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Grade Level: GRADE 12

PERFORMANCE TASK # 1 DATE: 09 – 16 - 2022 Semester: 1ST


Name: Tolentino, Justine Matthew C.

TEACHER: Mr. Bryan Llamado

Instruction: Compose a narrative essay about the given topic with a minimum word of 200. (20 points)
Question: What do you think is the major influence of the four major literary periods to the 21st century literature? 
Literature is always entertaining. The way we read has undergone radical change and evolution as a result of technological advancement. However, the fundamental nature of narrative and its
influence on our lives have not changed. Through literature, one can travel through time and learn about life on Earth from those who came before us. We can learn more about different
cultures and develop a deeper appreciation for them. We get knowledge via the methods used to record history, including manuscripts and verbal communication.

The four great literary eras have had a significant impact on how 21st-century literature is written, as can be observed. It has been expertly prepared with a high degree of independence,
solid subject knowledge, and substantial evidence, and is now made available in digital formats. Great artistry can be viewed as the outcome of a fusion of writing genres from earlier literary
eras. The literary works of the twenty-first century literature exhibit a great degree of independence. It is full of vivid imaginations and is distinctive in its own right. Literary works from the
twenty-first century have significant content knowledge and ample supporting data. The majority of literature is based on genuine stories.

It can be divided into four primary periods, each with distinctive characteristics, prominent authors, and exemplary works. The Colonial and Early National Period (17th century to 1830),
The Romantic Period (1830 to 1870), Realism and Naturalism (1870 to 1910), The Modernist Period (1910 to 1945).

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