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The Souls of Distortion

Dear Diary,
I wanted to stop thinking about him; I wanted to forget what
we had, if he had realized that we were too perfect to be true
maybe he wouldnt have done it. All that we could have been
got lost in a second because of him. If revenge could soothe
the pain I had been through maybe I would have taken it a
long time ago.
For him it was the extent of his love and for me it was the
end of my life. He took away the meaning of my life.
Obsession could kill I knew it now.
But the water was over the bridge now; survival was like a
dream. I wanted to burn all that was left behind by him.
But my love for the one I lost was unstoppable.
Once tamed and joined together silently, you will find me,
and I would, at last find you.

Chapter 1
I washed my face with cold water to remove
the sleepiness from my eyes. When I looked in
the mirror I saw green eyes with a slim face;
high cheek bones. Blonde hair sprawled over
my shoulders; with the help of a small pin my
hair didn`t cover my eyes. As white as snow
and as soft as satin I felt my skin.
My cell phone started to ring and as usual it
was Adam calling.
What?` I shouted.
I am waiting for you downstairs so just hurry
up.` He revealed.
Give me five minutes, I will get dressed.` I
wore a peach top with cropped jacket with
Tory Burch Bradshaw leather espadrille
I am going` I shouted and left the house.
Adam was my best friend since middle school
whether it was junior prom or senior I went
with Adam. We were more like siblings than
friends. He knew what I wanted and I knew
what he desired for.
Why do you put so much make up on? You
look like you just returned from the grave.`
Adam was making fun of me.
Why do you put so much perfume on? It
seems like you just bought one.` I replied.
It`s stupid to make you understand something.`
He answered.
Just drive.` I spoke.
Yes, my lady.` He stated.
We both started laughing hysterically.
So how`s Angelina?` I asked.
Who?` he questioned.
You should remember your girl friend`s
name.` I spoke in a monotone.
It`s Angelica; would it bother you if you
remembered her name for once.` He sounded
At least I remember who she is, that`s enough
for me.` I replied.
Angelina or should I say Angelica was Adam`s
new girl friend. It`s been a year since college
started. They met six months back, and they
were head over heels.
I have to pick her up today so you have to sit
in the back.` He spoke.
Here we go again. You`re impossible just so
you know.` I replied.
If I`m impossible, than you are infinity.` He
answered back while he parked in front her
I was majoring in psychology and Adam and
Angelica were both majoring in architecture.
Hey baby.` She kissed Adam while she sat in
the car.
You guys should go and get yourself a room.`
I interrupted their smooch.
Jealous.` Adam spoke.
Dream on.` I replied with a hysterical laugh.
How are you Kathleen?` Angelica asked me.
You should call her Katy. All her friends call
her that.`
I am fine, how are you?` I asked while
sounding courteous.
I am very well, so when are going to buy
yourself a car? ` She questioned.
I am going this week so probably at the start
of next week I will be having my own ride.` I
Why does she care when I`ll be getting my car, it`s not like I`m having an affair
with her boy friend; I thought.
Text me when you are free.` I asked Adam
and took my leave.
I would not wait for you if you are late.`
Adam screamed behind my back.
We will see.` I replied while I laughed at his
I was about to enter my class but I accidently
bumped into something. It was the door.
You should walk while looking up.` Someone
spoke behind me.
I turned around Thanks for the advice, like I
already did not know.` I answered.
I am Stiles.` He introduced himself.
I am someone you do not need to know.` I
replied back while heading into the class.
What if I say I already know you, then what?`
He questioned me to see my reaction.
Well then you are a stalker.` I replied while
taking out my books.
He sat across my table Then I must say I like
to stalk you.` he replied.
Who is this guy?` I asked my friend Tasha
sitting next to me.
The new guy; he just came a week ago.` She
It`s middle of semester` I stated.
Yeah, but he got himself in.` she stated back.
While I was taking out my notes I saw him
eyeing me.
He`s just too weird for me.` I stated back.
Do not worry he will be over you.` Tasha
laughed hysterically.
So how`s your boy friend?` Tasha asked me
like she wanted Stiles to hear it out.
What are you up to?` I nudged her.
Let`s just wait and see his reaction.` She
You are going to get me screwed.` I replied.
The class ended and I was heading out to the
caf with Tasha and I saw Stiles along the way.
He did not say anything when we crossed him.
My classes were over for the day so I texted
Adam but there was no response.
He called me back after a few minutes Where
are you?` he asked.
My classes are over what`s your status?` I
asked back.
I will be waiting in the parking lot so come
outside.` He answered and ended the call.
When I reached the parking lot I saw Adam
waiting for me by the car and I registered Stiles
waiting around the corner.
Just pretend like you are my boyfriend.` I
ordered Adam.
What?` Adam was half confused.
There`s this guy across the corner and he tried
to hit on me today so just pretend.` I told him
while I hugged him.
Come-on let`s just go.` Adam replied to what I
just told him.
But why do you need to pretend?` Adam asked
while he tied my seatbelt.
It`s all thanks to Tasha with her another
physiological test on humans.` I answered back.
She really is something.` Adam replied while
reversing his car.
When are you really going to buy your car?`
Adam questioned me.
I already have one.` I replied.
I am talking about the fake car.` He said like
he refused to accept his crime.
You know I cannot ask dad`s driver to drop
me off, if it had to happen like that I will be
insanely popular, and mum and dad still think
that I do not like driving to college in the
morning so let`s just keep it that way.
Otherwise she already hopes that I should not
have more friends.` I spoke in a monotone.
If your dad was not the richest man in the
country, I would not have been your best
friend.` Adam said in a teasing tone.
Shut-up. If your mum was not my aunt I
would not be allowed to meet you like this.` I
replied back.
Thanks for dropping me off.` I stated before
shutting the car door.

Chapter 2
Everybody knew that we were best friends but
they didn`t know that we were blood related.
Adam was my first cousin through my father`s
side. When I was in preschool I used to live in
5ome with my mother. My dad got re-married
to a famous 5ussian family`s daughter.
After the divorce the child custody issue was
appalling but my mum decided to let go of me
in middle school. I came to States when my
mother got re-married.
That`s when I started hanging out with Adam,
as my step mom and I don`t get along that well
but I still had to call her mom.
My step sister Valerie got married into a rich
5ussian family from my step mom`s side. Even
though Valerie was a year younger than me her
mother wanted her to be settled. Valeria is so
unlike my step mom I guess she got more of
my dad`s gene.
When I entered my room someone knocked at
my door.
It`s me your mom.`
Yes mom. Come-in`
I had to tell you there`s a ball tonight so please
dress consequently to the occasion. I got you an
appointment at the salon, the driver`s going to
pick your dress from the designer but please
decide what shoes you are going to wear.` She
said in such a rush that I felt like somebody
was after her.
Is Adam going to come too?` I asked.
It`s time that you start attending these parties
without him. I have set up a date for you so
please do not make me upset.` She replied
Yes mother.` I did not want to agree with her
but I did not want to have a fight with dad
because of her so I just agreed to what she said.
When she left I called Adam.` Did you hear
about the ball?` I asked him interrupting his
Yeah I did hear but I`m not invited.` He
Shut-up. I will get an invitation for you so get
yourself ready. I will be heading to the salon at
six so I will text you when I reach there.` I
You are really going to get into trouble this
time and you going to take me with you.`
Adam sounded upset.
Thanks to me you have some thrill in your
life.` I replied back.
Yeah this thrill is with me since middle
school.` He started laughing.
I will see you there.` I responded and ended
the call.
I asked the maid to tell the driver to get ready I
had to buy new shoes, if I had to humiliate step
mom I had to do it with style.
I called Valeria wondering if she came back to
States for a visit `Hey; where are you?` I asked
her when she picked my call.
I`m sorry it`s not your sister, I`m Antonio
speaking. She`s in the restroom.` Antonio
Hey Brother Antonio, could you ask her to call
me when she`s free.` I asked him speaking
Yeah sure; I will give her your message.` He
Brother Antonio, are you by chance hear in
States?` I asked.
No, we are in Berlin, Valeria wanted to sight-
see so we came here for the weekend.` He
Okay. I thought maybe you guys were here.
Anyways tell her to call me I would be waiting.
Bye` And I ended the call.
I was dressed in a Dolce and Gabbana single
strap purple periwinkle dress with royal blue
Tabitha heels. My hair was straightened and
highlighted with dark brown streaks and set
loose. With Ileana Makri; Dangling Gem 18-
karat rose gold diamond earrings I was holding
a Coach clutch.
Im ready; Ill be there in fifteen
minutes. Whats your status? I texted.
His reply came shortly after Im almost
ready; Ill be in my car in five minutes.
Fine Ill wait for you at the bar, dont
get spotted before that.
Mom is coming too; its a grand party,
think before you do something stupid.
He replied back.
Then its a perfect place to make her
feel embarrassed. So dont worry. I
I think this time my mom even wont
safe us. His reply came quickly.
Whats the worse she can do; send me
back to Rome or get me married, Im
ready for both. I texted him back.
Im almost there; Ill text you when Im
in there. I texted again.
Fine, see you there. He replied back.
When I reached the ball room I saw my step-
mom standing with dad; wearing a red colored
satin long gown and two tone suede sandals. I
must say she looked pretty despite the fact that
I wanted to hate her.
Our daughter is here.` She said when she saw
'oes she have to be this fake; ugh.
Come-on, I have someone you should meet; I
must say you look wonderful.` She stated to me
while we descended the stairs.
Thanks for the compliment; and you do to
look extravagant.` I returned the compliment.
We walked through the ball room and finally
stopped at the middle table.
Mr. Sergei; I would like you to meet my
daughter Kathleen Joann Marie Wakefield.` My
step-mom introduced me.
When Mr. Sergei looked at me I saw his topaz
colored eyes, with his hair set back with the
gel-he seemed like a gentleman.
It`s finally nice to meet you, Ms. Wakefield; I
have heard a lot about you.` He responded
while looking at me.
I just nodded while looking down at my cell
Darling you do not have to be rude. He`s
Antonio`s cousin he was not able to come to
the wedding so he came here to say his
greetings. I will let you guys talk; do not feel
like strangers.` My step mom scolded me
The only stranger here is you.
I think you did not recognize me.` Mr. Sergei
spoke after mom left.
Sorry.` I spoke while my mind was wandering
why Adam was not here yet.
I will formally introduce myself I am Stiles
Antony Wesley Sergei.` He replied.

