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Healthy Bodies,

Healthy Minds


We are a group of teachers and students from six
European countries (Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania,
Spain and Turkey) who have been working together
for more than two years in order to learn about the
different health dimensions and improve the
health European feeling in all our communities.

The six Health Dimensions
we have worked on are:
The project
1 - Spiritual Health.
During this project we
2 - Intellectual Health.
have discussed, visited,
3 - Environmental Health.
celebrated, met people..
4 - Physical Health.
lived and learned about
5 - Emotional Health.
our health, how to take
6 - Social Health.
care of it and improve it
In this issue we have
so we can share all this
dimensions 1, 2 and 3.
with our colleagues,
friends and families.


Turkish Mobility

Our first LTT activity within the scope of Erasmus + strategic partnership project Healthy Bodies! Spiritual
health! Karaman High School was organized by Karaman between 09-13 December 2019.
The mobility was realized with the participation of 14 teachers and 23 students from Turkey, Romania,
Poland, Spain, Greece and Italy. On the first day, the program started with the official ceremony opening of
the participating students and teachers. Each country made a presentation about their school, city and
country. They presented the results of the survey based on the subject of the project meeting. They were
involved in the art of marbling in order to increase their spiritual health.
During the week, students and teachers participated in discussions, physical exercises, cultural events,
educational trips, all of which gave participants the opportunity to improve their spiritual health. They
learned to do yoga. They realized mental and spiritual relaxation with yoga. An individual who is mentally
and spiritually relaxed is considered to have taken the first step on the way to success. Maintaining the
health and harmonious development of students, relieving their stress, relieving them, encouraging trust,
solidarity and movement are the basic conditions of an effective education.
They attended a training at Karatay University Some of the activities that students participate in
on what to do to strengthen spiritual health. The to improve their spiritual health are as follows:
more relaxed a person is, the higher his spiritual 1 - yoga

peace. In order to reduce the stress of the 2 - to take a walk

3 - physical exercises
students and to help them relax, they took a tour
4 - The art of marbling
in the butterflies valley. Cultural trips enable
people to learn about new places, get to know
In this project, not only the participating
other people, and realize themselves. For this students and teachers, but also other individuals
purpose, our students sought spiritual peace in around the participating schools; We want to
the region of Cappadocia, which has an create a strong spirituality in their attitudes, happy
environment of tolerance and a spiritual life styles, tolerance, harmony and healthy bodies.
structure that has hundreds of cultures that have To achieve all this, participating schools will
been the living place of people since the past. organize and coordinate activities related to these
six dimensions of health: physical, intellectual,
During a week, they discussed their experiences
social, mental, emotional and environmental. To
in study groups. They agreed on how they would
encourage students and young people in general
use it in their future lives. They also shared the
to play and learn together, to ensure their healthy
information they learned with other students in development, to enrich their cultural knowledge
their schools and agreed on the dissemination of and also to increase the quality of education
the project. services and to offer a healthy life to the

The trip to Turkey was one of the best weeks of the year. I saw great places,
got to know a little Turkish culture and learned what to do in order not to food
waste. However, the best thing about this trip were the people I met there.
Martyna, Poland.

It was great to have the opportunity to work and share with so many
people from different schools in our trip to Turkey. I want to say thank
the Turkish team for all the work and the love they put in the
organization of the mobility there. Great job, friends!
Antonio, Spain

Student's and teacher's opinions

Hi, my name is Răzvan and in 2019 I went in I really liked the organization of the various
Karaman, Turkey, within Healthy bodies! activities, because I learned a lot about
Heathy minds! project, in a mobility based on Karaman and the
Spiritual Health. Being my first mobility in an culture of Turkish people, even if there was not
Erasmus+ project, I was pretty shy in the first a real historical center in the city.
day, but then, I’ve changed because the family The various excursions were funny and
that hosted me was so warm and even all the educational. It was nice to talk with the other
people I met were so friendly and talkative. guys of the
We went in a lot of places, like Cappadocia, we Erasmus project and make new friends. My host
visited a lot of museums and had a lot of family was very friendly and kind. They made
interactive activities based on spiritual health, me
such as yoga, projects and even pottery. It was taste typical dishes and live their habits. I
a beautiful experience where I learned a lot of immediately loved them all. In my opinion I
new things that will help me in life and even a appreciated
lot of friends that even today I keep touch everything that I did and lived, because it was a
with. new and wonderful experience.
Răzvan, Romania Aziza Adams, Italy
My participation in Turkey's mobility proved to I believe that Erasmus week in traditional
be a unique experience that will remain deeply Karaman fulfilled the meeting's goals and
engraved in my mind! Through this program I expectations whilst setting the right bases and
met new people, with a very different way of high standards at the start of the project.
thinking than mine. I came in contact with new Typically i mention hotspots that document the
cultures and got a taste of the everyday life and success of the mobility:
• Transferring knowledge and experience from
lives that have children in my age in other
one partner to another as well as developing a
countries. But above all I was
joint confrontation plan on the issues
given the unique opportunity to make many
children's mental and spiritual health.
and important new friendships.
• Highlighting and clarifying ways to support and
My involvement with this particular project has
empowerment students in issues related to their
given me many new and useful insights about
spiritual and mental health.
Spiritual Health and how it affects and relates
• Development and evolution students'
to many areas and aspects of our lives. creativity.
Knowledge and experiences that I believe will • Acquisition of basic skills for the 21st century
help me manage important issues in my life. student (ICT, digital competence,
Especially, for the week in Karaman I have to communication, teamwork, social skills).
say that in the family that hosted me, I had a • Unique opportunities for children to reach the
great time and I am really looking forward to European world, to create new ties and to
seeing these children again during their visit to open their minds to new horizons.
our country. • Encouragement, enhancement and promotion
I really want to believe how I will be given the of the innovation, cooperation, gaining of
opportunity to participate in a similar experiences, exchange of ideas and opinions and
European program again! the solidarity between the people of Europe.
Unique friendship, sociability, learning, fun. -Cultivating creativity, critical thinking,
imagination and enhancement of emotion, tools
Alexandra Maria Alexiou, Greece
essential for the creation of the integrated
personality and further evolution of children, to
European active citizens.
Anastasios Theodoridis, Greece
It was very nice, I met a lot of friends from other countries. We spent a
very interesting week there. I liked it very much and I would like to go
there one day. - Błażej, Poland

