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Course Code MGT1101 - Course FINAL REQUIREMENT

and Title: Leadership and Requirement: (100% equivalent to Final Exam)

Decision Making
Effectivity: 2021 - 2022 Term 1st Semester Doc Status: Approved

Title Page (1-whole page: includes Title of the Activity, Name of selected Organization and the
successful leader, logo, team names, section and date of submission using FEU standard template.
Table of Contents
Overview /Name of the Business:
This part describes the business name, form of ownership, form of business and job position of the hand-
picked leader. The organization vision and mission may be indicated here.
Company Address and Contact Details
This section documents the location and communication details of the identified successful leader.
Date of Virtual or Online Interview
The specific date and time of actual interview is indicated in this section. It expresses when the actual
conversation performed. Please observe the Data Privacy Act when conducting the interview.
Resume of Person Interviewed
This section of the paper should tell us about the successful leader. The role, authority, responsibility, and
competency (skills) as a leader are briefly discussed. An in-depth background of the leader is presented
Questionnaire Template
This part contains open-ended questions and closed-ended questions. A total of ten (10) questions, which
will provide in gathering the necessary data and information. Before conducting the Virtual or Online
Interview, prepare first the draft questionnaire and submit to the professor for approval. Please observe
the Data Privacy Act in formulating the questionnaire. See Suggested Guide Questions
Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making
AY: 2021 - 2022 Term: 1st Semester
Transcript of the Interview
This part contains information on details of the interview with leader and the learners. Guide questions
are provided as reference.
Photo Documentation
This highlights the presentation of the output where photos and video presentation are illustrated for
Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan
This is an individual Personal Plan highlighting the student’s experiences, reactions and feedback
regarding the interactive communication with the leader. It is a short essay that expresses learning of
student in the entire process of identifying a leader, doing interview, preparing presentation, and working
in groups. It shares insights, experiences and realizations about the success story of the leader.

This section recognizes the invaluable contribution of the business the leader-interviewee.
This section should list all the references cited in your paper in alphabetical order, indented style,
following the APA style.
A very detailed explanation about APA citation and referencing can be found from Massey University’s
Sample shown below:
Bowker, N., & Tuffin. K. (2012). Users with disabilities’ social and economic development
through online access. In M. Bourmedine (Ed.), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conferernce in
Information and Knowledge sharing (pp.122-127). Anaheim, CA. ACTA Press.
Durie, M. (2003). Nga kahui pou: Launching Maon futures. Wellington, New Zealand: Huia
Placed in this section are supporting documents and other relevant materials such as: 1. detailed request
letters for the generated output 2. copy of related researched or case studies as support to personal plan.
Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making
AY: 2021 - 2022 Term: 1st Semester

Standard format: Using this template follow the standard format as enumerated below:

 Times New Roman

 12 font-size
 Spacing: single at 1.5 lines; justified
 Regular document margin
 Every major heading is in bold letter (as shown above). Every sub-heading must be
started with alpha system (A. B. C. etc. but not in bold letters)

Guidelines for Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan (see separate word document file)

NOTE: The Final copy of the paper must be published online. This activity will complete the
grades. See How to publish online FR pdf doc file.

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