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21st Century Literature

Unit 2 Activities Week 5

Activity 1

Directions: Read the following given Literary Devices and write an example for each on your answer
sheet. Observe proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation and everything. 2 points for each item.

1. Alliteration is the repetition of similar sounds, either consonants or vowels, at the beginning of
closely spaced words.
Suffering Stan stays in the sun to keep from having to stutter.

2. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds that form internal rhymes in a line.
Faye’s days are lazy and wasteful.

3. Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the end of words.

Wash the leash off of mush to keep Ash from having a rash.

4. Onomatopoeia is the use of words that mimic the natural sound of what is being described.
buzz, meow, bark, hiss, squeak

5. Repetition is the repetition of words or phrases to form rhythm or to emphasize an idea.

“In every cry of every man,
In every infant’s cry of fear In every voice,
In every ban
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear”
Excerpt from “London” by William Blake

6. Rhyme is the repetition of identical (or similar) sounds in two or more words, most often at the
end of lines in a poem. Write your own short poem with at least 4 lines. (5 Points)

7. An analogy is a comparison that presents the similarities between two concepts or ideas.
“Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.”

8. A cliché is a word, a phrase, a sentence, or a whole text that used to be perceived as clever but
has become démodé.
raining cats and dogs
lovely as a rose
quick as lightning

9. Connotation is the suggestive meaning of the word, one that is not its literal meaning in the
green home
green products
green living
10. Euphemism is used to substitute for a description that is considered harsh or blunt. This
figurative language is most often used for delicate matters such as sex, death or violence, and
embarrassing topics.
She is with our Creator now.

11. Hyperbole is a gross exaggeration to achieve an effect, usually for humor or emphasis.
I was dying of boredom while I was waiting in line.

12. Metaphor compares two seemingly unlike objects that have similar characteristics without the
use of like or as.
The assignment was a breeze.

13. Personification is a statement or statements wherein an animal, object, or abstract idea is given
human attributes or characteristics.
The flowers bathe in sunlight, and the grass reached out to the sky.

14. Simile compares two seemingly unlike objects by using the words like or as.
Our soldiers are as brave as lions.

Activity 2
Directions: Enumerate the following Literary Devices. Write your answer on your answer sheet. In any
order. 1 Point each item.

15 – 18. What are the four Other Literary Techniques?

19 – 23. What are the 5 parts of Plot in Elements of Prose?
24 – 26. Name the 3 (three) conflicts/problems/Challenges that may be faced by the characters in the
27 – 30. Name the 4 Vantage Point or Perspective in storytelling.

Activity 3
Directions: In your own words. What is the difference between flashback and foreshadowing? Write
your answer on your answer sheet. (3 Points)

Additional Instructions: For Group A – You are going to answer these

activities on the spot during our class schedule this week.

While for Group B – You are tasked to submit your answers on Monday or
Tuesday depends on the 1st day of meeting next week based from your class
schedule of 21st Century Literature.

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