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Pretest & Posttest questionnaire


Full marks: 15 Time: 15 mins

Answer the following questions

1. The following are the indicator of positive mental health, except –
a. Positive attitude towards self
b. Growth Development and Self Actualization.
c. Autonomy
d. Physical well being
2. Environmental mastery is an important indicator of positive mental health, which indicates
an individual is
a. Able to understands his strength and limitations
b. Able to develop a philosophy of life
c. Able to achieve a satisfactory role within the group and society
d. Able to achieve the tasks associated with each level of development
3. Which of the following is the predisposing factor of poor mental health?
a. Broken Family
b. Brain damage
c. Psychological stress
d. All of the above
4. Which of the following symptom indicates a person having poor mental health?
a. Always remains overanxious and tense
b. Unrealistic attitude towards life and people
c. Thinking about harming himself or attempting suicide
d. All of the above
5. Which of the followings is the bodily signs of poor mental health?
a. Lack of decision-making ability
b. Extreme tiredness
c. Irritability and strong feelings of anger
d. Loss of pleasure and interest in activities formerly enjoyed
6. Mental hygiene is a general set of principle that promote
a. Healthy personality
b. Healthy learning
c. Positive emotions
d. Good intellectual capacity
7. Which of the following is not an effective way to improve mental health?
a. Eating healthy diet
b. Getting enough sleep
c. Connecting with friends and family
d. Using drugs or medication
8. The act of keeping a record of one’s personal thought, feeling and insights are known as
a. Reflection
b. Journaling
c. Introspection
d. Accounting
9. The body’s tendency to maintain a constant internal environment is called
a. Thermostat
b. Homeostasis
c. Aggression
d. Hydrolysis
10. Yoga helps in
a. Improvement in memory, attention, thought
b. Stretching the muscle and releasing the stress
c. Improve the blood circulation & develop the brain cells
d. All of the above
11. The full form of JPMR is
a. Jacobson promotive muscle relaxation
b. Jacobson promotive mental relaxation
c. Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation
d. Jacobson progressive mental relaxation
12. Janusirsasana helps to relieve
a. Digestive disorders
b. Urinary disorders
c. Respiratory disorders
d. Gastro-intestinal disorders
13. Dimming down lights in the room and refraining from laptop or phone screens an hour
before bed which helps to release
a. Adrenaline
b. Melatonin
c. Cortisol
d. Aldosterone
14. Gratitude journaling also referred as
a. Intentions journaling
b. Counting one’s blessings
c. Three good things
d. All of the above
15. Which of the following is a breathing exercise?
a. Tarasana
b. Vrikshasana
c. Anulom-vilom
d. Janusirsasana
Answer sheet

Question number Answer

1. d
2. c
3. d
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. b
10. d
11. c
12. b
13. b
14. d
15. c

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