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ALBERTO F. LACSON,e4 ys, HON, Luis R. REYES and EPHRAIM J.SERQUIDA Gf. Ne $L250 26 FEBRUARY 4% , SECOMD DivisoAr (Gorm, J.) FAS On August 2, 1484 | Ephraina J. Serqyiva CSerquin pelitioned te respondent cowt for the lat will dad testament of Carmel Faviin. Ris petition wes dackeled as Sp. Proc. I2#-87 of the respondent enwrt anid "In Re Tete Este of Cormebia Favlin , Ephraim J Sevawnns -” Ve also petitioned the cunt in bis capacity as cownsel gor the Ineivs, the hevein petitioners , and as otevutiy wader the will. The will was \nopprsed ahd the court issued q cevtigeate of alloweince. Latey on, Atty. Ephraim Sevquina siled 6 “mtion for aHlornes's ees” agcinst Tre petitioners, alleging that the heirs had agreed Fo pay, os Gnd for Ins legal Serves rerideredt | the sum of PGR, 000. 00~ Theveacter summonses weve served upon the heirs Sas iy tt were & complaint against said heavy” dhvecting Shen fo answer the Motion. Thereagten, the heirs fi Lneir avewer and denied the claim fur PLP, 600. 09 allegin that the heirs had agreed to Pay, 4S and for his legel Services cee ISSUE. 1. Whethe or vot eH Sevqning should have paid clocke} (ees Weare giling he wation ger eorry’s fe. Yes, Peyineat of ducket pees 6 werctelory . W wey be true the te claim ov aHlorney’s fees wes dwt cn mnuident i Ue ysin cose, shi IF is wo ain eceape uve gvem He payment g docket fees breause as wall gelinns » whether separale or cs ann ofpshod of 6 pendin preceeding , the payment of decked gees iy Wnendetony. Ex grstic arquenerdi the Ay. Serquiine’ clemard for cttwey's (005 vy stm of FW, 000.00 5 valid

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