Chapter 3
Stiles Antony Wesley Sergei. I am screwed.
I think you just could not ignore me anymore.`
He responded.
I saw Adam descending the stairs. `Well I
would like you to meet my boyfriend Mr.
Adam Wentworth 5ichardson.` I replied back
while I walked towards Adam.
I thought he was your cousin, your mother
never told me that you had a boyfriend.` He
I held Adam`s hand Well you can see my
mother; I mean my step mother does not know
quite much about me. I am sorry to waste your
precious time. We will be taking our leave
because we have another party to attend.` I
responded casually so he would not think that I
Let`s go baby.` I spoke to Adam and headed
for the stairs.
What the hell; why did you do that right
now?` Adam asked me in my ear.
That`s the guy my step-mom chose for me, do
you like him too much?` I responded back.
He`s the same guy, the one at the college.` He
Yeah he`s the same; rumor has it that he
knows a whole lot about me.` I replied back.
What are you going to do now?` he
She`s here.` I nudged him.
Why is he here?` my step-mom asked.
Hello aunt.` Adam responded.
Dad invited him.` I replied back.
Why are you not accompanying Mr. Sergei?`
She questioned.
He seemed busy with his friends so I just took
my leave; I will be leaving mom.` I replied
Fine, I will see into the matter.` She stated
Nice act.` Adam spoke.
Let`s just assume I am a better actress than my
step mom.` I replied while laughing
Nice car. It`s Audi 6 right?` I remarked.
Now you know about cars too.` Adam admired
my knowledge.
Listen we should go for horse riding this
weekend.` I suggested.
I have an assignment this weekend we can do
it on the other.` He stated.
Ms. Wakefield.` I heard a voice.
You seemed to forget your purse at the table.`
It was Stiles.
Thanks anyway.` I replied back while he
handled me back my clutch.
Darling let`s leave.` Adam spoke out of
See you later.` Stiles responded after hearing
what Adam just said.
I nodded and sat in the car.
That dude seems scary.` Adam spoke.
Well yeah I know he seems to be quite rich;
he`s Antonio`s cousin.` I replied back.
Is aunt planning to marry you in the same
family as Valerie?` he questioned.
Who knows; all I know she is a creepy women
with scary friends.` I answered.
Let`s just head out to watch a movie.` Adam
In this dress I do not plan on going anywhere.`
I stated back.
We will have the theatre to ourselves.` He
reminded me.
Fine but we are watching animated.` I declared
to him.
Deal.` He replied.
We watched Kung Fu Panda 2. And it was
hilarious, it was 11 already.
Let`s just head to your house.` I suggested.
Are you insane your mom is going to kill me`
Adam responded back to my request.
She cannot touch me while I am living at the
house how she can do something to you.` I
What about your clothes?` he asked.
It`s not like Vanessa`s clothes do not fit me.` I
told him.
Vanessa and Valerie were age mates.
Yeah you are right.` He replied.
I will text dad.` I suggested.
That would be better.` He stated.
When we reached Adam`s house I saw my aunt
standing outside.
What time is it Adam?` she seemed angry.
How are you sweetie, I did not see you at the
ball.` My aunt stated.
I am fine aunty; it`s because of me that we are
late.` I confessed.
I will let you guys off for tonight, but do not
be this late when you guys are travelling alone,
call the guards.` Aunty replied.
Mom do you not think, that it would grab
more attention.` Adam laid his thought.
Do not act over smart with me.` Aunt
responded to his over confidence.
You go to Vanessa`s room and change your
dress; she would be up as usual.` Aunty stated.
Yes aunt; I will see you in the morning.` I was
about to go upstairs.
I will call your dad then.` Aunt suggested.
I already told him about my sleepover; I
messaged on his cell phone.` I told my aunt.
But it would be better if I called him to inform
him.` Aunt replied.
Want to have a stair race?` Adam questioned.
Do you want me to be dead so bad.` I laughed
At least think before you speak.` Adam said
with a frowned face.
You know I am kidding.` I grabbed his arm
and walked upstairs.
I will go change then.` I stated before
knocking at Vanessa`s door.
I will text you after calling Angelica.` He
Can you not forget her for one day?` I
Why do you dislike her, she never asks me to
not to talk to you.` Adam declared.
That might be because she knows her stopping
you would not stop you from talking to me.` I
registered the fact to him.
Do not think so highly of yourself.` Adam
seemed angry and went to his room.
What`s up with the attitude?
When I entered the room I saw Vanessa
reading Wuthering Heights.
What did you do again to make him leave like
that?` Vanessa questioned me.
I did nothing; it`s just about that stupid
Angelina.` I answered.
It`s Angelica; if you start pronouncing her
name correctly he would be pleased.` She
Her name is so close to Angelina, at least I
make her a star.` I replied monotonously.
You are unbelievable Katy.` She admitted to
the fact.
Both you and your brother never say anything
good about me.` I stamped my foot.
Just change your extravagant dress.` It felt like
she ordered.
After changing my clothes when I came out I
saw Adam sitting on the couch.
You ended the call so quick; you should not
have done that for me.` I spoke sarcastically.
Look she`s the one who doesn`t bend,
sometimes you have to accept if you do or say
something wrong.` He said furiously.
I do not bend; you are so rigid, you are so
meticulous that you do not even bend to tie
your own shoe laces.` I stated with a high pitch
It`s the same for you Katy.` He pin pointed
and left the room.
I saw Vanessa eyeing me I have to get along
with him every day.` I said furiously.
What he said was true.` Vanessa declared her
I do not want to talk about it. Let`s just sleep.`
I replied.
You guys will be back to normal tomorrow;
do not worry.` Vanessa stated.

Chapter 4
The next morning when I woke it was only
seven. The household seemed to be sleeping. I
just asked one of the drivers`s to drop me off at
my place; I left a note for Vanessa Hey I am
leaving early. I will come back some other
time. Enjoy.`
While I reached the house it was 8:30 already. I
hoped everybody was sleeping at my house to.
When I reached home I found my dad and
mum shouting over something.
She did it on purpose Mark.` She said
I will ask her myself.` My dad stated back
She will lie to you too.` She declared.
You know very well that she does not lie to
me.` My dad`s voice was slightly higher.
She purposely wanted people to know that I
am her step mom.` She was ready to declare a
war with my dad.
It is true; but if she did it on purpose she will
receive incarceration.` Dad answered to all her
rudeness about me.
You will never listen to me; I am trying hard
to be like her mother if she lets me. She`s not a
kid anymore that she will understand after
incarceration.` She started sobbing.
I saw her on my father`s knees saying
something, wanting to overhear; I accidently
entered the room.
Hello everyone, I should just take my leave.` I
said heedlessly.
Kathleen stop right there.` Dad spoke.
I think you have over heard our conversation;
is it true that you did it on purpose?` he
Dad it was just a dare; Adam asked me to do
it.` I answered without thinking.
I clearly know that Adam does not come with
this sort of plans.` He understood my lie.
I am disappointed that you have now reached a
point to lie to me too.` He said with a
distressed voice.
I will let your mother to decide your
incarceration.` He continued and left the room.
Aish. Why did he do that?
You will leave with the guards today.` She
said generously.
I grabbed my hair and headed towards the
room. I called the maid to tell her not to disturb
me until it was extremely urgent.
If she wants to play hardball I`ll play hardball too.
The phone ringing troubled my sleep, I tried to
open my eyes instead I just picked it up Katy,
Katy; wake up.` I heard Valerie screaming.
At what hour are you calling me?` I said
Missy it`s 2 in the afternoon.` She answered.
Not in Berlin; in States.` I said stupidly.
I am talking about States.` She replied.
Uh; I have been sleeping for so long. What
made you call me?` I asked tentatively.
I heard about your latest comrade.` She laid
her information.
She even told you about it?` I questioned.
It was not mom; dad called me to put some
sense into you.` she declared.
What did he say? Was he very upset?` I
Of-course he was upset; this time you crossed
the line it was an ignominy for mom.` She
sounded upset.
I am sorry maybe I should think twice before
doing anything now.` I regretted doing it now.
Just make it alright by dating him.` She
What are you referring to?` I questioned.
I am referring to the fact that you should date
that guy mom chose for you to lighten things
up.` She suggested.
I am not crazy, and she`s making me go
around with all the guards around me.` I stated
That`s what I am saying; just date that guy for
a while and then say that you are not
compatible.` She was laying forward another
idea of hers.
I will think about it, I even had a fight with
Adam.` I told her.
Over what?` she asked.
Over his girl-friend Angelina.` I replied back.
Sis, its Angelica even I know it by now.` She
said while laughing.
I am not in a mood to talk about her.` I stated
Of course he would be angry at you.` she was
stating the obvious now.
I am going I will talk to you later.` I stated
and ended the call.
Maybe I should apologize!
I tried calling him but his number seemed to be
busy. I lay down thinking about what
everybody was making me register. Maybe I
am too harsh to him, by not accepting his
JLUOIULend. But why am I not acceptLQJ hLs
The phoQe ULQJLQJ JUabbeG my atteQWLoQ aJaLQ
aQG I pLckeG LW up WKLQkLQJ LW was VaOeULe.
SoUU\ I GLG QoW meaQ Wo eQG WKe caOO oQ \ouU
Iace.` I was accepWLQJ m\ mLsWake.
So \ou Go kQow Kow Wo apoOoJLze.` I KeaUG
AGam`s voLce wKLOe Ke spoke saUcasWLcaOO\.
I Go QoW pOaQ Wo Kave a ILJKW wLWK \ou aJaLQ
oveU AQJeOLca.` I UemaLQeG sLOeQW aIWeU sWaWLQJ
AW OeasW Qow I see \ou aUe WU\LQJ Wo be QLce.
B5AVO \ou caOOeG KeU Qame ULJKW Woo.` He
OauJKeG aIWeU speakLQJ.
Stop teasing me now, you should be grateful.`
I replied back.
I heard the volcano exploded.` He was
referring to my step mother.
It exploded real badly and I am subjugated
with it too. Could you pick me up tomorrow?` I
questioned him.
I will come around 8, so be ready without
anyone knowing.` He suggested.
Fine, I am going downstairs so I will text you
later.` I replied and ended the call.

