Quick Engagement

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Quick Engagement

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/39373563.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV)
Relationship: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Aaron
Hotchner/Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Character: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
Additional Tags: Smut, Gay Sex, Boys Kissing, First Time, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Anal
Fingering, Lingerie, Anal Plug, Double Anal Penetration, Handcuffs,
Blindfolds, Threesome - M/M/M, Rimming, Whipping, Light Masochism,
Rape Fantasy, Public Hand Jobs, Multiple Orgasms, Edgeplay,
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-06-01 Chapters: 6/6 Words: 20168

Quick Engagement
by sorry_yall


"Do you ever feel, out of control, doing this job? I can't help but feel, frustrated, consumed
by work, and, I don't know," he trailed off.
"What else?" Reid pressed.
"Well, with all the work I don't have time for much else. I guess I'm just a little, pent up,
you know? God, this is taking a turn that I didn't see coming," Hotch breathed, leaning his
elbows onto his desk and putting his head in his hands.

"Hey, it's okay, I," Spencer instinctively reached forward and placed his hands on Aaron's
forearms, then quickly withdrew as he realized what he'd done. "I understand. Just, you can
tell me anything, there's nothing to worry about."
It took a lot not to chase Spencer's hands as they left his skin. He suddenly couldn't
remember if he'd ever thought about the kid like that before, but either way he was glad he
was sitting at a desk.


Slight mention of rape/rape fantasy ensues

Chapter 1

"Everything okay, Hotch?"

Spencer had waited for everyone else to leave at the end of the day, then ventured into the
doorway of Hotch's office. The man clearly was having a rough time of it, and Spencer felt
compelled to find out what was going on.
"I, I'm alright," Aaron sighed, running a hand through his hair as he turned to face Spencer from
his seat at his desk. The younger man was shifting uncomfortably in the doorway, clearly not sure
whether to stay or leave, which in turn made Hotch uncomfortable.

"Sit down, would you?" Hotch encouraged.

"Yes sir, of course," Spencer answered, quickly moving to the chair opposite Aaron's.
"You won't tell anyone if I, you know, talk?"
"Go ahead. Whatever you want to say, I'm here."
Hotch was silent for a moment, formulating his thoughts, before he spoke.
"Do you ever feel, out of control, doing this job? I can't help but feel, frustrated, consumed by
work, and, I don't know," he trailed off.
"What else?" Reid pressed.
"Well, with all the work I don't have time for much else. I guess I'm just a little, pent up, you
know? God, this is taking a turn that I didn't see coming," Hotch breathed, leaning his elbows onto
his desk and putting his head in his hands.

"Hey, it's okay, I," Spencer instinctively reached forward and placed his hands on Aaron's
forearms, then quickly withdrew as he realized what he'd done. "I understand. Just, you can tell me
anything, there's nothing to worry about."
It took a lot not to chase Spencer's hands as they left his skin. He suddenly couldn't remember if
he'd ever thought about the kid like that before, but either way he was glad he was sitting at a desk.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Spencer ventured hesitantly.

"I, I just need, control. Release. Or I just need to work less," Hotch smiled slightly, hoping the
cover up attempt would lighten the mood. He watched Spencer think for a moment, attempting to
determine if he would like the outcome, until Reid finally opened his mouth to speak.
"I think I can, help you with that," he choked out.
"In what way?" Hotch smirked, now pressing on Spencer's nervousness about what he was about to

"Well, if I understand you correctly, and if I don't this will prove very awkward, your dedication to
your job leaves you no time for, personal connections. Your lack of control over the crimes we
chase people for leaves you with a feeling of helplessness. I believe I could help you with those, in
the same setting, if you wanted me to," Spencer admitted.
"Are you saying you'd, let me control you?" Hotch pressed as he slowly stood up.
"I would, if that would please you, sir," the younger man breathed.
"Would that please you?" Aaron questioned.
"Yes sir," Spencer groaned.

"Stand up," Hotch ventured, easing himself into it.

"Yes sir," Reid answered, unquestioning and prepared, as if he'd thought about this before. Quickly
closing the distance between them, Hotch wrapped Spencer's tie around his hand and pulled the
man in close.
"Are you prepared to submit?" he said through gritted teeth.
"Completely. Do whatever you need to me. Use me, hurt me, control me, sir," Spencer whimpered.
"Don't let me go too far," Aaron threatened.
"I promise, sir."

He yelped as Aaron suddenly gripped his hair, then allowed the man to push him to his knees.
Keeping a tight hold on Spencer's hair, he used his other hand to undo his slacks and take out his
cock. Reid took in a breath as he got a close up look at the man's dick. Sure, maybe he'd thought
about it before, but it was prettier than he could've imagined. Long, slender, slight upward curve,
and it practically had him salivating.
"You're a pretty sick guy, you know that?" Hotch growled. With a confused look, Reid opened his
mouth to speak, but the other man cut him off.
"Shut up and suck," Aaron snapped, pumping his dick a couple times then guiding it to Spencer's
mouth. The younger man eagerly took it between his lips, taking it halfway down and sucking

"Come on, you can do better than that," Hotch encouraged, pulling the younger man down further.
As he started to gag, Spencer put his hands on Hotch's hips, pushing back.
"What, you can give it but you can't take it?" Aaron reprimanded, but eased up a bit anyway.
"Don't like being on the receiving end of your rough treatment, do you?"

It was starting to make sense. They had recently had a case which involved multiple rapes. It
seemed as though Hotch was projecting the identity of the rapist onto him as a way to get some
sort of catharsis. Now that he knew what he was working with, he could better reciprocate.

Reid allowed Hotch to thrust into his mouth for a long moment, whining softly, half heartedly
pushing on the man's hips to sell his resistance without actually resisting. When the man's grip on
Spencer's hair loosened, he took his chance, pulling off and catching his breath before speaking.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry sir," he whimpered.
"I'll make sure of it," Hotch growled. Once again he got a hold of Spencer's tie, wrenching the man
to his feet almost faster than he could keep up. The younger man yelped as Hotch suddenly began
roughly palming his crotch.

"You're getting off on this, sick bastard," Aaron chuckled, and Spencer couldn't tell if he was still
in his fantasy or not. Either way, the man now knew he was hard as a rock. He bit back a groan as
Hotch gripped him, trying to convey distaste instead.

Spencer forgot to fight as Hotch shoved him face first against the nearest wall. The man still had a
tight grip on his tie which was now behind his head, and he could feel Hotch's forearm pinned
against the back of his neck. He groaned softly as Hotch pressed up against him, feeling the man's
breath on his ear.
"Please, I'll never do it again, I'm sorry," Spencer whimpered, remembering his role in the man's
"I don't believe you. Not yet. Once you get the full experience I'll start to trust your word," Aaron
growled in his ear. If Spencer was any younger he would've cum just from that.

With his free hand, Hotch reached around to undo Spencer's pants, letting them pool around his
ankles. He pushed his hand down the front of the younger man's boxers, gripping his balls.
"Oh my god," Spencer groaned.
"What was that?" Aaron reprimanded, squeezing tighter.
"Oh god, please, sir," he whimpered. Not sure what to do with his hands, one found itself gripping
the wrist of the arm against his neck, the other pressed against the wall.

Spencer moaned softly as Hotch pushed down his boxers, resisting the urge to rut against the wall
to gain some kind of friction. Aaron slid his hand over Spencer's ass, hitting it lightly and drawing
a gasp from the man. Reid whined as Hotch gripped his ass hard.

The man's grip suddenly loosened considerably and he let out a groan, and Spencer knew exactly
what he was looking at. That morning before work, Spencer, in an apparent lapse of logic, had slid
a plug inside himself, and he'd spent the rest of the day simultaneously trying to ignore it and give
into it.
"Spencer, you," Hotch breathed, clearly searching for words. The younger man groaned as Hotch
gently bit down on his hip. "You fucking slut," Aaron chuckled.

He couldn't help but let out a whining moan as Hotch pushed on the plug inside him, pressing it
against his prostate.
"Fuck, Hotch, more," Spencer begged, gripping the man's wrist tighter.
"Alright alright, shut up," Aaron threatened, twisting the plug inside Spencer before pulling it out
"Holy fuck," the younger man yelped, slamming his hand against the wall in response to the
moment of sharp pain as the plug was brutally removed.
"Shut up," Hotch repeated, pressing harder on Spencer's neck. "If you're okay and you understand,
say 'yes sir,' then be quiet, got it?"
"Yes sir," Spencer breathed, then fell silent.

"Let's see how much you like your own treatment," Hotch growled, spitting on his hand and
coating his cock with it. He'd felt some excess lube after taking the plug out, so he wasn't too
worried about Spencer not being prepped enough.
"I'm sorry, please, sir, I'm sorry," Reid whined as he felt Hotch's cock slide over his hole.
"And I thought you said you understood," Hotch sighed, then, without warning, pushed inside
Spencer in one smooth motion.
"Oh god, please," Spencer whimpered. In reality, it whatever small amount of pain was easily
overshadowed by the intense pleasure of the man finally being inside him. He'd never felt
something go so deep into him, and he desperately wanted to touch himself. But, for the sake of
Hotch's catharsis, he also wanted to pretend he didn't like it. The fact that he didn't need prepping
helped sell the fantasy that it hurt, now he just needed to finish selling it.

"Please, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again sir," the younger man pleaded.
"Fuck, Spencer, fuckin' tight," Hotch growled as he slowly moved in and out, letting up his arm a
bit. When the man leaned forward and kissed his cheek, his jaw, his neck, anything Hotch could
get to, Spencer could tell he was out of the fantasy.
"You alright, sir?" he breathed.
"Are you alright? Sorry, I got a little rough, didn't I?" Hotch said quietly as he gently pulled out and
turned Spencer around.
"No, I, I liked it," Spencer admitted.
"Did you now?" Hotch smirked, running a hand through Reid's hair and kissing his jaw.

Blushing slightly, Spencer took Hotch's hand in his and brought it to his aching erection.
"Mm, you did like it," Hotch grinned, lightly stroking Spencer's dick.
"God yes, sir," the younger man groaned. Spencer began undressing Hotch, desperate to see more
of him. As the man pulled him in for a kiss, Spencer let out a groan of pleasure and surprise. Their
tongues intertwined as they unbuttoned each other's shirts and let them fall to the floor. Hotch
briefly pulled away to strip off the rest of his clothes, then returned to kissing Spencer hard.

"Can I ask you something?" Hotch said suddenly after breaking the kiss, absentmindedly running
his fingers over the younger man's hip.
"Of course, sir, anything," Spencer answered with a slightly confused look.
"Have you, you know, taken it, much?" the man asked, not sure how to phrase what he was asking
"You mean, been penetrated?"
"Well, yes."
"Not much, no, honestly. Once or twice, and obviously, toys, but never," Spencer trailed off.
"Never what?" Hotch pressed, letting his hand move toward Spencer's balls.
"Holy--never felt anything so, deep inside me," the younger man breathed.
"I want to show you something," Hotch smirked, taking Spencer by the hand and leading him
towards his desk.

Hotch sat in his chair and held out his hands towards Spencer, giving him an expectant look.
"You want me to, can I, please, sir?" Spencer fumbled, desperately wanting to feel the man inside
him again but not wanting to overstep. Now that Hotch had gained catharsis, Spencer didn't know
if he was still wanted.
"Come here. Want your tight ass around me again," Hotch groaned.

Taking a deep breath, Spencer turned around, feeling Hotch's hands gently pulling on his hips, then
the man's dick at his ass once more.
"Fuck yes, want you inside me," Spencer whined.
"Just lean back sweetheart," Hotch encouraged, watching Spencer sink down on his cock.
"Goddamn, you're so good," he praised.

"Kiss me," Hotch encouraged as Spencer was nearly all the down. The younger man leaned back
and turned his head, pressing their bodies together and kissing him sweetly.

"Now look at this," Aaron grinned, sliding his hands over Spencer's hip bones. The younger man
looked down and took in a sharp breath. "You're so goddamn skinny, you can see me inside you,"
Hotch chuckled. Spencer could see the man's cock bulging through his abdomen slightly and he
couldn't help but run his fingertips over it, moaning softly.

"Oh god," Hotch groaned, feeling Spencer touching the tip of his cock while being inside him.
"Fuck, Hotch, just fuck me," Spencer pleaded, rolling his hips slightly.
"You wanna ride me?" Hotch grinned, nipping at the younger man's ear who moaned in response.
"Please sir, harder. I need you, control me. You may be satisfied but I need more," Spencer begged.
"You really are a slut," Hotch groaned, running his hand over the bulge in Spencer's abdomen.
"Loved it when you had me pinned against the wall like that," Spencer said in a low voice next to
Hotch's ear, moving his hips slightly. "Loved feeling you on top of me, inside me, enveloping me

Hotch groaned as Spencer nipped at his ear, taking in the man's words and deciding what he
wanted to do next.
"Mm, does this little slut need to be used?" Hotch smirked, ghosting his fingertips up the underside
of Spencer's cock.
"Yes sir," the man grinned, kissing Hotch's cheek.
"Bend over the desk, sweetheart," Aaron encouraged, and Spencer eagerly obeyed.

