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Matt Haig’s latest novel, “The Midnight Library”, made its way into
my hands on an early summer day. Captivated by the excellent
reviews and intrigued by the title choice, I embarked on a journey
alongside Nora Seed, a woman in her mid-thirties whose life is filled
with regrets and missed opportunities. The first sentence is already
heavily charged and sets the tone for a book that would be mainly
focused on the understanding of the human condition.

Nora decided she wants to die. She isn’t short of intelligence or

talent, but life continuously sent curve balls in her direction that
didn’t allow her to succeed. She seems to have finally given up after living for so long full of
suffering and regrets. She lost her best friend and her brother, and her relationships seem to
have all reached dead ends. On a fateful night, after her cat had just died and she had lost her
job, Nora proposedly overdoses. At the stroke of midnight, caught between life and death, she
finds herself in a never-ending library filled with books – the midnight library. Each book, a life
full of possibilities and “what ifs”, giving her the opportunity to experience each of these lives,
had she chosen differently, on a journey to find fulfilment and contentment in her true sense
of self.

The concept of the Midnight library allows the readers, as they take in all of Nora’s possible
lives and “what ifs”, to reminisce about their own regrets and missed chances. It answers the
old philosophical questions of “what if I had chosen differently, would I be happier?” and how
the definition of happiness must be something we find out for ourselves. Matt Haig’s flowing
writing style and detailed descriptions are, in my eyes, what really sold this concept. It may
seem foreign at first, but The Midnight library becomes something that we can picture
perfectly as the story develops.

Due to the subject at hand, the book takes a deep dive into mental health, regarding struggles
such as depression, overwhelming sadness, loneliness, the weight of regret and how to
embrace yourself in order to reach your full potential. Nora’s journey is, above all else,
heartbreakingly honest, and raw, not shying away from her moments of weakness and self-
doubt. An example of what I’m referring to is this excerpt from the book: “That was how she


had felt most of her life. Caught in the middle. Struggling, flailing, just trying to survive while
not knowing which way to go. Which path to commit to without regret.”

Considering everything, I undoubtedly recommend this book to anyone who has interest or
struggles with mental health or knows somebody who does. It will definitely put things into
perspective whilst giving great insight into their thought process. Besides, this book is very
accessible and manages to touch all of these harsh subjects in a way that allows the reader to
see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe that everything will turn out okay.


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