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According to the author's research data, are victims of bullying more likely to seek
advice from family or friends to solve problems?

--> Victims of bullying are more likely to seek advice from friends or adults to deal with
their problems than from family.


- According to the results from Table 3, the percentage of victims who choose to share
with their family to find a solution is very low (never 42.9%, rarely 25.7%, often 13.4%,
always 18.1%), while more victims are more likely to turn to friends/adults for advice
(usually 18.4%, always 23.3%).

- According to the author, it can be explained because those children want to solve their
own problems, afraid of their parents worrying about them, afraid that their parents won't
use the internet, some children are afraid to share and consider it private, fear parents
make things bigger, more people know. And to explain the victim's tendency to find
friends more is because at this age children value friendship very much and everything
can be shared with friends.

- According to the author, results from previous studies show that 10% of victims said
that adults could not help; 35% of victims said that friends could be more helpful.

2. Find examples of current bullying and only bullying that is a burning problem of the
21st century?

- Bullying is always a problem in school (Roland and Munthe, 2017).

- The problem of cyberbullying is a new problem of the 22nd century:

+ Instead of bullying online taking place in school, students began using technology
such as computers and cell phones to bully each other (Smith and Thompson, 2017).

+ In particular, in recent years, along with the rapid and widespread development of the
internet and technology facilities such as computers, mobile phones, students who are
victims of cyberbullying tend to increase (Smith, Kwak, and Toda, 2016).
In many countries around the world, cyberbullying is considered an alarming problem
and hurts many teenagers (Priest, 2017).

+ Cyberbullying is a new form and has more severe consequences than other forms of
bullying and school violence (Ye et al., 2015).

Explanation: the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of page 484 are in the introduction.

3. Is there a connection between students' Internet use and their being bullied online?

According to the information mentioned in the article from a study, students who
regularly use the Internet every day have a higher risk of being bullied than students
who use the Internet less!


- Research by the University of Education, Hanoi National University has shown the
relationship between internet use and the risk of cyberbullying among students. The
results showed that students' daily use of the internet was more a victim of cyberbullying
than students who were not bullied.

(Paragraph 1 of page 485)

4. Based on the results of the survey in the article, the author has shown that the
majority of victims of cyberbullying do not tend to take revenge on the perpetrator in the
same way, so according to you, this What made these victims choose not to take
revenge on those cyber bullies?

--> Because the majority of victims tend to have a clear understanding of the issue of
cyberbullying and consider it a bad thing and are well aware of the seriousness of the
behavior not only occurring online but also affecting affect real life as well.

+ Most of the victims do not know who the perpetrator is, so the choice of revenge does
not have to be chosen by many victims.
+ According to the survey results, victims tend to choose to avoid or avoid cyberbullying.


(All data and author's analysis from data table 2 and 3 pages 490, 491, 492,492)

5. According to the data available in Table 3, what solutions do you think are the most
effective to help students deal with cyberbullying when they are faced with the


+ Don't pay attention to it.

+ Lock social network accounts so that the perpetrator cannot reach the victim.

+ Seek advice from friends, adults.

+ Report to site manager


(Table 3 on pages 491, 492 - author's analysis on page 493)

6. Who were the people who participated in this study? Do you think this number is
large enough to provide reliable data? What passage tells you about these participants?

--> Those who participated in this study included 763 students from grades 6 to 12 at 8
middle schools and high schools in Hanoi, Hai Phong and Hai Duong.

+ In my opinion, the 763 students participating in this study are fully qualified to provide
reliable data for this study.

+ The passage "We conducted a study involving 763 students in grades 6 to 12 at 8

secondary and high schools in Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Hai Duong. Including 333 junior
high school students and 430 high school students. The average age of the students
participating. in the study was 15. The study subjects were relatively homogeneous,
including 415 female students (accounting for 55.5%) and 333 male students
(accounting for 44.5%)."


+ the first paragraph of the Materials and Methodology section on page 488.

+ With the selection of 763 students, including middle and high school students in 3 big
cities in the North, it is possible to provide a reliable source of information for the
author's research. Because middle school and high school students are two subjects in
puberty and most use social networks a lot, these are two subjects at risk, or have been
and are facing cyberbullying.

7. What is the main purpose of the author in doing this research?

--> The author conducts this research to show readers the current situation of
cyberbullying, especially in Vietnam, thereby pointing out the measures to tackle
cyberbullying, from that minimizes the severe effects of cyberbullying and improves the
state of cyberbullying today.

Explanation: The author raised the issue of the reality of cyberbullying in the
introduction of the research paper and pointed out the numbers as alarming. Next, the
author gives the negative effects of cyberbullying and introduces the concept of
cyberbullying. In the next section, the author presents cyberbullying behaviors with
different degrees. The author then shows us the results of a survey of 763 students on
how they deal with cyberbullying to show us the statistics about them and effective ways
to deal with cyberbullying. Finally, the author concludes on the reality of cyberbullying
and gives his own opinion on cyberbullying

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