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Int J Fract (2010) 162:151–158

DOI 10.1007/s10704-009-9379-7


Impact damage in layered glass

Stephan Bless · Tiffany Chen

Received: 4 February 2009 / Accepted: 1 July 2009 / Published online: 28 July 2009
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract High-velocity impact onto a layered glass sequently, efforts have begun to develop better consti-
target produces a very extensive damage pattern exhib- tutive models for glass (Holmquist et al. 1995; Chocran
iting many distinct morphologies. Material around the et al. 2007). This is a challenging task, since the dynamic
penetration cavity is finely comminuted. Under the properties of glass differ in many ways from other brit-
arrested projectile, the glass is largely intact with spoke- tle materials (Kanel and Bless 2002), in that shocks are
like fracture regions. Around the projectile cavity, dispersive at low stresses, glasses exhibit very high ten-
needle fragments are formed; they are radial in outer sile strength, they can permanently densify under shock
layers and circumferential in inner layers. Extensive loading, and failure waves can initiate at free surfaces.
radial cracks occur in all layers, but the spacing and Historically, most scientific investigations of glass pen-
frequency of transverse fractures change in each layer. etration have involved thick targets (e.g., Anderson
Damage from radial cracks also progresses from being et al. 2005) or plane stress configurations (Hornemann
hoop-stress-induced to flexural-induced through the and Kaltoff 1984; Brajer et al. 2003). Relatively few
depth of the target. Fan and dicing cracks occur near studies of impact phenomenology onto laminates have
the periphery of the target. Mesoscale damage features appeared (e.g., Stevenson et al. 2000; Bless et al. 2007).
include conventional mist and hackle markings indi- Moreover, to date, no detailed description is available
cating very fast cracks. The map of damage presented of impact damage from the type of high-velocity pro-
herein should be a valuable reference for attempts to jectiles that represent current threats onto multi-
model impact damage of glass. laminate glass armor representative of present tech-
nology. Without such a description, development and
Keywords Glass · Transparent armor validation of analytical and numerical models for high-
velocity impact onto glass laminates will be difficult.
This paper is intended to begin to fill this knowledge
1 Introduction gap.
The projectile and outer layers of the target tested
Glass laminate armor has become a subject of intense here were similar to those tested in an experiment on
interest in recent years (e.g., Patel et al. 2000). Con- a four-layer glass laminate described by Bless et al.
(2007). In that study, high-speed photographs were
S. Bless (B) · T. Chen taken of the impact, frames of which are reproduced
Institute for Advanced Technology, The University
of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane, Suite 400,
in Fig. 1. The photographs show that dark propagation
Austin, TX 78759, USA fronts, visually resembling failure waves, propagate in
e-mail: the first two layers: radial in the first, and through the

152 S. Bless, T. Chen

Fig. 2 Sketch of the laminated glass target

13.4 g, HRC30 steel fragment-simulating projectile

(FSP) with an 18 mm long cylindrical body and trun-
cated two-sided chisel nose was shot into the glass at a
velocity of 1,118 ± 5 m/s, as measured by commercial
time-of-arrival screens.

Fig. 1 High-speed photographs, looking from the side, of impact 3 Impact damage
onto a four-layer glass target (5.8, 5.8, 9.7, 9.7 mm) backed by
5.8 mm of polycarbonate. Exposure times after impact are
indicated. From Bless et al. (2007) Penetration was 19 mm; the projectile stopped in the
second glass layer and was ejected from the target. The
thickness in the second. Consistent with observations FSP was compressed to a length of 8 mm but still
in Bless (2009), we assume the second layer fails from weighed 13 g. Although only two of the layers were
the front to the rear. The inner layers under the pro- penetrated, damage extended throughout all regions of
jectile become translucent. Results shown in this paper all seven layers. The polycarbonate backplate, how-
help to interpret those dynamic observations. ever, was not deformed. After the shot the target was
systematically disassembled using ethanol to soften the
adhesive layers. The damage patterns in each layer were
2 Experimental setup documented as the layer was revealed. A sketch of the
overall damage pattern is provided in Fig. 3. Table 1
The target used in the experiment, shown in Fig. 2, provides dimensions of each damage region. Note that
was intended to mimic the construction used for typi- debonding between the glass and polyurethane was
cal military lightweight fighting vehicles. It was com- never observed.
prised of seven layers of 30 cm × 30 cm untempered
soda lime glass of 7.6 cm total thickness, and two layers
of 36 cm × 36 cm polycarbonate (Lexan) of 12.7 mm 3.1 Impact region
total thickness. It was donated by Secure Holdings,
Inc. The glass laminates were separated by 0.6 mm of Particles from the impact crater were recovered and
polyurethane (Huntsman 399), while the lateral edges examined with optical and scanning electron micro-
of the glass were confined with tape. The glass was scopes. Many of these particles exhibited conventional
supported from the bottom by a wood block and held mist and hackle markings. However, these patterns
vertical by two straps that were attached to the polycar- occurred on a much finer scale than has previously been
bonate backplate where it extended beyond the glass. observed. In particular, twist hackle produced very fine
There was no rear support to the polycarbonate behind scale stair-step features (Fig. 4). Ravi-Chandar has dis-
the glass. The entire strike plate surface was covered by cussed a possible origin for this pattern (Ravi-Chandar
paper-backed masking tape in order to help recover par- and Bisen 2009). There are even hackle marks on the
ticles and fragments. A standard 12.7 mm (50 caliber), stair steps, which would seem to indicate that crack

