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American Inside Out Evolution Intermediate

Unit 7 Test
Name ___Karla Rosales____ Score ______/50


1 Read the definitions and complete the words.

a) If you want something really badly and you’ll do anything to get it, you are
desperate________ .
b) When someone says one thing but does the opposite they are being hipocritical_ .
c) Models need to be photogenic________ as it’s really important they look good when they
have their photo taken.
d) A person who doesn’t take other people’s feelings into consideration is insentive________ .
e) When you think about something all the time, you are obsessed________ .
f) This photo makes you look a bit strange. It’s very unflattering________ .


2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

arrested burglar chase court escorted officer stolen traffic

a) There was a long __chase______ , but in the end the police couldn’t catch the robbers.
b) Can you look around and see if anything has been _stolen_______ ?
c) I can’t believe they’ve _arrested_______ Jake! I’m sure he’s innocent.
d) There seem to be a lot more ___traffic_____ police on the roads than there used to be.
e) The __burglar______ was caught red-handed climbing in through the window.
f) This morning three men appeared in ___court_____ charged with robbery.
g) My sister is a police _officer_______ . She works in Newcastle.

American Inside Out Evolution Intermediate Unit 7 Test 1

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2017
Verb patterns

3 Underline the correct words.

a) I don’t mind to have / having my photograph taken if I’m asked first.

b) People have to realise that celebrities / realise celebrities that are people just like them.
c) Sam told her / told to her not to get upset about it.
d) I think we need to try / trying and do something about the situation.
e) Most people agree to / that privacy is important.
f) I really enjoy to travel / travelling for my work.
g) I’ve asked to him / him to help us find a way out of here so we can avoid the crowds.
h) Jess wanted to / that take a photograph of her favourite actor, but he didn’t turn up.


4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

a) Police arrested two men for driving too fast on the motorway.
Two men were have been arrested for driving too fast on the motorway___________ .

b) Robbers broke into a museum and stole a diamond worth $100,000.

A diamond worth $100,000 was broken robbers into a museum and stolen__ .

c) The government will introduce some new policies later this year.
Some new policies later this year will be introduced by the government_____ .

d) A construction company finished the new extension to the airport.

A new extension to the aiport has been finished by contruction_________.

e) The judge sentenced a man to five years in jail for kidnapping.

A man was sentenced to five years in jail for kindanpping by the judge _________ .

f) A reporter is giving us an update on the latest situation.

An update on the latest situation _is being given by a reporter___________________ .

g) Someone has put up embarrassing photos of me on the internet.

Embarrassing photos of me have been put up on the internet _______________ .

American Inside Out Evolution Intermediate Unit 7 Test 2

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Useful phrases
5 Complete the conversations with the appropriate phrase from the box.

congratulations how annoying how exciting lucky thing sorry to hear that
sounds interesting that’s terrible

a) A: I was watching a really interesting documentary on TV last night and the power went off.
B: Oh, how annoying___________________ .

b) A: Have you heard? I’ve got a new job.

B: Oh, _congratulations__________________ !

c) A: I’m going to New York next week.

B: You _lucky thing __________________ !

d) A: I’ve just heard that Bob’s had a really bad accident.

B: Oh that´s terrible________________ .

e) A: I’ve just started writing for our college magazine.

B: That sound interesting___________________ .

f) A: I’ve got to go into hospital next week for an operation.

B: I’m _sorry to hear that__________________ .

g) A: I start my new job tomorrow.

B: Oh, _how exciting__________________ !

American Inside Out Evolution Intermediate Unit 7 Test 3

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Past participles

[Track 17]

6 Listen and underline the verb in each group with the different past participle

a) checked asked believed

b) described forced involved
c) escaped expected stopped
d) named reported treated
e) needed used arrested

[Track 18]

7 Listen to the news. Underline the correct answer to the questions.

a) Where were the four prisoners who escaped on Saturday found?

(1) in a bar (2) behind the prison (3) in a wood

b) Where is Daniel Rimes?

(1) in prison (2) nobody knows (3) at his home

c) What is Jasmine La Riva’s punishment for her crime?

(1) She has to do community work. (2) She has to apologise. (3) She has to pay a fine.

d) Who did Jasmine La Riva hit?

(1) her lawyer (2) two photographers (3) her boyfriend

e) Who was the painting by?

(1) an old woman (2) an unknown artist (3) Lily Johnson’s father

American Inside Out Evolution Intermediate Unit 7 Test 4

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8 Read the newspaper extracts. Match the headlines in the box to paragraphs 1-5.
There is one extra headline.

Title race over Robber escape from police Gold robbers caught
Bad news for the economy Inflation soars Evidence of water found by probe

(1) _Bad news for the economy_______________________

Interest rates are set to rise again after banks announced a loss of almost $200 billion over the past six months.
The news caused stock markets around the world to fall. The rise comes a week after the government announced
a rise in unemployment for the third month in a row.

(2) __Evidence of water founf by probe______________________

NASA scientists have discovered ice on Mars. Leading experts had always thought that the possibility was there,
and now they have proof. The three year mission to the planet has faced many problems and has been criticised
in Congress. This discovery is good news for the scientists at NASA.

(3) __ Gold robbers caught______________________

Last night three men were arrested and charged with robbery. The arrests come a week after a robbery at
Heathrow Airport. The robbers had got away with over £25 million in gold stored in a warehouse near Terminal 5.

(4) __Inflation soars______________________

The cost of living is at its highest for five years. Prices in shops are up 10% on those from last year. Figures
released today show that the biggest increases have been in food prices, with daily items such as bread, milk and
vegetables costing around 25% more.

(5) ___Title race over_____________________

In the sports news – Manchester United are 5 points clear with two matches left. So, for the third year running it
looks as though the club will be crowned champions. Mathematically, Chelsea and Aston Villa can still catch
them, but with one of the games against Arsenal, who have already been relegated, the chances look slim.

American Inside Out Evolution Intermediate Unit 7 Test 5

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2017

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