DR Jekyll

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venerdì 9 aprile 2021 09:38

It starts an experiment, which makes him transfom in apparently another person, but Stevenson
tries to deviate us from reality

Even when he describes the character, he gives different description

One: short, like a dwarf

Other: tall

The clothes: the jackets…

Stevenson pretends to be describing two different characters but we know that are similar, there are
problems, university is paying for his research,

Description: there are real places, east tend

Everything is dobled: Two characters, two houses, two doors

The same man can appear in two different looks

Dr Jekyll is the character during the daylight, while Mr Hyde goes out in the night (in perché si

He goes around, walks around the streets

The night is what we can't sea,

HYDE means to hide not to show oneself

Jekyll: Je kill, a kind of French, I'm a good side but I kill, even if some critics underline that the only
solution is to commit suicide, because there is no way out

This solution wil be adopted by Oscar Wilde, there is the same story, there is portray which is alive,
it represents the hidden side, Dorian hides the portray

The same thing happens in Dr Jekyll's house:

West the good part of London
The other is the exit for Mr Hyde because ha can get out during the night from that place

Everything starts with a pionesteric way of writing.

4 narrators

He is assaulted by people, then he tries to

Mr Hyde was lame, he seemed older than Doctor Jekyll

• Dr jekyll a typical victorian gentlman, wealthy, SIR
• Mr Hyde he hits people

He shouldn't have tried it, he it on himslef

• Faust
• Frankestein

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Pagina 25

• Frankestein

Positions, to get this person out, we have this evil force but we control it, this position makes it free,
DR Jekyll doesn't control Mr Hyde

The ugliness is also physical


Stevenson became famous thanks to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

In this period there is social repression, gang, poors, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, Pollution

London was getting the sewage system

It couldn't be used to wash, c'era la schiuma

You couldn't be on the riverbank, in London many industries worked with clothes, also the pigments
were left in the river

• Plauto
• Hamlet: to be or not to be

The war between the devil and the angel, there's death in the end

The facade was good but the interior was awful

• Moody, lunatico, bipolare

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Pagina 26

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