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Apocalypse: The Second World War is a six-part documentary about the Second

Word War. Is an exciting documentary, that I saw for the first time on National
Geographic Channel a few years ago. Since then, I am watching it fully every
time I see it on TV, even if it has six parts of about one hour each.
The documentary is composed exclusively of actual footage of the war, filmed by
soldiers or war correspondends risking their lives to let us know about what
happened then. Also, most of the film has been colorized, so this makes it more
emotional and captivating. It describes the atrocities of the war, showing us how
terrible was this period. For me is hard to imagine how such a big disaster could
be caused by such a small number of people...
I like this documentary very much, but I think it could be a litle bit
restructurized, as there are many historical events presented in an non-
chronological order, and tis could be a little bit confusing for someone who don’t
know anything about the Second World War...
I recommend it to anyone who likes history, and who wants to know more about
wars and about humanity’s mistakes, to know what was done wrong in the past,
to not repeat the same mistakes in the future…

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