As Hotch laid a hand on his ass, Spencer melted into his touch, groaning softly.
"Do it Hotch, please," he whimpered. Reid yelped softly as Hotch suddenly gripped his hair,
leaning in close to his ear.
"Refer to me as sir or don't speak at all," he growled.
"Yes sir," Spencer breathed, shivering with excitement.
"Tell me what you need," Hotch encouraged, running a hand over Spencer's ribs and kissing his
"Need you to hold me down, fuck me hard, please sir," Spencer groaned as he tangled his fingers in
the man's hair.

"Give me your hands," Hotch growled next to Spencer's ear. He held his hands behind his back
and allowed Hotch to take both of his wrists in one hand. Spencer groaned as he felt Hotch's cock
press to his hole once again.
"Please, sir, fuck me, fuck me," he begged, pushing his ass back only for Hotch's free hand to hold
down his hip with a bruising grip.
"I'll get there in my own time. Now stop moving and be patient," the man threatened.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry," Spencer whined, quickly falling still.
"God, you need it so bad," Hotch marveled. He slid two fingers over Spencer's hole, feeling the
man flinch beneath him as a moan escaped his lips.
"Yes sir, please, I need it," the younger man whimpered.
"I want you to fuck yourself on my fingers, can you do that for me?" Aaron smiled.
"Yes, yes, please sir," Spencer begged.

He let out a low groan as Hotch pushed three fingers inside him.
"Fuck yes," he moaned, starting to move himself back and forth on the man's fingers.
"Don't forget your manners," Hotch growled.
"I'm sorry sir, I'm sorry," Spencer whimpered as he moved a bit faster, desperate for more. He
whined in protest as Hotch pulled his fingers away.

"Please, please, don't stop," the younger man begged.

"I think you need to learn some respect," Hotch growled. Spencer groaned as he felt cold cuffs
close around his wrists. With one hand on the cuffs and his other arm around the man's neck,
Aaron wrenched him upright, pressing their bodies together.

"You want me to be good to you, don't you? Touch you, make you feel good?" Hotch said into his
ear, moving his hand from the cuffs to Spencer's hip.
"Yes sir," Reid whimpered.
"So you'll be good to me, right?" The man nipped at his ear, then kissed his neck, drawing a
breathy moan from him.
"Yes sir. I want to make you feel good, please sir," Spencer begged, pressing closer to the other
"Do you now? And what is it you want to do for me sweetheart?" Hotch smirked.
"Anything you want, sir. Anything. Want to feel your whole body, memorize it. Put my mouth
around you, let you fuck my throat. Want you to use my hole however you want. Please, sir. I want
to do whatever you need and make you cum while doing it, sir," Spencer breathed.
"Now that's too kind darling," Hotch grinned, sucking a light hickey into Spencer's neck.

"Please sir, let me do something for you. Give me my hands and let me get on my knees, sir," Reid
said in the most sultry voice he could manage.
"Alright I'll bite. What is it you want to do?" Aaron smirked, uncuffing one of Spencer's wrists.
"Respectfully, sir, you'll just have to find out. Put your hands on the desk, will you sir?" Spencer
grinned as he dropped to his knees.
"Mm, what are you up to sweetheart?" Hotch purred as he turned around and placed his palms flat
on the desk. In response to Spencer pushing at his ankle, he spread his legs further.

Aaron groaned softly as he felt Spencer's hand slide up the back of his thigh, then between his legs
and up his cock.
"Oh, baby," Hotch breathed as the younger man's mouth closed around his balls, sucking lightly,
while slowly stroking his dick.
"You ready, sir?" Reid smirked.
"Come on, what are you planning?" Hotch frowned, growing impatient. He let out a shaky breath
as Spencer's mouth returned to his balls. Spencer then dragged his tongue over the other man's
perineum, then over his hole.
"Oh god, Reid," Aaron groaned.
"Good, sir?" Spencer winked, his hands on Hotch's ass as he licked at the man's hole again.
"Never felt anything like it," Hotch breathed.

"Sir, please," Spencer said between pushing his tongue inside the rim of the man's hole. "Fuck me,
fuck me, fuck me," he breathed against Hotch's skin.
"A bit more," Aaron groaned, feeling a rush of pleasure every time the younger man's tongue
pushed inside him. Chuckling quietly, Spencer eagerly lapped at the man's hole, returning one
hand to the man's dick.

"Please sir, I need it so bad, please fuck me sir," Spencer begged, repeatedly kissing the back of the
man's thigh.
"Alright alright, get up," Hotch laughed, grabbing Spencer's arm and pulling him to his feet. He
recuffed the man's wrists behind his back and bent him over the desk, a hand on the back of his
neck pinning him down.
"You want to get fucked that bad, huh?" Hotch smirked, running two fingers over Spencer's tight
"Yes, yes sir, I'm your slut who needs to be filled, please sir," Spencer whimpered, doing his best to
stay still.
"My slut, huh? Does that mean we get to do this again sometime?" Hotch chuckled.
"Only if you fuck me good and hard right now, sir," the younger man smirked.

Spencer whined softly as he felt the head of Hotch's cock slide over his hole.
"Yes, please sir," Spencer breathed, repeating the words under his breath so many times that they
almost lost meaning.
"I'll take care of you sweetheart, don't worry. I'll give you what you need," he groaned as he coated
his dick with saliva and began pushing in.
"Oh god yes, fuck, more, please sir," Spencer whimpered, feeling as though he could cry from
desperation. Somehow it felt even better the third time, the man's cock slowly sliding deeper and
deeper inside him.

He felt Aaron's hand rest on his abdomen as the man began gently rocking in and out. Hotch leaned
forward, kissing between Spencer's shoulder blades, then put his mouth next to the man's ear.
"Can't believe you haven't been fucked much. You're so pretty." Hotch settled into a rhythm of
drawing out slowly and emphasizing his words with a hard thrust in. "You're so pretty, so tight, so
warm," he groaned, running a hand through Spencer's hair. "I'm going to stop for a second, but
only for a second, okay? Don't worry, I'm not done with you yet," Hotch smiled, kissing Spencer's
cheek before standing up straight and gently pulling out.
"Please, sir," Spencer begged half heartedly. Hotch unlocked the cuffs, kissed each of the man's
wrists, then leaned in next to his ear again.

"I want you on your back, sweetheart," he growled.

"Yes sir," Spencer breathed, quickly flipping over and pulling one knee up to his chest.
"Mm, good boy," Hotch groaned, sliding his hand up the back of Spencer's thigh and holding it
down while using his other hand to guide his dick inside the man. Once settled inside him, he took
one of Spencer's hands in his own and placed both of their palms over the man's abdomen. As
Hotch started to move in and out at a faster pace than before, Spencer was overcome with pleasure,
feeling it both inside him and under his hand.

Aaron leaned forward onto his elbow, sweetly running his hand through the man's hair before
kissing him.
"Come on, sir. Get all sweet on me after you fill my hole with your cum," Spencer smirked, then
kissed the man hard.
"Alright baby, alright," Hotch chuckled, then began snapping his hips harder into the man beneath
"Oh god yes, sir," he moaned, instinctively tightening around Hotch's dick, in turn drawing a moan
from the man.

"Fuck me, fuck me," Spencer breathed, one hand gripping Hotch's arm and the other still feeling
his abdomen bulge on every hard thrust in.
"Fuck, getting close," Hotch groaned, moving his hips faster, feeling the tight heat of the younger
man's hole closing in around him.
"Cum inside me, sir. Fill me up," Reid begged, gasping as the man's cock grazed over his prostate.
Spencer pulled Hotch down for a hard kiss and he went over the edge the second their tongues
clashed, slamming into Reid one last time and holding there. Groaning loudly into the younger's
mouth, he rocked his hips slightly, letting Spencer's tightening hole milk out everything he had.

Hotch started to pull out, but Spencer's legs wrapped around his waist, holding him in.
"Wait, the, the plug, sir," he said quietly, almost sounding embarrassed. Chuckling softly, Hotch
looked around for where he left it, finding it to be just out of reach.
"I'm gonna pull out, and you're gonna hold it inside you for a second, alright?" Hotch smiled,
kissing the younger man after he whined and nodded.

He pulled out slowly, Spencer tightening around him to savor every minute of it. Once Hotch was
completely out, the younger man tightened as much as he could and turned over onto his knees,
dropping his chest to the desk and keeping his ass at a high angle. He relished in the feeling of his
boss's cum inside him, warming his insides.
"Alright, relax sweetheart," Hotch encouraged, pressing the plug to his hole. Groaning softly,
Spencer loosened his hole and allowed Hotch to push the toy inside him.

"Turn back over, baby," Aaron smiled, Spencer quickly obeying and feeling the man's spunk
moving inside him. "Do you want to cum, sweetheart? Want me to make you cum?" Hotch said
next to his ear as he ghosted his fingertips up the underside of the man's erection.
"Kiss me," Spencer pleaded, placing his hands on the sides of Hotch's face. The man gave in,
kissing him lovingly, then pulled back.
"You don't want to cum?" Hotch asked with a confused look.
"Not, not yet," Spencer admitted, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Mm, you like denying yourself, don't you?" Hotch smirked, running his thumb over the tip of
Spencer's cock. "Do you do this to yourself? When you're alone? Get yourself right to the edge,
then stop? Maybe bring yourself there a few times, then force yourself to wait until the next day,
and maybe the next," Hotch pressed, focusing his thumb at the opening of the man's urethra.

Spencer whimpered and nodded, hips bucking slightly. He let out a breath he didn't know he was
holding in as Hotch moved away from the tip of his dick, instead lightly running two knuckles over
the length of it.
"Tomorrow morning, you and I will come here early, before anyone else is around. Then you can
make me cum, after I've, put in my due time. And I'll have a little surprise for you," the younger
man smiled sheepishly.
"Mm, now you want to be all controlling," Hotch chuckled.
"But for now, will you, uh, will you do something for me?" Spencer asked, running his knee over
Hotch's hip.
"Anything, sweetheart," the man smiled.
"Will you, suck me? Until I ask you to stop?" Spencer requested, blushing slightly.
"Of course, baby," Hotch grinned.
Spencer's hands flew to the back of Hotch's head as the man's mouth sank down on his cock.
"Holy fuck, sir," he moaned, thrusting slightly then falling still. His fingers tangled in Aaron's hair,
pulling gently while Hotch moved his mouth up and down. As the man continued, his breathing
became more and more ragged and labored, until he finally tugged harder on the man's hair.
"Stop, stop," he breathed, seconds away from cumming. Hotch quickly removed his mouth, but
couldn't help but kiss at his hip, then over his ribs, then his lips, gently and lovingly.

"Feeling any better, sir?" Spencer chuckled as he stood and allowed Hotch's embrace to envelope
"Much better," Hotch purred, then kissed his forehead.
"So I'll see you tomorrow morning?" the younger man asked expectantly.
"I'm anxiously awaiting this surprise of yours," Hotch smirked.
Chapter 2

"So, when do I get to find out what this surprise is?" Hotch pressed when Spencer entered his
"After you make me cum," Spencer grinned. Hotch stood from his chair and moved over to the
man, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him.
"Mm, and what is it you want me to do to you, little slut?" Aaron smirked, palming Spencer's
crotch through his slacks.
"Oh god, you call me that one more time and I'll cum on the spot," Spencer groaned, leaning into
Hotch's touch.
"Mm, we could really make you into our little slut," Hotch said in a low voice next to the man's
ear. "Pin you down, let everyone in the bureau with a dick fuck your hole until you're begging me
to let you up. I'd love to watch you get fucked for hours on end, see how many times you cum,
how many you can take before you start to cry."

"Fuck, Hotch, need more," Spencer whimpered, Hotch's words giving him all kinds of sick
fantasies. He groaned softly as he watched the man strip off his jacket, roll up his sleeve, then push
his hand down the front of his pants. Grabbing Hotch by the hips, Spencer kissed him hard,
moving them over to the desk and backing himself up against it. Reid took Hotch's free hand in his
own and kissed each of his fingertips, then toed off his shoes and unbuckled his belt.
"Want it inside me," he pleaded. Tossing aside his slacks and boxers, he took Aaron's hands in his
own and sat on the desk, wrapping his legs around the man's waist.

"Want it inside me," Spencer repeated. "Your whole hand. Want you to, find my prostate and
stimulate it until I'm begging you to stop."
"You're sick, you know that?" Hotch chuckled.
"Masochistic, actually," Reid grinned, then laid back on the desk and pulled one knee up and off to
the side.

Prepared this time, Aaron retrieved a bottle of lube from his pocket and slicked three fingers.
"Still feeling loose from last night?" Hotch smirked. The younger man gasped as Aaron pushed all
three fingers inside him.
"Oh fuck, that's, that's good," Spencer groaned. "Kiss me."
Hotch leaned forward onto his elbow and pressed their lips together in a soft kiss while pushing a
fourth finger inside the man.

After a bit more lubricant, Hotch carefully pushed his thumb into Spencer's hole.
"Holy, yes sir," he moaned, pulling the man in for another kiss. Hotch began moving his hand
slightly, searching inside Reid until the man groaned and gripped his arm.
"Fuck yes, right there, please sir," Spencer whined, feeling Hotch's knuckles massaging his
prostate. He groaned as Aaron's fingertips teased the head of his dick.
"Want to watch you cum, sweetheart," Hotch mumbled against Spencer's neck before kissing it
"Yeah, yeah alright, yes sir," Spencer breathed, pent up and already close to the edge.

