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Dat 9119
Paga -

Chaptar ui s
Lotftuden and Longühudes
A w


Equator d ba
Eoruth nto tuo qual
thot wides the
Animaginary ine
Ly Cirnulan in slze. ios time
degrun) Loutltude.p 1a
9 t rprunents the 0° (Zeo
north laítude martks the Noruth Pole and 90's
Lati tude marks the South
Pole. m
Impordart Paraluab Loditudes p ai
rt- 23%° North n the Nortthurun Hemiuphuru.
Tropit et (on
South in the Southarun Hamispberu.
Tropit ok eaprucorcn-23%
Artctic irut- 66%' North ob the equatort.
Ardarctic Circle 66 %° 8outh oh the equatorc.

Heod ZontA ef the Eorth

Torrid Zone mid-day Sun is AcactLy ovuthaad at luast

one in a yeat
9tuates butoen the Tropíc ok Canur and
Trropicef Caprieprun.
rueves madimum heat.
Tumprcod Zont mid day suun nver shines ovrrhead hvuu.
Angle ot Sun's
rays go m deve aaing
towards the polus.
The arwas boundud by the Trople
Con wt and the Arttle lurde in the
Nordherun Hamiuphre and Tropic ot
Copruprn and the Antosttic Cirncde in
he Seuthu
Date 9/9119

moder ote temptroturs

Frugia Zon)-Arua Uying batoaen the Ardlt Cincle and the
Norcth Pol in the North.uun Hemisphuru and He
Antarctie incle and the Soudh Pole tn the Southern

Very uoldsalJe tuo alo

The Sun doup not ruse auch above the horulgon
Sun rrays au aluoay stanting and provide
A u uakon w heot.ulo airgual itda

tUhot i Longtudaa alt 99eie aibudge ot d

Imagtnaruy lins drauo from North Pole to South Pole.
Tme Prime Muudian (o*) and 180 meridion dwide the arth into
tub equal halua, the Eaotunn Hamisphre and the wuturtn

Why dp 00 howe Sandand time?ugT d g Jaothal

The longihude of 3 a E °30E) a kaouwn an the 9ndian
8tondard Tume (1ST)
Sndia Loadad aast oh Sreenwich at 8280e s 5 hours and
30minuts ahead eh GMT. it teL a

Lahla aaor

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