There are no words to describe how wonderful was the first mobility in
Caraman. Very nice time spent with great people, amazing attractions
and places. - Hubert, Poland (teacher)

The most beautiful experience for me was going to We went to Turkey from the 8 th to the 14 th December.
Turkey within the Erasmus+ project Healthy bodies! We stayied in Karaman, a small town near Konya, in the
Healthy minds!. During the week, we talked about south-east of Istanbul. I’ve been hosted from a turkish
Spiritual Health and I really liked the activities we family for a week. My host family was kind and hospitable.
were involved in on this topic. My host sister, Ayse, is a 14-years-old girl very cute and
I met wonderful people, including my host. She funny and we’ve spent great times together. I attended
became my best friend in just a few days and even my host-sister’s school and I met her friends.
During the week we’ve done a lot of interesting works all
though we knew each other for a short time I
together. At school we’ve done presentations about the
trusted her. Both the family I stayed with and the
spiritual health in groups composed by a student from
other students and teachers from there were
each country and so we could discuss together and share
wonderful people with whom I got on very well all
different points of view. We’ve done some extra school
the time.
activities like marbling art and we’ve visited a lot of
I returned home wonderful memories from
wonderful places, such as the Mevlana Museum or the
Cappadocia and from many other places I visited. Butterfly Valley and the Fairy Chimneys.
Although there were many activities and even The one that I liked most was the trip to Kappadokia.
though I was tired I was always ready to discover I think that Turkey is a safe place, not so different from
new places or information about Turkey. The thing Italy. The lifestyle is similar to ours, except for
that I liked most was that I learned how to make meals: they just eat when they’re hungry so they don’t
clay pots. have defined times to have lunch or dinner.
I liked this mobility lot and I would go back People are kind and welcoming, I met a lot of nice people
anytime if I had the chance. and now I can say that I have new friends,
Airoaie Andreea, Romania even if they live far away from me. I felt in love with this
country, I’ve spent wonderful times there and
I wish to come back there one day.
Carla Corteselli, Italy.
FIn the south central Turkey, north of the Taurus The week of our visit to Karaman with Erasmus +
Mountains, and about 100 Km south of Konya is program marked an unforgettable
the traditional city of Karaman. There we held experience in my life.
our first LTTA on the subject: I have been generously given the opportunity to
"Spiritual Health": interact with people from other countries,
During the meeting unforgettable activities who come from different cultures and embody
were carried out related to the topic aimed at their own ideas and perceptions. At the same
promoting communication - cooperation time, I was able to develop friendships with
between the teams of the six countries of the many of the children I met, while at the same
project (Romania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Poland time gaining specialized knowledge on the very
and Turkey) and to help students develop interesting subject of Spiritual Health.
collaborative, research and digital skills as well Excursions, adventures, bonds and knowledge
Guided tours of the school premises, the city will always remind me of that unforgettable
and the surrounding area, the warm hospitality week of December.
of the students by the families contributed This was a wonderful experience which I believe
effectively to the realization of the goals set will remain indelible in the memories of all
from the beginning. participants!
The program of our first meeting was In conclusion I would like to say that Erasmus+
completed with enthusiasm and joy!!! means: Interaction, Friendship, Travel,
Thank you very much to the Turkish team!!! Multiculturalism and Knowledge!
Alexandra Kitsara, Greece. Kevin Kapourani, Greece

All the activities were amazing, being at home was stressful at first but I had
a really nice time with my host. The best people!! - Joanna, Poland



The mobility in Turkey was really good, we could learn a lot about spiritual
health and enjoy with it! - María, Spain.

The Erasmus project in Turkey about spiritual The first mobility of our Erasmus project, Healthy bodies!
health was wonderfully organized from local Healthy minds!, took place in Karaman, Turkey where we
coordinators. At the same time it was maybe too were greeted by our hosts with open arms. After the
expensive in relation to the Italian Erasmus budget. opening ceremony, each country presented the school
We think that the kick off of the project and the and the region where they come from.
activities with the students carried out during the From the very first day, we became friends, thanks to the
same meeting didn’t give the teachers the interesting activities related to spiritual health that took
possibility to follow all the workshops carefully. The place in transnational teams. I visited a university in
students were of different ages so that the results of Konya and attended a lecture on the project topic and on
their personal thinking about spiritual health the same day we visited the Butterfly Valley. I had a
were very heterogeneous as it appeared from the wonderful experience on the educational trip to
surveys . The cultural offer was fantastic and we had Cappadocia.In addition to all the beauties we visited, we
the possibility to visit many important sites of were pleasantly impressed by the Turkish food which is
Turkey and discover Turkish culture and history. P. very tasty.
Guerrini T. Andreola, Italy Savin Oana, teacher, Romania


Day 1 – Monday, 9th of December 2019

9:00 Opening ceremony

10.30  School tour

11.30 Presentatıons: schools, regions, countries (10 minutes each country)

12.30 Lunch at School

14:30 Presentation - questionnaire results- causes for students’ bad results

16:30 Educational activity - Marbling art

18.00 City tour

20:00 Dinner for teachers at NEW KARAMAN


Day 2 – Tuesday, 10th of December 2019


Spiritual health
Education- workshop/lecture/presentation

12:30 Lunch at Karatay University

14:00 Educational visits: Mevlana museum

Butterfly valley

19:00 Dinner at KONYA-MERAM


Day 3 – Wednesday, 11th of December 2019

9:00 Workshop on questionnaire results –Spiritual Health

10:00 Have your Spiritual Health improved - Yoga

11:00 Zumba

12:30 Lunch at School

13:30 Educational visit: Taşkale

19:00 Dinner and PARTY İN KENT HOTEL

Day 4 – Thursday, 12th of December 2019

Educational trip: Ways to improve Spiritual Health


Day 5 – Friday, 13th of December 2019

9:00 Spiritual Health and its importance to school

10:00 Presentatıons

11:00 Closing ceremony

12:00 Evaluatıon questionnaire

12:30 Lunch School

14:00 Free time

19:00 Dinner at GRAND KARAMAN


Spiritual Health questionnaire

1. There is a relation between spirituality and religion .

● No
● Sometimes
● Most of the time
● Yes/always
2. There is a relation between the body, mind and spirit.

