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Name: _______________________ ( ) Class: Date:

E3.1 Assignment
1. A CFL is screwed into a socket at the centre, O, of a storeroom of dimensions 2 m × 2 m × 2.5 m as
shown. The interior walls are painted in white. The right shows the energy label of the CFL.

(a) Find the luminous flux of the CFL if its power rating is 11 W. (2 marks)

(b) P is a small surface directly below O on the floor. And Q is a small surface on the ground next to
the wall. Find the illuminance on P and Q respectively. (4 marks)

(c) The measured values of the illuminance of P and Q are greater than the values found in (b).
Briefly explain why. (1 mark)

2. Michael would like to read comics comfortably in his room. He decides to replace the lamp in his
room by one the following types of lamps. All of them have similar luminous flux output.
power rating 4W 11 W 40 W
price $100 $35 $8
lifetime 25 000 hours 9000 hours 1000 hours
(a) Which one is most probably an LED lamp?
(1 mark)

(b) Rank the lamps in descending order of efficacy. (1 mark)

(c) Michael concerns the total cost of the lamp the most. Recommend a lamp for her by considering
10 000 hours of use. Justify your recommendation by calculating the total (initial + running) cost
of each lamp. (Given that the electricity cost is $1.2 per kW h.) (4 marks)
3. [HKDSE/2013/3ab]

The classroom shown in Figure 3.1 has an incandescent light bulb A of luminous flux 2000 lm (lumens).
You may treat the light bulb as a point source.

(a) Find the illuminance, in lm m-2 , by bulb A around the blackboard’s centre C. Neglect any reflection
of light. (2 marks)

(b) Bulb is mainly for illuminating the student’s desk, however, the light ray reflected back into the
student’s eyes is undesirable (see the figure). Explain the type of surface that should be used for
the blackboard so as to reduce such a problem. (2 marks)

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