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Ladies and gentleman, let US convey our gratitiude to Allah SWT, because of his Grace and blessing,

we can gather ini this place, without any obstacle at all

Furthermore, Let's give pray and greetings to our great prophet Muhammad Saw, Those who have
sacrificed their wealth, time and even their lives to fight to bring Islam up to the present time

Thank you for the opportunity and time given to me to speak in front of the audience. On this happy
occasion, allow me to deliver a speech with a socio-religious theme entitled "Tolerance in the soul of
the Santri"

The audience who are blessed by Allah SWT. Humans living in this world cannot be separated from
the name Interaction, or reciprocal relationships. Because of what ? because humans are social
creatures. Humans need other creatures to meet their needs and are interdependent in all areas of
life. We are like a bee with a flower, like a buffalo with a starling, like a remora fish and a shark that
form a symbiotic relationship to survive.

However, in this life there are many differences, because indeed Allah SWT has created humans in
tribes and nations. In Indonesia, there are 6 religions that are adhered to by every citizen. Of course,
each religion has many differences. However, their goal remains the same, namely God Almighty.
The many differences, must still make us respect and respect each other. Moreover, religion is
something that is sensitive for a person because it involves his relationship with the creator.

To create a life that is peaceful and free from conflict of differences, it is necessary to have mutual
respect and respect for each other. We often interpret this mutual respect with a beautiful and
meaningful word. What else if it's not called tolerance, or in Arabic it is called "tasamuh".

The audience who are blessed by Allah. Tasamuh or tolerance is based on an attitude of 'equally
kind, gentle, and forgiving each other.' In a general sense, tasamuh is 'a commendable moral
attitude in association, is there is a sense of mutual respect between fellow human beings within the
boundaries outlined by Islamic teachings.' Now this religious tolerance itself has been regulated in
several words of God in the Koran, one of which is the letter Al Baqarah verse 256, Allah SWT says:

ِّ‫ْن َق ْد َّت َبي ََّن الرُّ ْش ُد م َِن ْالغَ ي‬

ِ ۗ ‫ۚ ٓاَل ِا ْك َرا َه فِى ال ِّدي‬

"There is no compulsion in Islam. Indeed, the right path has become clear from the wrong path."

Ladies and gentlemen who are glorified by Allah

The verse implies that embracing Islam does not require coercion, but through the awareness and
desire of the person concerned. For those who please, are welcome, for those who do not, it is their
own right to refuse wholeheartedly. But it is clear between the right and wrong paths.

In the course of history, long before the United Nations drafted the Declaration of Human Rights,
Islam had taught the guarantee of religious freedom through the 'Medina Charter' in 622 AD. In the
Medina Charter, the Prophet Muhammad laid down the basic pillars for the diversity of inter-
religious life among citizens of different religions, and acknowledged the existence of non-Muslims
and respected their worship.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, these differences are not present as a separator but to strengthen
relations by enriching the colors of the world. Different but still have one taste, one goal is to create
a peaceful life and form a mutual bond or symbiolism that is mutually beneficial.

That is one of the main characteristics of the tradition that was developed from the hallway of the
Islamic boarding school. In the learning process, Islamic boarding schools not only teach Islamic
values, but also teach how their students (santri) can respect each other or get along and unite
among people of the nation throughout Indonesia, regardless of ethnicity, religion, and
background. . The pesantren also teaches to interact with each other in a friendly, polite, and
harmonious manner among the nation's community.

Pesantren is also known for its plural and multicultural attitude, which is marked by the diversity of
tribes, languages, cultures, and so on in the pesantren. This condition, of course, necessitates the
santri to have and practice a tolerant attitude between one another in the pesantren regardless of
primordial differences.

Ladies and gentlemen who are blessed by Allah From this, it is clear that pesantren is one of the
agents of the formation of religious tolerance and moderation through their work and actions in the
life of this nation. And Indonesia itself is a country with a fairly high level of diversity compared to
other countries. Because of that, the values of tolerance that exist in the teachings of every existing
religion are also in the customs and culture of the people. Whatever the tribe, this tolerance is still
upheld. This means that religious and cultural values find many similarities. Therefore, let's be
agents of tolerance for the environment around us. Because pesantren are basically also agents of
tolerance in a wider area.

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