● No
● Sometimes
● Most of the time
● Yes/always
3. I feel spiritually healthy.

● No
● Sometimes
● Most of the time
● Yes/always
4. I am part of a religious community.

● No
● Sometimes
● Most of the time
● Yes/always
5. I feel a personal relationship with the Divine.

● No
● Sometimes
● Most of the time
● Yes/always
6. I find time for prayers, fasting and religious activities.

● No
● Sometimes
● Most of the time
● Yes/always

7. I feel prayer enriches my life.

●Most of the time
8. Spiritual health increases my vitality.

●Most of the time
9. Spirituality is an important part of who I am as a person.

●Most of the time
10.Faith and belief have an important part in my life.

●Most of the time
11.My spiritual beliefs and values give me directions, wherever I come

cross problems.

●Most of the time
12. My beliefs play an important role regarding my health.

●Most of the time

13.I believe spiritual beliefs can cope with stress.

●Most of the time
14.I have a purpose in life.

●Most of the time
15.I am honest, respectful and trustworthy.

●Most of the time
16.I understand my own values, beliefs, and I can speak on them.

●Most of the time
17.I am tolerant to listen and try to learn about other beliefs and


●Most of the time
18.I feel a connection with nature.

●Most of the time
19.I feel forgiveness towards the others.

●Most of the time


Romanian Mobility

Our second LTT activity within the Erasmus + strategic partnership project Healthy Bodies! Healthy minds!
was organised by Spiru Haret National College of Computer Science Suceava, between the 18th to the 22nd
of October, 2021.
Due to the pandemic situation, this activity was organised physically, attended by 3 teachers and 9
students from Poland and Turkey and virtually, 22 teachers and 60 students from Spain, Greece and Italy. On
the first day, the participating students and teachers took part in the official opening, the ice-breaking
activities, presented the results of the questionnaire based on the topic of the project meeting - intellectual
health, took part in a debate where they discussed about the importance of each health dimension.
During the week, students and teachers took part in debates, physical exercises, cultural activities,
educational trips, all these offering participants the opportunity to improve their intellectual health.
Students played games, solved puzzles and riddles. We started from the idea that through playing, the child
begins to accumulate a lot of new knowledge. As he plays, he develops his imagination. A rich imagination is
proof of a well-trained intelligence. Maintaining the health and harmonious development of students is the
basic condition for an effective education, an education that encourages reflection, creativity, confidence,
solidarity and movement, causing young people to spend more time outdoors.
Here are some of the activities students attended in order to improve their intellectual
1.Debate with a friend- Focusing attention on information that is different than your beliefs can improve
intellectual wellness. Naturally, we tend to only focus our attention on opinions, beliefs, and facts that hold
true to our viewpoints. When you expose the mind to opposing ideas, it expands the mind to grasp new
2. Exercise- Not only is exercise good for your heart and body, but it can also help improve another major
muscle, your brain. In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular
aerobic exercise—the kind that gets your heart and sweat glands pumping—appears to boost the size of the
hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning, sharpens your memory, and helps you
feel better overall.
3. Improving your Intellectual Health through visits and walking- People feel great after going for a walk.
It’s an uplifting and invigorating experience that’s as good for your heart as it is for your mind. Going for a
walk can help improve your mental wellness. As a matter of fact, studies show that walking helps build self-
esteem by reducing rates of obesity, stress, and ultimately, symptoms of both depression and anxiety.
4. Play a game- Board games and cards are popularly known as leisure activities. These activities can also
help with your intellectual wellness. It makes no difference whether you are playing alone or you are playing
with others. As long as your mind is thinking,
improvements are being made.

5. Do puzzles- Crosswords and Sudoku are leisure activities that have proved to increase intellectual
wellness. Working through puzzles or finding words in patterns uses a great amount of brain power.
Increasing your ability to work through these activities can maintain and build your intellectual wellness.
6. Be social- We are social beings hardwired for connection. That means we need to spend time engaging
with others to thrive as we learn how to get a life we can enjoy. Studies have shown that people who
socialize often have higher levels of happiness than those who don’t.
In this project we want to promote a new attitude and a healthy lifestyle, a strong mind in a healthy body,
not only teachers and students, but also in the local, national and international community. To achieve all
this, the participating schools will organize and coordinate activities related to these six dimensions of
health: physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional and environmental. We will encourage students and
young people in general to play and learn together, to ensure their healthy development, to enrich their
cultural knowledge and, in addition, to increase the quality of educational services, giving participants a
healthy living.
Romania was different, it was strange because we did it online, but
it was okay. We spent more time together, (people from Spain) and
it was very funny. I think that the best thing of there was the
traditional dance from there, it was very funny.
Izan, Spain

Student's and teacher's opinions

I always wanted to participate in Erasmus As the first activity,we went to Romania with
projects, also because I’d like to study my group.When we went ,we stayed at the
languages at university, but then the students’ homes and had a lot of fun
pandemic stopped everything. This online together.My host was Elisa,We went to school
mobility has really made me want to travel, everyday and learned new things.As all
because being away is really bad. If I really students,we went to see the structures in the
want to study foreign languages and different city of Suceva and other cities.Activities
cultures, I think travelling and going abroad is together.We did,we presented projects,we got
the most important thing, also because it is to know each other.We often visited churches
true that technology reduces distances, but and manastries .We found the subject of our
being in a foreign country is something Project literally ourselves.We did
completely different. I think the virtual sports,exercises,activities together.The activities
mobility, in this case, is not very suitable. in the Project we did together had an impact
Ylenia Sugoni, Italy on my current life.It was very helpful for me to
go abroad fort he first time and to realize this
with this Project.I dont know how i start this
about travel. Actually so excited for me.I made
a lot of friends friends excited for me.
Emirhan Işık, Turkey
My participation in this online meeting of the I really enjoyed working with my classmates in
Erasmus + program "Healthy Bodies! Healthy this way; it's my first time participating in an
Minds!" turned out to be a unique experience Erasmus, and I really enjoyed working in a group;
that will be deeply engraved in my thinking! it was also interesting to listen to the other
Through this program we met new people. We groups, and especially to share different opinions
came in contact with new cultures and from several nationalities; of course, maybe it
would be nicer to do it in person: so it was nice,
civilizations. Above all, however, we were given
but a bit strange, because we weren't talking in
the unique opportunity to create many
person anyway, but through a screen, which is
important new friendships.
always a bit less direct than face-to-face.
My involvement with this project has given me a
Matilde Nardocci, Italy.
lot of new and useful knowledge about
Intellectual Health and how it affects and
The whole thing was a bit strange, since this is
relates to many areas and aspects of our lives.
the first time I am following an online mobility. I
Knowledge and experiences that I believe will have to say that the students interact less, so in
help us manage important issues in our lives. my opinion, face-to-face mobility is much better.
I would love to visit Romania!!! But after two years of pandemics, it was nice to
I really want to believe that I will be given the see them working enthusiastically, as distance
opportunity to participate in a similar learning was really uninvolving for them. As an
European program again! experience. overall, it was positive, but I don't
The words that summarize this meeting are: think the students grasped what an Erasmus
Interaction, Socialization, Cooperation, Respect, week really is.
Understanding, Acquaintances, Friendship, Manuela Gaetani, Italy.
Learning, Experience and Fun!
Eirini Galazoula, Greece