Eyes closed, Spencer tilted his head back, moaning as Hotch's hand moved inside him. He'd never
felt so full, and he could've stayed like that forever. He yelped as Hotch's mouth suddenly sank
down on his dick. Hands shooting to the man's hair, their eyes locking, he came almost
immediately with a loud moan. Hotch continued lightly sucking while teasing his prostate until he
was whimpering and writhing beneath him.
"Fuck, please sir," Spencer whined, and the man gradually stopped, gently removing his touch
from the younger's hole.

With Spencer's cum still in his mouth, Hotch teased the man's lips apart and let some of it fall onto
his waiting tongue. He then pressed their lips together and they passed it back and forth until they
eventually swallowed.
"Will you tell me the surprise now?" Hotch grinned.
"I want you to go into the bathroom and clean yourself up," Spencer began, nodding to Hotch's
slick hand, "and when you come back you'll bend over the desk and find out. Alright?"
"Can't wait," Hotch winked, kissing the younger man one more time before leaving the room.

Aaron shivered with excitement as he returned to his office, seeing Spencer, now dressed, sitting in
his chair waiting for him.
"Better hurry up. People will be coming in soon," Spencer pressed. Hotch tried to hide his
eagerness as he leaned over the desk, reaching his arms above his head and gripping the edge of it
as Spencer deftly unbuckled his belt. He groaned softly as the younger man's hand slid over his
crotch for a moment while unzipping his slacks. His back arched slightly as he felt the cold air of
the room on his aching erection.

Hotch heard a cap click and barely registered what it meant before he felt Spencer's slicked finger
running over the rim of his hole.
"Fuck, Spencer," he groaned, then gasped quietly as the man's finger pushed inside him in one
smooth motion. He'd never been fingered, never even touched himself there, and it was a new
feeling to say the least.
"I'm gonna do this a bit quick, but I figure you'd rather be a bit uncomfortable than have your
subordinates see you like this," Spencer grinned.
"Just keep going, don't care if it hurts," Hotch breathed as Spencer's finger moved in and out.

He took in a sharp breath as a second finger pushed in, starting to feel the discomfort Spencer had
mentioned. When a third finger started to push in a few moments later, he white knuckled the edge
of the desk, groaning in pain and pleasure.
"Almost there, sir," the younger man smiled. Hotch decided to focus on breathing and relaxing
instead of asking where "there" was.

Spencer was distractedly moving his fingers in and out while setting up for the main attraction,
when Aaron suddenly jolted and let out a moan.
"Mm, right there, huh?" Spencer smirked, teasing Hotch's prostate.
"Wow, you're, that's good," the man breathed.
"I'm gonna need you to take a deep breath, alright?" Spencer encouraged. Hotch felt the man's
fingers leave his hole, and something a bit less warm press against him. "Deep breath and relax.
It'll hurt before it feels good but it will feel good," the younger man reassured as he began pushing
the plug inside Hotch.

Hotch took Spencer's advice and breathed deeply, wincing slightly as the plug got to its widest
point, then let out a soft groan as it settled inside him. Having hoped for a bit more than that, Hotch
flashed a look of confusion as Spencer stood him up and began fixing his clothes for him, tucking
in his shirt, doing up his slacks, making him look presentable.
"Mm, might want to sit at your desk for a while until you can calm down, sir," the younger man
smirked, palming Hotch's erection through his pants.
"That was your surprise? Torturing me?" Hotch groaned, getting used to the feeling of the plug
shifting inside him.
"Of course not. The surprise is mutual torture," Spencer grinned.
He watched the younger man reach into his pocket, then doubled over and groaned as the toy
inside him began to vibrate, gripping the corner of the desk. After a moment to get used to it, Hotch
regained his composure the best his could while Spencer grabbed his hand, then pressed something
into it.
"I have yours, and you have mine," he smiled.
"You mean," Hotch trailed off, then began messing with the object in his hand to answer his own
question. When Spencer moaned softly and braced himself on the desk, Hotch had his answer.

"You are both fantastic and infuriating," Hotch grinned, pulling Spencer in for a kiss. The younger
man glanced at the clock on the wall, then smiled and pulled back.
"Time to get to work, sir," he winked, taking one of the fingers he'd just had inside the man into his
mouth for a brief moment, then left Hotch's office right as Morgan walked in for work.
Chapter 3

Spencer was infuriatingly calm while Hotch was almost constantly stifling a groan. He could
barely focus on whatever case the rest of the team was discussing as the plug pulsed inside him.
Aaron didn't know how intensely the plug could escalate, but he figured it was at a pretty low level
at the moment. Almost as if the man could tell he was thinking about it, he watched Spencer
casually slip a hand into his pocket and the toy began vibrating slightly faster.

Hotch tried not the think about the fact that he was likely red in the face, beginning to sweat
slightly. After he got himself well enough under control to move his hand without it shooting to his
crotch against his will, he moved his left hand to his pocket, his right hand gripping the table, and
increased the level of the toy inside Spencer. The only indication that he felt it was a slight cough
as he shifted in his chair. As he had feared, Spencer retaliated, and Aaron could barely take it.
"I, excuse me, I need a minute," he said apologetically and started to stand up, but the toy suddenly
jumped up a few levels in intensity.
"Respectfully, sir, we really need you here, discussing the case," Spencer interjected. Hotch could
only nod wordlessly and sit back down.

Thankfully, Spencer decided to show him mercy after his moment of punishment and turned off
the vibrations completely. In thanks, Aaron did the same for him.


"I want everyone on the jet in thirty minutes."

The vibrations had stayed off for the rest of the briefing, allowing Hotch to compose himself and
reestablish his role of leadership. As everyone else moved to leave the room, the toy suddenly
turned back on at a high speed, warning him to stay put. Aaron managed to keep himself under
control and treat Spencer to the same, watching the younger man bite down on the end of his pen.

"I ought to fire you for insubordination," Hotch breathed when everyone had shuffled out.
"Mm, you'd miss me too much. Make sure to keep the seat next to you open on the jet." Spencer
winked. They both relented and turned off the other's vibrations as they stood up.


Spencer was sitting in the window seat on Hotch's right, Morgan and Prentiss across from them
still discussing the case. The younger man made like he was showing Hotch a picture related to the
case, but there was a sticky note on the middle of the picture.

Lay your jacket over your lap and put your right hand in your pocket

Hotch waited a bit, then casually did what was asked of him. After a moment of anticipation, he felt
Spencer's hand slip underneath his and into his pocket. He desperately wanted to jump the younger
man, fuck him right there in front of everyone, but instead he forced himself to keep from even
looking at Spencer. Aaron focused on keeping his breathing under control as Spencer teased his
thigh, his crotch, anything and everything he could reach inconspicuously.

Spencer glanced over at the two agents sitting across from them. The table between them seemed
to effectively hide the direction his lower arm was going. Prentiss was too preoccupied to notice,
but, as expected, Morgan seemed the slightest bit suspicious, or at least confused.
"I'll be right back," Morgan said quietly and moved to the bathroom. It didn't even occur to the
others that he was looking for privacy to convince himself that he hadn't been seeing anything
between Hotch and the kid. To calm himself down and try to stop thinking of them together.

Soon after Morgan left, Prentiss moved seats to talk with JJ, leaving Hotch and Reid with some
level of privacy. Hotch coughed slightly to keep from moaning as Spencer focused in on his dick,
stroking it as best he could. He gripped the younger man's wrist, hips bucking slightly.
"Do it," Spencer said quietly, making sure no one was too close. "Cum for me, sir."
"I can't," he breathed.
"Yes you can. Please, sir?"

Spencer turned on the plug inside the man, increasing the intensity slightly while moving his hand
faster. He endured Hotch's painfully tight grip on his wrist as he coaxed the man into cumming.
Hotch brought his fist to his mouth, biting down on his knuckle to keep himself from moaning.
Spencer stroked him through his release, gradually slowing down.
"Fuck, fuck, please, it's too much," Aaron breathed, starting to pull Spencer's hand away. The
younger man compromised, turning off the vibrations but leaving his hand in place. Eventually he
moved his hand away, locked eyes with Hotch as he briefly took his finger into his mouth, then
glanced over as Morgan returned to his seat.

"You alright, Hotch?" Morgan asked as he sat down, seeing the man practically breathless in his
"I'm alright," the man replied, calming down and sliding his left hand into his pocket to mess with
the remote. Spencer jolted slightly but played it cool as the plug inside him started to vibrate at a
low speed.

After someone called out they'd be landing soon, Hotch turned it off to give Reid a break. When
Morgan wasn't looking, Spencer placed his hand on Hotch's thigh for a brief moment to show he


It had been a long day and the team was settling into a hotel. Hotch inconspicuously hung back
around Reid, hoping the man would say something to him. Even though Spencer had made it clear
how he felt, he still didn't want to push the kid. Reid started to slow down his pace a little,
distancing himself from the others, and Aaron quickly followed suit.
"I want to see you later. Can I? See you?" Spencer asked quietly.
"Room 319," Aaron smiled, brushing his pinky against Spencer's.
"Hey, and, don't do anything without me, okay?"
"Mm, now why would I want to?"
"I'll see you in an hour or two," Spencer winked, then caught up with the team and entered the


Aaron instantly perked up when he heard a soft knock at the door. He quickly let Reid slid inside,
locking it behind the man, then gave him a sweet smile.
"Still got your tie on? What have you been doing all this time?" Spencer chuckled, playfully
tightening Hotch's tie.
"Waiting for you, sweetheart," the man smiled, then took Spencer into his embrace, kissing him
hard and catching him when he jumped, legs wrapping around his waist.

Hotch carried Spencer to the bed and laid him down, then crawled on top of him, continuing to kiss
him while gripping his thigh.
"Want you to control me this time," Aaron breathed against Reid's neck before kissing it.
"Mm, do you now?" Spencer chuckled
"Please," Hotch smiled.
"Take off your jacket and lay down, then," the younger man grinned, deciding what he wanted to
do with Hotch.

With his jacket on the ground and his hands above his head, he allowed Spencer to cuff him to the
bed. Straddling the man's hips, Spencer slowly tugged off Hotch's tie, then held it in front of his
face and gave him a questioning look.
"Yes, yes, anything you want," Hotch breathed. The last thing he saw was Spencer's sweet smile
before he was blindfolded with his tie.

Aaron took in a sharp breath as Spencer's lips pressed against his. He wanted desperately to
smother the man in his embrace. Tangle his fingers in Spencer's hair, slide his hands up the back of
his shirt, lay on top of him and press their bodies together until the end of time. But, his desire to
submit, to be pushed and forced and to please Spencer in any way possible, was what kept from
pulling against the cuffs.

Spencer's lips moved to his neck as he felt the man's hands at the collar of his shirt.
"I'm gonna unbutton this now, alright?" Spencer asked before kissing his throat.
"So alright. I'm for your use, sweetheart. Do whatever you need to me," Hotch groaned in response.
He felt Spencer suddenly go still, then heard him let out a shuddering breath. The man's forehead
pressed to his, and he could feel hands on the sides of his face.
"I adore you, Aaron Hotchner," Spencer said quietly, thumb absentmindedly stroking the other
man's cheek. Just the sound of his name rolling off Spencer's tongue was enough to have his
erection straining against the material of his slacks.

Reid kissed at Hotch's jaw while unbuttoning his shirt, slowly untucking it from his waistband and
leaving it splayed open, displaying his torso.
"So," Spencer began while sitting back on Aaron's hips, fingertips running over the man's
abdomen. "You want to be my little sex doll, huh? I bet there's some psychological--"
"You can be surprisingly callous sometimes," Hotch chuckled, cutting him off.
"Mm, but you do want to be my personal sex doll, don't you?" Reid smiled, ever so slightly rolling
his hips over the man's crotch.
"How many times will I have to ask you to use me before you do it?" Aaron breathed after stifling
a groan.
"You haven't answered my question, Agent Hotchner," Spencer grinned.
"Yes, baby I'm yours, you know that. Do whatever you to me. Push me. Frustrate me. Make me do
whatever you want," Hotch moaned as Spencer left a few open mouthed kisses on his chest.
"I thought I was frustrating you," the younger man smirked.
"Yeah, and I'm hard as a rock," Aaron chuckled.

Hotch had almost forgotten about the plug inside him until it started to vibrate. It started slow at
first, pulsing inside him while Spencer's crotch rubbed against his. Then, after a long moment, it
steadily increased in speed until it was at the highest level he'd felt yet. Groaning, Aaron felt
Spencer slide down until he was straddling one of his thighs, then felt the younger man's mouth at
his crotch. He did all he could to stay still as Spencer's tongue flattened against his dick through
the material of his slacks. Spencer groaned softly, isolating his mouth to the tip of the man's cock,
but Hotch could feel the vibrations from his groaning through the whole thing. Had he the mental
capacity to focus on anything else, Hotch would've been embarrassed that he was getting close to
release so quickly.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that," Aaron groaned, involuntarily pushing his chest up
slightly as he tilted his head back.
"Mm, I better stop then," Reid smirked, removing his touch and decreasing the vibrator to the
lowest intensity.
"Wait, Spencer, don't stop," Hotch protested.
"I think it's your turn to learn some respect," Spencer chuckled, moving up Hotch's body and
fingers threading into his hair while leaning in close to his ear. "Had you said 'please,' I may have
considered continuing."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, please, forgive me," Hotch breathed, this controlling side of Spencer really
getting him going.
"I'm gonna need a little better than a pet name right now, Aaron," Spencer threatened.