Chapter 5
It was dawn when I woke up; I had to complete
my assignment. I started to get ready. I decided
to tie my hair in braids for the day. My outfit
for the day was a deep cut lime colored top
with a dull pink jacket and open toe wedge
booties. I tried sneaking through the back but
the guards spotted me.
She will be leaving with me today.` Adam
told them.
Thanks for getting rid of them.` I spoke when
we sat in the car.
Your dress is a little too short?` he asked
without thinking.
Just look up and drive.` I responded to his be-
How`s Vanessa?` I asked.
She`s thinking about going to England for her
further studies.` He replied.
Why do you sound upset?` I tried to console
Then I am stuck with you.` he said while
I could hit you right now.` I was stating the
fact now.
Let`s see how hard you can hit.` He said like
he didn`t care.
I picked up my hand but let it down slowly. I
am letting you to be exact this time.` I
I went straight to the class as Adam was
parking his car. I saw Tasha sitting near the
Hey.` She jumped when I spoke.
Why did you not come yesterday?` she
questioned abruptly without greeting.
Something came up at home.` I shrugged.
You have new highlights; interesting. We
have to submit the assignment today, you
remember?` she questioned me while checking
her notes.
I did remember my assignment. And I do not
want to resist my urge of having coffee.` I
Let`s go then.` Tasha got up holding her bag.
How many classes do we have today?` I asked
her while holding the coffee.
Three; there`s a party at Michaela`s house.
You are coming right?` she wondered.
The idea doesn`t sound bad, what are you
wearing?` I asked her.
Nothing special enough just a strapless LWD.`
She referred to her little white dress.
Then I should over rule the color black.` I
We should get dressed at my house.` Tasha
encouraged her thought.
I will ask my driver to send me the dress at
your house. We will head straight to your
house after we are free, I better tell Adam.` I
told her about the plan.
I am already accommodating your idea.` She
Im going to a friends party, no need
to wait for me today. I texted Adam
Ill see you at your house tonight.` He
replied back.
Theres a dinner at my house? I
questioned him in the text.
Nah, your dad asked me to meet him.
He replied.
I wonder what hes up to. Ill see you
later then. I texted him back.
My class just started Ill text you when
Im free.
Okay. My final text read.
What was he saying?` Tasha asked while
placing her bag on the desk.
He`s coming to see my dad; apparently he
wanted to discuss something with him.` I
replied and texted my mom about sending the
dress to Tasha`s place.
When the class was over I saw Stiles across the
hallway. We just nodded while we spotted each
You are friends now?` Tasha wondered.
He`s just somehow one of my family friends
son.` I shrugged.
I planned on calling Adam but he rejected my
calls, I wondered if he was having a class.
You still going on arranged dates?` I asked
My mother is still making me.` She confessed.
I hope she gets over the idea of me getting
married so soon. What about your mom?` She
She makes me go to those places but I just
drag Adam along with me to give the wrong
impression.` I replied happily.
You are cruel.` She registered.
I never said I was not.` I admitted to her.
It was four in the evening when we reached
Tasha`s house.
Tasha was the minister`s only daughter. And
she took advantage of her parents whenever she
landed the chance. We ordered cheese burgers
for lunch.
I curled her naturally beach blonde hair till they
reached her shoulder blades. She had real long
pretty hair, and opened them occasionally. Her
hazel eyes were the best feature; I gave her a
total tanned bronzed look. She was sporting
Laurent Gandini sterling silver heart drop
earrings. Her strapless LWD looked awesome
with her beach blonde hair; and her 5oberto
Cavalli`s Patent-leather cage sandals.
I went along with the fact that eyeliner makes
the impression with thick bold black eyes. I
wore a sparkly LBD showing off my back,
which had copper studs on the shoulders till the
back, and to the front line of my neck. I
completed the look with Stingray-effect leather
T-bar sandals and Alexander McQueen`s
Brittania Punk leather box clutch and Ippolita
5ock Candy 18-karat gold amethyst earrings.
Let`s take a picture.` Tasha suggested.
She added it in the photo frame placed next to
her bed. Her room was already crawled with
dozen of pictures. The parties we went through
since the college started.
The party was held in the new club; The Vibe.
The place was already crowded when we
reached. The party girl was spotted dancing
crazy at the dance floor.
You planned another great party.` Tasha
hugged Michaela.
I`m glad you guys came. Let`s go to the bar.`
Michaela responded.
Come-on lets drink.` Tasha screamed.
I think it`s better if one of us drank.` I
reminded her that she was driving.
We will call the drivers okay, so let`s have a
little fun tonight.` She was already loosing
Just one shot.` Michaela spoke.
That one shot turned into ten. Tasha was on the
verge of falling, why was I wearing such high
heels. I called her driver out to take her home. I
tried calling Adam but I could not seem to dial
the number, and accidently dropped the phone.
Some dude picked it up for me because I could
not find myself to kneel down to pick it It`s
yours.` He spoke after giving it to me.
Kathleen Wakefield.` He sounded amused.
Hush; its Katy, over here it`s Katy Joann.` I
replied to his amusement.
You are alone here?` he questioned.
No; I came with my friends.` I was about to
Be careful.` He grabbed my arm.
I will drop you off.` He continued.
You know me then you must be a friend.` I
replied being half drunk.
You should not drink so much, if you cannot
handle it.` He stated while he did my seatbelt.
You do not seem to recognize me, which I
must say is pretty hilarious.` He continued.
Do not tell my dad, okay.` I held my hand out
like it was a pact.
Promise; but you would not drink in front of
anyone else, deal.` He led his hand out.
Deal.` I shook his hand.
You are really interesting Katy, I like to
scrutinize you.` he replied
You must be a doctor then.` I just remember
mumbling those words.
I must have passed out I wondered, when I got
up. I called out the maids to make a hangover
soup for me.
When I headed downstairs I saw my dad
reading the newspaper. Trying to avoid him I
headed back upstairs You got drunk again.` I
heard my dad`s voice.
I am sorry.` I said in an apologetic tone.
Thanks to that boy Stiles, that he dropped you
off safely.` Dad continued.
Wait; rewind did Mr. Sergei drop me off?` I
Yes. I do not want Antonio`s cousin dropping
you off when you are drunk.` He continued and
started reading the paper again.
I patted my cheek, wondering if I said
something wrong. This is so embarrassing. Laid
back on the bed and thought about texting
Tasha whether she was showing up for the
classes today.
I checked my texts and even Adam did not
even text me. I called him but his phone was