Impact damage in layered glass 153

Fig. 3 Sketch showing

damage zones in target after

Table 1 Damage zone measurements (dimensions in mm)

Feature Layer Outer radius

Hole in first polyurethane layer 1 6

Impact crater 1 31
Bundled radial cracks 1 51
Outward fan cracks 1 53
Coarse radial cracks 1 118
Bow-tie cracks 1 146
Impact crater 2 40
Needle cracks 2 95
Compacted disk 3 46
Ripple cracks 3 58
Compacted disk 4 49 Fig. 4 A particle from the impact region showing a stair-step
Compacted disk 5 50 pattern with hackles on the steps
Compacted disk 6 50
Florets 7 25

acceleration and rotation took place on a micron scale.

The other usual feature was the presence of a large num-
ber of glass whiskers, as shown in Fig. 5. The transverse
dimension of the whiskers was submicron, and their
lengths were tens of microns. The whiskers were some-
times observed to protrude from the grooves between
hackle patterns. These probably correspond to “hackle
lances” as described by Quinn (2007).
Index of refraction was measured by oil immersion
of selected particles. However, there was no evidence
of densification.
Fig. 5 Whiskers found on particles from the impact region

3.2 Strike face

circle, these were the impact crater, the bundled radial
The strike face exhibited a sequence of distinct dam- cracks, the outward fan cracks, the coarse radial cracks,
age patterns, whose transitions appear concentric to the the bow-tie region, dicing cracks, and the inward fan
impact site, as shown in Fig. 6. Starting from the inner cracks. Dimensions are summarized in Table 1.

154 S. Bless, T. Chen

Fig. 6 Details of damage in the strike plate: a bundled radial cracks, b fan crack, c coarse radial cracks, d bow-tie crack, and e dicing

The main sequence of damage that is symmetric about cracks seldom cross the radial cracks, indicating the
the impact is also sketched in Fig. 7. later formation of the transverse cracks. Samples col-
Figure 6a shows a magnified view of the bundled lected from this region usually retained their full thick-
radial cracks that border the crater in the strike face. ness because there are no cracks parallel to the plate
The damage is restricted to sheaths of radial cracks, surface.
but the region between the crack bundles is not Figure 6d illustrates bow-tie cracks, which appear
damaged. The damage patterns seen between the just beyond the termination of the coarse radial cracks.
bundles in Fig. 6a are actually in the second glass Bow-ties are two crack fans, connected at a common
layer. origin, that propagate azimuthally in opposite direc-
Figure 6b shows the outward fan cracks, which are tions. This particular crack pattern was only observed
apparently due to branching of the bundled radial in the strike plate. Apex angles are typically 90◦ . Chips
cracks. The apex of each fan is on the center of the between cracks were often dislodged from the surface
crack bundle; the apex angles are about 67◦ . in this region.
Figure 6c shows the coarse radial cracks that extend Figure 6e illustrates dicing cracks that were found
beyond the crack fans. It appears that the individual beyond the bow-tie cracks. This region lacks a dom-
radial cracks are connected to the individual cracks inant orientation or symmetry. Dicing fragments are
in the outward fan crack, e.g., cracks originate on the curved in their surface trace and the interior surfaces
impact crater, run in a bundle, branch or spread out are twisted. Samples of glass traced out by the dicing
in a fan, then turn and propagate radially. Individual cracks had an average length of 3 cm. Dicing fragments
blocks bounded by the radial cracks often have inte- usually retained their full thicknesses. In the corners of
rior cracks that branch, twist, and then stop. Transverse the plates are inward-facing crack fans.

