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Konsep Dasar Manajemen

Disusun Oleh:
Adinda Indriyani 21078076

Dosen Pengampu:
Rahmi Oktarina, M.Pd.T.
Mata Kuliah:
Dasar Manajemen

D4 Tata Rias Kecantikan

Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan
Universitas Negeri Padang

Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance so that I can complete
the assignment of this paper entitled Basic Concepts of Management on time.
The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the duties of a lecturer in the Basic Management
course. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight into the Basic Concepts of Management
for readers and also for writers.
I would like to thank Mrs. Rahmi Oktarina, M.Pd.T., as a lecturer in the Basic Management
course who has given this assignment so that I can add knowledge and insight according to the
field of study that I am engaged in.
I also thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that I can complete this paper.
I realize that the paper I wrote is still far from perfect. Therefore, I will look forward to
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
List of Contents
List of Contents..........................................................................................................................................3
Chapter I....................................................................................................................................................4
A. Background....................................................................................................................................4
B. Formulation of The Problem........................................................................................................4
Chapter II..................................................................................................................................................5
A. Management Role..........................................................................................................................5
B. Definition of Management.............................................................................................................5
C. Manager Level...............................................................................................................................7
D. Managers are Functional Viewed from the Process....................................................................7
E. Operational Management Functions from the Field Angle........................................................8
F. Management Skills........................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................................................10
Chapter I

A. Background

Education has an important role in the world of schooling, namely to convey knowledge
that can be useful to be applied in everyday life. In studying economics, it is required to have the
ability to understand and solve problems. However, in practice, these demands often result in
wrong perceptions of the economy, for example management is difficult, scary and so on. This is
felt by many students from elementary to college level. This results in a lack of enthusiasm for
studying economics.
Students are full of challenges. If you are not careful and thorough and careful in doing
calculations and planning, it is clear that losses and failures lie ahead. In other words, in addition
to students gaining knowledge in higher education, students can also gain experience from the
world outside of higher education.
With the implementation of this paper, it is expected that students have sufficient and adequate
provisions when they want to start a lesson.

B. Formulation of The Problem

From the problems that have been described above, the integration of demonstration,
discussion and question and answer methods to improve understanding in the basic concepts of
Chapter II

A. Management Role

Management is needed so that organizational goals can be achieved effectively and

efficiently. Effectiveness according to Peter F. Drucker is "doing the right thing (doing the right
things)". While Efficient is "doing things right (doing things right)".
In order for the management carried out to lead to business activities effectively and efficiently,
management needs to be explained based on its functions or known as management functions
(functions of planning, organizing, implementing, as well as controlling and supervising).
Effectiveness refers to the achievement of goals while efficiency refers to the use of minimum
resources to produce predetermined outputs.
In management, effectiveness is prioritized before efficiency. So, organizations need
management especially for the 3 most important things, namely:
1. Achievement of objectives effectively and efficiently;
2. Balancing conflicting goals and setting priorities; and
3. Having competitive advantages in the face of global competition.

B. Definition of Management

Judging from the origin of the word, the word management or management in English comes
from the Italian word, maneggiare which more or less means to handle or to handle. In Latin
there is a word that has almost the same meaning, namely manus which means hand or handle.
The definition of management put forward by experts, including:
1. Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
In the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences management is defined as the process of
implementing a certain goal that is organized and supervised.\
2. Mary Parker Follette
According to Mary Parker Follett, management is the art of getting things done through
other people.
3. Thomas H. Nelson
According to Thomas H. Nelson, management is the science and art of combining ideas,
facilities, processes, materials and people to produce useful goods and services and sell them
4. GR. Terry
According to GR. Terry management is defined as a typical process consisting of
planning, organizing, implementing efforts to achieve goals by utilizing human resources and
other resources.
5. James A.F. Stoner
According to James A.F. Stoner management is defined as the process of planning,
organizing, leading and supervising the efforts (efforts) of organizational members and using
all organizational resources to achieve the goals that have been set.
6. Prof. Drs. Oei Liang Lie
According to Prof. Drs. Oei Liang Lie management is the science and art of planning,
organizing, directing, coordinating and supervising human and natural resources, especially
human resources to achieve predetermined goals.
Another understanding of management is a process carried out to realize organizational goals
through a series of activities in the form of planning, organizing, directing and controlling people
and other organizational resources.
In addition to the definitions and definitions of management that have been described above,
McFarland, 1979 also suggests four definitions of management that are commonly used in
everyday life:
1. Organizing processes; namely planning, organizing, directing, activating and evaluating.
2. The word management also means career or position
3. The word management can also mean a group of people who are responsible for running an
4. The word management can also be a science or an art to manage other people.

