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MCQ-2 MW planning Time 30 Min

1-What is the Traditional band in the MW transmission planning.

a- 2Gh:80Ghz b- 4Ghz:40Mhz c- 80Mhz

2- A wave guide section in a microwave circuit acts as HP filter.

a- True b- False c- None

3.Which of the following is the progressive decrease of signal strength with increasing distance?

a- Modulation b- Radiation c- attenuation c- Noe of the Above

4- ………….is not a common Microwave Application

a-Téléphone b- Radar C- Mobile radio d- Satellite Communication

5- at Microwave Frequencies, the size of Antenna becomes

a- Large b- small c-Very small d-Very large

6- Which of the following noise becomes important at Microwave frequencies?

a- Short noise b- Thermal noise c- Flicker noise d- Transit time noise

7- A waveguide section in MW circuits act as

a- LP filter b- HP filter C- Bandpass filter d -Band stop filter

8-Microwave frequency range extends from

a- 3 to 30 MHZ b- 30 to 300MHZ c- 500 to 300 MHZ d- None of the above.

9. Rainfall is an important factor for fading of radio waves at frequencies above

A. 10 GHz B. 100 GHz C. 1 GHz D. 100 MHz

10-What do you call an attenuation that occurs over many different wavelengths of the carrier?

A. Rayleigh fading B. Rician fading C. Wavelength fading D. Slow fading

11-In microwave transmission using digital radio, what causes most intersymbol interference?

A. Delayed spreading B. Rayleigh fading C. Random Doppler shift D. Slow fading

12. Microwave frequencies are normally regarded as those in the range of?

A. 1 to 500 MHz B. 1000 to 10,000 GHz C. 1 to 100 GHz D. 10 to 1000 GHz

13-__________ is the progressive decrease of signal strength with increasing distance.

A. Radiation

B. Atténuation

C. Modulation

D. Propagation

14-Which SW tools used for MW planning

A.PL B. atoll C. MLink Planner D. all of the above.

15-The followings data must be placed in PATHLOSS program folder to be able to use the
program as a full Microwave system Planner

A- Rain File B- Equipment Fil e C- Gopo30303 (Terrain Data File) D. all of the above

16-Communication lines suffer from different problems.

1. Fading 2. Noise 3. Delay Distortion 4. Attenuation 5. Doppler shift 6-all of the above

17-Customer asking to provide LKB for MW link to deploy new site working with 2G-3G and 4G what is the minimum
Cap you will provide.

a- 20Mbps b- 50Mbps c-100Mbps d- 150Mbps.

Questions write at least 10 sentences?

Q2-We need to design a MW link, list down the pre-requisite you need?

Q3-What is the LOS? And how you can achieve it if you have issue?

Q4-What is the information needed from the site survey?

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