It was really productive, even though Spanish team was on videocall.

We improved our intellectual health skills while having lots of fun. I really
enjoyed the first day, because we even danced a typical Romanian dance.
I'm very pleased with our experience but it was sad that we could not visit
it go to the country. Julia, Spain.
When I was in Romania I met awesome and friendly people.
I knew they’re culture and cuisine. - Bartek, Poland

The atmosphere in Romania was wonderful all thanks to the people. The
places we visited were very interesting. Time with my host was great, thanks
to her, I could learn how our Romanian friends life look like. - Julia, Poland

Romania mobility is the second activity of the My first experiences started with Romania Mobility
project. Its subject is mental health. During the So i want to talk about my experiences through my
pandemic, only three countries, Poland, Romania Romania journey, it was my first flight , my first time
and Turkey, participated physically, while Spain, staying in a another persons house but i was lucky that i
Italy and Greece joined us virtually. While we were
met very good people they were so kind and nice. A lot
carrying out the project physically, other countries
of preciates to my host Laura. Then i want to talk ‘bout
joined us virtually. This created a different
the first meeting Romanian Students showed their
experience The first day started with the opening
ceremony prepared by the host. They presented us traditional dances related to region Bucovina it was very

very nice local dances and music. We danced with impressive in couple ways. In Romania we visited the
them. We made presentations. We learned sports monasteries and the only thing that impressive for me
movements that would relax the mind with the was stories being told with paintings on the wall and
help of a physical education teacher and learned paintings were great. We saw the Suceava Castle too it
to use them in our lives. We participated in was very touchfull because we sharing common history
educational trips for mental peace. We shared in Ottoman era. I want to talk about the friendships that
information with teachers and students in the
i made it was a great experience to improve my english
same environment. We did relaxing activities. Our
great thanks to my teacher Hakan. I’m still in touch with
students presented the results of the survey.
my Romanian friends. I still remember the songs
Puzzle games were played. We held cultural
events by asking riddles. Despite the pandemic Eduard played. And we had to say goodbye.

process, we carried out a very productive and fun Erkan Güneş, Turkey.
Hakan Ataseven, Turkey
My participation in the virtual mobility of In the afternoon, we learned new things,
Romania was awesome!!! I and my classmates exploring cultural activities. We read websites
were involved in virtual activities based on and watched videos about the Fortress and the
Intellectual Health. Intellectual Health refers Village Museum from Suceava.
to being open to new ideas and experiences, Third day was dedicated to reading websites

and the desire to increase understanding, and watching videos of some landmarks from
the Suceava area (Marginea's Black Ceramics,
improve skills, and continually challenge
Sucevita Monastery, Moldovita Monastery,
yourself. Additionally, it connects to
Voronet Monastery). Studies show that making
maximizing your
visits helps improve our intellectual wellness.
creative potential.
Fourth day was dedicated to board games
On the first day we started with an opening
(monopoly, knowledge game, scrabble, sudoku
ceremony. Then we learned a Romanian
etc), puzzles and riddles improving students'
dance, presented the results of questionnaires
intellectual health.
on Intellectual health and debated on the
On the last day - a day of impressions, students
topic with a psychologist. from all European countries, expressed their
On the second day, all participants presented feelings for the experience of their
useful and interesting information about the participation, speaking with words of
Intellectual Health. We debated on topics like enthusiasm and joy.
hobbies, music, sports in transnational teams I would like to thank the Romanian team for
and we did some physical activities. this wonderful experience it gave me.
Stella Tzavella, Greece

Suceava is a beautiful city with lots of attractions, wonderful people,

delicious cuisine. I had a really great time. Kuba, Poland (teacher)

A perfectly organized mobility in Romania. The programme included lots of

sightseeing and other activities. We learnt a lot about mental and pshisical
health. We even took part in P.E. classes. My favorite part was visit to
monasteries dating back to the middle ages. - Pawel, Poland (teacher)

I really enjoyed working with my classmates in this A very interesting virtual week was organized - Erasmus
way; it's my first time participating in an Erasmus, week - down to the last detail by the Romanian school.
and I really enjoyed working in a group; it was also It included everything! There were lectures, workshops,
interesting to listen to the other groups, and presentations, discussions about intellectual health!!! I
especially to share different opinions from several liked more the activities organized for the students and in
nationalities; of course, maybe it would be nicer to particular the board games (monopoly, knowledge game,
do it in person: so it was nice, but a bit strange, scrabble, sudoku, etc.), the puzzles and riddles that
because we weren't talking in person anyway, but improve the intellectual health of the students.
through a screen, which is always a bit less direct I believe that I enriched my knowledge in intellectual
than face-to-face. health and our students interacted with students from
Matilde Nardocci, Italy different countries by actively participating in activities
and enriching their knowledge as well.
We did not go to Romania but the experience was I could say it was truly one of the best experiences of my
very good because it was the first Erasmus project life, and it will be remain unforgettable forever. I really
and I thought the way they approached it was very feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to experience it
cool. What I liked the most was the traditional and to have such unprecedented feelings. One million
dances and the talk with the psychologist thanks to the Romanian team from the bottom of my
Hugo, Spain. heart!!!
Anastasia Arlakidou, Greece

18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 1 – Monday, 18th of October 2021

School festivity Hall– Official Opening of the


- welcome speech by Mrs Maria Atănăsoae
  10.00– 10.30 (headmistress)
- welcome speech by Mrs Daniela Elena Rotaru
(project coordinator)
- traditional Romanian songs

10.30-10.40 Break

Icebreaker Games- students will learn Romanian

traditional dances.

