List of Noun Noun Collocations in English Tabla Resumen Ok

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Noun + Noun Collocations – Aptis Vocabulary

A pang of nostalgia Case law Expert witness News organization Rubber check
A sense of pride Case study Factory farming News show Sausage party
A surge of anger Cash cow Finance company Null and void Savings bond
Absentee ballot Catchment area Flexibility instrument Ocean current School day
Abuse of power Cattle drive Flight deck Office block Search warrant
Account executive Cause celebre Foot soldier Office hours Security blanket
Accounting firm Ceasefire agreement Freedom fighter Office job Sense of direction
Accounting system Centre of attention Fringe benefit Old-growth forest Service charge
Action movie Charge card Futures contract Opinion poll Service industry
Advertising agency Charter school Gag order Opposition party Sex crime
Air attack Chattel mortgage Gender equality Order book Sex offender
Air gun Cheese cake Gold mine Pack of cards Shock therapy
Air raid Child care Government agency Package holiday Shop floor
Altar boy Class action Government office Pair work Shorthand typist
Anthropology department Combat mission Government security Panic attack Shoulder strap
Antitrust case Combat zone Grandfather clause Parking ticket Single entry
Antitrust law Comfort food Ground attack Pay increase Small-town girl
Arms buildup Commodity brokerage Group dynamics Peace and quiet Soup kitchen
Army unit Communications technology Group therapy Peer group Speed limit
Asbestos abatement Computer business Growth industry Personality disorder Sports car
Assault rifle Contact details Gunboat diplomacy Personnel carrier Stag night
Auction house Conviction politician Piece of advice Stock option
Auto maker Core values Hand grenade Piece of equipment Street name
Auto manufacturer Corporate finance Head teacher Piece of information Study hall
Bank draft Cottage industry Health club Piece of music Stun gun
Bank rate Creation science Hen weekend Piece of paper Suicide bombing
Bars of soap Credit bureau Highway system Pipe bomb Summit meeting
Battle group Credit union History department Point of view Surround sound
Beauty industry Cross-hair Hit list Pork barrel Tax break
Beauty parlor Cruise missile Hit man Position paper Tax shelter
Beauty salon Custody battle Identity crisis Post office Tea leaf
Beauty shop Date rape Index fund Power politics Television reporter
Bed-and-breakfast Day shift Insurance broker Pressure group Term paper
Bench warrant Death camp Intelligence operation Price competition Testing ground
Bid price Death tax Interest group Probation officer Trade route
Birth certificate Death wish Iron maiden Production cost Trading floor
Block grant Debit card Jail cell Production line Transfer agent
Block of flats Defense contractor Junk bond Profit margin Trial court
Board game Defense lawyer Jury system Property right Trial lawyer
Body armor Departure time Keyhole surgery Quality of life Voting booth
Body double Departure lounge Kitchen cabinet Rap sheet Voting machine
Booby trap Desk job Knowledge base Rate of return Voting right
Boot camp Desk officer Labor camp Release candidate Vulture capitalist
Border security Desktop publishing Law officer Rental income War crime
Brand name Detention basin Lead time Report card War game
Brokerage firm Detention centre Learning disability Return address Water cannon
Budget cut Development status Liberation theology Return flight Word blindness
Budget deficit Discount rate Lie detector Return ticket Word deafness
Budgie smuggler Discount store Line item Road rage Word salad
Building code Divorce lawyer Liquor license Road safety Security forces
Building permit Dollar diplomacy Mail fraud Room for improvement
Bull market Drainage basin Management consulting Root cause
Bully pulpit Driving licence Market economy Root crop
Business activity Duct tape Market gardening
Business enterprise Eating disorder Master sergeant
Business organization Election fraud Money order
Business sector Electronics industry Motor vehicle
Cable car Energy security Murder charge
Call center Enterprise zone Murder conviction
Call option Entertainment industry Music department
Capital gain Estate agent Music school
Car manufacturer Estate tax Muzzle loader
Car park Excise tax

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