Chapter 6
I saw Adam next day in the college. As usual
he was next to his car.
Why did you not call me yesterday?` I
questioned him.
I heard about you being drunk again so I
wondered I will give you a day off.` He
laughed after responding to my question.
You are useless.` I nudged him.
Did you hear the rest of the story?` I
Why, what more did you do?` he had a
concerned face.
It was Stiles who dropped me off, I was drunk,
I tried calling you but your number was busy I
guess.` I replied.
You were drunk and the only person you
thought about calling was me.` He said
Who else should I have called?` I asked.
You call the driver when you are drunk.` He
said in the discernible tone.
Fine, next time I would not call you.` I said
vehemently and left for my class.
Why are you so angry?` Tasha asked while
keeping up the pace with me.
I do not know why he acts like I have nobody
else besides him.` I continued to reduce my
Let me guess; you had a fight with Adam
again.` She replied with the all knowing look.
Do not act all palpable with me right now.` I
stated back.
I saw Stiles in front of the class.
Hide me from the mortification.` I mumbled.
What mortification?` Tasha wondered.
After I sent you home, he sent me back to my
house. Just pretend like we did not see him.` I
He`s standing right in front of the door. How
could you pretend not to see him?` She stated
rhetorically again.
He`s standing there on purpose; he`s trying to
put a veneer.` I said rudimentarily.
If that`s a plan then you are making it work
for him.` She rhetorically repeated.
I don`t remember anything so everything would be fine.
Stiles did not make an attempt to talk to me.
For me it was already a blessing in disguise.
My cell phone rang during the class Excuse
me sir` and it was Adam calling I went outside
to pick it.
I have a period going on; what happened?` I
I am waiting are you not free yet?` he asked.
Wait I will see if I could skip the last few
minutes. I will text you if it does not work.` I
replied and ended the call.
I went inside to pick my things up Where are
you going?` Tasha wondered.
He`s waiting; I am going, I will see you
tomorrow.` I stated.
Excuse me sir; I am sorry but could I leave
early?` I asked the professor.
Your assignment due date is this Friday; you
may leave.` He replied.
I quietly headed out of the class, when I
reached the lot it started raining. Why does it
have to rain right now?` I whined.
Now you are going to criticize the weather
too.` He said astonishingly.
I am so tired.` I stated while sitting in the car.
Angelica invited you to a party on Saturday.
She will possibly ask you to come.` He foretold
Do you want me to refuse?` I questioned him.
Go-on if you feel like going; I am just telling
you. It would not be like the ball parties we
have it would be more like the night party but
in gowns.` he confessed.
So are you telling me not to go, or are stating
that I should dress more casual?` I was
I am saying I will pick you up on Saturday.`
He tightened his seatbelt.
You could have said that earlier.` I suggested.
I am bored; you are not going anywhere today
right?` he wondered.
Nah; I am free, why?` I questioned.
I want to eat fried chicken.` He stated.
I am eating Italian.` I replied.
That`s Angelica?` We accidently bumped into
Angelica who seemed to be having lunch at the
same restaurant.
Some other dude was sitting next to her and
they were being all cozy. I looked at Adam and
he just went outside without speaking a damn
I followed him behind but he just forgot the
fact of me being with him and drove away. I
decided to eat something before heading back. I
called the driver to pick me up.

Chapter 7
I was standing on the cross roads thinking
about how Adam might be feeling. I thought of
calling him a couple of times but I hesitated
because my relationship with Angelica was not
quite satisfactory. I planned on going to his
house to give him a surprise but he was not
It was Thursday already and I was sitting in my
room with my Persian cat Lola trying to finish
my assignment.
Someone knocked at the door Come-in.` I
A maid entered, Ma`am, the lady of the house
wants you to come downstairs.`
Tell her I will be coming down in a short
while.` I responded to my mother`s command.
While descending downstairs I saw my step-
mother looking at a couple of Louis Vuitton
dresses. You asked for me.` I spoke while
entering the room.
Well I did; please decide a dress for yourself.`
She spoke like she was being generous to me.
What is the occasion?` I questioned while
looking at the dresses.
It`s a date; you are going tonight at 8:00.` She
Who is it?` I asked again.
It`s that boy I tried to set you up with last
time.` She replied.
As for the discomfiture you caused me, you
owe him a date.` She continued.
I refuse.` I stated.
You do not want me asking your dad to make
sure that you reach on time.` She endangered.
Pack the dull pink one for me.` I called to the
maids and headed upstairs.
I was planning on meeting Adam today, but I
could not due to the current situation. My
mother asked for the beauticians to prepare me
at home. I guess she wanted me all dolled up
for her victory.
I had my hairs curled till the bottom and tied
high with a ponytail. My attire consisted of 22-
karat gold multi-stone drop earrings by Marie-
Hlne De Taillac; Anita Ko Spike`s 14-karat
rose gold diamond pyramid bracelet. Low cut
knee length dull pink dress with gold chain-like
straps showing off my shoulder blades. Gucci
Crystal-embellished silk-satin peep-toe pumps
and Anya Hindmarch Marano glitter-finish
leather clutch.
While retrieving from the house I saw my step
mother talking to my father flattering my
beauty. I hope you guys have a great time.`
She spoke while I headed out wearing a black
long coat.
The reservations were made at a fine French
Under which name is your table reserved?` the
receptionist asked.
It`s Mr. Sergei.` I replied.
Please madam walks this way.` The waiter led
I followed him to another section of the
restaurant. I saw Stiles sitting on the table
across the window drinking water.
Sir your date has arrived.` The waiter spoke
and left the room.
Stiles got up and pulled out the chair for me. I
must say you look ravishing.` He
complimented while taking his seat.
Thank you.` I replied.
What would you like to order sir?` The waiter
I would like 5avioli please.` I responded.
And what`s your request sir?` the waiter
I would go for the same.` Stiles responded.
Would you like red wine or white?` he asked.
Make it red.` Stiles requested.
The waiter left after taking the order. I started
texting Adam Where the hell are you? I
want to talk to you as soon as you are
free from whatever youre doing.
Are you texting your boyfriend?` Stiles
Well if I say yes then? You already knew I`m
committed so why did you bother having a date
with me?` I asked furiously.
Let`s just keep that as a secret for today.` He
You should not be rude to your guests.` He
For starters you are not my guest; you are my
mother`s, and I am here because I have a debt
to pay to her.` I replied.
I guess I destroyed the pleasant mood, I shall
take my leave.` I continued and stood up.
You made a promise to have a drink with me.`
He confessed.
The promises I make while being drunk are
not registered by me; and you broke your first,
you said you would not tell my dad.` I stated.
He knew it himself; he did not need to hear it
from me he could judge by your condition.` He
was at a variance with me now.
The discussion is over then.` And I left the
room and headed outside.
Meanwhile I called Adam again but he did not
pick up again. I went outside and the driver
was already waiting for me.
You tend to lose things.` Stiles walked in front
of me holding my clutch.
And you keep wasting your time while picking
up the leftovers.` I took the clutch and sat in
the car Driver let`s go.`
My cell phone was ringing and when I checked
it was Adam Where are you?` he asked.
In the car; heading back to the house.` I
By which road are you travelling?` he
I am near the west ridge, why?` I wondered.
I am over the cross roads at Stanford`s, ask the
driver to stop at the diversion.` He continued.
You have to stop at the diversion at the
Stanford`s.` I told the driver.
While we arrived at the diversion I saw Adam
standing with his car.
The driver stopped the car I will drop her off
later.` He told the driver.
You were just going to meet me, why are
dressed like that?` he questioned.
I had a date, but that does not matter why you
were not even taking my calls?` was my
I was busy thinking.` He replied.
Are we still going to her party?` I asked.
Yeah I will pick you around 7:30.` He
You really want to go that bad?` I wondered.
I will tell her that I would not be able to come
so her schedule would be free; it would be
great to surprise her with the guest appearance.`
He continued.
This seems like a reprisal scheme.` I stated.
It`s just a payback.` He replied while sitting in
the car.
What are you thinking? Get in.` he startled me
as I was thinking.
Just remember you cannot really depict who I
am to you.` I reminded him about people not
knowing we were cousins.
I trusted you whenever you had a plan; it`s
your turn to trust me now.` He started to drive
while responding.
Should I drop you off?` he asked.
We didn`t plan on going somewhere else.` I
When did we ever plan on doing anything?`
He stated the rhetorical.
You are going to drop me off or are we going
somewhere?` I questioned him again.
I just plan to take a long drive with you.` he
Just like old times.` I confessed.
We will make them the new times.` He
responded back.
I did not ask who you went on your date with`
he continued.
It was Stiles; mom planned the date to repay
the debt I owed her after what I did to her on
the ball.` I replied.
How was the date?` he questioned.
I left him after ordering the diner.` I answered.
You must be hungry; we will go some place to
eat.` He suggested.
We went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered
some 5amen and Kimchi.
I have forgotten how to eat with chopsticks.` I
declared and started laughing.
It`s simple; look, here open your mouth.` He
held out the noodles.
I took the offer. Did you read any new book?`
I questioned.
I started reading Game of Thrones in the series
Song of Ice and Fire`.` He replied and
continued, You still must be reading twilight.`
Laughing hysterically...
It`s not like that I started reading Nora
5oberts; The Villa.` I declared.
It`s 9:00 already, you should drop me off.` I
stated after finishing with the meal.
It`s not like you have not been home after
10:00.` He rhetorically stated.
Do not forget that I am on a date with Stiles so
I probably would be heading home early.` I
You think the driver must not have told your
mother about your ridiculed act.` He took a
whole scoop of noodles in his mouth.
Point is taken under consideration.` I started
eating again.
Adam dropped me off at the house and I saw
my dad waiting outside with my step mother.
What are they standing outside for?` I
To greet you home after your disastrous act.`
Adam laughed at what he just said.
I am back.` I shouted when I got out of the
Kathleen head inside please.` My dad said
with a stern voice.
Adam I would like to talk to you in private.`
Dad continued.
Can I hear the conversation?` I said naively.
You go change your dress.` Dad ordered.
While walking upstairs I wondered what they
would be talking about so I planned on calling
Adam later.
I saw Adam`s car retrieving the house so I
texted him When you reach home call
It was midnight and I was sitting with Lola
waiting for Adam`s call. Finally he called
Why did you call so late?` I questioned.
Mum was up and she was discussing
something`s, I just got free.` He continued.
What did dad say?` I asked.
Nothing much; just that if we hang out along
we should not be late.` He referred to the factor
of dropping me off at 11:00.
Well than that`s nothing serious, I will see you
in college tomorrow.` And I ended the call.