Impact damage in layered glass 155

Fig. 7 Schematic drawing

of features seen in strike
face (not to scale)

4 Rear glass plate Unlike the strike plate, radial cracks on the back plate
were very straight, were continuous, and extended all
Fracture patterns on the rear plate were easily seen the way to the edges (except for the corners). The radial
through the undamaged polycarbonate backing. Sim- slices were finely chopped by transverse cracks, which
ilar to the damage morphology on the strike plate, the rarely crossed the radial cracks. There were approxi-
rearmost glass layer can also be segregated into differ- mately 0.43 radial cracks per degree. Glass from this
ent damage patterns. As one examines this plate away region was recovered as platelets, as opposed to pie
from the center, the following patterns in Fig. 8 are pieces from the top layers. The cracking sequence
observed: florets, continuous radial cracks, and inward- appears to have been: radial cracks, then transverse
fan cracks. cracks, then cracks parallel to the rear face.
The florets are very small asterisk-like features Superimposed on the region of continuous radial
located in the center region of the back of the target, cracks, there are eight spoke-like bands in which the
directly under the projectile’s stopping location. Upon damage pattern is distinctly less intense. The bands that
disassembly, this region was found to be structureless, bisect the edges into quadrants are slightly wider than
and there were no particles resembling the florets seen those that run to the corners. Inside the bands, the spac-
on the rear surface of the undeconstructed targets. The ing of the continuous radial cracks is typically 1 cm,
observed features may be the base of conical fracture whereas the distance between radial cracks adjacent to
zones. the bands is typically 1 mm.
In the corners of the rear plate, there were inward-
facing fan cracks and dicing cracks, similar to the first
layer (and all other layers).

5 Second layer

The damage in the second layer of glass around the

impact cavity consisted of radial needle fragments. This
pattern transitions to coarse radial cracks and then dic-
ing cracks; dimensions are given in Table 1. The outer
coarse radial cracks resembled those in the strike plate,
but the needle cracks (shown in Fig. 9) were unique.
They were roughly square in cross section and tapered,
Fig. 8 Fracture regions in the rear glass plate with the sharp end pointing toward the center. Needles

156 S. Bless, T. Chen

In addition to the system of radial cracks, there are

four extensive faults present in layers 4–6. These rel-
atively straight fissures ran through the stack of inner
plates and were not only visible, but easily pried open
(Fig. 11). This is distinct from the spoke bands in the
rear plate, where there was virtually no opening dis-

7 Interpretations

Interpretation of damage patterns is necessarily specu-

lative. High-speed photographic records such as those
shown in Fig. 1 indicate that the region around the
Fig. 9 Needle cracks in the second glass plate impact is enveloped by a failure wave. The extremely
fine crack branching that produced the features shown
in Fig. 3 is presumably the trace of the failure wave. The
could easily be broken loose either individually or as appearance of radial needle cracks in layer 2 is com-
bundles with various lengths. Individual needles were patible with cavity expansion analysis, which predicts
typically 1 × 1 × 20 mm. this behavior (e.g., Satapathy and Bless 2000).
The compact disks in layers 3–6 and the florets in
layer 7 are approximately the same diameter as the cra-
6 Inner layers ter in layer 2. These features are probably all produced
by the compression stress generated by the projectile
Layers 3 through 6, which were all below the location of as it decelerates.
projectile stoppage, were similar in appearance. In each The transition from evacuated cavity to radial cracks
layer there was a compact central disk, surrounded by may represent the quenching of the impact-induced
ripple cracks, coarse radial cracks, and dicing cracks, failure wave, and localization into bundles of the initial
as shown in Fig. 10. radial cracks around the cavity in layer 1 may be a con-
In the third plate, beneath the crater, the compact sequence of failure wave kinematics. Peak shock stress
disk consisted of undamaged blocks separated by in the strike plate can be computed from one-dimen-
regions where the glass was heavily microfissured. The sional Hugoniot analysis; it is 10.5 GPa. This stress
damaged regions were confined to spokes radiating out- should produce an expanding failure wave around the
ward from the center, as can be seen in Fig. 10. impact site. The decay of peak stress with distance
Around the central column were ripple cracks, which will be approximately as r/R (where R is the impac-
were especially prominent in layer 3 and decreased in tor radius), from which the peak stress where the bun-
extent in deeper layers. These are rectangular-shaped dled radial cracks start is about 2 GPa. This is near the
fractures concentric to the center that resemble ripples minimum stress necessary for failure waves (Bless and
in a pond. The glass here can be broken out as rectangu- Brar 2007). Studies of planar and curved failure waves
lar prisms similar to the needle cracks from the second all show that the wave front breaks up into “fingers”
layer. However, ripple crack fragments are coarser and (Bourne et al. 1995; Strassburger et al. 2005; Grinfeld
harder to break loose than needle crack fragments, and et al. 2007), and perhaps the spacing of the crack bun-
their axis is perpendicular to the radial direction. dles arises from this instability.
The coarse radial crack regions in deeper glass lay- High-speed photography also has shown that the
ers are different from the corresponding regions in the coarse radial cracks propagate with an acoustic veloc-
first two layers. The glass between the radial cracks is ity. Thus, they are probably “pulled” by the hoop stress
composed of flakes that broke off in platelets parallel to behind the radial compression wave, as opposed to
the impact surface. More transverse cracks were found “pushed” by crack opening displacement at their roots.
in these deeper layers compared to the first two layers. The transverse cracks that break the radial slices are