He had to admit it, the kid really knew what he was doing. Aaron couldn't decide if Spencer was a
quick adapter or if he himself was a quick study. Either way, he was growing much more needy
than he'd expected. The way Reid was using his first name instead of 'sir' quickly let him know
that the man wasn't messing around.
"I'm sorry. Please, Dr. Reid, sir, please forgive me," Hotch answered quietly. He drew in a sharp
breath as he felt what he determined to be the muzzle of a gun press against his forehead. His first
thought was to question if the gun was loaded, but he trusted the man enough that he didn't need to.
"You're forgiven. Learn from this mistake," Reid threatened, briefly pushing harder with the pistol
before removing it completely.

Aaron groaned softly as the vibrations once again increased substantially in intensity. This time the
other man reached down with his hand, palming Aaron's crotch with minimal pressure.
"Please, sir, I need more," he moaned, then quickly shut up when he felt the pistol pressed
underneath his chin.
"I'll give you what you need. All you have to do is submit," Reid said sweetly before kissing him.

This time the gun stayed in place as Spencer returned his attention to Aaron's aching erection.
"When you get close, tell me. You'll tell me 'Dr. Reid, stop or I'll cum.' Every time. Understand?"
Reid ordered.
"Yes sir, I understand," Aaron groaned, enthralled in pleasure, but still finding time to think about
the threat in the inclusion of 'every time.' He gasped quietly as Reid hand pushed down the front of
his boxers and began slowly stroking his dick.

The combination of the intense vibrations and Reid's skin on his was becoming too much.
"Dr. Reid, stop, or I'll cum," he gasped out. The man continued for a brief moment, then moved his
hand from Hotch to the remote and turned off the vibrations.
"Goddamn, how do you do this to yourself?" Aaron breathed through the aching pain from the
need to release. He felt Reid's hand at his chin and easily opened his mouth as encouraged, then let
out a noise of surprise as Spencer jammed the gun into his mouth.
"You know, I was just about to praise you for being good. Looks like you've still got some learning
to do. Good to know you're being challenged though," Reid began, watching Aaron's chest heaving
beneath him. "If you cum without permission, there will be consequences. If you have to apologize
too many times, there will be consequences. Now tell me if you understand."

He moved the pistol from Aaron's mouth to his ribs to allow him to respond.
"I understand, sir," he answered quickly.
"Good. Now apologize, would you?"
"I'm sorry Dr. Reid, so sorry, it won't happen again," Aaron pleaded.
"I know it won't," Reid smiled, kissing the man sweetly.

After setting down the pistol on his abdomen, Spencer moved to kneel between Aaron's thighs,
finally undoing his belt and undressing him the rest of the way. The way Aaron's cock strained
against his abdomen made Spencer want it inside him, but he would force himself to wait. When
Spencer slid his hand over Aaron's ass, he immediately spread his legs further apart.
"So good, Aaron," the man praised.
"Thank you, sir," Aaron breathed. He groaned as the plug twisted inside him, then slowly pulled
out, leaving him feeling disappointingly empty. The sound of a cap clicking gave him a rush of
excitement, and he moaned at the feeling of three of Reid's slicked fingers pushing inside him.

Aaron felt the man pick up the gun, and it didn't even occur to him what Spencer was intended to
do with it until he felt his hole emptied again, then something much less lifelike pressed up to it.
"Oh my god," he shuddered without even thinking, then quickly came back to himself. "Sir. I'm
sorry, sir."
"You're forgiven," Spencer answered as he began pushing the barrel of the gun inside him.
"Fuck, sir, slower, please," Aaron said through gritted teeth, and Reid immediately acquiesced.
"This is your gun, you know. And now every time you're working on a case, you'll draw your gun
and you'll think of this," Reid smirked as he slowly pushed it inside Aaron at a steady pace.

"You're so good, taking all of it so well," Reid praised.

"Oh god, thank you sir. Feels so good," Aaron moaned loudly. He clenched his fists as Spencer
slowly turned the gun in a full circle inside him. When the man started moving it in and out he let
out a long moan, then gasped as Spencer began quickly pumping his cock. The gun moving inside
him, filling him in a way he'd never felt before, would've been enough to get him close to
cumming, but the attention to his dick had him to the edge faster than ever.
"Fuck, Dr. Reid, stop or I'll cum," he said through gritted teeth. When Spencer's hand stopped and
the barrel pulled out of him he felt as though he could cry.

Aaron let out a quiet groan as Reid laid on top of him, hands sliding under his shoulders, head in
the crook of his neck, their crotches pressed together.
"Want you to fuck me," Spencer mumbled against Aaron's throat.
"Please," the man breathed, relishing in Spencer's weight on top of him.
"Want you to undress me slowly and then fuck me all sweet like you love me," Spencer said next
to his ear before nipping it gently.
"Anything. Anything you want, sweetheart," Hotch groaned, feeling the smooth material of
Spencer's slacks on his cock as the man's hips rolled against him.

Hotch felt Spencer's hands slide up his arms, then settle at his hands, their fingers interlocking as
the younger man kissed him sweetly. He didn't know if he was relieved or disappointed when
Spencer unlocked the cuffs and tossed them to the floor, but it ceased to matter when the tie over
his eyes was also tossed to the floor, and Hotch finally got a look at the sweet boy above him.
"God I missed this," he grinned as he placed his hands on the sides of Spencer's face and pulled
him in for a kiss.

"Did I do alright?" Spencer asked suddenly.

"What?" Hotch questioned, flipping them over and pinning the kid beneath him before kissing his
cheek, then slid his shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
"Me, being in control and all. Did you, you know, enjoy it?" the younger man continued, blushing
"Oh baby, of course I enjoyed it. It was, fantastic," Hotch admitted, sliding one hand underneath
Spencer's shirt and letting it rest on his ribs.
"You know, on the plane, when I made you cum. That was the hottest thing I've ever seen,"
Spencer grinned.
"And I'll be doing the same for you on the way back," Hotch smirked.

Spencer let his hands rest on Aaron's thighs as they kissed once again, more desperate and tongue
"Now, why is it that you're still dressed?" Hotch smiled. as he began slowly unbuttoning Spencer's
shirt, kissing his skin as it was exposed.
"To keep from touching myself as I watched you writhe beneath me," Spencer grinned. "Every
time you give an order to any of your subordinates, just know I'll be thinking of you cuffed to the
bed and begging to cum."
"I guess I need to reestablish my position. Every time I give an order, you should be thinking about
being pinned underneath me, calling me sir," Hotch chuckled, pushing his hand down the front of
Spencer's slacks for emphasis.
"Fuck, yes sir," he drawled, pushing his hips up into Aaron's hand who teasingly pulled away.

"Let's get these off you, shall we?" Hotch smirked as he unbuckled the younger man's belt.
"Yes please. Fuck me sir, fuck me," Spencer breathed, lifting his hips so Hotch could take off his
slacks and boxers, then sat up enough to take his shirt off completely, his clothes all finding
themselves on the floor. Aaron kneeled between his thighs, pushing one up to his chest and
gripping the back of it as he leaned forward to kiss him.
"Please, sir, need you so bad," Spencer begged, lightly dragging his nails over Aaron's back. If
Hotch hadn't already been painfully hard, he would've been after that.

Spencer's eyes screwed shut and he let out a moan as Hotch twisted the plug inside him while
removing it. When it was gone, he felt perilously empty and desperate to have the man inside him.
As Aaron started to push his slicked cock into the man beneath him, Spencer dug his nails into his
back, not thinking about how much it must've hurt.
"Yes, god yes, fuck me," the younger man groaned, wrapping one leg around Hotch's waist and
pulling him closer. Moaning softly, Aaron pressed his forehead to Spencer's chest as he settled
inside the man's hole, so tight and warm and inviting that he could've stayed in that moment
forever. It was Spencer's nails dragging a few inches over his skin hard enough to leave marks that
brought him back to himself, encouraging him to start moving.

"Fuck, would it be embarrassing if I couldn't hold out for long?" Hotch groaned, the build up of the
night and the tight heat of the younger man already bringing him close to the edge.
"Well, at your age that's to be expected, I guess," Spencer joked.
"Shut up," Aaron grinned, emphasizing his words with a hard snap of his hips.
"Oh god, yes. Cum whenever you want, sir, as long as it's inside me," Spencer moaned, grasping at
Aaron's back, nails running over his spine. "As long as you ask nicely first," he grinned.

Hotch couldn't help but run a hand through Spencer's hair, pulling lightly as he settled into a slow
rhythm with his hips.
"Fuck, Dr. Reid, stop or I'll cum," Hotch groaned as he gradually thrusted faster, close to cumming
and Spencer's nails in his back bringing him closer.
"Go ahead, sir," Spencer cooed in a sultry, breathy voice, and Aaron released almost immediately,
cumming deep inside him with a loud moan.

"Wow, that was, everything," the younger man breathed, leaning his head back and dragging his
nails over Aaron's back one last time before finding the man's hands with his and lacing their
fingers together. After pulling out gently, Hotch, without warning, ducked his head between
Spencer's legs and began licking at the cum that was dripping out of him. Spencer groaned loudly,
gripping Aaron's hair as the man's tongue pushed inside him, tasting his own cum.
"Do you want to cum?" Hotch asked, then dragged his tongue up the underside of Spencer's dick.
"Holy--" Spencer gasped, keeping his tight grasp on the man's hair as he rested his forehead on
Spencer's hip. "Not yet. Want to save it for the jet," he winked after composing himself.
"Of course, love," Hotch smiled, moving up Spencer's body and kissing him sweetly, then laying
down next to him, pulling the man into his embrace.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" he asked tentatively after a moment of silence.
"As if I'd let you go," Aaron smiled.
Chapter 4

In my office. Now.

Spencer couldn't help but be nervous on his way to Hotch's office. That text had been anything but
comforting. The thought that he would be fired or reassigned definitely crossed his mind, but he
chose to ignore it. The blinds were open and there were a lot of people around, so it wasn't like he
was about to get bent over the desk. It must've been something serious.

"You uh, wanted to see me, sir?" Reid said at the doorway of Hotch's office, seeing the man visibly
shift in his seat at the word 'sir,' but he didn't look up from the papers he was absentmindedly
sifting through.
"Come in, close the door behind you," Hotch ordered very professionally.

Spencer did as he was told, then sat in the chair across from the man. After waiting for a tense
moment, he decided to speak, breaking the silence.
"May I ask what this is about?" he asked hesitantly.
"This morning when I was getting dressed I caught a look at the marks on my back from your nails.
It's been a few days and they're still there. Haven't been able to get it out of my head," Hotch
answered matter-of-factly, still looking down at his desk. Needless to say, Spencer was relieved
that it was pleasure and not business that he'd been called in for.

"I just missed you love, that's all," Hotch smiled, finally looking up at him.
"The things I'd do right now if I could," he sighed. Hotch leaned forward slightly.
"Tell me."
"Well, I'd start by clearing off your desk, and then I'd crawl up onto it on my hands knees and kiss
you. Hard. Drag my tongue over the roof of your mouth, bite your lip, get you nice and worked up.
Then I'd push my hand down your slacks, feel you get hard underneath my touch, stroke you
slowly until you're begging for more," Spencer began, watching Hotch try to keep himself under

"God, I'd love to suck you off under your desk right now. Watch you try to keep your composure in
front of everyone as your dick hit the back of my throat. And I'd slide a finger or two inside you
just to make it that much harder for you to hold back."
"Fuck, Spencer," Hotch groaned quietly.
"Oh is this, is this getting to you, sir?" he smirked, watching as one of Hotch's hands disappeared
under the desk.
"Something like that," the man breathed.
"Come over tonight. Come over to my place and fuck me hard," Spencer said suddenly.
"I'd love to," Hotch smiled. "Now, don't you have some work to do?"
"Of course, sir," the younger man smirked, then left the room.


He'd picked a good day to wear lingerie to work. After leaving Hotch's office, he went straight to
the bathroom and into a stall, then pushed his slacks halfway down his thighs and took out his
phone. He weighed the pros and cons and decided that the risk was worth it, then pushed one hand
down the front of the dark green lace he was wearing and took a picture. After another moment of
deciding, the thought of the soft, purring growl that would inevitably escape Hotch's throat when
he saw the image was what pushed Spencer to send it to him. No caption. No explanation. Not that
it needed one.
When he left the stall, he was surprised to see Morgan standing near the sinks, but quickly played
it off and casually went to wash his hands.
"What did Hotch want?" Morgan asked suddenly.
"You were in his office for a while. What did he want?"
"Oh, it was nothing, just, talking," Spencer stumbled, moving to leave the bathroom.
"You know kid, hotel walls can be pretty thin," Derek said, bringing Spencer to an abrupt stop.
"Morgan, please," he said quietly.
"I won't tell anyone. I don't mind. It was, it was pretty hot, honestly."
"Oh god, how much did you hear?" Spencer sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"Pretty much all of it," Derek grinned. "You guys really should be more careful," he chuckled.
"Really, Morgan, please don't tell anyone," Spencer begged.
"Of course not. I don't want to ruin anything for you guys. But, if you two are ever, you know,
looking for a third, put in a good word for me," Morgan winked, then left the bathroom.


