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1. Read and complete the blanks using the suitable translation method.
- Preserves the theme, plots, characters only
- The SL culture is converted to the TL culture
- A kind of rewriting the text in translation
- Used for: Plays, poems, songs, advertising, tourism
- freer than semantic translation
- gives priority to the effectiveness of the message to be
- focuses on factors such as readability and naturalness
- -> Both the content and the language are readily acceptable and
comprehensible to the reader
- Used for : informative texts 
- Words are translated in context
- BUT uncompromising to TL
- Transfer cultural words
- Does not naturalize
- Often read like a translation
- Used for: Literary translation; Authoritative texts; Drafts 
- Reproduce the matter without the manner; the content without
the form of the original
- Paraphrases much larger than the original
- Used for: Informative translation; In-house publication
- Reproduce the ‘message’ of the original
- Prefers colloquialisms and idioms which do not exist in the
- Outcome: lively, ‘natural’ translation
- SL grammatical structures are converted to their nearest
equivalent in the TL
- BUT words are still translated singly, out of context.
- Used for: Pre-translation process to identify problems; Basis of
poetry ; 'translation' for poet who does not understand SL
- More flexible than faithful translation
- Translating certain cultural words into neutral equivalents in the
- Great focus on aesthetic features of ST (at expense of meaning if
- Close rendering of metaphors, collocations, technical terms,
slang, colloquialisms, unusual syntactic structures and
collocations, peculiarly used words, neologism, badly written or
inaccurate passages
- Used for: Texts that have high status: e.g., religious texts, legal
texts, politicians’ speeches; Expressive texts: e.g.,  literature
- SL word-order is preserved
- Non-grammatical
- Words are translated by their most common meanings, out of
- Used for: Information about SL; Language learning (mechanics of
language); Pre-translation process of difficult text in order to gain
sense of meaning
2. Complete the grid with the suitable translation method.
SL TG Method
Action speak louder than Nói ít làm nhiều.
As strong as a horse. Khoẻ như trâu.
But I was one -and- twenty, Nhưng em mới 20
No use to talk to me. Lời khuyên như gió thoảng
He always gives her a Anh ấy thường xuyên đưa
flower. cô ấy 1 bông hoa.
He goes to a local market. Anh ấy đi tới một địa
phương chợ.
He is a book-worm. Anh ấy là con mọt sách.
It rains heavily. Trời mưa nặng hạt.
It was a lovely garden with a Đó là một khu vườn thơ
soft green grass. mộng, cỏ mềm xanh um.
It was my fault, I refused to Vẫn là vì anh sai, vẫn là anh
compromise. cố chấp ngày dài.
She is a cyberbullying victim. Cô ấy bị ném đá.
She is an intelligent girl. Cô ấy là một thông minh cô
She went on a blind date Hôm qua, cô ấy đi xem mặt.
There is a book on the table. Có một quyển sách trên
They finally jumped to a Cuối cùng, họ đã đưa ra kết
conclusion. luận.
Thornbird Tiếng chim hót trong bụi
mận gai
When breath becomes air Khi hơi thở hóa thinh không

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