Myles Andree Calimbo - Socsci Act2

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What Have I Learned So Far?

1. What elements make anthropology a holistic discipline?

- Anthropology is the study of humans and their societies in the past and present. It
draws upon social, natural, and humanities knowledge to investigate the human condition.
Anthropology examines the full range of the human experience through a holistic perspective,
including its origins in modern forms of culture and social life; this implies that one must
practice a holistic discipline to study anthropology. Moreover, Anthropology is a holistic
discipline since all things that humans do are interconnected; even if it is beneficial for some
specialized fields to separate some categories of what humans do, in reality, those things that
we do blend into one another and affect all the other things in our life.

2. How was culture developed through the physical changes that occurred in early
- Self-preservation, reproduction, and greed are biological imperatives. Millions and billions of
years of biological evolution gave rise to them. They contribute to human life just as much as
any other form of life on Earth. However, humans are not just biological creatures but also
social, the most social on Earth. According to research, early humans' biological evolution went
alongside their cultural evolution. New evolutionary horizons that were blocked to less
culturally advanced species appear to have been opened by culture. The observation and
inference of other people's ideas, beliefs, values, practices, mental models, and strategies are
made possible by psychological adaptations that have genetically evolved to allow for cultural
transmission and evolution.

3. Why is bipedalism an important development in the physical capacity of humans?

- Bipedalism means the condition of having two feet or of using only two feet for locomotion.
The ability to walk on two legs distinguishes humans from all other animals. Bipedalism is an
essential development in the physical capacity of humans because it allows us to do things that
are more advanced than what other species do. Bipedalism gave way to the development of
more complex tools and societies.
4. Why is it important to study human evolution?
- It is important to study human evolution because understanding our evolutionary history helps
to explain our species' unique anatomical features and how we acquired them. It also allows us
to comprehend how we are adapted to our environment and how we can change in the future.
Additionally, understanding our evolutionary history can help us better understand our place in
the natural world and the history of life on Earth. Hence, studying human evolution is essential
since it can provide insights into our behavior and cognition and how these have changed over

5. Do you believe in Darwinism theory of human evolution? Why or why not?

- I believe in Darwinism theory of human evolution because it implies the survival of the fittest.
According to the theory, the survival rate of a species over time depends on their capability to
adapt to their environment. It also stated that the elimination of the unfit is a natural process.
This chain of reasoning is very logical from a scientific perspective; thus, I am convinced by the

Complete the table below.

Sub-disciplines of Anthropology Goals
The goal of Archaeology is to
1. Archaeology understand how and why human
behavior has changed over time.
Cultural Anthropology aims to
2. Cultural Anthropology document the full range of human
cultural adaptations and achievements
and to discern in this great diversity the
underlying covariations among and
changes in human ecology, institutions
and ideologies.
Researchers in this field seek to
3. Linguistic Anthropology understand how linguistic practices are
rooted in social and cultural forms as
well as the social and cultural roots of
language itself.
Applied Anthropology aims to explore
4. Applied Anthropology and define the knowledge, beliefs,
values, needs, and behaviors in a
particular group and propose solutions
to problems based on that information.
The aim of Physical Anthropology is to
5. Physical Anthropology study the biology and the behavior of
man as well as their evolution.

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