Hotch was practically mauling him the second the door was closed. Spencer found himself pressed
up against his front door, the man's hands up his shirt and mouth ravaging his.
"You know, Prentiss was in my office when I saw that picture," Hotch chuckled when he came up
for air.
"I would've loved to have seen that," Spencer grinned.
"God, I practically choked. So fucking gorgeous," the man growled, gripping Spencer's hips and
pressing up against him hard enough that the kid could feel his erection.

Spencer gasped as Hotch suddenly turned him around and pinned him against the door, forearm on
the back of his neck.
"I should punish you for teasing me like that," Hotch growled into his ear.
"Yes sir, punish me, I deserve it," Spencer whimpered, pushing his hips back to grind against the
man. With one arm around Spencer's throat and the other around his waist, Hotch led him to the
living room, leaving Spencer in the middle of the room and sitting down in an armchair.
"Take off everything but the lace," he ordered.
"Yes sir," the younger man smiled, then started on unbuttoning his shirt.

Hotch's eyes burned through him as he undressed. The man let out a soft growl as Spencer took off
his slacks, revealing the lace underneath.
"Get down on your knees," Aaron commanded, Spencer quickly obeying.

"I want to see you cum."

"Yes sir," Reid smirked, sliding his hand over his crotch, palming himself through the lingerie.
"When did you last cum?" Hotch asked as he watched Spencer's hand push beneath the fabric and
begin stroking himself slowly.
"On the plane," he groaned, moving his hand faster and taking two fingers into his mouth.
"Mm, you'll have a lot in you then. Shouldn't take you too long," Aaron grinned.
"Fuck, sir, stop talking," Spencer said through gritted teeth as he pushed a finger inside himself,
feeling close to the edge already.
"What, is it getting to you?" Hotch chuckled, leaning forward in his seat, elbow on his knees.
"Oh god, sir," Spencer whimpered, pushing a second finger inside his hole and moving them in and
out while pumping his cock.

"Come on sweetheart, cum for me. Cum for me and I'll give you a kiss, how does that sound?"
Hotch grinned. Spencer opened his mouth to make some remark, but let out a whining moan
instead, moving both hands faster as he neared release.
"So good, such a good boy," Hotch praised quietly, marveling at the sight in front of him. Screwing
his eyes shut, Spencer hung his head, breathing heavily as he continued. He whined softly, reaching
the point where he would usually stop, but forcing himself to keep going. Moments later, he
released with a ragged groan, wetting the lace with cum.

"Come here, love," Aaron purred, watching as the younger man crawled towards him on hands and
"Do I get that kiss now, sir?" Spencer smiled, kneeling right in front of Hotch and looking up at
him. With thumb and finger on Spencer's chin, Hotch kissed him sweetly. As the kiss deepened,
Spencer slid his hands up the insides of the man's thighs, settling at his crotch, teasing lightly.
"Mm, baby, aren't you sweet?" Hotch smiled as Reid began undoing his belt.
"I missed you. Missed this," Spencer mumbled as he leaned forward and mouthed at the man's
"It hasn't been that long, has it? A few days? I love that you're such a desperate little cock slut,"
Hotch groaned, running a hand through Reid's hair.

"I got lucky, didn't I? Getting a boss with such a nice cock," Spencer grinned as he took out Aaron's
dick, teasing his thumb over the tip of it.
"Yet I got stuck with the mouthy subordinate," Hotch joked.
"What, you, you don't want to hear about how nice your dick is?" Spencer asked innocently,
kissing the head of the man's cock. "It'd make more sense for a man of your standing to enjoy such
a compliment. Does it make you uncomfortable, receiving praise? If I told you that I love the way
your cock curves up like this, the way that feels inside me, does that make you squirm?"
"Shut up and suck," Hotch breathed, gripping Spencer's hair and pulling his mouth onto his cock,
eager to shut him up after his words made him feel out of control.

Aaron forced Spencer all the way down, then eased up until the younger man wasn't gagging and
could breathe comfortably enough.
"I let you be in control for one night and you forget all your manners," he growled, tightening his
grip on Spencer's hair. "Talking out of turn, forgetting my title, sending whoreish pictures in the
middle of work. Do I really need to teach you basic respect again? I thought you knew better."
Spencer whined around Hotch's dick, and the man finally let him up.
"What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I'm sorry sir, I'm so sorry. I should've known better, let me show you, I can do better. Please, sir,
I'm sorry," he whimpered, his hands on Hotch's thighs.

"That's better," Aaron smiled, teasing the toe of his shoe over Spencer's crotch.
"Please, sir, use me however you want," the younger man begged.
"Show me to your bedroom, baby," Hotch encouraged as he tucked himself back into his slacks
and buttoned them, but took off his belt, holding the buckle and wrapping the tail around his hand a
time or two. Spencer took the man's hand, leading him to his room. He yelped quietly in shock as
Hotch suddenly flicked the end of the belt against the back of his heel. During the rest of the
journey to Spencer's room, Aaron hit him three more times.

He led Hotch into his bedroom, closed the door behind them, then wrapped his arms around the
"I'm sorry sir," he said with his forehead on the man's chest .
"For what, love?" Aaron smiled, using a gentle grip on the younger man's hair to tilt his head back
and kiss him.
"For disrespecting you, sir. I'll be so much better, I promise, sir," Spencer whimpered, letting his
hands stray to Aaron's hips.
"I know, sweetheart, I know," Hotch purred, giving the younger man another sweet kiss. "I'm sorry
for calling your picture whoreish. Maybe it was whoreish but that doesn't mean I didn't love it," he
continued, sliding his hand down Spencer's back and gripping his ass.
"I don't mind being your whore, sir," Spencer answered quietly, smiling innocently at him.

"If you keep talking like that I'm going to have to shut you up," Hotch said playfully, flicking the
belt against Spencer's ankle.
"Do you like it that much, sir?" Spencer teased, moving one hand to the man's crotch and palming
him roughly.
"Sweetheart," Aaron threatened, taking the younger man's hand in his. "You want to show me how
good you can be?"
"Yes sir, please," Spencer whined, kissing Aaron's cheek.
"Then, if you're okay with the belt, you'll stand over there and put your hands on your head, and
you'll stay still and take it. I don't want you to push yourself too far for me. If you don't want to
we'll do something else, no questions asked," Hotch smiled, running a loving hand through
Spencer's hair.

After giving him a sweet kiss, Spencer stood in the middle of the floor and placed his hands on the
back of his head.
"Are you sure, sweetheart?" Hotch asked as he approached, striking the man's ankle again.
"Yes sir. I deserve it. I want it, sir," Spencer breathed, already half hard. He yelped as Hotch lightly
struck his calf with the belt, then the back of his knee.
"Want you to do something for me," Aaron said into his ear before whipping his calf again.
"Anything sir, anything," Spencer breathed, relishing in the stinging pain before it dissipated.
"I want you to touch yourself. Want you to cum again for me," Hotch grinned, then struck his
thigh, still keeping it light.
"Yes sir."

Spencer left one hand on his head and moved the other to his dick, pumping it quickly as Hotch
whipped his thigh, a bit harder.
"Oh, baby, you're so pretty," Aaron praised before striking the younger man's lower back a few
times in quick succession.
"Thank you sir," Spencer whimpered, moving his hand faster as he turned his head into elbow,
breathing faster as well.
"Cum for me again, love. Want to see that lace all wet," Hotch groaned into his ear, flicking the
belt against his ankle.
"I can't, sir," he whined, close to the edge but not getting any closer.
"How can I help?" Hotch asked sweetly, then lightly whipped his thigh.
"Respectfully, sir, I'm gonna need you to hit me harder," Spencer pleaded, then groaned softly as
Aaron struck his ass.
"You know, this may be under the guise of a punishment, but I don't actually want to hurt you,
love," Aaron frowned, but whipped his ass experimentally harder anyway.
"Haven't we talked about this, sir? Me being a bit of a masochist?" Spencer groaned, feeling a bit
closer to cumming already.

"Just tell me it's good before I keep doing it," Hotch encouraged.
"Good, sir. So good. Just keep going and I'll cum, please," the younger man begged, moaning as
Hotch whipped the back of his thigh three times.
"Mm, you're such a pretty little slut," Aaron groaned, landing his hardest strike yet across
Spencer's ass.
"Oh god yes, yes sir, thank you sir," Spencer whined as he pumped his cock, hips bucking slightly.
He heard the belt fall to the floor, then felt Hotch's arm wrap around his throat.
"Feel like cumming yet, love?" Hotch said into his ear while bringing his hand down on Spencer's
ass and gripping it hard.
"Fuck, sir, I'm so close," Spencer whimpered, kissing Hotch's wrist, then biting down on it as the
man struck his ass again. After the third hard strike, he released moments later with a loud moan.

Spencer moved his hand from his dick to the arm around his neck, lovingly stroking it with his
thumb as his chest heaved. The man's other hand moved to his crotch, settling over the lace.
"You did so well, sweetheart. So fucking wet," Hotch growled, nipping at Spencer's ear while
slowly moving his hand over the man's crotch.
"Thank you sir," Reid whimpered, quickly feeling oversensitive as Hotch began coaxing him into
getting hard again.
"Kiss me," Aaron purred, turning Spencer around and pulling him in by the hips.
"Yes sir," he grinned, then pulled the man in for a sweet kiss.

"Anything. Anything you want, it's yours," Hotch mumbled against Spencer's lips before kissing
him again.
"Anything, sir?" Reid teased, sliding his hand down the front of Hotch's slacks and palming him
through his boxers.
"Anything for you, sweetheart," Aaron smiled, leaning into Spencer's touch.
"I, I want to undress you and lay you down on the bed, and," Reid began, but was cut off by
another kiss.
"You talk too much, kid. Just do it to me," Hotch encouraged, and Spencer immediately began
undressing him, kissing him hard while pushing his jacket to the floor, then pulling off his tie.

Aaron tried not to chuckle at the way Spencer eagerly and desperately stripped him. When his shirt
was on the floor, the younger man crouched down to take off the rest of his clothes, waiting for the
man to step out of his slacks and underwear, then kissed up his leg while standing up.
"Well, you uh, you know what's next, sir," Reid smiled, watching as Aaron laid on his back in the
middle of the bed.
"Now what?" Hotch teased, casually pulling one knee up slightly, exposing his ass to the other
"You seem to have a theory," Reid chuckled as he kneeled on the bed, retrieving a bottle of lube
from the bedside table. "A correct one at that," he grinned.

"If I tell you something, do you promise you won't freak out?" Reid began as he teased a slicked
finger over the rim of Aaron's hole.
"Yeah okay, I promise," the man answered, confused, then took in a sharp breath as Spencer's
finger suddenly plunged inside him.
"Morgan approached me today, after I left your office." He moved his finger in and out slowly,
moments later pushing in a second.
"Mm, and what did Morgan say?" Hotch groaned, hiding his concern as to where the story was
"He said, uh, he said 'hotel walls can be pretty thin,'" Reid stumbled, pushing in a third finger to
distract the man from what he's said.
"Fuck, Spencer, that's, wait, say that again," Aaron pressed.

Spencer cleared his throat before he spoke.

"'Hotel walls can be pretty thin,' sir."
Hotch opened his mouth to speak, but the younger man quickly cut him off.
"But then he said that, uh, if we were ever looking for a, a third, to put in a good word for him,"
Spencer continued, searching for Aaron's prostate until the man let out a moan and he knew he'd
found it. Hotch made a quiet noise of protest as Spencer's fingers left him, then groaned as what
felt like a toy of some kind began pushing into him slowly.
"So is that what you're doing? Putting in a good word for him?" Aaron breathed, gripping Reid's
arm as whatever it was settled inside him. He didn't have much experience with toys, but this one
definitely went deeper than the plug, sizable enough that it brushed against his prostate, and it felt
considerably more phallic.
"Maybe I am. Now get on your knees," Spencer smiled, kissing Aaron sweetly.

As he moved, he thought about Morgan, groaning as whatever was inside him shifted with his
movements. It pressed against his prostate for a moment, drawing a moan from his throat. He
grinned as Spencer straddled his lap.
"Can't wait to add to my masterpiece," the younger man smirked, pressing his nails to Hotch's back
before kissing him.
"Goddamn, please," Aaron groaned. He pressed his forehead to Spencer's shoulder, watching as
the younger man slicked his cock with lube.

Hotch groaned as Spencer wrapped a hand around his dick, pulling the lace to the side with his
other hand and exposing his hole. He pressed the man's cock against his skin, grinding down on it.
"Tell me how much you want it," Spencer breathed, their foreheads pressing together.
"Fuck, baby, I want you so bad. Want to feel you around me, feel your nails in my back, want to
cum so deep inside you that you can taste it," Hotch growled, sliding his fingers underneath
Spencer's lingerie and gripping his ass.
"Yeah, yeah I'd say you want it," the younger man groaned as he finally began easing the man's
cock inside him.

