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Thea Mae M. Baldostamon


Note: The age of a person can never be the basis that a person has already achieved moral
maturity. It could be that a person is already 65 years old yet still on the level of
conventional morality where that person supposed to be at the 6 stage at the post
conventional morality. 

Now do this:

Having possessed a higher level of learning about Kohlberg Stages of Moral Development,
which specific level or stage you believe you belong? Why? Justify your chosen level or
stage with some personal indicators. Not more than 15 sentences.  50 pts....

• The specific level I believe I belong to is the conventional level-maintaining social order stage
no. 4. One of the most significant aspects of human existence is morality. Then, there is a degree
of confusion involved in trying to be unbiased about things that involve terms like "good" and
"bad". My moral action to enact or to try things to solve moral dilemmas in life would probably
depend on how well it conforms to society's rules and whether I'm aware of the law's
implications and am willing to accept them. To sustain self-discipline and social order in the
community, rules and regulations must be observed and respected. Our society could not
probably maintain order if its humanity agreed to break the law when they felt they had a good
enough reason to do so. It is good to pursue our perspective because different individuals have
different viewpoints on life. However, having self-awareness of the law will set our boundaries
and limitations to rationalize first before deciding to take action to avoid regrets, judgments, and
consequences of the law. I am governed by social rules. I'm now able to contemplate a broader
perspective, that of societal laws. My moral decision-making becomes more than just about other
people's feelings. Moreover, everyone has an ownership right to give justice to defend what is
right and wrong.

Look at the Other Person:

Apply Kohlberg Stages of Moral Development to favorite celebrety or artist. Which stage
or level do you think that person is? Are there similarities with your stages/ level? not more
than 12 sentences. 30 pts

• Kathryn Bernardo is my favorite celebrity, and I believe she is on the Post-Conventional Level
—Societal Contract and Individual Rights Stage No. 5—because she prioritizes her moral
judgment of a circumstance over societal expectations, her behavior, and her rights in life.
Kathryn Bernardo has held different opinions, rights, and values. These viewpoints should be
regarded as unique to each individual or culture. She's been a public figure who has taken
decisions based on her rights, virtues, responsibilities, or principles without regard to others. And
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that's how she lived with it, being true, classy, sophisticated, and having her own standards of
living. Sometimes, there is no "wrong" opinion or worldview, especially when we are faced with
moral dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas give us options. When deciding how to act, the implications
of our decisions might be numerous. And our moral perspective would be based on our
experience, beliefs, education, or character, which cannot be criticized easily, as long as it is not
violating the law or not hurting others, that matters the most.

When you ask for a moral advice, which level or stage of moral development should that
person be? Why, 5 lines, 20 pts. 

• Whenever I seek moral guidance, the level or stage of moral growth of that person should
really be the conventional level-maintaining established social stage no. 4, since she would be
more like me, who makes all the decisions or acts depending mostly on the law's approval or
expectation. However, we have the right and freedom to speak up, to act, or to decide. Through
this law, it guides us to be good individuals, not to be controlled but to maintain discipline and
learn to understand or consider others’ perspectives. However, we shouldn't urge someone to be
fit by our standards. But the rules are seen as being the same for everyone, and they are supposed
to do what is seen as valuable and crucial.

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