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BE 315 Homework 5 Due Thursday, March 10, 2022 SOLUTIONS 41. The circuit below contains a 9.1 V zener diode. It is known that when the zener voltage is 9.1 V, the zener current is 3 mA. The incremental zener resistance is 25 2. Find the resistor Rif the zener current is 5 mA. R We + _. Veo? V2-% (25) = an - Be Ves) = dorsv Q5- Ta - 725-13 (15)=0 Sn F 3.1 Pen 2, Design a 7.5 V zener regulator circu (similar to that in our Ex 3-19) using a 7.5 V zener specified fat 10 mA. The zener has an incremental resistance rz = 30 1 and a knee current of 0.5 mA. The regulator operates from a 10 V supply and delivers a nominal current of 5 mA to the load. (a) What is the value of F you have chosen? (b) What is the regulator output voltage when the supply is 10% high? 10% low? (c) What is the output voltage when both the supply is 10% high and the load is removed? (a) What is the larges load current that can be delivered while the zener operates at a current no lower than the knee current while the supply is 10% low? What is the load voltage in this case? Ty > Tat Te = 10m tom HISmA In = ete > IS AA Ss Re 2s gen > 167 Va > Va, Zot, 20 & Va, = 25V -(l0mA)(30.2)= AV - ta ” Nee To = Vs = Yee 62 70M rte ~ ; Ve - Vio - Ze fe =O Vo =Vao + Lele Ve Ve, + Vette ry +p Week AVo due ty Avs > taeclanuehve wrt s te > Av. Avo > Avs at Le —o Avo _ _30 = M sjpy Wee reyuedho A Jamo TAY TERT Phe a 10% (iv) werecse in sy py Vo increases by IS2mV For & 10% (WV) cleerease in supp. Avs == or mV ) BN = 4) lv BY S172 Vio ¥ aon. av | Benge + Va Vie ala va : tt so) wore Vo HQ pr W- Ra S acsse 1A 2 r~t~—~—”«”z—C SS aye of brenkdovn whe Lp >Zin “Sn ox edgy of vreakdown Va, =Veot Lan Me > Vv, * Rsv =.2 +(Sm)(30) SG 7 R a lo%eA TLegtZ, —,Drtrts~—~—~”rz—S—CSCC S10. AanmA 3. An NMOS transistor that is operated with a small vps is found to exhibit a resistance rps. By what factor will rps change in each of the following situations? (2) voy is doubled (b) The device is replaced with another fabricated in the same technology but with double the width, (c) The device is replaced with another fabricated in the same technology but with both the width and length doubled, (€) The device is replaced with another fabricated in a more advanced technology for which the oxide ‘thickness is halved and similarly for W and L (assume jig remains unchanged) 1 Tes (an Ca QL) Yor a) Vv dobed > Cs decrtnse by Ky aw > fay, ©) 2Wand 2L > Ospedt rake ¥ Ze urdwayd D Cas Unchanged 4) bWard WL wilt not oP tas oe < > edveed \, BED Cy TE dovbled fs 0 le 4 An NMOS transistor fabricated in a technology for which i, = 511 A/V? and Vj = 0.4 V is required to operate with a small vps as a vatiable resistor ranging in value from 250 to 1 kX. Specify the range required for the control voltage vcs and the required transistor width W. Tt i required to use the ‘smallest possible device, as limited by the minimum channel length of this technology (Lyin = 0.13 xm) ‘nd the maximum allowed voltage of 1.3 V. i t ———————— el AL (2 \(y,-¥e) S18 PR¥imum, — Cog 18 ab pm inimuen YE )0e=-9) Wege eM ay We litum Bam Find neg fe gk fps > 1K \ ——_ (aed) (2 lous) v Oe Glo SW vorg baht. 625V b 1.3V wilt ver \koe 4, Gs Sketch a set of ip-vps curves (similar to those in Fig 8.4). Let the MOSFET have kn = 10 ma/v? = Ai W. and Vi = 0.4 V. Sketch and clearly label the graphs for vcs =0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 V. Let ups be a inthe range 0 to 50 mV. Give the value of ras obtained foreach of the fine value of vos. 1 Lu Sts 5 ( es :) ('°-)(% -.4V tos = VWyg (Ves dots not exaud Vi dnechinne SD 29 166, 75L 125-0. “0 30 20 100 Mos (mv) & fasghianne! MOS devie ina technology for which oxide thickness 1.4 nn, minimarn channel length fo5 nim bn = 540 HA/V?, and Vi = 0.35 V operates in the triode region, with sinall upg and nieh the sete “source voltage in the range 0 V to +1.0 V. If the device has the minimum channel loner ‘what must its width be so that the minimum available resistance is 100 117 Peru reset when Ves 4s MEKmum > Ye =Lov \ 7 BEY (ys-We) a = foo Q Genre pey man w - L " eC eer W > LBS2um

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