"Fuck yes," Hotch groaned wrapping Spencer into his embrace and pulling him impossibly close
while burying his head in the kid's shoulder. He lightly bit down just above Spencer's collarbone as
their hips settled flush together, nails digging into his upper back, near his shoulder blades.
"Just think about it," Spencer began as he ever so slightly rolled his hips against the other man. "I
could be on my hands and knees, you inside me, while I," he smiled as he pushed his middle finger
between Aaron's lips and kept pushing back until the man gagged slightly, then let it rest at a
comfortable spot, "was choking on Morgan's cock. Or, you could be inside me just like this, and
Morgan would come up behind me and, oh god."

Spencer slowly moved his finger in and out as Aaron laved his tongue over it, occasionally grazing
it with his teeth.
"Imagine how it would feel, his dick sliding against yours. Both of you inside me. I'd feel, tighter,
wouldn't I? It'd make sense." He removed his finger to allow Hotch to speak, taking it into his own
mouth for a moment.
"You're feeling pretty damn tight already, baby," the man groaned, gripping Spencer's ass and
lifting him up halfway before slamming into him hard. Reid cried out in shock and pleasure,
dragging his nails down Hotch's back while burying his head in the crook of the man's neck.

"Do you want Morgan that bad?" Hotch growled, pounding into him again.
"Not necessarily Morgan, just--oh god, sir--just another dick. I'm your little cock slut, remember?"
Spencer moaned as the man periodically slammed into him. Arms under Hotch's, Reid white
knuckled his shoulders, nails digging into the man's skin.
"And what if I don't want to share?" Aaron groaned, thrusting faster into the younger man.
"I don't want anything you don't want, just know that there's no one I'd rather be underneath than
you," Spencer grinned, then cried out in pleasure as Hotch settled into a fast rhythm, pulling him
down while thrusting up hard. Aaron let out a guttural moan as he pounded into the younger man's
tight heat, feeling him clawing at his back.

"Fuck me, cum inside me sir," Spencer whimpered as Aaron slowed to a stop, breathing heavily.
He reached down with one hand and pressed on the toy inside the man, causing him to jolt in
surprise, then groan as he relaxed into the feeling.
"Just, give me a minute to catch my breath, baby," Hotch answered, kissing Spencer's shoulder.
"Come on now, Agent Hotchner, you can finish the job, can't you?" Spencer encouraged, teasingly
rolling his hips. He yelped in surprise as Hotch tackled him onto his back and clamped a hand over
his mouth.
"You're going to shut up and take it on my time, sweetheart, got it?" the man growled, and Spencer
whimpered and nodded.

After making the younger man wait for another moment, he suddenly returned to slamming hard
into him at a fast pace. Aaron moved his hand from Spencer's mouth to the bedsheets, gripping
them tight and relishing in the whining moans escaping the younger man's throat. One more drag of
Spencer's nails across his back and Hotch came inside him with a loud groan, doing all he could to
not collapse on the man and lovingly smother him. Spencer's legs wrapped around his waist,
keeping him from pulling out. Hotch kissed his neck, then his cheek.
"You can cum one more time for me, can't you?" he said sweetly, but with a touch of threat in his
"I will sir, for you. Just for you," Spencer whined, Hotch's rough treatment already getting him

Hotch slid down Spencer's body and began mouthing at his cock through the lace.
"Just a minute, sir, turn around for me," Spencer encouraged. Slightly confused, Hotch obeyed
anyway, knees on either side of the kid's chest. It made sense once Spencer began teasing the toy in
and out of his hole. Hotch slid his fingertips under the hem of Spencer's lingerie, then pulled out
his erection and sank his mouth down on it.
"Holy fuck," Spencer groaned, bucking his hips slightly and holding the man's head down until he
gagged, after which he let up slightly. "I swear every time you do that it just gets better."

Spencer playing with his hole only spurred him on, sucking eagerly as the man moaned beneath
"Fuck, sir, I'm gonna cum," he whined. Spencer once again held Aaron's head down, feeling the
man gag around him once or twice, which coaxed him into cumming down his throat. He loosened
his grip and Aaron pulled back halfway, tasting Spencer's cum on his tongue.

Hotch groaned as the kid gingerly removed the toy from his hole, then jolted slightly as Spencer's
tongue dragged over his hole.
"Fuck, yes please," Aaron breathed.
"I don't know, I'm feeling pretty tired," Spencer chuckled, sliding out from underneath the other
man and kissing him sweetly. "But, uh, don't be surprised if you wake up to my tongue inside
you," he grinned.

"You are, staying the night, right?" Spencer asked quieter, taking the man's hand in his.
"Of course, sweetheart," Aaron purred, wrapped his arms as well as one leg around the younger
man, pulling him as close as comfortably possible.
"You know, I, uh, I really like you," Spencer said nervously.
"I really like you too, baby," Hotch smiled, kissing his forehead.
"And not just, the sex, don't get me wrong, I love that. But, I love this, too. Just, being with you. I
adore you, Aaron," the younger man smiled.
"Couldn't have said it better myself, love."


It was a late night on the jet after a case and everyone except Hotch was asleep. Spencer was
sitting next to him, Morgan across from them, and the others were in various spots around the
plane, none within the immediate vicinity. After looking around to make sure the others were
asleep, Hotch lovingly kissed Spencer, waking him up with a slight startle, but he quickly relaxed.
Spencer's breath hitched as Hotch's hand slid onto his thigh. He watched as the man nudged
Morgan's shin with his toe until the man woke up, startling more than Spencer had, but not enough
to wake anyone else. Hotch motioned for Morgan to stay quiet, then for him to watch Reid.

Both Morgan and Reid were slightly confused but trusted in Hotch. As Hotch ran a thumb over
Spencer's bottom lip, the kid looked around, seeing that everyone was asleep, then parted his lips
and slowly dragged his tongue over the man's thumb. He then allowed Hotch to push two fingers
into his mouth. Spencer sucked down on them, locking eyes with Morgan as he did.

Derek shifted in his seat as he watched Hotch and the kid, quickly growing hard. Hotch took his
fingers from Spencer's mouth, dragged his tongue over his palm, and unceremoniously pushed his
hand down the front of the younger man's slacks
"Oh my god," Spencer choked out, gripping Hotch's arm. After a moment to get used to the man
quickly pumping his cock he composed himself enough to put his foot up on Morgan's chair,
between his legs, pushing his foot into the man's crotch. Derek put a hand on Spencer's ankle,
cautiously grinding into his foot.

Spencer put his elbow on the table and leaned forward, biting down on the base of his index finger,
the stinging pain as well as Hotch's hand increasing in speed bringing him closer to cumming.
Aaron slid closer to Spencer, their thighs pressing together. Finally, the younger man broke eye
contact with Morgan and turned towards Hotch, giving him much needed control.
"Mm, you smell good," Spencer purred, feeling Derek rutting against him harder.
"Cum for me, love," Aaron said quietly before kissing Spencer's cheek.

He once again bit down on his finger, this time in an attempt to stay quiet as Aaron coaxed him
over the edge.
"Such a good boy," Hotch praised as he pulled out his hand, finding remnants of cum on his
fingers. He took one into his mouth, licking it clean, then held his hand out to Morgan. After a
brief moment of hesitation where he looked around the plane, Derek cleaned Hotch's hand with his
"You taste good, kid," he chuckled quietly.
"You can go back to sleep, sweetheart," Hotch encouraged.
"After that? I'll be thinking for a while," Spencer grinned.
"Then close your eyes and think. It's been a long day," Aaron pressed, taking one of Spencer's legs
and crossing it over his thigh, lovingly stroking the inside of it.
"You're cute when you care," Morgan joked.
"Shut up," Hotch chuckled.
Chapter 5

"You should eat more, you're getting too gaunt," Spencer frowned, poking at Aaron's side.
"I need to eat more? Have you seen yourself lately?" Hotch chuckled. They were laying on
Spencer's bed, Hotch on his back with Spencer on top of him, head on his chest, knees tucked
under him, his hands underneath the man's shoulders.
"Well, if I put on too much weight then when you're inside me my abdomen won't--"
"Alright, alright, but if you get any skinnier I'm putting my foot down," Aaron laughed.
"You know, you can be so old fashioned. It's okay to talk about sex even while not actively having
sex," Spencer pointed out.
"Well talking about the way your, goddamn, makes me want to see it, feel it, but right now we're
waiting." Aaron tangled his fingers in Spencer's hair, playing with it sweetly.
"Ah, so you're just a horny old man who can't control himself, then," Spencer grinned, teasingly
sliding his hand underneath the hem of Aaron's shirt.
"Sweetheart," Hotch threatened, tugging lightly on the younger man's hair. With a wicked grin,
Spencer pulled back some, but left his fingertips splayed over the man's hip.

"And I can't control myself? I may be a horny old man but you're a horny kid," Aaron chuckled.
"God, what time is it?" Spencer complained.
"He's not late yet, sweetheart. Just be patient," Hotch cooed, kissing Spencer's forehead.
"I like this," the younger man said quietly.
"What, love?"
"You. Here. I like having you around. Being close to you. Waking up with you. I like, breathing
you in," Spencer admitted, holding the man tighter.
"I like this too," Hotch smiled. "Spending the night in your sheets. I like being, enveloped by your
presence. I love being with you, sweetheart."
"Want to get married, sir?" Spencer joked.
"Mm, we'll have to wait until I retire," Hotch chuckled, letting his hands stray to the man's ass.
"Shouldn't be too long, right? You're getting pretty old," he retorted.

"Tomorrow night, you're coming over to my place and I'm going to cook you dinner," Aaron
smiled, placing his hands on the sides of Spencer's face and kissing him sweetly.
"Mm, and am I spending the night?" Spencer teased, grinding his hips against the man's.
"I'll cuff you to the bed if I have to," Hotch grinned.
"You won't have to, but you can anyway," the younger man smiled, kissing him.

There was a knock on the front door and Spencer sat up.
"Thank god. I was starting to think he'd never show."
"There's no way he wouldn't show up for this," Hotch chuckled, then smiled at the way Spencer
eagerly jumped up.
"Come on, sir, greet our guest with me," Spencer grinned, holding his hands out to the man.
Jokingly groaning in protest, Hotch rolled out of bed and placed his hands in Spencer's, following
the man to the door.

The first thing Morgan saw when the door opened was Hotch embracing Spencer from behind,
flicking his ear playfully as Spencer batted his hand away, laughing.
"You two look like a regular couple on a Sunday afternoon," Morgan chuckled as Spencer invited
him inside. "Are you guys sure you want me here?"
"It's Thursday night, actually, and yes, we want you here," Spencer smiled, then kissed Hotch's
"I know what day it is, kid," Morgan chuckled as he closed the door behind him.
"We're married, actually," Hotch joked. "He just asked me not five minutes ago. You should've
been there, it was a beautiful ceremony."
"He asked you, huh? Would've taken you to be the one to ask first, Hotch," Morgan laughed.
"Well, Spencer's much better at getting down on his knees," Hotch smirked, tugging at Spencer's
hair before ravaging his neck with teeth and lips.
"Mm, can we test that theory?" Derek grinned as Spencer groaned softly underneath Hotch's

"Do you want that, baby?" Hotch said into his ear.
"Mm, anything for my husband and the best man," Spencer grinned, turning around in Hotch's
embrace and kissing him passionately.
"I'm the best man? I always figured Hotch would prefer Rossi," Morgan chuckled.
"I picked," Spencer winked.
"Alright, shut up and get down," Hotch growled.
"Yes sir," the younger man smirked, slinking to his knees and roughly palming the man's crotch.
"You're gonna need to control yourself before you get yourself in trouble, sweetheart," Aaron
threatened, quickly growing hard under the younger man's touch.
"I'm sorry sir. Let me make it up to you," Spencer grinned as he unbuckled Aaron's belt. Watching
the exchange between them had Morgan hard faster than he cared to admit.

Aaron ran one hand through Spencer's hair as the kid took out his cock and slowly stroked it,
turning his head and licking at the side of it so Morgan could get a good look at it.
"Damn Hotch, no wonder you've got him hooked," Morgan chuckled, seeing the sheer length of
the man's dick.
"Actually, he was the one who reeled me in," Hotch grinned, then moaned as Spencer swallowed
him down to the base, gagging slightly as he held there for a moment, then pulled back and
focused on the tip, sucking hard.
"With a mouth like that it's no wonder," Derek smirked.
"Why don't you come here and see for yourself?" the younger man smiled, absentmindedly
stroking Hotch's dick while Derek moved closer.

Morgan let out a quiet groan as Spencer began palming him through his jeans. The younger man
looked up at Hotch, quickly swallowing him down completely and pulling off.
"You're so fucking hot, you know that?" he grinned up at the man. "Kiss me, sir."
Smiling sweetly, Aaron crouched down and kissed Spencer, then gripped his hair and pulled his
head back, exposing his throat.
"Thank you, love," Aaron smiled. "Now, are you going to keep talking or are you going to show
me how good you are?" he growled against Spencer's throat before kissing it roughly.

Hotch stood up, groaning softly as Spencer kissed and licked at the head of his cock, while Morgan
slowly unbuttoned his jeans. Spencer wordlessly moved from one man to the other, taking out
Derek's erection and pumping it a few times, twisting his wrist as he did.
"You know Morgan, I always figured you'd be bigger," he joked.
"Alright kid that's--"
Morgan cut himself off, a moan escaping his throat as Spencer's mouth sank down on his dick
sinfully slowly.
"--very funny, holy fuck, Spencer," he breathed.