11.30- 12.30 Intellectual Health questionnaire results presentations

13:00 – 14.00 Lunch – Ceaunul Bunicii

Why is the Intellectual Health so important? – debate on the
14:30 – 16.00 importance of the Intellectual Health- Mr. Marmeliuc Adrian, (Psych)
Management meeting for coordinators

16.00-18.00 Free time

18.00 Dinner Ramiro

18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 2 – Tuesday, 19th of October 2021

Presentations of the local work-
9.30-10.30 students’ presentations on Intellectual Health, why this is so important
and what are the steps to increase our intellectual wellness.

Intellectual Health activities

Focusing attention on information that is different than your
beliefs can improve intellectual wellness. Naturally, we tend to
only focus our attention on opinions, beliefs, and facts that hold
true to our viewpoints.

When you expose the mind to opposing ideas, it expands the
10.30-12.15 mind to grasp new information.
Students, divided in groups, will debate on different topics.

Not only is exercise good for your heart and body, but it can also
help improve another major muscle, your brain. In a study done
at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that
regular aerobic exercise—the kind that gets your heart and
sweat glands pumping—appears to boost the size of the
hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and
learning, sharpens your memory, and helps you feel better

12.30- 13.15 Lunch- Peppenero

Let Your Brain Learn Something New-Explore

cultural activities as this wakes up your senses

Visit to the Fortress of Suceava
and the Village Museum  

17.00 Free time

18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 3 – Wednesday, 20th of October 2021

Improving your Intellectual Health through visits and walking

People feel great after going for a walk. It’s an uplifting and invigorating

experience that’s as good for your heart as it is for your mind. Going for a walk
8.30- 18.00
can help improve your mental wellness. As a matter of fact, studies show that
walking helps build self-esteem by reducing rates of obesity, stress, and ultimately,
symptoms of both depression and anxiety.

Day 4 – Thursday, 21st of October 2021

Intellectual Health Activities


Board games and cards are popularly known as leisure activities. These activities
can also help with your intellectual wellness. It makes no difference whether you
  are playing alone or you are playing with others. As long as your mind is thinking,
10.00-12.00 improvements are being made.
Crosswords and Sudoku are leisure activities that have proved to increase
intellectual wellness. Working through puzzles or finding words in patterns uses a
great amount of brain power. Increasing your ability to work through these
activities can maintain and build your intellectual wellness.

12.30-13.30 Lunch- Ceaunul Bunicii

RIDDLES- Test your Brain Power

Video presented but Mrs. Daniela
Rotaru, project coordinator
Each team, coordinated by teachers,

prepares a set of 10 riddles. The others find the correct answers.

  BE SOCIAL- Group Work

We are social beings hardwired for connection. That means we need to spend
time engaging with others to thrive as we learn how to get a life we can enjoy.
Studies have shown that people who socialize often have higher levels of
happiness than those who don’t. Divided in groups, students will talk about
themselves, what they like, share things about themselves and their countries.

16.00 Free time

18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 5 – Friday, 22nd of October 2021

Intellectual Health Activities

MY JOURNAL- Individual Work

Taking the time to write down thoughts can help those who struggle

with expressing their feelings or in general for anyone who is trying to
09.30– 11.00 make sense of what they are feeling inside. Being able to identify your
feelings and understanding yourself more and your actions increase
intellectual wellness by exposing your mind to deeper thinking.
Students will work on a journal with activities, pictures and

Management meeting for coordinators

Presentations of their journals, thoughts and

11.00- 12.00

12.00- 12.30 Evaluation questionnaires

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.30 Free time


18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 1 – Monday, 18th of October 2021

School festivity Hall– Official Opening of the Meeting

- welcome speech by Mrs Maria Atănăsoae (headmistress)

  10.00– 10.30
- welcome speech by Mrs Daniela Elena Rotaru (project coordinator)
- traditional Romanian songs

10.30-10.40 Break

10.40-11.30 Icebreaker Games- students will learn Romanian traditional dances.

11.30- 12.30 Intellectual Health questionnaire results presentations

13:00 – 14.00 Lunch – Ceaunul Bunicii

Why is the Intellectual Health so important? – debate on the

importance of the Intellectual Health- Mr. Marmeliuc Adrian,

14:30 – 16.00
Management meeting for coordinators - meet.google.com/tst-saxv-bjx
Link for the virtual meeting - meet.google.com/adf-xoda-gbu
18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 2 – Tuesday, 19th of October 2021

Presentations of the local work-
9.30-10.30 students’ presentations on Intellectual Health, why this is so important
and what are the steps to increase our intellectual wellness.

Intellectual Health activities

Focusing attention on information that is different than your
beliefs can improve intellectual wellness. Naturally, we tend to
only focus our attention on opinions, beliefs, and facts that hold
true to our viewpoints.
When you expose the mind to opposing ideas, it expands the

mind to grasp new information.
10.30-12.15 Students, divided in groups, will debate on different topics.

Not only is exercise good for your heart and body, but it can also
help improve another major muscle, your brain. In a study done
at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that
regular aerobic exercise—the kind that gets your heart and
sweat glands pumping—appears to boost the size of the
hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and
learning, sharpens your memory, and helps you feel better

Link for the virtual meeting: meet.google.com/zno-uufe-avq

12.30- 13.15 Lunch- Peppenero

Let Your Brain Learn Something New-Explore cultural activities as

this wakes up your senses. Visit to the Fortress of Suceava and
the Village Museum .

