (1-5)

Snowy Cold
cold getting
cloudy Key Developments:
Snow colder
Cold low BI-Norway sea moves

L Sleet/Snow
High SE Europe.

Snow/sleet (N) Scand +

Getting Showery Benelux, Germany, N
colder Poland, Baltic & getting colder.
S/E Europe mostly dry, fine +
Dry mild
Mostly cloudy

H Jet Stream: Wild meander
mostly Thunder Risk: Low
Main Uncertainty: Positioning
of BI-Norway Sea Low
Dry warm sunny CYPRUS: Showers + cool

Weather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes
to the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on
Europe Pressure-weather maps NOVEMBER 2019 Confidential.
© Weather Action
Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b (+44/0)2079399946

European Forecast likely Pressure & Weather for 6 - 9th Nov 2019 Confidence B 75% Key Weather Development Notes:
Timing to 1 or 2 days (wild Jet stream makes uncertainties). Likely success rate of weather periods is 6 or 7 basically successful of every 8
6th – 9th November 2019
Snow +
Solar Factors: R3
Mostly dry
+ bright Key Developments:
Snow + Fog
cold Variable Biscay Low, High East Europe.

H Fog
N/W Scandinavia snow + cold.
S Scand, Poland, Germany, N
Italy Switz showery + mild-ish.
H S/E Europe dry, warm/mild &
Iberia snow on high
ground/showers, cold.

L Cold rain + poss
sleet/snow Dry
sunny Jet Stream: Very deep meander
POOL Some v.warm
showers Thunder Risk: Mod
Showers fine Main Uncertainty: Position of
warm Biscay Low

CYPRUS: Dry + fine

Weather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes
to the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on
Europe Pressure-weather maps NOVEMBER 2019 © Weather Action
Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b
European Forecast likely Pressure & Weather for 10 – 15th Nov 2019 Confidence AB 80% Key Weather Development Notes
Timing to 1 or 2 days (wild Jet stream makes uncertainties). Likely success rate of weather periods is 6 or 7 basically successful of every 8
10th – 15th November 2019
Solar Factors: R3 (10-11),
Snow very
Snow + Very cold
H R5(12-15)

blizzards Fog Key Developments:

Snow Increasingly active Low (N) BI –
L North Sea/Scandinavia.

(L) Snow
Snow Highs: N Scand; far SE Europe, S
Iberia (Azores extension).
Some Dry
showers Sleet + snow/blizzards Scand +
N Germany/Poland.
Variable sky
Variable mid Europe.
Showers Mild Dry + warm S Italy, S Greece + S

Mostly dry Warm Jet Stream: More mobile /

+ fine Fine Dry
relatively normal.
Thunder Risk: Mod-high.
H Fine
Main Uncertainty: Position of
CYPRUS: Dry hot sunny H BI-Scand cold low
Weather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes
to the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on
Europe Pressure-weather maps NOVEMBER 2019 © Weather Action
Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b
European Forecast likely Pressure & Weather for 16 – 24th Nov 2019 Confidence BC = 70% Key Weather Development Notes:
Timing to 1 or 2 days (wild Jet stream makes uncertainties). Likely success rate of weather periods is 6 or 7 basically successful of every 8 16th – 24th November 2019
Very cold

L V. cold

Solar Factors: R3
Key Developments:
Large high builds BI Scand
(H) dry mild
expanding into N continent EU.
Lows N Scand + Turkey/S
fine + warm

Increasingly fine & warm NW

Europe + W Scand + Germany;
H Dry cold
Fog Cold/cool

Cold + cloudy most of E + SE
Fine + sky
sunny nights Turkey warm (cooler later).
Iberia fine (cooler later).
Very fine HAIL Jet Stream: Major blocked/split
Thunder Risk: Mod
“Indian Cool
(L) Main Uncertainty:
Development of high
CYPRUS: Dry Warm

Weather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes
to the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on
Europe Pressure-weather maps NOVEMBER 2019 © Weather Action
Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b
European Forecast likely Pressure & Weather for 25 – 27th Nov 2019 Confidence B = 75% Key Weather Development Notes:
Timing to 1 or 2 days (wild Jet stream makes uncertainties). Likely success rate of weather periods is 6 or 7 basically successful of every 8
25th – 27th November 2019
Extreme cold Solar Factors: R5 (25-27)
L Key Developments:
Major blizzards Very powerful polar Low
Major blizzards (displaced polar vortex) N
Bitter winds
Major blizzards High (Azores extension) most of
+ HAIL Snow
Snow blizzards storms Scand +
Cloudy Benelux, N Germany + Poland
Cold rain Cold + sleet/snow.
cloudy S Europe mostly dry + fine.
Mostly dry
Variable sky
SE Eu cold.
Dry fine Jet Stream: Split
Mostly dry + fine
Thunder Risk: V High
H Dry fine
Dry fine quite warm

Main Uncertainty: N/S position

CYPRUS: Cold + Cloudy of polar low

Weather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes to
the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on
Europe Pressure-weather maps NOVEMBER 2019 ©Weather Action
Eu Pressure Maps + weather FULL 30d forecast update of BI22 Aug (100d) Slat15b (+44/0)2079399946

European Forecast likely Pressure & Weather for 28 Nov - 2nd Dec 2019 Confidence B = 75% Key Weather Development Notes:
Timing to 1 or 2 days (wild Jet stream makes uncertainties). Likely success rate of weather periods is 6 or 7 basically successful of every 8
28th November – 2nd Dec 2019
Very extreme cold
Solar Factors: R5 (28-30),

Snow +
(L) Blizzards
Snow Key Developments:
cold Very active displaced polar
vortex. Low Scandinavia +

L Snow linked cold pool low west Med.

Azores High west Iberia.
Bitter wind High Turkey.
V Cold + snowy Scandinavia,
Benelux, Germany, Poland.
Sleet/snow Cold
Wintry west Med.
Mild SE Eu mostly dry + fine.
H Cold
Dry Jet Stream: Huge meander
L Thunder Risk: V high; mod
Wintry HAIL
Main Uncertainty: Position of
CYPRUS: Fine + Warm cold pool low
eather Action™ © & Piers Corbyn accept no liability for any loss howsoever arising from use of forecast information. Application of forecasts is entirely at the user’s risk. None of this forecast may be
published or circulated in media or web or used in production of other forecasts without agreement of Weather Action & Piers Corbyn. Media use is welcome but may only be from specific issued quotes
to the newspaper or media concerned or issued displays on

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