With one hand on Derek's hip, he jacked off Aaron with his other hand while sucking Derek slowly
but intensely, swallowing him down completely and holding there for a long moment, sucking
hard, before pulling back and then doing it all over again. He truly had been joking, Morgan was as
big as he'd expected, based on observation and hypotheses, but he wasn't quite as long as Hotch,
allowing him to take it completely without gagging.
Spencer pulled off of Derek with a quiet groan, then looked up at Hotch, gripping his hips.
"Fuck me sir, fuck me, I need it," he pleaded, kissing Aaron's thigh.
"Almost baby," Hotch groaned as he coaxed Spencer's mouth onto his cock. The younger man
moaned around him, sending vibrations through his dick. Aaron tangled a hand in his hair,
gripping hard while gently thrusting into his mouth. Spencer slid his hand down Hotch's arm and to
his hand, matching his fingers with the man's.
"I'll fuck you baby, just want you to gag on my dick first," Aaron breathed, tightening his grip on
Spencer's hair. He pulled the younger man down further and held him down longer, waiting until
he gagged and started to instinctively pull back before letting him up. To make sure he didn't feel
forgotten, Spencer reached up for Morgan's hand, gently intertwining their fingertips.

After a few times, Hotch pulled him off completely, letting him catch his breath.
"How are you, love?" Aaron asked, sweetly running his hand through the man's hair.
"Amazing. Pent up and desperate to filled," Spencer breathed. Hotch leaned down and kissed him
"There's my little cock slut," he said quietly into the man's ear.
"Out of curiosity, did you want me to gag on you to remind yourself that you're bigger than him
can fill me better?" Spencer teased, looking up at him innocently.
"Are you mouthing off so I'll shut you up?" Hotch threatened playfully.
"Is it working?" Spencer grinned.

Aaron pulled the younger man to his feet and Spencer immediately kissed him, wrapping one leg
around him, then the other, once he was sure the man would catch him.
"Couch," Spencer said between kisses. Hotch walked them to the living room, Morgan following
close behind. After some coaxing, Spencer let go of Hotch who began undressing, the other two
men following suit.
"Morgan, sit down," Hotch encouraged, gesturing to the couch as he took Spencer into his embrace
again, gripping the backs of the man's thighs and lifting him up.

Spencer wrapped his legs around Hotch's waist, feeling the man's hands slide to his ass as their
tongues intertwined. He whined into the man's mouth when he felt two fingers push inside him.
"Fuck yes, fuck me, sir," Spencer groaned, sliding his hands up the back of Aaron's neck.
"Get ready Derek. Gonna need you to stay still for a while," Hotch said as he moved closer to
Morgan, removing his fingers from Spencer's hole and getting a solid grip on his thighs. Aaron
kneeled on the couch, straddling Morgan, encouraging Spencer to put his knees down as well.
Derek spat on his hand and coated his dick with saliva, giving Hotch a questioning look.
"Go ahead, Morgan," Aaron encouraged.
"Yeah Morgan, go ahead," Spencer breathed before Hotch gripped his chin.
"Sweetheart, I've been lenient, but from here on out you're gonna be real good to me, alright?"
Hotch growled.
"Yes sir," Spencer whimpered, doing his best to keep still as he felt Derek's cock press against his

The younger man moaned as he slowly sat down on Morgan's dick, drawing a groan from the
man's throat as well. It didn't feel as deep as Hotch, but it did feel thicker and he relished in the
slight stretch.
"Fuck, kid," Derek moaned, his hands resting on Spencer's hips.
"Alright baby, you're not going to like this, but I'm going to make you wait longer than you'll want
to. The only way I'll feel okay with this is if I take my time and really stretch you open. Last thing I
want to do is hurt you, love," Aaron purred before kissing Spencer sweetly.
"Let's get on with it then, sir," the younger man winked.
"Don't push it, sweetheart," Aaron threatened before taking his middle finger into his mouth,
getting it wet before pressing it to Spencer's hole.
"Wait, are you guys planning on," Morgan trailed off, groaning as he felt Hotch's finger push
inside Spencer, sliding alongside his dick.
"Oh god yes, sir, feels so fucking good," Spencer whined, pressing his forehead to Aaron's
shoulder. He took one of Derek's hands in his, squeezing lightly as Hotch moved his finger in and

Spencer desperately wanted to tell Hotch to hurry up, to just get it inside him already, but he held
back. Knowing the man, it would only make him go slower. He slid his free hand up the side of
Hotch's neck, turning his head to kiss it. As Aaron pushed a second finger inside Spencer, he
whined softly against the man's neck, feeling Morgan's hands slide over his sides reassuringly.
"You're doing so well, love, taking it so well," Hotch breathed, moving his fingers in and out.
"Fuck, sir, feels amazing, can't wait to have you inside me," Spencer groaned. Derek leaned
forward and kissed between the younger man's shoulder blades, slightly rocking his hips out and
"Holy, Derek, yes," Spencer moaned, reaching back to grab the man's hip.
"Morgan," Aaron threatened.
"Sorry Hotch, he's just, I can see why you keep him around," Derek chuckled, moving his hands to
Spencer's hips and lightly holding him down to keep either of them from moving.

Spencer took in a sharp breath and exhaled a groan as a third finger pushed inside him.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Hotch asked, slowing down slightly.
"So, so good. Full and ready for more, sir," Spencer breathed, letting out a ragged moan as Aaron's
fingers moved in and out at a steady pace.
"Are you sure this will be enough?" Aaron said as he marveled at the sight of Spencer's hole being
so full.
"I feel ready. And I did research. You won't hurt me, sir," Spencer groaned, pulling the man in for
a loving kiss.
"Now did you do actual research or just watch a lot of porn?" Morgan joked.
"Bit of both," Reid chuckled, feeling one of Derek's hands stray towards his crotch and
absentmindedly resting on his balls.
"Alright, but I'm starting slow," Hotch acquiesced, pulling out his fingers and slicking his cock
with saliva.

Spencer pressed back against Derek, taking the man's hand and placing it on the back of his thigh
who took the hint and gently pulled it up and to the side, further opening up Spencer's hips.
"Yes sir, yes, need you inside me," he breathed, threading his fingers into the man's hair and
pressing their foreheads together as Hotch began infuriatingly slowing pushing inside his hole. It
felt like hours of the man's cock sliding into him, going deeper and deeper, stretching him in a way
he'd never felt before. Finally, Aaron leaned forward and bit down on his shoulder and he knew the
man was fully inside him.

"Holy shit, Hotch," Morgan breathed, having felt the man's dick sliding over every inch of him as
"You alright, love?" Aaron said as he did his best to stop himself from drilling into Spencer right
"So alright. Feels, unimaginably good. No pain whatsoever," Spencer grinned, breath hitching as
he felt Hotch rock slightly out and back in. It wasn't necessarily true, the last bit, there was a slight
sting, but the younger man relished in that just as much as the feeling of both men beginning to
independently and uncontrollably move their hips ever so slightly.

"Move, sir, please. It's okay, I'm good. Much more than good," Spencer pressed, drawing Hotch
out of the daze he'd been in. With a deep breath, Aaron slowly pulled out halfway and pushed back
in, groaning the drag of Spencer's hole and Morgan's dick against his.
"Damn, feels so fucking tight," Hotch said through gritted teeth, increasing speed slightly. Spencer
could hear and feel Derek groaning by his neck before the man moved in to kiss it, resisting the
urge to leave a hickey.
"Please sir, more," Spencer whined, tugging on the man's hair.

Aaron felt animalistic. As if some primal urge had been tapped into.
"I'll give you more, sweetheart," he growled into Spencer's ear, nipping at his neck while gripping
his thighs, encouraging the man's legs to wrap around his waist. "Derek."
Morgan immediately understood what Hotch wanted, gently pulling out of Spencer as the man
stood up, taking the kid with him. After taking a moment to breathe, Derek pressed up behind
Spencer and began slowly pushing inside him once again. He gingerly got halfway in, but after the
whining moan Spencer let out he couldn't help but quickly slam in the rest of the way. Spencer let
out the greatest little cry of pain and pleasure that the momentary daggers from Hotch's gaze were
worth it.

Burying his forehead in the crook of Hotch's neck, Spencer moaned his approval as the man lifted
him slightly and let him back down. Aaron's hands slid under his ass and Morgan's settled on his
waist as they began to find a rhythm. The younger man gasped for breath as they made
experimental movements. Eventually they found themselves naturally bucking up their hips at the
same time, and when they began lifting Spencer and pulling him back down in time with their
thrusts, the kid was a moaning, whimpering mess.
"Oh god, sir, feels so fucking good," he whined before sinking his teeth into Hotch's muscle.

He took in a sharp breath as Derek gripped his hair and pulled his head back.
"Want to hear those little sounds you make," he grinned, emphasizing his words with a particularly
hard thrust.
"Holy fuck, Derek," Spencer whimpered, nails digging into Aaron's skin, in turn drawing a groan
from his throat. Hotch gradually sped up, Morgan following suit.
"Fuck, Hotch, I'm getting close," Derek groaned, tightening his grip on the younger man.
"Me too," Hotch breathed, not having the words for how amazing Spencer felt stretched around the
two of them, practically pulling them back every time Hotch lifted him up. Not only that, but the
feeling of Morgan's cock sliding in tandem with his. The thought of how it would feel when the
man released only crossed his mind for a moment before Spencer's nails on his back caught his

"Cum inside me, Derek," Spencer groaned, turning his head and kissing the man. In a sudden and
unexpected spike of jealousy, Hotch slammed hard into the younger man, drawing a loud moan
from his throat. A few moments later, no doubt in reaction, Hotch and Spencer felt Morgan cum, if
his groan hadn't been enough indication. The younger man let out a moan at the warm feeling
inside him, and Aaron could only muster a shuddering breath as he slowed to a stop.
"Morgan," Hotch growled, and the man quickly but gently pulled out, moving aside and watching
as Aaron set Spencer down, pulling out just long enough to turn him around and bend him over the
arm of the couch before slamming back into him.

Spencer found it harder to ignore his painfully hard cock as Hotch manhandled his wrists behind
his back, holding them with one hand while brutally pounding into his hole.
"Oh my god, sir, fuck yes," Spencer whimpered, tightening around the man. He moaned softly as
Hotch's arm wrapped around his throat and wrenched him up, feeling the man's breath on his ear.
"You know you're mine and mine alone, right?" he growled, and Spencer practically came on the
"Yes sir, yes sir, I'm all yours," he whined as Hotch somehow fucked into him harder.

Sitting on a nearby armchair, Morgan found himself already growing hard again, stroking his cock
distractedly as he watched the two men. As Spencer's hole once again tightened around his dick,
Aaron couldn't help but spill inside him with a loud groan. After a moment to catch his breath,
Hotch pulled out and leaned down, his hand moving to the back of Spencer's neck as his tongue
dipped inside the younger man's hole, tasting the mix of his and Morgan's cum as well as Spencer

Unable to resist, Morgan moved back over, kneeling on the couch and guiding his cock between
Spencer's waiting lips. Hotch's grip on the back of his neck tightened as he moaned around Derek,
who soon began thrusting gently. Aaron, satisfied with the cleanliness of his slut, dragged his
tongue over Spencer's hole one last time before standing up. After a few more light thrusts,
Morgan pulled out as well, giving Spencer a kiss before standing up.

"That was, better than I could have expected, to say the least, thank you. Both of you," Spencer
smiled, kissing Aaron sweetly.
"I could say the same," Derek grinned, sorting through the clothes on the floor in an attempt to find
his own.
"We'll see you tomorrow then, Morgan?" Hotch said between kissing Spencer.
"What, no goodbye? I see how it is. I've served my purpose as the spare cock and now I'm kicked
out," Morgan joked.
"That's not necessarily true," Spencer laughed, breaking away from Hotch's embrace just long
enough to give Derek a goodbye kiss, then allowed himself to he swept up by Aaron, wrapping his
legs around the man.
"We'll see you tomorrow, Morgan," Hotch grinned as he took Spencer to his room, leaving Derek
to find his clothes and the door.


"You sure you don't want to cum?" Aaron teased, fingertips sliding over Spencer's aching erection.
"Oh I'm practically desperate to cum, but it'll be that much better when I eventually do," the
younger man smiled, taking both of Hotch's hands in his and kissing him lovingly.
"Why did you do him on the couch, instead of taking him here, if you don't mind me asking?"
Hotch asked as he shifted onto his back, Spencer soon resting his head on the man's chest, one arm
across his abdomen.
"I guess because this is our place. It's, special," he admitted. "And it already reeks of your
testosterone, I didn't want to add his to the mix," Spencer continued, mostly kidding.
"Well, I'll admit I'm glad we've kept this to ourselves. I like this being our space," Aaron smiled,
tilting up the younger man's chin for another kiss, then snaking his arms around his waist.

