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Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

This assignment is an individual paper.

Submission date: Tuesday January 24, 2022 in class.
Total: 50 marks in total.

Instructions and expectations:

(1) This paper requires students to watch Hugo. Dir. Martin Scorsese, 2011. USA: GK Films,
126 minutes.

(2) Answer all four parts:

(I) Multiple choice/True or False questions(one mark each; total 10 marks).
(II) About the film’s synopsis (about 100 words; total 10 marks).
(III) About the cast (total 20 marks).
(IV) Make screen captures of particular shots or sequences and write brief notes (total
10 marks)

Note: A Screen capture, also known as a screenshot, is an image of a shot or a series of

images from a sequence of film. In a sequence of film, the screenshot should be taken
whenever there is a change of shot or scene. Sometimes several screenshots may be taken
from within one shot or take especially when there are vigorous movements of characters,
objects, props, etc.

Please print your assignment in colour. This is because colour better helps capture or
draw attention to the minutest details in the mise-en-scene.

(3) Please staple your assignment.

(4) Please ensure that you screen captures are of a good viewing size. That is to say, please
do keep in mind that your professor is both short- and long-sighted.

(5) Please write your name, student number, and contact number.

(6) No late work please.

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

Part I: Multiple choice questions: Tick the correct answer. (1 mark per appropriate answer)

With particular regards to Hugo (2011):

1. Who is the director? Martin Scorsese Martin Sensmeier Martin Carev

2. What is the year of 2001 2011 1995


3. What is the film’s length 100 minutes 90 minutes 126 minutes

4. What is the name of the Paramount Columbia Dreamworks

production company? Pictures Pictures Pictures

5. Where is the place or France United Kingdom United States

country of production?

With particular regards to Hugo (2011), determine of the following statements are ‘True’ or
‘False’ (please tick your answer in the table below):
Statement True False

6. The film is based on an original screenplay.

7. The film won three Oscar Awards.

8. The film is adapted from Brian Sleznick’s The
Invention of Hugo Cabret (2007).

9. The film offers a fictional account of American
filmmaker called George Miélès.

10. The film is documentary about well-known French
filmmaker called George Miélès.

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

Part II: The synopsis (What is the film’s plot? What is the film about?) (Total: 10 marks)

11. In your own words, write the film’s synopsis (about 100 words). You must watch the
whole movie. Please do not copy and paste. Add more dotted lines if required. (5 marks
Hugo is taken away by his uncle Claude because his father is burned alive in a museum
fire. After Uncle Claude vanishing, Hugo lives between the walls of the station, he steals
mechanical parts in the station to repair the automaton, but he is caught by a shopkeeper
George. George sets a trap and takes Hugo's notebook. Hugo follows George to his home
and meets Isabelle. They starts to bond with each other and find out Isabelle has the key
to the automaton. Eventually they find out more about George. Hugo decides to return the
automaton to George but is trapped and detained by the inspector. Georges claims to take
care of Hugo and thanks Hugo for his action. Lastly, George is honored for his films,
Hugo becomes George's apprentice and Isabelle decides to be a writer.
12. George Miélès’ films were once very popular. In the film he recounted through a
flashback their demise and in a fit of anger, set his works to flame. What caused the
anger? Why were people losing interest in watching films at the time? What could film
be recycled as? What are the characteristics of flashbacks in film? Add more dotted lines
if needed. (Maximum: 5 marks)
In the autumn of 1910, Méliès made a deal with Charles Pathé. Méliès accepted a large amount of
money to produce films and in exchange of Pathé Frères distributing and reserving the right to
edit these films. In addition, Pathé also held the deed to both Méliès' home and his Montreuil
studio as part of the deal. However, after several unprofitable production, Méliès broke his
contract with Pathé, nonetheless he had nothing with which to cover his indebtedness to that
company. Méliès went bankrupt and was unable to continue making films. With his brother
Gaston's poor financial decisions, the horrors of World War I, and in 1913, his first wife Eugénie
Génin passed away in May, leaving him alone to raise their twelve-year-old son, André, Méliès
stopped producing films. The war shut the Théâtre Robert-Houdin for a year, and Méliès left
Paris with his two children for several years. In 1923, Pathé took over Star Films and the
Montreuil studio. He was forced into bankruptcy and in a rage, Méliès burned all of the negatives
of his films that he had stored at the Montreuil studio. As mentioned above, the first World War
happened during that period of time, the economy was bad, so everyone lost interest in watching
films. His film was melted down to make things like buttons and shoe heels. A flashback is an
interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point in the story.

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened before the story's primary sequence of
events to fill in crucial backstory or to gives addition information for the scene.

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

Part III: The cast (give one example): Please choose the performer correctly. If a mistake is made, then all subsequent answers would
be incorrect. (Maximum: 20 marks)

Types of roles Name of Name of character Insert screen capture of the character. Give Describe the character’s
performer the time code. chief narrative role (10
(1 mark)
words maximum)
(1 mark) (1 mark)
(1 mark)

13. Male lead Ben George Miélès Once a famous

(A sample Kingsley filmmaker, Miélès now
answer) runs a toyshop.

Time code: 01:34:27

15. Female lead Chloë Grace Isabelle George's goddaughter,

Moretz became friends with Hugo

Time code: 00:16:13

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

16. Male Asa Hugo Cabret Son of the clockmaker, Mr.

Supporting Role Butterfield Cabret. Help his uncle to
maintain the clocks at Gare
Montparnasse railway
station. Adopted by George
in the latter part of the film

Time code: 00:01:43

17. Female Helen Jehanne D'Alcy George's wife, an actress in

Supporting Role McCrory many of Méliès' films

Time code: 00:56:21

18. Male Minor Sacha Baron Gustave Dasté The railway station
Role Cohen inspector

Time code: 00:01:45

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

19. Female Minor Emily Lisette Owner of the flower shop

Role Mortimer

Time code: 00:25:24

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

Part IV: Screen capture

20. The below screen capture is taken from Hugo. It gives a clue to the temporal setting of the

(i) What is the time code for this shot? (Hint: the shot appears somewhere between
1:00:00 and 1:30:00.) (1 mark)


(ii) Who is Claude Cabret. Name the actor who plays this role. (2 marks)

Claude Cabret is Hugo's father's alcoholic, he is Hugo's uncle, and maintains the
clocks at Gare Montparnasse railway station. The actor is Ray Winstone.

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

21. Capture and briefly describe the shot at this time code. (2 marks)

Hugo and Isabelle showed Mama Jeanne what they found inside Hugo and his dad's automaton.

22. Capture and describe the sequence in the below time code. (5 marks)

00:15:35to 00:16:55
Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

Tip: For layout, consult the sample storyboard for Silent Movie (1978) given separately.

00:15:35 00:15:38 00:15:45 00:15:48 00:15:50 00:15:55 00:15:56

00:15:57 00:15:58 00:16:00 00:16:02 00:16:04 00:16:06 00:16:10

00:16:13 00:16:16 00:16:19 00:16:21 00:16:22 00:16:25 00:16:27

Name: Cheong Tong Chon Student Number: DB925799 Contact Number: (+853) 66665416

00:16:30 00:16:33 00:16:36 00:16:39 00:16:41 00:16:43 00:16:46


00:16:48 00:16:50 00:16:53 00:16:55



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