18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 3 – Wednesday, 20th of October 2021

Improving your Intellectual Health through visits and walking

People feel great after going for a walk. It’s an uplifting and invigorating
experience that’s as good for your heart as it is for your mind. Going for a walk can
help improve your mental wellness.
As a matter of fact, studies show that walking helps build self-esteem by reducing
rates of obesity, stress, and ultimately, symptoms of both depression and anxiety.
Marginea’s Black Ceramics

8.30- 18.00
Sucevița Monastery
Moldovița Monastery
Voroneț Monastery
18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 4 – Thursday, 21st of October 2021

Intellectual Health Activities


Board games and cards are popularly known as leisure activities. These activities
can also help with your intellectual wellness. It makes no difference whether you
  are playing alone or you are playing with others. As long as your mind is thinking,
10.00-12.00 improvements are being made.

Crosswords and Sudoku are leisure activities that have proved to increase
intellectual wellness. Working through puzzles or finding words in patterns uses a
great amount of brain power. Increasing your ability to work through these
activities can maintain and build your intellectual wellness.

12.30-13.30 Lunch

RIDDLES- Test your Brain Power

Video presented but Mrs. Daniela
Rotaru, project coordinator
Each team, coordinated by teachers,
prepares a set of 10 riddles. The others find the correct answers.


14.00-16.00 BE SOCIAL- Group Work

We are social beings hardwired for connection. That means we need to spend

time engaging with others to thrive as we learn how to get a life we can enjoy.
Studies have shown that people who socialize often have higher levels of
happiness than those who don’t. Divided in groups, students will talk about
themselves, what they like, share things about themselves and their countries.

Link for the virtual meeting: meet.google.com/pge-gxru-xtg

18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Day 5 – Friday, 22nd of October 2021

Intellectual Health Activities

MY JOURNAL- Individual Work

Taking the time to write down thoughts can help those who struggle

with expressing their feelings or in general for anyone who is trying to

09.30– 11.00
make sense of what they are feeling inside. Being able to identify your
feelings and understanding yourself more and your actions increase
intellectual wellness by exposing your mind to deeper thinking.
Students will work on a journal with activities, pictures and Impressions.

Management meeting for coordinators: meet.google.com/jfv-ncpt-wrg

11.00- 12.00 Presentations of their journals, thoughts and impressions.

Evaluation questionnaires
12.00- 12.30
Link for the virtual meeting: meet.google.com/hyx-vcro-rmj
18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

Intellectual Health questionnaire

1. I have specific goals in my personal life.

● Yes
● No
2. I have the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time.
● Yes
● No
3. I learn about different topics that interest me from books, magazines,
newspapers, and the Internet.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
4. I add a variety and interest in my learning skills.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
5. I keep myself well informed in updates of researchers.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
6. I have the ability to adapt to changes and accept challenges.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

7. I am well versed in conventional and problem-based learning.

● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
8. I accept healthy criticism on my presentations.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
9. I look for ways to use my creativity and critical thinking skills.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
10. I am open to new ideas.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
11. I know how to access academic resources when necessary.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
12. I am involved in research projects.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
18TH-22ND OF OCTOBER, 2021

13. Before making decisions, I gather facts.

● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
14. I am interested in creative and mental activities.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never
15. I enjoy taking part in interesting and challenging activities.
● Always
● Usually
● Sometimes
● Never


Italian Mobility
Healthy bodies! Healthy minds! Mobility in Italy (13-17 december 2021); virtual mobility for Greece.
Accomodation: all the guests, teachers and students, stayed in a hotel because of the pandemic emergency.
During the Erasmus mobility in Viterbo, ITE Paolo Savi, our team worked on the environmental dimension:
green economy, protection of ecosystems, renewable energies, 3R.
We focused our attention on sustainability, in order to guarantee and ensure a peaceful existence to the
future generations.
If we do not take care of our Earth and begin to use its resources adequately and if we do not stop filling it
with waste it will end in a disaster. Actually a healthy Environment is fundamental for all forms of life. We
cannot survive without a global vision of well-being starting and including the ecosystems and natural
In fact, environmental well-being is a complex system that can be defined by many interdependent
components in which human beings are both passive and active variables.
It is fundamental for human well-being to live in an environment that is healthy and attentive to the needs
not only of the individual, but also of the health of the planet, as the one great environment truly shared by
all mankind.
On the first day, December the 13 th , the guests arrived at school where they attended a welcome concert.
Then the organizing team launched ice breaking activities, an informal way to get pupils to relax and start
mixing nationalities.
The Italian students presented the city, the county and the main tourist attractions of the area. Afterwards
the students were invited to join in some sporting exercises in the school gym. They split into multinational
teams and built their own country flags, recycling old fruit crates and colorful river stones. The use of waste
material allowed them to get to know each other in an informal and funny way.
In order to discover Viterbo, an old medieval town, and its history we decided to use a playful and
transnational modality: students and teachers were divided into groups to participate in a treasure hunt
through the streets and squares. The best group won a gadget but the competition was important because it
allowed the pupils to interact, take an interest in the history of the town and pay attention to some specific
details. It was a funny way to learn and improve.
The second day, December the 14 th , we started with the presentation of the Eco-museum and of a video
edited by the Italian students dealing with the importance of water and the hydrogeological situation in
Viterbo and its district. After that the guests visited at the University of Tuscia the headquarters of Santa
Maria in Gradi, an ancient monastic complex which is the seat of the University Museum System whose aim is
to preserve and enhance the cultural and naturalistic heritage of the territory. In the afternoon the
delegations visited the splendid Villa Lante, and admired one of the most famous Italian Mannerist gardens.