"Do you think we're going too fast?" the younger man said suddenly.
"What do you mean, love?" Aaron frowned, holding the man tighter without even thinking about
"I don't know. We cuddle and have sex for seventeen days--really, really great cuddling and sex, by
the way--and now we're married? Is that too fast?" Spencer smiled, only half joking.
"Well, with how much we're around each other at work, I'd say those were our dating years, and
then those seventeen days were just a quick engagement," Hotch chuckled, kissing Spencer's
"Yeah alright, that works for me," Spencer smiled.
Chapter 6

They had just said goodnight to Jack and were headed downstairs to finish the last of the dishes
from dinner. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Spencer backed Hotch up against the
nearest wall, hands sliding underneath his shirt, playfully dragging his tongue over Hotch's bottom
"I love watching you parent. You're so sweet with him. It's cute," Spencer smiled before kissing the
"What, no parenting related statistics for me?" Hotch teased, wrapping his arms around Spencer's
waist and pulling him closer, pressing their bodies together, feeling each other's warmth.
"Oh I have them, I'm just holding back. I've gathered that my statistics can ruin the mood
sometimes," Reid smiled as he deftly unbuckled Hotch's belt.
"Spencer, what if Jack comes down for a drink of water or something? We're not exactly behind
closed doors," Aaron protested as the younger man crouched down in front of him, but made no
move to actually stop him.
"Come on, Jack likes me. I don't think he'd mind if his daddy's married to me," he smirked as he
pulled Hotch's slacks down slightly and began mouthing at his cock through his boxers.

The feeling of Spencer's tongue flattening against his dick, the warmth of the man's breath through
the thin layer of fabric, was enough to cause Aaron to grind his hips forward, running his hands
through Spencer's hair and tugging lightly.
"Fuck, Spencer, we, we have dishes to get done," Hotch breathed, his erection protesting as he
forced himself to tilt Spencer's head back and lean down to kiss him, then bring him to his feet.
"Is my tendency for denial rubbing off on you?" he smirked.
After fixing his belt, he took Spencer's hand and brought him to the kitchen, starting in on washing
plates. For a while, the younger man gave in, drying as Aaron washed, but eventually he wanted

Grinned wickedly, he suddenly moved behind Hotch and pressed up against him, one hand snaking
around his waist and the other sliding down and roughly palming his crotch. Aaron nearly dropped
the plate he was washing.
"Goddamn, are you just always ready to go?" he said in the steadiest voice he could manage,
gripping the edge of the sink with one hand.
"Yes sir, like any good cock slut," Spencer purred into Hotch's ear.

A quiet growl rumbling from his throat, Hotch turned around and gripped Spencer's hips, kissing
him passionately while backing him into the island. The younger man briefly broke the kiss to get
up onto the counter, parting his knees so Aaron could slot himself between them. Spencer groaned
softly into his mouth, the man's tongue ravishing his own. As Aaron got up onto the counter as
well, ignoring the granite under his knees, Spencer laid back to accommodate him. Hotch placed
his elbows near Spencer's shoulders, holding himself up as they passionately swapped saliva,
playing with his hair every so often.

Aaron moved one leg between Spencer's, leaning down enough that he could grind his thigh
against the younger man's crotch. Whining quietly, Spencer rutted against the man's leg. He was
buzzing with excitement as Hotch kissed down his throat, then slid down his body, straddling one
of his legs.
"You're such a needy little slut," Aaron purred as he slowly unbuckled Spencer's belt.
"Yes sir," he breathed, pulling his shirt out from his waistband.
"Lucky for you I love satisfying you," Hotch grinned. After unbuttoning and unzipping the
younger man's pants sinfully slowly, Aaron pulled out his already hard cock, pumping it a few
times before taking the head between his lips, laving his tongue over it.

"Oh my god, sir," Spencer groaned quietly, tangling his fingers in the man's hair and resisting the
urge to force him all the way down. "Want to cum down your throat," he moaned. The way that
spurred Hotch on, causing him to swallow him down all the way and hold there for a long moment
before quickly bobbing his head up and down, let him know without words that the man would be
happy to oblige.

"Fuck you're so good," Spencer breathed, giving into his desires and gently thrusting up into the
man's mouth. Hotch groaned around his dick, sending vibrations through him and giving him a
loud moan to stifle. He found his mind straying to the night before, the memory of being fucked by
both Hotch and Morgan, how intensely close he was to cumming afterwards, and he quickly felt
that close again.
"Oh god, sir, I'm really close," he whined as Hotch's hand lightly groped his balls, hips bucking
upwards. Hands on the back of Aaron's head, he held the man as he breathed hard through his
release to keep from crying out in pleasure.

He relaxed back on the counter, running his hands through his hair as he gained control of his
breathing. After swallowing the man's cum, Aaron fixed his pants, then gave him a kiss.
"You know, for being all macho all the time I sure find you with my dick in your mouth a lot,"
Spencer chuckled.
"Oh, did you not want me to suck you off?" Aaron teased as he got off the counter.
"Now wait a minute, that's not what I meant," the younger man answered defensively.
"Well, as long as that's not what you meant," Hotch grinned.

Spencer got to his feet and drew in close to the man.

"Are you gonna take me upstairs now, sir?" he teased, hooking his index fingers in Hotch's belt.
"Sweetheart, I've still got a few dishes," Aaron began as he turned Spencer around and wrapped one
arm around his waist, kissing his neck while walking him towards the table. "And since you can't
seem to control yourself. You're going to wait right over here."
Hotch sat him down in one of the dining chairs, then retrieved his cuffs and looped them around
one of the bars on the back of the chair, cuffing Spencer's wrists behind his back.
"Sir, please," he protested. The chair was facing away from the kitchen, therefore he wouldn't even
be able to see Hotch while the man finished up.
"Come on, getting off didn't satiate you for the next ten minutes?" Aaron grinned wickedly, kissing
Spencer's forehead then returning to the plate in the sink.

Hearing his man move about the kitchen and not being able to touch him, let alone see him, was
practically torture. He did his best to stay still and think about something else, ultimately settling
on recounting every moment of their most recent case in his head, gradually growing hard again.

"Did you miss me, love?" Aaron grinned as he appeared in Spencer's view, leaning down to kiss
"You have no idea," he groaned, chasing the man's lips as he began to pull away but ultimately
becoming unable to chase him any further.
"I'd invite you upstairs, but, you seem pretty comfortable here," Hotch teased, slowly backing
"Please, sir," Spencer whined.
"Alright, alright baby," Aaron chuckled as he moved behind the younger man and unlocked the
cuffs, sliding them into his back pocket. "Come on, love, let's go to bed," he smiled, kissing
Spencer's cheek.

Spencer followed behind Hotch, both of the man's hands in his. They made it halfway up the stairs
and he couldn't resist anymore. Stopping suddenly, he slid his hands around Aaron's waist.
"Spencer, can we at least get to bed?" Hotch sighed.
"In a second, just want to do one thing first."
"Baby, I can see the bedroom door," Aaron chuckled as Spencer unbuckled his belt.
"Just get down for me," Spencer encouraged as he kneeled on the steps, carefully pulling Hotch
down with him.
"And what exactly is it you plan on doing?" Hotch asked, genuinely not sure what to expect.

Aaron had one knee a step higher than the other, elbows on a higher step. He took in a sharp breath
as Spencer pulled down his slacks and boxers just enough to expose his ass to the cold air.
"Holy, fuck," Hotch gasped out when the younger man's tongue flicked over his hole.
"Worth stopping for?" Spencer laughed.
"If Jack wakes up and sees this I don't know what I'd do," Aaron groaned quietly, feeling Spencer
tongue circling the rim of his hole.
"You could start with punishing me," the younger man grinned.
"We'd have to get to the bedroom to do that, and from the way tonight's been going that could
never happen," Aaron joked.

Hotch bit back a groan as Spencer tongue dipped inside him.

"You know, if anyone's going to wake up Jack, it's you," the younger man chuckled before pushing
his tongue inside the man again.
"Not if you keep talking," Hotch gasped out.
"Well you see," Spencer began as he pushed two fingers inside the man, playfully moving them in
and out, twisting them inside him, anything, "if I'm not talking, then you're moaning, and doing a
pretty poor job at holding back."
Spencer pulled out his fingers, then circled the man's hole with his tongue before pushing it in as
deep as he could.
"Hate it when you're right," Hotch breathed, one hand gripping a stair so hard his knuckles

Spencer suddenly got up and continued moving towards the bedroom.

"What, aren't you coming?" he joked, leaving Hotch to gather up his slacks and follow behind.
Quickly and quietly, he caught up to Spencer and grabbed him by the waist, then pushed his back
up against the doorframe. Aaron pressed up against him, pinning him to the doorframe, and nipped
at his ear.
"When we get inside that room, you're going to remember your manners, right? I'm in charge from
here on out," Hotch growled in his ear.
"Yes sir, I'll be so good, sir," Spencer whimpered, placing his hands on the man's face and kissing
him swesweetly.
"Good boy," Aaron purred as he took the younger man's hand and led him inside the bedroom.

"Strip down and lay on the bed," Hotch ordered when the door was closed and locked. Spencer
tried not to look as eager and desperate as he felt as he obeyed, starting with his shirt. When he was
on his back on the bed, Aaron straddled his abdomen, quickly kissing him before gently cuffing his
wrists to the headboard.
"Tighter, sir, please," he begged quietly.
"Just a little. I don't want to hurt you," Hotch frowned, tightening each cuff slightly. Spencer bit
back the retort that came to mind, desperate to be good for the man.

Aaron kissed his way down Spencer neck, then his chest, then all the way down until he was
settled between the younger man's thighs leaving a light hickey on his hip. He took two fingers into
his mouth for a brief moment, then plunged them inside Spencer before the kid even knew it was
"Holy fuck, sir," he gasped out, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Shut up," Hotch threatened as he roughly moved his fingers in and out.
"Oh god, sir, please more," Spencer whimpered. He took in a sharp breath of surprise as the man's
free hand suddenly clamped down on his mouth.
"Shut up," Hotch pressed, adding a third finger and moving his hand faster as Spencer writhed and
moaned beneath him.

As Hotch's fingers slowed and left him, Spencer whined in protest, though it was muffled by the
man's hand. He breathed deeply as Aaron's forehead pressed to his, desperately want to touch the
man, kiss him, anything.
"You want me to fuck you, huh?" Aaron smirked. Whimpering softly, Spencer nodded.

"I'm going to move my hand, and you're going to stay quiet and tell me all about it," Hotch smiled,
carefully moving his hand to rest on Spencer's throat.
"Please, sir," he begged quietly. "Want to feel you inside me. Want to hear you breathe faster as
you rail me into the mattress, want to watch you cum, feel it deep inside me. I want you to use me
for your pleasure."
"Oh sweetheart, you wanna be my little boy toy, hm?" Hotch smiled, sweetly running his hand
through the man's hair before kissing him.
"Yes sir," he grinned.

Aaron moved his hand back to the younger man's mouth as he spat on his other hand and slicked
up his cock. As Hotch slammed into his hole in one thrust, Spencer pulled hard on the cuffs,
groaning in shock and pleasure, starting to turn his head towards his elbow before the man's grip
pulled him back. Spencer's eyes squeezed shut as Aaron held there inside him, hips rolling so
slightly that it was barely noticeable. He whined as Hotch slowly pulled out halfway, and pushed
back in almost slower.
"Shut up and look at me," Aaron groaned, and Spencer immediately locked eyes with the man.
"There you go, love," he smiled, again pulling out slowly, but then slamming back in hard, drawing
a muffled yelp from the younger man.

As he found his desired rhythm, pulling out slow and gentle, then brutally pushing back in, Aaron
leaned down and kissed at Spencer's neck. The younger man's tight heat drawing him in combined
with the sound of the man's heavy breathing through his hand was enough to have him feeling
practically intoxicated as he continued. Spencer relished in the feeling of Aaron on top of him,
breathing him in as the man nearly smothered him, fucking into him passionately. Hotch couldn't
help but groan softly as Spencer tightened around him. Aaron gripped the back of the man's thigh
and pushed it uncomfortably close to his chest, practically resting his weight on it while moving
his hips slightly faster and more erratic.

"I love you," Aaron suddenly groaned in Spencer's ear between heavy panting. The breathy
confession was almost too much for the younger man to handle.
Aaron had been thinking it so much recently that it felt too wonderful to not say again.
"I love you, Spencer," he breathed again, then again and again with slight variation until he
released inside the man with a shuddering breath.

Hotch practically collapsed onto Spencer and didn't move for a long moment, until Spencer was
thinking he'd cum so hard that he'd stroked out or something, but then the man's hand on his mouth
was replaced with a sweet kiss.
"I mean it, you know. I love you. Not just while having sex. It just slipped out," Aaron smiled,
blushing slightly.
"Well it makes sense. Sex is a vulnerable action, it's only natural for the vulnerability to perpetuate
into emotional as well," the younger man speculated.
"Was there, uh, anything else that came to mind?" Hotch stumbled.
"I love you too, Aaron," Spencer smiled, bringing a grin to the other man's face.

After kissing Spencer's forehead, he carefully pulled out of him, then unlocked the cuffs.
"What would you say to a shower, my love?" Aaron smiled as he got to his feet and held out his
hand to the man.
"And wash you off me? I'd rather lay here forever," Spencer laughed.
"Sweetheart you could never wash me off you. I'll never let you go long enough to."

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