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St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Newsletter 36
Friday 8th July 2011 Dear Parents/Carers We have a very busy week, next week for performances!! On Monday, all parents are invited to a Brass Concert where Year 4 will be showing the new skills they have learnt from 11.00 to 11.30. There will also be a Violin Concert on Friday from 9.30 to 10.00, where all our budding violinists will be able to show their talents. Once again all parents are welcome to attend. All the children are working on the whole school play. We will attempt to do two performances on Wednesday 20th July. The first performance will be from 10.00 until 11.00 and the second one will be from 1.30 to 2.30. Tickets will be available from Mrs Rayners office from Monday morning, as we will need to make sure that we do not exceed our Health and Safety numbers that are allowed in the Hall!!! Remember to check all the activities coming up on the back of the newsletter.

With best wishes N. Bosworth

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Reception - Toby Year 1 - K ohana Year 2 J aym Year 3 - L e eah Year 4 - P hoe Year 5 A be ngel

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Diary Dates Monday 11th July -Brass Concert 11.00 to 11.30 All welcome Tuesday 12th July - New Reception Class in 1.30 to 2.45 Y4 D-Day museum All day Thursday 14th July Year 1 Multi Skills a.m. Friday 15th July - Violin Concert 9.30 to 10.00 All welcome FOSTA Meeting 9.00 Tuesday 19th July Year R, 1 and 2 trip to Appuldercombe. All Day Wednesday 20th July Play 10.00 to 11.00 and 1.30 to 2.30 Thursday 21st July Mass in School 10.00 a.m. - FOSTA Party afternoon Friday 22nd July - BREAK UP at 2.45 p.m.

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Pabulum For Bastille Day Th Poulet Chasseur (C ursday 14th July

hicken Chasseur) Or Quiche au fromage et aux Oignons (Cheese and onion qu iche)

Served with Haricots Verts & Ca rottes (Green Beans & carrots) Pommes de terre sau ts (Saute potatoes) Mille Feuille ((Cust ard Cream slice

Thank you to everyone who helped out at the summer fayre last Friday. It was a lovely day and the fayre itself was a huge success - taking 709 on the day and after expenses we raised 530 for the school. Mrs Reading raised 35 specifically for the after school club from her stall. This would not have happened without the support of each and every person that helped out before, during and after the event and of course all the parents, grandparents, friends etc who atttended the fayre with the children. Of course a special thank you goes to Hayley and Michelle who did a fantastic job of organising the whole thing! Thank you! If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback on this year's fayre, or ideas for next year then we would love to hear them! Speak to us or drop us an email on FOSTA meeting next Friday 15th July There will be a short meeting in the mobile classroom at 9am next Friday, specifically to coordinate helpers for an end of term party on Thursday 21st July. If you would like to help out at the party but can not attend the meeting please let Natalie King (Charlotte Y1) know, Thanks

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