A unique architectural complex, surrounded by nature, whose design on a hilly slope exploits the natural
force of gravity to create a completely self-sufficient hydraulic system.
On Wednesday, December the 15 th, the students presented their works: all delegations produced a PPT
presentation on the concept of environmental well-being followed by the analysis of the results of the
questionnaire on Environmental Wellbeing. Students worked in groups and each of them had to reflect on
the topic of the project through key-guiding questions, a kind of brainstorming . In the afternoon the
students visited the Museum of the “ Facchini of Santa Rosa “. This Museum celebrates the transport of the
Santa Rosa “macchina” ( tower), a Catholic religious procession of the statue of the Patron Saint that is
located on the top of a very high and artistic tower carried by a hundred porters and recognized as an
intangible heritage of Unesco.
Fourth day: Thursday, the 15 th of December
Visit to Rome: The capital offers a great variety of architectural heritage from any period, even if the old part
is by far the best known. We chose to visit the Baths of Diocleziano. The Romans were very fond of the
psychophysical well being produced by spa treatment . This provides a very interesting link between proper
land and water management involving environmental health the Romans were very much aware of. Erasmus
is also culture and art, we also enjoyed visiting the Imperial Forum, Coliseum, Saint Peter …..
Fifth day: Friday, December the 16 th
The students, divided into groups, reflected on the concept of environmental well-being and prepared
presentations on the conclusions they have reached. The result is a booklet of good practices, which each
group presented to the others . The day ended with the closing ceremony and the delivery of the attendance
certificates by the head teacher.
The city of Viterbo was already known to the ancient Romans for the presence of thermal waters and springs
. They were aware of the precious therapeutic and antiseptic qualities of thermal waters; even today the
inhabitants of Viterbo love spending some time in these natural pools. These waters are rich in sulfur and
have been considered for centuries to be miraculous for skin because of their healing and purifying effects.
The thermal water flows spontaneously after having gushed out from underground in springs scattered
throughout the area around Viterbo. Everybody can bathe in these natural basins, most of the pools are free.
The last evening a dinner with typical dishes of the Italian tradition is served to the participants and finally a
contemporary dance show at the historic theater of the city.

The best travel of my life, that's the best sentence to start talking about my
experience. I could make new friends, meet new people and all was in person
and this is totally different than online and obviously is better. The Italian
students were very friendly and also all the different countries.
Best moment: The visit to Rome without any doubt.
Javier, Spain

Student's and teacher's opinions

Another unique experience I took part in was The Erasmus meeting in December took place
the mobility from Italy within the Healthy on Wednesday, the 15th December. We invited
Bodies! Healthy Minds! project. During the our friends from different countries to have
week we discussed about the Environmental dinner all together at school and we ate pizza,
Health, what effects this has on us and what we had a lot of fun, we laughed, we made new

we can do in order to improve it. I also friends; in particular, I got to know a Turkish
boy called Erkan, who was very nice, and it was
managed to discover the wonders that the city
really a surprise, also because I had no idea
of Viterbo has to offer and more. This city is
what Turkish culture was like.
full of culture and history because it is a
We were all together and then we went
fortress city where I learned a lot about
downtown in Viterbo with some of them.
medieval Italy. Every time we enter the city we
This experience was very nice and also
feel like we are entering another world.
constructive, because it made us reflect that in
We could not leave that country without
a short time you can get to know people,
visiting Rome, another city shrouded in become friends using the same language,
history. The monuments there impressed me English .
deeply, leaving an extraordinary image in my This is why I invite everyone to participate to
mind that I will always remember. The Vatican these projects: not only to increase their
is also impressive. Due to this project, I knowledge, but also to fight against prejudices
decided to return to Italy at least once in my and false beliefs.
life. cant about people, they are very Giacomo Tombolini, Italy.
welcoming and friendly. I have made many
friends and I hope to keep in touch with them.
Airoaie Andreea, Romania
I realized my healthy bodies healthy minds My second experience was Italy the second great
project in Viterbo, Italy.Thanks to this project, ı mobility.
went abroad for the firt time and got on a plane It was so affective because i made friendships so
for the first time. Studies on environmental quick i knew something changed about my
health have been carried out. In this regard, socializing, it was better because this was my
each country participating in the project second mobility.We stayed at hotel and i stayed
with a friend o’ mine it was a new experience too.
explained what could be done and information
I’m glad i had this chance. And my host in
was given. In the rest of our time, we visited
Romania, Laura was there we met again there
touristic places such as Unıversitâ De dreams
was Polish guys too we met twice. I want to talk
and developed us.gli Studi Della Tuscia, Centro
about my thoughts about the places we visited.
Storico di Viterbo, San Pietro. I learned about
We went to Colosseo it was my childhood dream
their faith when I saw San Pietro. The Vatican
to visit there because i watched a lot of gladiator
museum was stunning. While visiting the
series and stuff. The city Rome was so good that
Vatican Museum, you realize how important it is makes u fell in love with the city after then that
to protect history and artifacts. One of the we visited the Fontana di trevi also known as
places we visited was the Roma Colosseum. The Fountain Of Lovers it was a lovely place.We saw
Colosseum impressed me a lot with its the Vatican too it was marvelous. The all places
appearance and history. At the same time, the were breathetakingly amazing.
food was as good as the places we visited. As a Erkan Güneş, Turkey.
result we witnessed different cultures and
structures.I made different friendships and
provided emotional sharing with them.I think
that the Erasmus Project contributed to the
realization of my dreams and developed us.
Nisa Nur Karateke, Turkey.

Viterbo is a beautiful old city with plenty of marvelous places, monuments and
attractions. The atmosphere of that place made me think that there are not only
the place but the people, our hosts who made us feel like in paradise.
Aleksandra, Poland (teacher).
Great time with my new friends, nice places, especially Rome with
wonderful Vatican. Breathtaking experience. Maja and Filip, Poland

The experience in erasmus has been fantastic. We have learned a lot of new
things and we have also met many new friends. In italy we were talking about
environmental health and we learned things like what it is and why it is important.
We have had a great time all together and we have made some great!
Julia Martín, Spain

I made nice friends, ate traditional Italian food, viewed wonderful sights.
That was all in Viterbo. Kuba, Poland (teacher)

