Cause-Effect Essay

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While experts agree that everyone should aim to get a solid eight hours of sleep every night, the

reality is
much different. People are sleeping less and this is resulting is a range of alarming outcomes. So, what are
the reasons for this shortage of sleep and how does it impact our lives and the lives of those around us?
Modern technology can should shoulder much of the blame for the current dearth of sleep. The screens of
our phones, and other devices, emit a high volume of blue light, which tells our brains it is daytime.
Obviously, if we use a phone in bed before we try to sleep, it will be much harder for our nervous
systemto know it is time to sleep. Another principal cause is the organization of our work and school
lives. In other words, society is organized around an early wake-up time, and if people are not getting to
sleep on time, they will struggle when they have to get out of bed at dawn the next day.
From the perspective of the individual, not sleeping enough can lead to physical and mental problems.
Our bodies use sleep to repair themselves and consolidate what we learn during the day, so it goes
without sayingthat only a few hours of sleep every night will lead to a broad spectrum of health issues.
For those in our vicinity, the worst possible outcome is death. Traffic statistics showing a high percentage
of fatal crashes caused by drowsy drivers are a sobering reminder of the effect sleep can have on the
wider world.
In summary, the lack of sleep many of us suffer from can be attributed to the modern world and the
technology we rely on. It is blindingly obvious that this sleep shortage has potentially disastrous effects
and requires urgent attention.

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