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SOCSCI 102: Social, Economic, and Political Thought

Week: 3-4 Lesson/Topic: Ancient, Early Christian, and Medieval Thinkers

Complete briefly and honestly each statement in relation to this week’s lesson/topic.
I used to think that
The reality of life brings insignificant to the concept of justice in this world in all aspect,
especially thinking that politics and ethics could never be associated with each other. I used
to think that justice do not really exist in this world and it is only a pure concept that never
achieved. I also used to think that famous philosophers arguments about the world and the
universe were all just part of fabricated historical arguments and such philosophies will never
become valuable in life but only purely academic requirement.
Now I know that
All of my thoughts prior learning these lessons were all wrong and I am grateful that I proved
it with myself with the help of the topic discussion this week. I have learned that it is better
to be just than to be unjust. Life can be full of pleasure if we will live with justice than to live
with unjust life because genuine happiness cannot be achieved if we are living in an unequal
and unfair situation. In all aspects of life, it is always better to be fair, just and right no matter
how the world is cruel and how human beings are miserable. We should never get the justice
of other people and let us offer each other our own justices, so that everyone will live in a
pleasurable experiences. Aside from that, I have also learned that politics and ethics can be
associated with each other. Aristotle said that politics and ethics are two separate fields of
study but associated with the concept that ethics is the guide to the authorities to build a
better community or society. Ethics plays a vital role with regards to ensuring that the
political authorities should adhere to the code of ethics that will guide them to act with
manner and apply integrity upon serving the community. I have also learned that knowing
thyself is significant to understand the concept of love, just and goodness according to Plato.
When we are planning for our future, knowing ourselves will help us to know more about our
own values, ideas, personality and thoughts leading to shaping our own identity and
characteristic and being able to be aware about our limitations and weaknesses. I have also
learned that definition of Aristotle about achieving happiness. According to him, happiness
can be achieved through these virtues such as gentleness, bravery, modesty, temperance,
righteous indignation, justice, liberality, sincerity, friendliness, dignity, endurance, greatness
of spirit, magnificence and wisdom, leading to enrichment of human life although it will
require us to make decisions among difficult choices. Aristotle’s viewpoint of morality stated
that a man should live in accordance to the virtue as a human being and politics is a role to
bring the community into virtuous life, as he always intended to give connection between
morality and politics. Love, humility and humble generous service are the values of Augustine
while Aquinas said that natural law is also important to consider in order to achieve true
happiness in life.
However, I am not sure
If these principles and philosophies of these great philosophers are being exercise and apply
in life of every individual in this world. I am not sure if I could also understand fully the deep
meaning of the passage but I will make sure to study it further in order to comprehend even
more the philosophies discussed because I really believe that if I will be able to apply this in
my life, I will be able to live with happiness and peacefulness. I am not sure if people are still
giving these philosophies an importance in life or they are being forgotten.

I hope/plan to
Research further and expand my knowledge about this topic and to be able to share what I
have learn to other people through the aid of social media platforms. I am also planning to
apply what I have learned in this topic into my life in order to achieved the true essence of
happiness. I hope that people will continue to promote justice, peace and righteousness in
this cruel world and I hope that in this upcoming national elections, political candidates will
maintain justice during the voting and let the people select their preferred next leader of the
country. I am also hoping that the citizen of the Philippines will exercise their right to vote
with wiser mindset and applying the virtues and philosophies discussed in this topic.

Overall, I feel __relief_______ because

I am very grateful that I had the chance to learn these philosophies and I have realized that
there is still a chance to achieved happiness and successfulness in life. I feel relief that there
is so much time left for me to experience the contentment and happiness in life. I feel relief
that people can learn these philosophies and be able to apply it during selecting the next
leader of the country.

Are the lessons you learned this week relevant to the current issues we are facing? How
and why?
This upcoming election, there will be a national election in the Philippines and the people will
vote for new president of the republic of the Philippines. Thus, the lesson about being just,
the virtues and philosophies that had been discussed will be a great lesson to learn by all
Filipinos. The system of voting and the candidates must exercise just and let the people
decide for who will be the deserving to win and has the capability to lead the country. Just is
always better than being unjust. Happiness will be achieved if there is justice. It is also
relevant to the timely lives of every Filipino due to the COVID-19 pandemic on how they will
be able to return their happiness despite the challenges brought by the pandemic to their
lives. Following the philosophies to achieve such happiness can be a big help to anyone who
are still looking for genuine happiness.

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