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Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making

Effectivity: 2021 - 2022 Term 1st Semester Doc Status: Approved

(This was presented during the Modules Review through voice over)

I. The Thought Leadership Presentation

The Thought Leadership Presentation is the FINAL REQUIREMENT for the course MGT1101.
All students enrolled in this course shall complete and submit on or before the due date set by the
Institute. This required output is a preparation for learner’s future role, skills and insights to become
principled and competent business graduate. The series of activities allow the students to acquire new
skills focused on being future leaders and increase their employability when they graduate.

The presentation centers on interview documentation of the selected leader and the group’s interactive
communication with interviewee about his/her success stories in becoming a leader. This type of
conversation between the leader and students creates an impact to understand the three core elements of
leadership – situation, follower and the leader.

The presentation will be a group output of not more than five members. Each member is required to
collaborate as a follower to a chosen leader in a situation of discovering how to become a successful
leader. A peer evaluation is implemented to ensure active participation of all members. The group
submission must also include individual insight report highlighting the learnings and experiences of the

II. Objectives
This paper intends to assess students’ competency in applying leadership attributes through a Thought
Leadership Presentation. It will enable the students to:

O1. demonstrate leadership in groups and teams to successfully present the course final output.
O2. apply decision making skills in leadership-follower behavioral and situational cases with a
personal plan.
O3. Prepare and present a “Thought Leadership Presentation” of a chosen successful leader in any
local community or business organization.

Course Learning Outcomes
O1 O2 O3
CLO1. Explain on how to build and sustain an
organizational ethical climate. ✓ ✓ ✓
CLO2. Adapt attributes to become a successful leader.
✓ ✓

CLO3. Assess leadership behaviors utilizing

feedback instruments. ✓ ✓

CLO4. Interview a business leader and reflect on

Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making
AY: 2021 - 2022 Term: 1st Semester

leadership characteristics. ✓ ✓

CLO5. Produce a personal plan for change

initiatives utilizing different change models in ✓ ✓

III. Thought Leadership Presentation Report Outline

The following outline shall be used for the paper:

Title Page includes Title of the Activity, Name of selected Organization and the successful
leader, logo, team names, section and date of submission using FEU standard template.

Table of Contents:

Revisions indicate description of change, name and signature of Panelist and effective date.

Overview /Name of the Business

This part describes the business name, form of ownership, form of business and job position
of the hand-picked leader. The organization vision and mission may be indicated here.

Company Address and Contact Details

This section documents the location and communication details of the identified successful

Date of Virtual or Online Interview

The specific date and time of actual interview is indicated in this section. It expresses when
the actual conversation performed. Please observe the Data Privacy Act when conducting the

Resume of Person Interviewed

This section of the paper should tell us about the successful leader. The role, authority,
responsibility, and competency (skills) as a leader are briefly discussed. An in-depth background
of the leader is presented here.

Questionnaire Template
This part contains open-ended questions and closed-ended questions. A total of ten (10)
questions, which will provide in gathering the necessary data and information. Before conducting
the Virtual or Online Interview, prepare first the draft questionnaire and submit to the professor
for approval. Please observe the Data Privacy Act in formulating the questionnaire. See
Suggested Guide Questions

Transcript of the Interview

This part contains information on details of the interview with leader and the learners.
Guide questions are provided as reference.

Photo Documentation
This highlights the presentation of the output where photos and video presentation are
illustrated for evaluation.
Individual Reflection Paper/Personal Plan
Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making
AY: 2021 - 2022 Term: 1st Semester

This is an individual Personal Plan highlighting the student’s experiences, reactions and
feedback regarding the interactive communication with the leader. It is a short essay that
expresses learning of student in the entire process of identifying a leader, doing interview,
preparing presentation, and working in groups. It shares insights, experiences and realizations
about the success story of the leader.
This section should list all the references cited in your paper in alphabetical order, indented
style, following the APA style. A very detailed explanation about APA citation and referencing
can be found from Massey University’s website1 Sample shown below:

Bowker, N., & Tuffin. K. (2012). Users with disabilities’ social and economic development
through online access. In M. Bourmedine (Ed.), Proceedings of the IASTED
International Conferernce in Information and Knowledge sharing (pp.122-127).
Anaheim, CA. ACTA Press.

Durie, M. (2003). Nga kahui pou: Launching Maon futures. Wellington, New Zealand: Huia

Source of References from Massey University’s website.

