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Question 1.

What did Horace Danby hear from the doorway?

Horace Danby heard a voice from the doorway. It was the voice of a lady. As Horace
Danby has sneezed loudly, therefore the lady asked what it was and he replied that it
was due to hay fever.

Question 2.
How did the lady in red convince Horace Danby to open the lock?
The lady told Horace Danby that she had promised her husband to take her jewels to
the hank but she left them in the safe. She had forgotten the numbers to open the
safe and wanted to wear the jewels to a party. Horace Danby believed her and
opened the safe for her.

Question 3.
Was Horace Danby a typical thief?
Horace Danby was not a typical thief. He made locks and was successful in his
business. He loved rare and expensive books. To purchase these books he used to
rob only one safe every year.

Question 4.
What advice did the lady give Horace Danby about his. hay fever?
The lady advised him that he could cure his hay fever with a special treatment, if he
could find out just. what plant gave him the disease. She said sympathetically that he
had better see a doctor if he was serious about his work.

Question 5.
Why did Horace Danby feel sure of his success in that year’s robbery?
Horace Danby felt sure of his success in that year’s robbery as he had been studying
room, paths and gardens of the house at Shot over Grange for two weeks. He knew
that the family was in London and two servants who lived in the house had gone to
watch a movie that afternoon.

Question 6.
Did Horace Danby get the jewels from the Grange safe? Then why did the Police
arrest him?
Horace Danby did not get the jewels from the Grange safe but he was arrested by the
police as his fingerprints were traced on the lighter which he gave to the lady to light
the cigarette. He was eager to please the lady to win her favour.

Question 7.
What story did the lady tell Horace Danby to get the jewels?
The lady made up a story that before going to London, she promised her husband to
take her jewels to their bank, but she left them there in the safe. She wished to put on
the jewels to a party that night. Above all she had forgotten the numbers to open the
safe. Thus she convinced Horace Danby to open the safe.

Question 8.
Why was it not difficult for Horace to open the safe?
It was not difficult for Horace Danby to open the safe because he had lived with
locks and safes all his life. The burglar alarm was poorly built. He cut the wire
without any difficulty.

Question 9.
What does the author tell us about Horace Danby’s life?
Horace Danby was unmarried and fifty year old and lived with a housekeeper who
bothered about his health. He had hay fever. He made locks and was successful in
his business. He was good and respectable but not honest.

Question 10.
How often did Horace Danby commit a robbery every year? What did he do with the
stolen money?
Horace Danby committed only one robbery every year. He was fond of collecting rare
and expensive books. He used to buy these books with stolen money through an
agent secretly.

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