Chapter 8
My room was filled with the smell of Chanel
no 5. I opened my eyes and I saw Valerie
sitting across my bed. How much did you put
on?` I hugged her while stating.
Just enough measure to get you up.` She
smiled and hugged me back.
When did you arrive?` I questioned.
Just a while ago, I thought of seeing you
before I unpacked my things.` She stated.
I heard about your ridiculed act with Stiles, so
mom called me to set things straight for you
like she did for me.` She continued.
Set things straight; is she getting me married?`
I questioned.
Worse; she`s planning to get you engaged.`
Valerie laughed.
I feel sad for the poor candidate; he`s going to
get crushed.` I stated.
The candidate is none other than Stiles; he`s
going to ask for your hand in marriage.`
Valerie foretold me.
He`s stupid to think about it.` I said irately
Mom already knows it and she plans on
accepting the proposal.` Valarie justified the
Well that`s just too bad because I am going to
reject.` I re stated my thought.
You have to think twice before doing things
now, he`s still Antonio`s cousin.` Valerie
reminded me.
It`s too soon to think over this matter; I have
to get ready I will see you after college.` I
jumped out of my bed after saying that.
Think about it for a few days when you still
have time to accept things.` Valerie stated and
left the room.
I straightened my hair and opened them up and
sprawled over my shoulders. The final look I
saw in the mirror was a turquoise striped top
with Mulberry colored shrug and my Diane
Von Furstenberg Opal linen wedge sandals and
Dereon`s candy coated collection hand bag
with Annina Vogel 9-karat gold charm
necklace. Marc Jacobs metallic collection
I saw Adam hanging out with Angelica but it
was retribution he was looking for so I did not
bother stopping him.
I had to hand over my assignment to my
professor so I went towards the teacher`s
lounge. I saw Tasha walking across the
You look distressed.` I stated when I started
walking with her.
I am getting engaged.` She burst into tears.
What I could not get was if she were happy or
sad Are those happy tears?` I asked.
Of course I am sad; they plan to get me
married within six months, and worse I will be
moving to Italy.` She said monotonously.
Wow, then you must have hit a jackpot then.` I
teased her.
I am already hassled.` She continued.
Do not worry I will be in your situation soon.`
I stated.
You and Adam are serious about it?` she
What are you referring to?` I asked.
Of course you would be getting engaged to
him, you are such close friends.` She spoke out
of courtesy.
He`s not even my boy-friend, you know that.`
I reminded her.
I thought you guys pretended.` She laughed
hysterically at her hilarious thought.
While I was heading back to the house Adam
texted me Ill meet you tomorrow at
Why? Werent you coming at seven? I
replied back.
Youll know the reason when we meet
tomorrow. He forwarded.
When I got home Valerie was sitting in the
front yard reading W magazine. She got up as
soon as she saw me We are going for
shopping.` She spoke while grabbing my arm.
Well just grab your purse, your dress is fine.`
She continued.
We are shopping for what occasion?` I
questioned while she was driving her new car
We are going to the new club Zest. And I need
a new dress.` She replied while taking the turn
towards Dior`s.
Valerie bought a perfect red colored mini dress,
with black floral print at the bottom.
Valerie dressed me up for the day with a
strapless, flawless metallic dress with all dark
stones cut work around the neck.
That dress looks just so amazing.` I was dazed.
Laurent Gandini Sterling silver drop earrings.
Tanned look with dead straight hair with the
addition of Yves Saint Laurent Tribute suede
Valerie had shortened her hair till her
shoulders with front bangs. Her dress was
tightly clinging to her with Jimmy Choo Dome
diamante-embellished suede sandals and Gucci
18-karat gold horsebit earrings.
When both of us were descending the stairs my
step-mom spotted us Girls come here.` I heard
her shout.
Where are you two heading?` she continued.
Mom we are going to a club; girl`s night out.`
Valerie spoke.
Fine, make sure you are back in time; do not
discount that you are married now.` She
referred to Valerie.
Yes mother.` Valerie responded to her
scrutinized thought.
Let`s go; she grabbed my arm.` We headed
You are driving today.` She threw the keys of
the car.
I think I will let the driver drive.` I
The night was already high when we reached
the club; Valerie was meeting with her old
friends so I decided to head for the bar.
One martini; remove the olives.` I called out to
the bar hostess.
I was looking for Valerie who was already on
the dance floor. I texted Adam
Where are you? Im at Zest; feel free to
Cant; out with friends. He replied.
Come-on let`s dance.` Valerie grabbed my arm
and headed towards the dance floor.
You look wild.` I screamed out.
I feel wild.` Valerie responded.
I can see my husband.` Valerie spoke.
I thought that maybe she`s drunk enough to
see him around but I was wrong. I saw Antonio
at the bar with a bunch of his friends.
I am going to talk to him.` Valerie was about
to leave.
Do not forget its girl`s night out; just have fun,
let him spot you.` I suggested.
The dance floor was already going untamed
Let`s just take a break.` I yelled at Valerie. But
she seemed immune to respond.
I was walking over the bar and Antonio saw
me Sister-in-law.` He screamed in my
Where`s your sister?` he questioned.
I will walk you to her.` I spotted Valerie out
for him.
I think we should head home.` He spoke.
Did you guys drive yourself out here?` he
We came with the driver; he would be waiting
outside.` I answered.
Then I will leave you my car; I am a bit drunk
so it`s not safe.` And he handed over the keys.
Yeah sure; I am here for a while.` I responded
to his request.
I will see you tomorrow then.` He stated and I
saw him leave the club.
Could you please come? I am drunk and I do
not think I can drive.` I spoke when Adam
picked his call.
Where I am right now; it will at least take
thirty minutes to reach you.` he replied.
Just come.` I responded and ended the call.
Sooner or later I was going to regret calling him.
I drank a few shots while waiting for him.
When I looked up I saw Stiles sitting next to
me. What are you doing here?` I was
aggravated by his presence.
Antonio called; he said you must be drunk
enough to drive yourself back.` He replied.
Want to leave now?` he questioned my senses.
No, I am waiting.` I replied.
You will be drunk if you wait longer.` He said
the rhetorical.
My intuition kept telling me to leave Fine;
let`s go.` I handed him Antonio`s car keys.
I tried texting Adam but I could not seem to
write the text and his number was busy.
Informing him before hand; so he does not get
the wrong impression.` Stiles spoke while
taking the turn towards my house.
I am not answerable to you.` I stated back.
Why do you dislike me so much?` he
It`s not that I dislike you; I dislike the factor
my mother likes you.` I spoke out the truth.
So you hate me because your mother likes
me.` He was startled at the thought.
So if your mother starts disliking me you will
consider me.` He spoke.
May-be.` I responded.
This means I still have a chance.` He sounded
This means you might have a chance; but I
already like someone else.` I reminded him of
my fake boyfriend.
I still have the chance.` He continued.
I am already home.` I picked Adam`s call.
I drove all the way here and you are already
home.` Adam was freaking out.
I will talk to you tomorrow; be at the stables
by 11:00.` I replied and ended the call.
You know horse-riding too.` He wondered.
I learnt it because of him.` I was referring to
Thanks for the ride anyway.` I spoke and took
off my heels and walked towards the door.
Kathleen.` I heard his voice.
What?` I asked.
It was the first time I responded to my name
when it was not father calling me out.
I would like to do something.` He spoke while
staring at me.
What do you want?
But he took my breath away; my heels dropped
the second his hands were holding my face
while he kissed me. And I did not stop him.
I will let you steal this kiss away.` I replied
and bended over to pick the heels.
I am sorry if I surprised you.` he said
You did it to surprise me.` I stated and headed
back inside.
I walked upstairs to my room, and lay on the
bed without feeling anything I just slept.

