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Name : Muhamad Sabriansyah

NIM : 201321020

Class : 2A-TLI



1. Runner-up

The runner-up is usually the person who comes in second place in a competition.

Example : In the Olympics, an athlete who wins a silver medal can be called a

2. So on and so forth

The phrase “so on” and “so forth” are synonyms and are used to indicate that
something continues in a similar manner [way]

For this reason, if the winner dies, the one who comes second will take his
place, and if this person dies as well, the one who came third will do it, and the same
will happen with the ones that came fourth, fifth, etc.

Example: He was complaining to me about a lack of justice in his case, and so on and
so forth.

3. Sacrifice

A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up. usually for the sake [purpose]
of a better cause.

Example : He sacrificed his personal life in order to get ahead in his career.

4. Tournament

A tournament is a competition in which a series of games is played, and the

winners of each game. Play against each other, until only one winner is left.

Example: We have a soccer tournament in May.

5. Hideous

Hideous is a word that means extremely ugly or unattractive. You can use it to
refer to a person or an experience. The Lord says, hideous to refer to Shrek's
appearance as he thinks that he is extremely ugly.

Example: A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers.

6. Indeed

Indeed is word You can use to add emphasis to a statement. You can also use
it to express that something is correct.

Example : “He’s just a donkey. Indeed.”

7. Knight

A knight is a man who served his Lord as a soldier, in the Middle Ages, and is
trained to fight. Usually in a heavy metal armor.

Example: After he saved her life, Alex was her knight in shining armor.

8. Ogre

An ogre is a mythical figure that is known for being a big ugly monster in
most fairy tales and myths. Ogres are shown as giant, scary, unintelligent human-like
figures, that many people. However, even though Shrek is an ogre he comes off as a
smart and friendly fellow.

Example: A man saw the ogre’s mask fall off, he started to shout, “OGRE!”.

9. Hang On

If someone asks you to hang on, that person is asking you to wait for a short period of

Example : "Hang on. I'll be with you in a moment."

10. Settle

To settle means to reach a decision or an agreement about something or to end a

disagreement .

Example : “You sure you wouldn’t settle for tall, dark, and handsome?”

11. Pint

A pint is a unit of measurement that equals to half a liter is commonly used to

refer to beer. Now here a Shrek said to settle the quarrel, over a beer. If you do
something such as talk or discuss over some sort of Beverage, you're doing it, while
you consume that beverage.

Example: Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another
eight pence a bottle.

12. Come on

You can say come on to someone to encourage them to do something

Example : “Come on, Sally. Let's Dance.”


1. Tag me

In professional wrestling, only one competitor per team is allowed in the ring
at a time. A wrestler can transfer the active status to another wrestler of his team,
when doing a palm-to-palm tag, (which resembles a high five).

Donkey is jokingly asking Shrek to tag him in order to be able to participate in the
fight. Example: “Hey, Shrek! Tag me! Tag me!.”

2. ‘Till

Till is a contraction of the preposition "until" and it means "up to the time

Example : “Shouldn't we wait ‘till Marks here?”

3. Try the Veal

The phrase try the veal is a cliche sign-off from stand-up comedians in
comedy clubs. Shrek is playfully joking with the fact that he provided good
entertainment for the audience, and he is using this phrase as a way of saying

Example: “I’m here ‘till Tuesday. Try the veal.”

4. Shall and Sir

“Shall” and “should” are both auxiliary verbs, but have different usages and
meaning shall is used more in formal English than should, although it is pretty
uncommon nowadays in American English. You would refer to someone as Sir. In
order to be polite or show, respect to someone who is in a position of authority

Example: “Shall I give the order, Sir?”

5. Embark

When you embark on something, you are starting it. It usually didn't know it's
excitement and starting at. You might embark on a new career, or embark on a trip to
Asia or as in this situation on an adventure.

Example: “... and the beautiful adventure they are about to embark upon together.”

6. Noble

Noble is moral in an honest Brave and kind way

Example : His followers believed they are fighting for noble cause.

7. Quest

A quest is a long search for something that is hard to find or an attempt to

achieve something difficult. It is about seeking something important and it often
involves a journey.

Example : Most conquerors have traveled the world and the quest for gold.

8. Swamp

Swamp is a lowland that is seasonally flooded. The Land There is very wet. And soft.

Example: “... a quest to get my swamp back!”

9. Dump

A dump is a place where trash is stored in piles. This verb use here is often
used when you get rid of someone or something in a careless way. It can also mean to
end a romantic relationship with someone

Example : “where YOU dumped those fairy tale creatures!”

10. Fairy

The fairy is a mythical magical being that is often described as a tiny human
with wings. For example, Tinkerbell from Peter Pan is a fairy.

Example : “where YOU dumped those fairy tale creatures!”

11. Fairy Tale

A fairy tale is a traditional story written for children. It usually involves

imaginary creatures and Magic. Some of the most popular fairy tales are Snow White,
Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.

Example : “where YOU dumped those fairy tale creatures!”

12. Creature

A creature is a living thing that is not necessarily human or real For example,
there are flying creatures, sea creatures and imaginary creatures like unicorns or

Example : “where YOU dumped those fairy tale creatures!”

13. Deal

A deal is an agreement on something that usually involves a mutual benefit of all


Example : The government is ready to make a deal with opposition.

14. Down to

Down to is commonly used to refer to something in a way that includes, even

the smallest, or at least important part

Example: Our work must be accurate down to the last detail.

15. Slimes

Slimes is a substance, very common to find in swamps or humid places. It is

slippery and gooey. If a swimming pool is not cleaned often enough. It will have
slime growing on the bottom.

Example: “Down to the last slime-covered toadstool.”

16. Toadstool

A toadstool is a mushroom. You can use the terms, mushroom and toadstool
interchangeably. Although most people save Toadstool for fairy tales, and also refer
to the poisonous ones

Example: “Down to the last slime-covered toadstool.”

17. Squatters

Squatters is a person who lives in an empty building or place without


Example: “... And the squatters?”

18. As good as gone

As good as gone can be considered to be very nearly lost departed or deceased

Example : After bungling that account last week, I'd say Jeff's job here is as good as

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