Impact damage in layered glass 157

Fig. 10 Compacted region

in layer 3, beneath where the
projectile stopped, which
transitions to ripple cracks
and coarse radial cracks

Indeed, the long straight radial cracks in the rear plate

are consistent with flexing of the entire plate, which
may be possible because of its relatively compliant
polycarbonate backing. Inward-facing crack fans in the
corners are consistent with wave reflections in corners,
as discussed, for example, by Rinehart (1975).

8 Summary

Multi-layer glass laminates are an important subject

for study, since this technology is used in many cur-
rently fielded armor vehicles. Even impacts that result
Fig. 11 The fourth glass layer, showing the location of extensive in fractional penetration of such laminates can pro-
quadrant cracks
duce extensive damage far from the impact site, which
will affect multi-hit performance. The damage patterns
are symmetric about the impact, showing that impact-
almost certainly caused by late-time bending due to generated stress waves cause the primary damage. How-
rebound that is responsible for ultimate ejection of the ever, deeper layers can also experience crevice damage
projectile. That also explains why surface chips are regions that have the same symmetry as the glass struc-
ejected from some of the cracks in the front plate. ture, showing that structural response can cause much
The difference in character of radial cracks in the damage in material that is weakened by the prompt
outer two layers and the inner layers can probably be crack systems.
explained by considering momentum. The penetrated On the local scale, many distinct damage morpholo-
layers experience a stress that is mainly radial, as mate- gies are observed. Generally, the length scale of damage
rial is moved out of the way of the penetrator. The increases with distance away from the impact site. In
inner layers must absorb the momentum of the pene- the layers that were penetrated, the damage is mainly
trator. Moreover, each glass layer is underlayed by a due to hoop stress driven by radial expansion, whereas
relatively compliant layer of polyurethane. The greater in the inner layers damage is increasingly caused by
flexing and rebound of these layers causes additional flexural stresses. The area around the impact site is
flaking and transverse fracture. Consider also the anal- also swept by a failure wave that causes extremely fine-
ysis by Sun et al. (2005) of impact onto two-layer scale crack branching. Somehow, the self-organization
laminates. They found that the impact layer fails in of damage becomes manifested at a meso and macro
hoop tension, whereas the inner glass fails by flexing. scale near the crater: as bundled radial cracks in layer 1,

158 S. Bless, T. Chen

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Acknowledgments The research reported in this document
Jerusalem, Israel, May 21–24
was performed in connection with Award Number N00014-06-1-
Hornemann U, Kaltoff J (1984) Experimental investigation of
475 from the Office of Naval Research. Any opinions, findings,
wave and fracture propagation in glass slabs loaded by steel
and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material
cylinders at high velocities. Institute of Physics Conference
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
Series No. 70, Oxford
of the Office of Naval Research.
Kanel GI, Bless SJ (2002) Compressive fracture of brittle sol-
ids under shock-wave loading. Ceramic armor materials by
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