Chapter 9
I was getting ready for going to the stables.
When I reached I saw Adam riding his horse
Tiffany. I brought coffee for you.` I shouted at
Do not feel like it.` He responded.
It`s Starbucks.` I told him.
This seems like paying-off.` He jumped off the
You drove all the way over there so.` I
continued speaking while we headed towards
the lounge.
The party plan still on?` I questioned.
Yeah and we have a makeover to do.` He
replied back.
Would you not ride today?` He asked.
Do not feel like it today.` I responded.
A girl looks the best while riding.` He
You said something about a makeover.` I
Well yes I will change and we will head
straight.` He went to the guy`s room.
First we need to buy you an A class dress.` He
said while putting his seatbelt on.
Are you giving me a present? Just so you
know my birthday; its next month.` I replied.
I knew that before you did.` He laughed.
You will receive a back up present too.` He
On your date which brand dress were you
wearing?` he questioned.
It was Louis Vuitton.` I replied.
Then we will head to their outlet.` He stated.
You must look ravishing; find yourself a bold
color.` He spoke when we reached the shop.
Yes ma`am your request?` the manager asked
when she saw me walk in.
I need a gown.` I replied back.
Your size must be two.` She started looking
into the gowns.
Ma`am you may choose.` She brought a whole
rack of ballroom gowns.
I like what you choose.` Adam stated while we
sat back in the car.
Next stop is salon.` He continued.
You want my look to be changed too?` I
I do not want her to even recognize you.` he
I wore a hat after coming out of the salon We
will head to my house.` Adam spoke.
I nodded; and sat in the car.
It was 7:00 when Adam knocked at Vanessa
My hair dyed in burgundy shade with pin
straight bangs; my hair loosely curled and
brought forward in front. I was wearing a
mulberry colored V neck bare back mermaid
evening gown with Irit Design Oxidized sterling
silver diamond drop earrings.
You look heart stopping.` Adam spoke while
he entered the room. He was wearing a black
Armani tux.
He stood beside me and looked into the mirror
smiling. I smiled back at him.
Do not forget your heels.` Vanessa handed me
Jimmy Choo Vamp python sandals, and
Candies green clutch.
Would she be too surprised after looking at
me?` I spoke while we headed out of the house.
There was a limousine waiting outside. Are
you not going a little too hard core.` I stated.
Just go along with the act.` He spoke back to
me To Ms. Angelica`s mansion.`
When we reached he led out his hand and I
stepped outside the car Your name; if asked is
Elaine.` He stated while we walked upstairs.
Adam is that you.` A friend of his walked
towards us. It was the same guy, the one I saw
at restaurant.
Who`s the lucky lady?` he questioned while
looking at me.
A dear heart; she`s an old friend.` He
responded and looked at me.
I stared back at him over what he said.
I must say she`s gorgeous.` His friend replied.
I smiled after hearing the compliment. Would
you have a drink with me?` He asked.
Adam made me move forward. He responded
to his request and whispered in my ear Get
him fall for you; now laugh like I told you a
I laughed and held his friends arm and walked
I am Anderson; what`s your name?` he asked.
It`s Elaine.` I replied.
I did not like what he wanted me to do but I
did not say anything. If he wanted me to flirt I
could do that.
Anderson kept going about his future plans and
finally I received a text youre on.
What I realized was that he was a bigger flirt.
Should we head out to someplace more quite?`
he spoke into my ear.
Let`s wait for Adam before heading out.` I
replied to his preposterous implication.
So you have someone special?` He questioned.
Technically, let`s just say I have.` I replied
while we walked towards the pool.
Want to play a game?` he asked.
What is it?` I questioned.
It`s just truth or dare.` He replied.
Yeah it does not sound bad.` I responded.
We headed towards the rush of people near
the pool. The bottle was spinning and stopped
in my direction. You have to smooch your
What; I am certainly not doing that.` I spoke
No backing out now.` The dare giver spoke.
I will take your dare.` Anderson spoke and
stepped towards me. He found my lips and took
complete advantage of the moment. I returned
the favor because that`s what Adam wanted. It
felt like a gush of air stopped and broke us
What are you doing man?` Anderson shouted.
I saw Adam punch his face.
You dare to touch her?` Adam yelled back at
It was just a dare.` Anderson responded to his
contemptible act.
Adam grabbed my hand and walked outside
and stopped at the backyard Are you crazy?`
he flared-up.
It was just a dare, plus you wanted me to do
that.` I reminded him of what he told me.
I told you to make sure he follows you around,
not to act like a slut.` He yelled back.
You should have told me earlier or maybe you
should have called one. I do not know whether
you are upset on the factor that we kissed or
that things did not go the way you planned, but
think before you speak at least.` I stated and
walked towards the car.
Katy stop right there; I am still talking to you.`
He shouted.
I looked back I am not Katy over here;
remember.` I spoke frantically. And when you
start seeing things clearly, I will try to talk to
you then.` I walked back inside and tried
calling Valerie.
Valerie send me a car please, I am stuck at a
party.` I stated when she picked the call.
Where are you?` she asked.
I am at a mansion in Huston`s street.` I
Dad was not home when I left and the
Driver`s with mom and I am with my in laws.`
She stated.
Just call your driver to pick me up.` I
Since Stiles is here with us I will ask him to
pick you up.` She replied. I am at the farm
house so he will just drop you off here than
later I will send you home but be dressed
appropriately.` She continued.
Just do whatever you want but hurry.` I
responded and ended the call.

Chapter 10
I saw Stiles ascending the stairs to the mansion
while I was waiting at the entrance. He did not
recognize me and was about to walk inside I
am here.` I spoke while I walked towards his
Did you do something to your hair?` he was
Try asking questions in the car.` I said
I have never seen you happy.` He laughed
over what he said.
What was the occasion that you changed your
whole look?` he questioned while we drove
outside the mansion.
A dim-witted attempt; making a friend happy
and luckily bamboozle myself to.` I responded.
Was the friend worth it?` he asked.
The friend was always worth anything.` I
He will understand you.` he said in palpable
How can you say it`s a he?` I asked.
I saw Adam while sitting back in the car.` He
I knew you were telling a lie couple of times
about dating him, because if you did your
whole family might have known.` He
I always forget that he`s Antonio`s cousin, he must have known
everything before.
Will you consider marrying me?` he asked
Is this some sort of joke?` I responded back.
You already know that I am interested in you.`
he stopped the car to confront me.
I always thought it was an infatuation.` I
For me it`s not.` he stated in stern voice.
We have not even dated?` I stated back.
Wrong; we have been on a date. In fact it`s
been four times already.` He responded back
Every time you left me, but heck it`s still four
times.` He continued.
When was our first date?` I was amused by
what he was saying.
First, the restaurant; second and third was the
club lastly, fourth which is right now.` He
replied back.
You call these dates?` I laughed at his
We were alone at all those times so technically
they were our dates.` He smiled this time.
Whatever you are saying is outlandish because
I came to the restaurant as it was obligatory for
me, it was coincidental when we first met at the
club, second time you did it intentionally and
right now was an accident.` I clearly stated
It seems you like me, because you certainly
like to argue with me.` He re-started the
You argue with people you dislike.` I replied.
You argue with people whose thought`s you
find compatible with yours.` He was in conflict
with me again.
You did not give me an answer.` He
If my dad start`s to like you I will accept the
proposal, I will be all yours.` I replied.
And what if he already accepted are you ready
for an engagement?` he questioned.
Do not tell me you already discussed it with
my father.` I was holding my head.
I just talked to your sister; I will talk to them
soon.` He responded.
I will have to complete my graduation before
getting engaged.` I justified.
You can complete it after the engagement too.`
He said frantically.
You seem to like the idea of getting engaged.`
I stated back.
My mom`s in a rush; she wanted to me to
choose a girl within a month otherwise I had to
be married to a girl she decides.` He replied.
And you thought I am the one.` I said while
I knew it straight back then.` He responded.
You are saying that it was love at first sight.` I
was mocking him but he did not get over ruled.
Somehow it felt like it was; because otherwise
a girl like you is hard to handle, you left me on
every counter you had.` He laughed
When was it?` I asked.
When you were not looking or worrying about
where you were headed.` He was referring to
me bumping into the door.
Stiles give me a month to think about us.` I
stated abruptly.
I am heading back to 5ussia this week; I will
be back around the end of next month.` He
replied I will leave my number to you, if it is a
yes then call me I will come with my parents
next time.` He continued.
I nodded back.
When we reached the farmhouse Valerie was
walking down with her father-in-law. She
seemed happier after marriage maybe that`s
what I wanted now.
The next few days I skipped college Valerie
also headed back after a few days later. I had to
think about me tying a knot with him but after
what happened with Adam over the way he
reacted on me kissing Anderson was bothering
The finals were approaching and I didn`t hear
from Adam over two weeks. I thought of
putting aside everything and calling him but
could not find myself to do so.
Tasha`s engagement date was announced and I
planned on going to see the dress with her. I
was surprised to see Adam outside my house.
You changed them back.` He was referring to
my blonde hair.
Old times are always the best.` I replied.
You heading someplace?` he questioned.
Yeah for shopping with Tasha, it`s her
engagement.` I answered.
You have a few minutes?` he asked.
I nodded.
Want to drink some coffee?` I wondered.
Let`s just talk for a while.` He replied.
How`s everything with Angelica?` I asked
while walking around the yard.
I broke up with her at the party.` He stated
How are the preparations for the final exams?`
I questioned.
The way they always are.` He was a straight A
I have something for you.` he said abruptly.
He took out a box and handed over It`s your
birthday present.` He spoke while looking
My birthday`s next month.` I reminded him.
After the finals I am going to meet Vanessa
and probably will be staying there for a while.`
He replied.
You are going to miss my first birthday ever.`
I stated while opening the present.
It was an Annina Vogel 9-carat gold charm
bracelet. It`s really pretty` I spoke while I held
out my hand.
What?` he asked while looking at my hand.
Help me wear it.` I spoke.
I need to ask you something.` I said while he
tied the bracelet.
I am listening.` He replied.
Why did you get so angry on that night?` I
I was hoping Ior him to say that maybe he was jealous or something. I
was hoping it was something regarding me.
I was just frustrated by Angelica that`s why I
was ill-mannered to you; I am sorry.` He
finally let go of my hand.
I am glad you figured it out.` I responded. I
have to go, text me before leaving I will come
to see you.` I continued.
He nodded back.
I will take my leave first then.`
I paused after taking a few steps. Adam if I
say I am falling in love with you what would
you think it is?` I questioned.
I would say it`s infatuation.` He smiled.
I thought so too.` I walked towards the car
leaving him behind.
I was waiting in the car thinking about whether
I should go inside or not. Adam was leaving
today I had to meet him before he was gone. I
found the strength to walk inside the airport. I
saw him waiting with aunt getting ready to
Call me when you reach there.` I hugged him.
I will.` he replied.
I think it`s time you should go now.` I stated.
He hugged his mom and me for the last time. I
will be coming soon.` He said while looking at
I will be waiting.` I responded.