I realized “My Healty Bodies Healty Minds” Project The week spent in Viterbo, Italy, was absolutely
in Viterbo,Italy gorgeous. I had the opportunity to meet new people
Environmental movement was very nice.We went and interact with people from different cultures. The
to school everyday and we were in a constant topic I discussed that week was Environmental Health.
state of activity.We learned about their faith when I learned many new things about how to protect the
i saw San Pietro.The Vatican museum was environment but I also understood that my
stunning.Vatican impressed us immensely on contribution to nature matters. Beside school activities,
diffret relegion.I made more friend during our I had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of
stay at the hotel.When ı came back to my Viterbo but also Rome and Vatican. I was amazed by
country,i realized that these behaviors were the architecture of the buildings. After a week in
values that ı had to protect. Another place we Viterbo I can say that I love Italy, I learned new things
visited was the Roman Colosseum. My group and I and I made special friends.
traveled to new places and it gave us new ideas Laura Chihai, Romania
and thoughts. We got on well with students and
teachers from other countries and this separation
was sad for us.
Emirhan Işık, Turkey.
Between December 11th and 18th, 2021, I went On the third day, all countries involved
to the mobility in Italy in the project "Healthy submitted environmental health questionnaires.
bodies! Healthy minds!". The mobility took place Then, in teams of members from all countries, we
in Viterbo and it was a very nice experience. I made a booklet with what we can do to protect
met new people, I made friends and memories the environmental health.
that I will never forget. Thursday was the day everyone was waiting for.
On the first day, we presented PowerPoint We visited Rome and the Vatican. It was a
projects related to Environmental Health. After beautiful day and we would have liked to stay
that, we carried out sports activities. In the there for a few more days.
afternoon we had an adventure. With the help On the last day, we presented the booklets and it
of a map (not on the phone) we had to reach was the closing ceremony where we were given
certain touristic attractions. It was very funny our certificates of attendance. We didn't think
and interesting, but also difficult at the same time would pass so quickly, and the next day we
time. were going back in Romania.
The next day began with a presentation about
environmental health by a university teacher. Aursulesei Bianca, Romania
After that, we visited Santa Maria University - in
Grandi Museum. We also went to Villa Lante, a
wonderful place. We recommend anyone to visit
it. In the evening, we ate the best spaghetti in
the world!

I really enjoyed Viterbo, I met some students who were nice and I learned
a lot about physical health. Ola, Poland.

In Italy we were in a hotel. We went to the Italian school, we visited many

interesting things, such as the Coliseum, the Vatican. We ate typical italian
things, especially we bought things to remember. It was an incredible time
in which we made new friends that are forever. Pablo, Spain.

First of all, I would like to say that my experience I would like to warmly thank the host school for the really
during the Erasmus virtual mobility in Italy complete and perfect organization of the program of our
was excellent. One of the things I liked most about virtual visit and the successful implementation of all
this mobility is the concept of collaboration. In relevant work in an atmosphere of cooperation and
addition, the hosts were very kind. creativity. We attended with interest and took part in
I was excited about the involvement of students activities, experiential workshops and presentations
and teachers in activities, experiential workshops related to environmental health, thus improving our
and presentations related to environmental health. language skills in the English dialect, cultivating our
We gained a lot of knowledge on the subject. communication and cultural background and
I met many beautiful places in the Viterbo region of highlighting once again, the essential European
Italy, reading information from the internet and dimension of the project. The week that the Erasmus +
watching videos. A wonderful place I loved is Rome program unfolded marked an unforgettable experience
and I would love to visit it as soon as possible. of my life. I was generously given the opportunity to
In conclusion, this mobility was for teachers and mingle with people from other countries, coming from
students an exciting journey into the world of different cultures, who advocated other ideas and
knowledge with new experiences and the perceptions. I gained specialized knowledge on
development of language skills. Congratulations to environmental health due to the cognitive nature of the
our students for their exemplary presence. program. This was an amazing experience that will
Athanasia Mastoraki, Greece remain indelible in my memory!
That is Erasmus :Interaction, Multiculturalism, Knowledge.
Konstantina Tsouridou, Greece


Day 1 – Monday, 13th of December 2021

8:40 Entering procedure

Meeting with headmistress, Our Area presentation and video

presentation (video/ppt)

9:30-10:30 Ice breaking activity: (30 minuti) and mood tracker

Sports activities
Coffee break

11:30-12:45 Creation of a Rock Garden (your flag in art)

13:00-14:·30 Lunch (buffet at school)

ORIENTEERING in Viterbo for foreign and Italian students and


16:00-18:00 Free time

20:00 Welcoming dinner hotel at Minipalace Hotel


Day 2 – Tuesday, 14th of December 2021

8:40 Entering procedure

9:00-10:00 Presentation of video “A spasso per la Tuscia”

10:00-11:00 Environmental Health Lecture

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:45 Visit to University - Santa Maria in Gradi Museum

13:00-14:30 Lunch (buffet at school)

Visit to Villa Lante or Museo del Colle del Duomo (it depends on the

20:00 Spaghetti dinner at Spaghetteria


Day 3 – Wednesday, 15th of December 2021

8:45 Covid check procedures

Presentation of results of the questionnaire about

Environmental Health: the Ecomuseum

International debate

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:30-12:45 Write a booklet of good practices

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Sport activities
Visit to Museo dei Facchini di S. Rosa

Pizza Dinner for teachers at pizzeria, for foreign ad Italian students

at school

Day 4 – Thursday, 16th of December 2021

- Visit to Rome
8.30- 18.00
- Packed lunch

Dinner: we suggest different options, according to your needs. It’s

possible you’ll be very tired and you would prefer to stay at the hotel.

Day 5 – Friday, 17th of December 2021

8:45 Covid check procedures

9:00-10:00 Meeting at school

Preparation of a common presentation about how to care

10:00-11:00 about Environmental Health including suggested activities,
examples and conclusions

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Presentation of booklet

12:·30 Closing ceremony

13:00 Lunch: Buffet at school

16:00 Visit to Terme dei Papi

Farewell party: lasagna dinner at school foreign and Italian teachers

and students

Environmental Health questionnaire

1. In your view, has air pollution ever affected your health?

●Don't know
2. Has air pollution ever affected the health of any of your family or friends?
●Don't know
3. Apart from effects on people's health, are you aware of any other effects of

air pollution?

●Don't know
4. Have you, in the last 5 years, experienced any form of flood damage
(including to your
home, garden or vehicle)?
●Don't know "
5.Is my environment polluted?
●Don't know
6. Am I doing all I can?
●Don't know
7. Have you heard of “climate change”?
●I agree
●I disagree

8. Have you ever taken, or do you regularly take, any action out of concern for
climate change?
●Don't know "
9. I don’t believe my behavior has an effect on environment
●I agree
●I disagree”
10. I would like to pay more for environmentally friendly products.
●I agree
●I disagree”
11. It’s not worth me doing things to help the environment if others don’t do the

●I agree
●I disagree
12. is your school environmentally friendly?
●Don't know "
13. Have you got a central role in your school activities?
●Don't know "
14.Are your school and classroom suitable for your learning process?
●Don't know "
15. Are your teaching courses psychologically friendly?
●Don't know "
16. Is your school attentive to environmental issues?
●Don't know "

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