Furthermore, Harbison and Myers classify management into three types, namely:
1) Patrimonial Management
It exists when a company is owned by a family and important positions in the company
hierarchy are controlled by members of that family.
2) Political Management
A form of management in which important and basic positions in the organization are held
by those who have political relations based on loyalty to a particular political party.
3) Professional Management
Strategic and important positions are handed over to those who have provided evidence of
their skills, capacities, abilities, expertise or in other words on the basis of the services and
results they provide to the company.

C. Manager Level

Management levels are divided into:

1. Top Manager (top manager)
Managers who are responsible to the board of directors and shareholders for the overall
performance and activities of the company.
2. Middle manager (middle manager)
Managers who are responsible for implementing strategic policies and decisions made by top
3. First line manager
Managers who are directly responsible for the work of employees (supervision)

D. Managers are Functional Viewed from the Process

Manager's responsibilities are functionally seen from the process, including:

1. Planning management
2. Supervision management
Management functions are needed so that all organizational resources can be managed and used
effectively and efficiently so that organizational goals can be achieved.
Activities within the Management function
1. Planning Management Function
a) Set business goals and targets.
b) Formulate strategies to achieve these business goals and targets.
c) Determine the required resources.
d) Setting standards or indicators of success in achieving business goals and targets.

2. Organizing Management Function

a) Allocate resources, formulate and assign tasks and establish necessary procedures.
b) Establish an organizational structure that shows the lines of authority and responsibility.
c) HR placement activities in the right position.

3. Implementation Management Function (Directing)

a) Implement the process of leadership, guidance and motivation for the workforce so that
they can work effectively and efficiently in achieving goals.\
b) Provide routine tasks and explanations about work.
c) Explain the policies that have been set.

4. Controlling Management Function

a) Evaluate success in achieving business goals and targets in accordance with
predetermined indicators.
b) Take steps to clarify and correct any deviations that may be found.
c) Perform various alternative solutions to various problems related to achieving business
goals and targets.
E. Operational Management Functions from the Field Angle

Operational management functions from the point of view of the field, including:
1. Production management
2. Personnel management
3. Financial management
4. Marketing management
5. Accounting management
In practice, the management functions carried out according to certain stages will be very
different if it is based on the operational function, not to mention the type of organization.
Based on its operations, the management of business organizations can be broadly divided into
the following functions:
1. Human Resource Management
It is the application of management based on its function to obtain the human resources that
we run & how the best human resources can be maintained & continue to work with us well.
2. Production Management
Is the application of management based on its function to produce products in accordance
with the standards set based on consumer desires, with production techniques that are as
efficient as possible.
3. Marketing Management
Is a management activity based on its function which essentially seeks to identify what
consumers really need, and how to fulfill it.
4. Financial Management
Is a management activity based on its function which essentially ensures that the business
activities carried out are able to achieve their objectives economically, which are measured
by profit.
5. Information Management
It is a management activity based on its function which essentially seeks to ensure that the
ongoing business is able to continue to survive in the long term.

F. Management Skills

Management expertise according to Robert L. Katz, includes:

1. Technical skills (technical skills)
2. Human skills (human management skills)
3. Conceptual skills (concept skills)
A manager must possess and be able to develop Technical, Human Relations, Conceptual and
Decision Making and Time Management skills.
1. Technical Skills
Skills required to perform specific tasks.
2. Human Relations Skills
Skills to understand and cooperate with others
3. Conceptual Skills
Skills are related to the ability to think in abstract terms, diagnose and analyze different
situations and look far ahead.
4. Decision Making Skills
Ability to identify problems, and determine the best steps to solve problems.
5. Time Management Skills
Skills related to the productive use of time.

After looking at various sources, it can be concluded as follows:

1. Students can find out things that can advance in management.
2. Students can gain experience and opportunity to learn how to manage good management.

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M. Manullang.2002.Dasar-dasar Manajemen.Yogyakarta:GMU Press
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