Chapter 11
It was my first birthday without Adam; it felt
like he was gone for ages but only a month
passed by. I washed my face and when I came
outside I saw a parcel waiting for me on my
I opened it up and it was a gift present. The
card read
Dear Kathleen;
Happy twenty-first!
Still waiting for your answer, Ill be coming back tomorrow if
you approve meet me at the same French restaurant tomorrow
at 6:00 wearing that.
Truly yours
Stiles Sergei
I opened the present and it was a Solange
Azagury-Partridge Tassel 18-karat gold
diamond necklace.
I kept thinking about Adam, missing Adam but
I guess I was used to his presence so much I
could not adapt to the new environment soon.
I received another parcel and it was from
Valerie. She sent was an Ippolita 18-karat gold
onyx necklace.
Happy Birthday, I have news for you.`
Valerie called and sounded quite keyed up.
Thanks I love the present; but everybody is
missing my birthday this year.` I complained.
Yeah I heard about dad`s trip, But where`s
Tasha and Adam?` she questioned.
Adam`s in England and Tasha is quite busy
after she got engaged.` I stated.
Well I have bigger news for you.` she
I am expecting.` She continued.
Wow that`s amazing; congratulations.` I
I will be coming back next week. I am so
excited.` She told me.
I am really happy for you.` I responded.
Are you accepting Stiles proposal?` she
You will know soon enough.` I replied.
Keep me updated; but I have to go for now,
I`ll call you later.` She ended the call.
I was getting ready to meet Stiles. I wore a
sleeveless hunter colored one strap mini
evening gown with Irit design oxidized sterling
silver diamond earrings and Alexander
McQueen`s lizard platform pumps. I was
wearing the bracelet Adam bought me. I tied
my hair all the way up into a bun. My clutch
was a crystal-embellished satin clutch by Yves
Saint Laurent.
When I reached the restaurant I saw Stiles
talking to the receptionist. I saw him notice my
bare neck.
How are you?` I asked him.
I am fine.` He tried to sound less disappointed.
Your hair looks great. Let`s order the meal.`
He stated.
It`s the same old choice.` I declared while he
pushed my chair.
The wine was poured. Let`s toast to old times.`
He raised his glass.
It would be better if we toasted to new times.`
I corrected him and raised my glass.
Then to new times.` He continued.
Could you untie this bracelet for me?` I asked
He got up and pushed his chair beside mine
and tried to unlock the bracelet. There you
go.` He handed the bracelet. It`s cute by the
way.` He stated.
He was about to get up but I grabbed his arm. I
opened my clutch and I handed him over the
necklace he bought me. What do you want me
to do with it?` he said feverishly.
I am giving you what`s rightfully yours.` I
It was present for your birthday I am not
taking it back.` He declared.
Who said anything about giving it back; I want
you to tie it for me.` I replied.
That`s a yes.` He said happily and he got up
and tied the necklace for me.
I am really happy.` And he kissed me, a real
long one.
I will send my parents to your house
tomorrow.` He said happily.
I smiled back at him. I placed the bracelet back
into my clutch.
Well it was our first date as a couple, I should
drop you off.` He spoke while we walked
I will head out myself tonight.` I stated while
looking at my driver. I kissed him on his cheek
I will take things slow.` I smiled and sat in the
The weeks were passing by quickly. Valerie
came back to States and my engagement date
was announced. It was not even a month ago
that I accepted Stiles proposal and now I saw
myself wearing an engagement gown.
It was a Dior satin A-line custom made Purple
colored floor length sottero midgley Pascal
Strapless gown with sequences and beading as
embellishment. The look was completed with
Gucci crystal embellished silk-satin sandals.
Ileana Makri`s Gem 18-karat white gold
diamond stud earrings and Gem 18-karat white
gold diamond necklace.
The engagement party was held at our house
and only family friends were invited on such
short notice.
You look intensely alluring.` Stiles spoke
while I walked and stopped towards him for the
rings to be worn.
Thank-you.` I smiled back at him.
The ring was Ileana Makri`s Gem 18-karat
white gold diamond ring and it fitted perfectly.
You like it?` he asked after putting into my
I love it fiance and kissed him.` Everybody
seemed happy.
My best friend was not there on my
engagement but he will be back anytime soon.
It had been 10 months since the engagement
and I completed my fourth semester of college.
Adam was still in England and it had been over
a year since I saw his face. He didn`t call me
and I was too busy with the wedding
preparations. Stiles headed back to 5ussia after
the engagement as he had to take over his
father`s business and complete his graduation at
the same time. I came to the point that a day
did not pass by when I did not talk to him. He
was like my new friend and this friend seemed
like he would be around forever. Valerie had a
beautiful son named Aaron after Valerie`s
grandfather. I was now an aunt too. I felt