Placed in this section are supporting documents and other relevant materials such as:
1. detailed request letters for the generated output
2. copy of related researched or case studies as support to personal plan

IV. Assessment
The paper should be evaluated based on the following assessment criteria:

Criteria 85-100 (4) 71-84 (3) 50-70 (2) <50 (1)

The Leader There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one leader. The leader and
(20%) well-focused leader well-focused leader. Main ideas are main ideas are not
selected. Main ideas Main ideas are clear somewhat clear. clear.
are clear and are but are not well
well supported by supported by
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
Organizatio The introduction is The introduction is The introduction There is no clear
n inviting, states the inviting, states the states the main introduction,
(5%) main topic, and main topic, and topic. A conclusion structure, or
provides an provides an in included. conclusion.
overview of the overview of the
paper. Information paper. Conclusion
is relevant and is included.
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is

Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making
AY: 2021 - 2022 Term: 1st Semester

Transcript Data are presented Evaluation of data Data presented may Data presented are
of Virtual or clearly and are is mostly thorough be unclear or unclear or
Online thoroughly and clearly incomplete. incomplete.
Interview* evaluated and not presented, although Evaluation may be Evaluation is
(40%) just summarized. some summary may superficial or not superficial or
Data provide ample take the place of clearly presented. missing entirely.
support for evaluation. Data There may be more The paper contains
conclusions drawn provide good summary than too much summary
about values. support for evaluation. Data and not enough
Conclusions are conclusions drawn provide some evaluation. Data
logical and about values. support for provided may not
precisely stated. Conclusions are conclusions drawn support conclusions
logical and clearly about values. drawn about values.
stated. Conclusions are not Conclusions are
necessarily logical illogical or vaguely
or clearly stated. stated.
Visual Data The paper has The paper has The paper has some The paper has some
Presentation enough enough presentation/graphi presentation/graphi
* presentation/graphi presentation/graphi cs. Some labels and cs. Labels and/or
(15%) cs. Tables and cs. Graphics are titles are titles are missing or
graphs are mostly titled and appropriate. Some inappropriate. It's
appropriately labeled data are clear but not clear what is
labeled. Data are appropriately. Data some are not. being depicted or
clear and easily are mostly clear and Graphics may not the depictions are
read. Graphics are easily read. be appropriately unrealistic.
appropriately Graphics are located in the paper. Graphics may not
located in the paper. appropriately be appropriately
located in the paper. located in the paper.
Word The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer uses
Choice vivid words and vivid words and words to limited vocabulary.
(5%) phrases. The choice phrases. The choice communicate Jargon or clichés
and placement of and placement of clearly, but writing may be present and
words seems words is inaccurate lacks variety. detract from the
accurate, natural at times. meaning.
and not forced.
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are
Sentences sound
Structure, well-constructed well-constructed well-constructed,
awkward, are
Grammar, and have varied and have varied but they have adistractingly
and Spelling structure and structure and similar structure
repetitive, or are
(10%) length. The author length. The paper and/or length. The
difficult to
makes no errors in has few errors in paper has several
understand. The
grammar, and/or grammar, and/or errors in grammar,
author makes
spelling. spelling, but they and/or spelling that
numerous errors in
do not interfere interfere with grammar, and/or
with understanding. understanding. spelling that
interfere with
Formats APA style is strictly The paper meets all The paper meets all The paper meets all
(5%) followed in the the requirements the requirements the requirements
paper. but there are at but there are at but there are more
most 3 errors in the most 5 errors in the than 5 errors in the
format. format. format.
Course Code: MGT1101 Course Title: Leadership and Decision Making
AY: 2021 - 2022 Term: 1st Semester

Grading System:
Paper Grade shall be computed based on the following weights:
Situational Leader 20%
Organization 5%
Transcript of Interview 40%
Personal Plan* 15%
Word Choice 5%
Sentence Structure 10%
Formats 5%
TOTAL 100%
*Includes Content/Completeness/Punctuality/Behavior Rubrics
** Peer evaluation is required to all teams.


1. Form a group of at least 5 members to select a successful leader of an existing business
or any organization.
2. The group will identify the leader based on leadership attributes and characteristics.

Leadership and Decision-Making Approval Form

Group Member Names: ____________ Section: ____ Date: _______

Leader Names Position Organization/Business




Submitted by: _____________________________ Approved by: ________________

Note: The adviser may alter the form based on preference.

3. You may now create your OWN GROUP and post in the People’ window in Canvas.
4. Format provided must be strictly followed.

Prepared by: Recommending approval: Approved by: Rev.

Faculty MARTINEZ Assoc. Dean OIC Dean 000
Program Head - BA

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