Letter To Governor Youngkin

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Dear Governor Youngkin,

I recently learned of your administration’s proposal to remove important protections for

LGBTQIA+ students as outlined in the new Virginia Department of Education “Model Policies
for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools.”

These new policies effectively revoke the established rights of LGBTQIA+ students, one of the
most vulnerable and at-risk groups. More than half of transgender and nonbinary youth have
seriously considered self-harm and suicide. To ignore and exacerbate their needs amid a broader
mental health crisis will only pour fuel on an ongoing crisis in communities throughout Virginia.

These proposed changes are not just bad policy, they are also cruel. Among other things, they
would prohibit students from being addressed by their real names and pronouns, deny students
access to facilities that align with their gender identity, and potentially force schools to out
LGBTQIA+ students.

When looking back on the painful history of the struggle for civil rights in Virginia, it is
important to remember that future generations will not look kindly on leaders who fail to stand
up for the basic civil and human rights of their fellow Virginians.

As Governor, I hope you will consider the importance of representing and standing up for all
communities – especially the most vulnerable among us – and reject these detrimental policy


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