Chapter 12
I was shopping for my wedding dress when
Adam called I am back; where are you right
now?` he asked frantically.
I am at Vera Wang`s but when did you come
back?` I asked.
I am coming to pick you up.` That`s all he
When I walked out of the shop I saw Adam
waiting in the car. I was glad to see him after
such a long time. My heart did not beat twice
to see him like now it did for Stiles.
How are you?` I asked while I sat in the car
with him.
I am good; heard you got engaged.` He
sounded unhappy.
Yeah I did.` I showed him my hand; I was
used to the fact of being someone`s.
It`s a pretty ring; you decided it?` he asked.
Nah; Stiles chose it for me, by the way where
are we going?` I questioned.
You will know when we reach there.` He said
casually and drove.
Where`s Stiles?` he asked abruptly.
He flew here yesterday night.` I replied back.
How`s Vanessa?` I asked.
She enjoys being in England.` He answered.
It must be nice.` I stated.
When`s the wedding?` he questioned.
There are still seven months but I have to
book the reception hall, the dress and
everything.` I told.
You seem worn-out.` He spoke.
They are so many days left but I am still
fretful; I feel like I am going to faint on the
day.` I laughed at my response.
Adam stopped the car in front of big house.
The neighborhood seemed nice.
What are we doing here?` I questioned while
we walked into the house.
Tell me if you like it; go on look around.` He
replied while he looked outside the windows.
It`s nice.` I spoke after taking the tour.
Is this your new house?` I asked.
It`s for you.` he answered.
Is this a wedding present? You know that I`ll
be going to 5ussia shortly after the wedding,
we are planning our honeymoon over there.` I
questioned while I was amused over what he
It`s for us.` Adam spoke out.
I was confused over what he said I am sorry
but I am not getting your point.` My mind was
rectifying over what he just told me.
Marry me.` He stated while he was down on
his knees with the ring box. It was a 26-carat
four cut pink diamond covered around with
yellow diamonds.
Adam it seems like you lost your mind.` I
stated furiously while I stepped back.
I am now in my right mind; now I know how I
feel about you, I am falling in love with you,
but I have loved you since we were kids.` He
was still on his knees.
It`s too late Adam, I am engaged.` I spoke
while tears filled my eyes.
Do not cry; I will make everything alright, I
love you.` he got up and kissed me and I was
overwhelmed by it.
I could not kiss him back I knew I could not
my heart longed for Stiles only now. I pushed
him away Please do not forget who you are; I
am somebody`s fianc.` I stated back while I
sat on the couch.
I am telling you that I love you, why do not
you consider.` He stated feverishly.
He loves me too Adam; I asked you before
whether if I told you that I am falling in love
with you, you remember your reply.` I said
while I covered my face.
I will think its infatuation.` He responded
Then what you have is also an infatuation.` I
replied while looking up at him.
I think I should leave.` I got up.
He tried to walk closer Adam please I love
you, too. Do not make me hate you over this.
You are my best friend and I hope to see you
on my wedding day; and being happy about it.`
I was about to take my leave.
We can still be together.` He stated out.
I do not want to be sinned like this, me and
Stiles; now only death will do us apart.` I
walked out the house.
I was in the cab when Stiles called` Where are
you honey?` he asked sounding worried.
I will be at home in fifteen; why is something
wrong?` I asked.
We have to pick the rings; I am waiting for
you we will have lunch together.` He replied.
Yeah I will be there.` I replied and ended the
I saw Stiles waiting in the living room while I
walked into the house. He was wearing a black
t-shirt with black jeans and a white jacket. He
was tall and handsome. His eyes sparkled every
time I saw him which made me fall in love
with him.
He kissed me when he saw me. I responded to
his every touch. Let`s go.` He said while he
grabbed my hand.
I think I should dress more appropriate.` I
spoke. I was wearing belted twill shorts with
floral cutout cotton tank.
You look great; let`s go.` And we headed out.
You look a little distressed.` He spoke while
It`s nothing just anxious over the wedding.` I
lied because I was already going crazy over
what Adam said.
We could not decide the wedding ring even
after two hours. I never thought picking rings
would be difficult.` I spoke while we sat back
in the car.
I know; let`s eat I`m hungry, what would you
like?` he asked.
I`ll just have coffee.` I replied back.
You should eat more; you are slimmer than
before.` He pointed out while looking at my
waist and grinned while he ran his hand
through my hair.
It just looks like that.` I declared.
When we headed back to the house Valerie was
heading out Where are you going?` I asked.
I have to meet the caterer; look out for Aaron`
she spoke while she handed her 2 month old
I nodded and took Aaron from her.
It seems like he`s already used to your
presence.` Stiles spoke while he opened the
Seems like that.` I spoke.
You look great holding him.` He declared
while he kissed my forehead.
Lola was sleeping when I entered the room
Sorry the room`s a mess.` I stated to Stiles
who walked behind me.
Hold him for a while; I have to change.` I
handed Aaron over.
When I came outside Aaron was fast asleep
Come-on let`s take you to your room.` I held
Aaron back and headed towards the nursery.
Stile`s was on the call when I returned from the
nursery. Who was it?` I asked while tying my
hair up.
Mother was calling; she wanted us to meet her
tonight.` He replied.
Okay; you want tea?` I asked while I walked
towards the kitchen.
The baby monitor alarmed out Ah, he woke
up.` I stated while walking upstairs.
I will be back in the evening be ready; I have
to go for now.` Stiles stated and walked outside
the house.
It was 7:00 when Stiles came to pick me up.
We headed towards there mansion. Didn`t she
say what the matter was regarding?` I asked
Nah; she just said it`s something urgent.` He
stated back.
When we entered the house Mrs. Sergei was
reading a book. Hello mother.` Stiles spoke.
Hello mother-in-law.` I spoke after him.
Welcome; I was just waiting for you.` she
You look pretty good together.` Mother-in-law
Thank you.` I smiled back at her.
Let`s discuss the matter over dinner.` She
continued and walked towards the dining room.
I have a request to make.` She spoke.
Yes mother.` Stiles answered.
I want you guys to hurry with the marriage.`
She stated while taking a sip of wine.
I know it will be a little difficult for you but
Stiles has to return to 5ussia as soon as
possible; we want you to go with us when we
return.` She continued.
Anything you desire mother-in-law.` I stated
while looking at Stiles.
We will forward the wedding date; it would be
at the end of next month.` She spoke.
I will talk to your parents tomorrow. Let`s eat
now` she continued.
After the dinner was over Stiles was about to
drop me off.
Just a month left now; I think she will want an
heir soon too.` Sighed and looked outside the
No pressure.` Stiles grabbed my hand. We
will have kids after our graduation not anytime
soon; sure she will hope for it because I am her
only son.` He smiled.
He dropped me off and headed back to his
house. Adam tried calling me but I never
picked the call.
The wedding invitations went out and I was
holding my wedding card.
Youre cordially invited to the wedding ceremony of
Kathleen Joann Marie Wakefield
Stiles Antony Wesley Sergei
Together with their families request the honor of your presence
for the celebration of their marriage.
Knock-knock` Valerie entered the room.
It`s exciting right.` She continued.
Is Aaron asleep? I asked
Yeah he just slept right now.` She sat down
on the bed with Lola.
I heard you are not talking to Adam.` She
It`s not like that; lately I have not got the time
to meet him.` I replied while I curled my hair
We have to pick out the dresses today.`
Valerie reminded me.
Valerie was of course going to be my maid of
honor; Tasha and Vanessa were the
The location for the wedding was the Saint
Andrew`s chapel; it had a great sea view. The
theme was Orchids with dark pink
The day finally arrived. I was wearing a Vera
Wang custom made ivory colored sexy A-line
sleeveless strapless appliqu Lace court train
gown which had beading as embellishment.
The veil covered my face; all the way back to
the train of the gown. With Valentino Studded
suede sandals. Solange Azagury- Partridge
Lone star Baby 18-karat gold star earrings.
Anita ko 18-karat gold diamond dagger
necklace. I was waiting to be called out.
Instead I saw Valerie crying her eyes out What
happened?` I asked anxiously.
Stiles... ` and she broke into sobs again.
My heart gave a lurch and nearly leaped out.
What in god`s name could have happened to
him? ..
Valerie, tell me what happened. Quickly, you
are scaring me.`
Is he alright? I could feel a vise squeezing my
chest as I asked the question and Valerie kept
crying uncontrollably.
He... had an accident...on the way here...they
called the paramedics.`
Oh my god....` My eyes squeezed shut as I
heard her and dropped back on the chair. It felt
like I was falling into abyss.
He`s dead.` My entire world dropped when I
heard her. It must be a mistake.` I continued to
talk. It`s not true.` I shouted as tears spangled
my eyes, every fiber of my body received a
fatal shock I was fighting for air.
It`s true.` Valerie wailed miserably.
They called from the hospital they couldn`t
reach in time.` She continued. We have to go
to the hospital.` She spoke while grabbing me
I could not stop my tears. Without a warning.
Without a sound without saying goodbye; he
was gone.
Everything which was about to be dear and
wonderful was now agonizing and
excruciatingly hard.
When we reached the hospital, I insisted on
seeing him. Wanting to see my to-be husband;
wanting to be alone with him. I was shell shock
when I came outside the room. I said my good-
bye to him.
After the hospital visit Stiles parents headed out
for the funeral home.
When I walked into the house with Valerie I
paused and looked at myself, I was still in the
wedding gown wearing my veil. Is this really
happening? I could not believe it.
I want someone to tell me it`s not true.` I
shouted out to Valerie. I want you to tell me
it`s not true.` I was crying on the ground
Please deny this.` The night was long too
exhausted to sleep.
His car-brakes failed and they crashed into
another car.
Instead of white I was wearing black now, I
could not believe it was Stiles funeral. I am
sorry for your loss.` Adam sat next to me.
I looked at him and tears filled my eyes. I
could not say anything. I just cried quietly.

Chapter 13
Six years passed since Stiles died. I
remembered every moment of everyday I had
with him. Mommy let`s play.` Victor was
shouting while running downstairs.
How many times have I told you not to run on
those stairs; its dangerous` I was yelling at my
two year old son.
I got married after three years to Adam. The
world stopped for me the moment Stiles eyes
closed at me, but everybody thought that
getting married would be the best thing.
Let`s go get your dad.` I spoke while I walked
into Adam`s office.
I told you I will give you the money; I am at
home right now, but you cannot tell anyone
about the accident, nobody needs to know that
his car brakes were failed.` I could not believe
the words Adam just spoke Daddy we are
waiting.` Victor entered the office. Adam
turned around and saw us standing.
I have to go.` He ended the call.
Let`s go.` He picked Victor up. Come on
darling.` He tried to grab my hand but I let go.
I will come outside in a while.` I rushed
upstairs and wrote what I just acknowledged
Who were you talking to right now? I
questioned when I went outside.
Just a colleague from the office.` He continued
playing with Victor.
Please tell me you had nothing to do with
Stiles accident; because I heard you say car
brakes disabled intentionally.` I pointed out
We will talk about it later; how can you ask
something like this in front of him.` He stated.
Do not avoid the question.` I was yelling at
him now.
I do not have anything to say to you.` he spoke
while he grabbed Victor and went inside.
This means you did it.` I walked inside
accusing him.
Tell me that you did not do that.` I was
literally begging him.
You yourself told me that only death will do
you guys apart.` He laughed after saying that.
I was shocked, half shaken Victor we have to
go to Aunt Valerie`s house.` I shouted out.
Victor is not going anywhere; and neither are
you.` Adam declared as he went to lock the
I grabbed the keys and Victor; ran upstairs to
my room, and locked the door behind me. I
heard Adam walk upstairs Katy open the
door.` He sounded normal.
I opened the window and planned to escape.
Katy open the damn door; let me explain, you
know I love you.` he was shouting.
Victor no matter what you have to stay quiet
okay.` I grabbed Victor and walked outside to
the balcony. With the help of the ladder we
climbed down.
I drove the car straight to Valerie`s house and
left Victor with the maid and left a note` I will
be coming back, take care for him; and do not
let Adam pick him up. He hired someone to fail
the brakes of Stiles car. No matter what do not
hand Victor over to him. You are his God
Mother. Maybe I knew the truth long ago but I
could not accept it until I heard it myself. I am
leaving something else for you too; read it.`
When I came out of Valerie`s house I saw
Adam`s car. He grabbed my hand and pushed
me into the car.
You know I love you.` He constantly kept
saying that.
He parked the car near the riverside You have
to forgive me that was the only way we could
have been together.` He stated out.
You love me so much that you killed someone
I loved. You could not see my happiness? I was
happy with him.` I was yelling back at him.
You only loved me; we are the ones who got
married, we have a son.` Adam spoke
I married you because Stiles died. If I knew
you killed him I never would have done this
with my life. I want a divorce.` I looked at him.
I love you.` he stated again.
And I cannot look at you anymore. I cannot
love you. In fact I never loved you. You knew
it clearly. And what you call love is just an
infatuation.` I spoke and was about to head
You cannot leave me. I did too much to have
you; I cannot let you leave like this.` Adam
was grabbing me.
Adam please let go of me it hurts.` I was
trying to let go but my foot slipped. I felt the
waters puncture my chest.
I stopped reading the diary and placed it aside in my
drawer. Kathleen passed away that day; she was drowned
by the person who loved her. Adam was sent to a
mental facility. The truth about Stiles death was never
told to anyone. Victor will find the truth about his
parents someday. He will find about the extent of rage
his father called love and the innocence of her mother
which caused her death. But for now hes my son.
The hard truth was that maybe they loved each other
too much that they could not see the destruction they
were causing each other. Maybe thats what fate decided
for them.
The question was not whether Adam truly loved her? It
was whether he loved her enough to see her happiness.
Valerie; the kids are calling you.` It was
Antonio calling me.

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