Acad Course Btech Phe 2014 15

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UG Course Structure for Pharmaceutical Engineering (2014-2015)

Cat. Deviation Programme Components PH d (V
Min Max
HU 0 Humanities and Social Science 44 41 50
IS 0 Science 67 62 84
IE 0 Institute Requirement Engineering/ Pharmacy 46 41 60
Engineering Drawing (Manual and Computer Aided),
EP 0 Manufacturing Practices and Practice course of Department/ 24 20 24
LM -2 Language and Management 18 20 24
DC/ MC 0 Department/Programme Core (Includes Stream Courses) 146 105 155
DE/ BE 0 Department/Programme Elective (Includes Stream Courses) 38 30 60
Open Elective (Interdisciplinary Stream courses from Science/
OE 0 36 35 80
DP 0 Project/ Industrial visit/ Training 30 20 50
DT 0 Dissertation 0 0 0
Total 449 430 460
All Semester Total (Hons.) 463 450 480
L: Lecture hours; T: Tutorial hours; P: Laboratory/ Practical hours; C: Credits

Streams in Pharmaaceutical Engineering
Formulation Design & Development (X1X)
Drug Design & Development (X2X)
Drug Evaluation & Toxicology (X3X)
Natural Drug Product Development (X4X)
Quality Assurance (X5X)

UG Course Structure for Pharmaceutical Engineering (2014-2015)
UG-CRC Course
Course Name L–T–P Credits
Code Code
Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech I-Semester
IH.H101.14 H101 Universal Human Values - I: Self and Family 1 1 0 5
GY.PE101.14 PE101 Elementary Physical Education 0 1 3 5
GY.CP101.14 CP101 Creative Practices # 0 1 3 5
Total 1 3 6 15
LM.HL101.14 HL101 Basic English* 2 0 1 7
Total 3 3 7 22
#Creative Practices course to be announced by Dean Academic Office
*Basic English course to be taken by student as recommended after Diagnostic Test

UG-CRC Course
Course Name L–T–P Credits
Code Code
Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech I-Semester
IS.BL101.14 BL101 Biology 3 1 0 11
IS.CY101.14 CY101 Chemistry – I 2 1 2 10
IS.PHY102.14 PHY102 Physics – II: Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics 3 1 2 13
IE.CMO103.14 CMO103 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 11
EP.ME104.14 ME104 Engineering Drawing 1 0 3 6
EP.ME105.14 ME105 Manufacturing Practice – I 0 0 3 3
Total 12 4 10 54

Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech II-Semester

IS.MA101.14 MA 101 Engineering Mathematics – I 3 1 0 11
IS.CY103.14 CY 103 Essentials of Biochemistry 3 0 2 11
PH 101 Basics of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3 0 3 12
IE.CSO101.14 CSO 101 Computer Programming 3 1 2 13
EP.ME106.14 ME 106 Manufacturing Practice – II 0 0 3 3
IH.H103.14 H103 Development of Societies
2 1 0 8
IH.H104.14 H104 History & Civilization
Total 14 3 10 58
# Student has to choose one course from H103 & H104.
Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech III-Semester
IE.CHO102.15 CHO 102 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 11
MC.BO202.15 BO 202 Human Physiology 3 0 0 9
IS.MA202.15 MA 202 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 11
DC.PH211.15 PH 211 Physical Pharmaceutics 2 0 3 9
DC.PH221.16 PH 221 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 0 3 9
IH.H105.14 H105 Philosophy
2 1 0 8
IH.H106.14 H106 Education & Self
Total 15 3 6 57
# Student has to choose one course from H105 & H106.
Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech IV-Semester
IE.CMO103.15 CMO 103 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 1 0 11
DC.PH222.15 PH 222 Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2 0 3 9
DC.PH231.15 PH 231 General Pharmacology 3 0 2 11
DC.PH241.15 PH 241 General Pharmacognosy 2 0 3 9
DC.PH251.15 PH 251 Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 0 2 8
DP.PH291.15 PH 291 Exploratory Project 0 0 5 5
IH.HL201.14 HL 201 Universal Human Values - II: Self, Society and Family 1 2 0 5
Total 13 3 15 58

Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech V-Semester
OE - 1 OE - 1 Open Elective - 1 3 0 0 9
MC.BO301.16 BO 301 Microbiology and Biotechnology 2 0 3 9
DC.PH311.16 PH 311 Pharmaceutical Technology 3 0 2 11
DC.PH331.16 PH 331 General Pharmacotherapeutics 3 0 0 9
DC.PH341.16 PH 341 Natural Drugs and Excipients 3 0 2 11
HU/LM HU/LM Language & Management/Humanities Course^^ 3 0 0 9
Total 17 0 7 58
DP.PH391.16 PH 391 Stream Project (Hons.) 0 0 10 10
Total 17 1 17 68
^^ Courses to be selected such that recommended HU & LM programme components get satisfied separately.
Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech VI-Semester
OE - 2 OE - 2 Open Elective - 2 3 0 0 9
DC.PH301.16 PH 301 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 2 0 0 6
DC.PH321.16 PH 321 Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs 2 0 3 9
DE - 1 DE - 1 Department Elective (DE) - 1 3 0 2 11
DP.PH392.16 PH 392 Regular Stream Project 0 0 10 10
HU/LM HU/LM Language & Management/Humanities Course^^ 3 0 0 9
Total 13 0 15 54
^^ Courses to be selected such that recommended HU & LM programme components get satisfied separately.

List of Electives DE-1

UG-CRC Course
Course Name L–T–P Credits
Code Code
DE.PH312.14 PH 312 Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy 3 0 0 9
DE.PH322.14 PH 322 Chemistry of Natural Drugs 3 0 0 9
DE.PH332.14 PH 332 Neuropharmacology 3 0 0 9
DE.PH342.14 PH 342 Industrial Pharmacognosy 3 0 0 9

Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech - Summer Semester

DP.PH393.15 PH393 Industrial Training/Project/Internship 0 0 5 5
Total 0 0 5 5

Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech VII-Semester

OE - 3 OE - 3 Open Elective - 3 3 0 0 9
DC.PH451.17 PH 451 Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis 2 0 3 9
DE - 2 DE - 2 Department Elective (DE) - 2 3 0 0 9
DE - 3 DE - 3 Department Elective (DE) - 3 3 0 0 9
DP.PH491.17 PH 491 Regular Stream Project 0 0 10 10
HU/LM HU/LM Language & Management/Humanities Course^^ 3 0 0 9
Total 14 0 13 55
^ Courses to be selected such that recommended HU & LM programme components get satisfied separately.

List of Electives DE-2

UG-CRC Course
Course Name L–T–P Credits
Code Code
DE.PH411.14 PH 411 Biopharmaceutics 3 0 0 9
DE.PH421.14 PH 421 Computational Chemistry 3 0 0 9
DE.PH432.14 PH 432 Neuropharmacotherapeutics 3 0 0 9
DE.PH441.14 PH 441 Plant Tissue Culture 3 0 0 9
DE.PH452.14 PH 452 Spectroscopy 3 0 0 9

List of Electives DE-3

UG-CRC Course
Course Name L–T–P Credit
Code Code
DE.PH511.14 PH 511 Advanced Biopharmaceutics 3 0 0 9
DE.PH521.14 PH 521 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry 3 0 0 9
DE.PH531.14 PH 531 Applied Pharmacology 3 0 0 9
DE.PH541.14 PH 541 Evaluation of Natural Drugs 3 0 0 9

Section-AA3 Pharmaceutical Engineering : 4-Year B.Tech VIII-Semester
OE - 4 OE - 4 Open Elective - 4 3 0 0 9
DC.PH412.17 PH 412 Dosage Formulation Design 2 0 3 9
DC.PH442.17 PH 442 Analytical Pharmacognosy 2 0 3 9
DE - 4 DE - 4 Department Elective (DE) - 4 3 0 0 9
HU/LM HU/LM Language & Management/Humanities Course^^ 3 0 0 9
Total 13 0 6 45
DP.PH492.17 PH 492 Stream Project (Hons.) 0 0 10 10
^ Courses to be selected such that recommended HU & LM programme components get satisfied separately.
VIII Semester Elective / Stream DE - 4 (any one)
UG-CRC Course
Course Name L–T–P Credit
Code Code
DE.PH413.14 PH 413 Industrial Pharmacy 3 0 0 9
DE.PH422.14 PH 422 Computational Drug Design 3 0 0 9
DE.PH433.14 PH 433 Toxicology 3 0 0 9
DE.PH443.14 PH 443 Nutraceuticals and Herbal Cosmetics 3 0 0 9
DE.PH453.14 PH 453 Quality Assurance 3 0 0 9
L: Lecture hours; T: Tutorial hours; P: Laboratory/ Practical hours; C: Credits


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