EnglishFile4e Adv Plus TG PCM Grammar Answers

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Grammar activity answers

1A modal verbs (1): will, would, should 2B participle clauses

a 2 will be 3 should therefore try 4 would seem a 2 talking 3 Having used 4 making 5 having studied
5 would rather 6 should be taking 7 will help 6 resulting 7 Woken / Having been woken
8 will be driven 9 will become 10 will be 8 Having been found 9 Feeling 10 Having been shortlisted
11 will at the same time have 12 should therefore make 11 Dazzled, crossing 12 Exhausted, watching
13 would much sooner be 14 will increase b 2 Not having my phone or knowing the area very well, I got
b 2 It’ll be / That’ll be 3 I should think / I should imagine completely lost.
4 would 5 Will you 6 ’ll 7 He won’t have 3 Given the chance, I’d jump at the opportunity of a weekend in
8 I should have 9 ’d much rather / ’d much sooner New York.
10 I’d have thought / I’d imagine / I would think 4 The accident blocked two lanes of the motorway, resulting in
a ten-mile tailback and delays of up to two hours.
1B noun phrases 5 Over 107 million passengers travelled through the airport
a 2 generation gap 3 childhood memories 4 exam results, last year, making it the busiest airport in the world for the
job prospects 5 Customer loyalty and satisfaction twentieth year running.
6 Single-use plastic is / Single-use plastic items, a major threat 6 Having missed the bus connection, we had a three hour wait
to the planet (NOT planet threat) 7 The advertising of in the blistering sun.
unhealthy food (NOT unhealthy food advertising), cigarette 7 Not having been outside in over a week, I was beginning to go
advertising 8 Time management, problem solving, computer a little stir crazy.
programming, critical thinking, data interpretation, self-direction 8 Not (being) known for her singing, she took everyone by
b 2 The study observed the behaviour of siblings towards one surprise when she took to the stage.
another. 9 Jones made a series of disastrous investments, (thus)
3 His childhood in rural France provided / was the inspiration for rendering him bankrupt.
the painting. 10 Not knowing what to say, they just stood there in total silence
4 Becoming a parent changes your perspective on life. for a few moments.
5 The book’s publication caused a sensation. / The publication of 11 Having been elected for a second term, he promised the
the book caused a sensation. economy would be his number one priority.
6 Drinking too much coffee / The drinking of too much coffee 12 Served with rice, the dish makes for a quick and easy meal that
can affect your concentration. can be prepared in less than 20 minutes.
7 The discovery of the fossil revolutionized our thinking about
human evolution. 3A determiners: articles and quantifiers
8 After the implementation of the 1944 Education Act in the UK, a 1 –, the, an, –, a, the 2 the, no, –, a, – 3 the, the, the, the, –
there was a rapid expansion of secondary education in many 4 Many, many, the, the, A, a 5 The, the, a, the 6 the, Some, –
other countries across the world. 7 The, the, a, some, a, the, a, the, –, the, a, the, The, the, the, –,
c 2 the development of his or her intelligence 3 first-born the, the, –
children 4 receive more mental stimulation from 5 praise b 1 A How often do you speak to your parents? B I generally call
6 Telling a child 7 may have a negative effect on them them every other day or so. They never have much news, so
8 has received a lot of praise we just chat for a few minutes.
2 A Teresa seems to spend all her time posting stuff online.
2A modal verbs (2): can / could / be able to, B You’re not kidding. She posts her every move – what she’s
may / might having for breakfast, what she’s wearing, what’s going on at
a 2 can 3 can 4 could have been 5 can 6 are able to work. I’m surprised she has the time to do any work at all!
7 can 8 cannot 9 may 10 may not 11 might have been 3 A My phone’s got no signal. Has yours? I need to make a
12 will be able to couple of calls. B No, mine neither. It’s always the same here.
b 1 B can ski, can’t snowboard, ’ve been able to ski, could walk. There’s never any signal.
A be able to ski, might / may go / could be going 4 A I read in some magazine the other day that a growing
2 A Can / Could you just give, not being able to go number of older people are taking up running and going
B can / could start, be able to leave to the gym. B Yeah, I do see a lot more older people out
3 B might / could have told, was able to cancel, couldn’t get / running that I used to, that’s for sure.
wasn’t able to get, might / may be able to transfer c 1 many 2 any, any, any 3 no 4 a number of 5 all
4 A can we pay B can, might be, can sometimes sell out, may /
might very well sell out
5 A can’t remember B can’t have been, might’ve been /
could’ve been


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3B word order 3 Some countries have more food than their populations need
a 2 Never before had I seen 3 Not until it was dark did they while many others have severe food shortages.
leave the house 4 Such was its popularity that 5 Only when 4 There are about 6.5 million land species compared with
he asked Katherine about it did he realize 6 Not only are approximately 2.2 million species which / that live in the seas
television cameras barred from court 7 Little did I know that and oceans.
this was 8 Only by playing the violin could he 5 As in the UK, cars also drive on the left in Malta, Cyprus and
b 2 Out through the door he ran, with an agitated and angry mob Ireland. / As in the UK, cars in Malta, Cyprus and Ireland also
following behind. drive on the left. / As in the UK, in Malta, Cyprus and Ireland
3 Long gone are the summer days that lasted forever and went cars also drive on the left.
on never seeming to end. 6 The hurricane season in the Atlantic is from June to November.
4 Perched on the edge of the bench with her head in her hands, Similarly, the typhoon season in the Pacific runs from May to
was Jenny’s neighbour. October.
5 What she dreaded more than anything else was the 7 Whereas 54% of Canadians have attended higher education,
uncertainty of never knowing what had happened. the figure is around 42% in the UK. / 54% of Canadians have
6 Next to the bed, (there) was a pile of unwashed clothes and an attended higher education, whereas the figure is around 42%
empty bag. in the UK.
7 It was Alex who came up with the idea first, not Oliver. 8 According to a recent study, men and women differ in that
8 Happy though she was to help him, she did think he could at while 33% of women (said they) would consider cosmetic
least give it a go himself first. surgery, only 10% of men (said they) would consider it.
9 Wanting to end the speculation, it was Susan who first
brought up the question. 6A position of adverbs
10 At the end of the corridor was a room behind a funny little a 2 I normally check my emails every hour or so. And my social
door. My uncle told us that under no circumstances should media, too.
anyone ever go inside. 3 I have just come back from a job interview. I think it went
pretty well.
4A cause and effect 4 I grew up in London in the 1980s. I’ve always lived there.
a 2 This is perhaps why 3 This means that 4 Because of 5 I’ll definitely go to the conference, but I’ll probably only stay
5 which gives 6 therefore 7 which is why for a few hours. / but I’ll probably stay only for a few hours.
b 2 Thanks / Owing / Due 3 account 4 cause, reason 6 I haven’t managed to read the report in detail yet. I’ll try to
5 result, means 6 light, because take a look later this afternoon, though.
7 thanks / owing / due, because, caused 7 Thanks for a really great meal and a great evening. I especially
loved the delicious dessert. / I loved the delicious dessert
especially. And we must have you round to our place soon.
4B aspect: perfect and continuous tenses 8 The exam was really quite difficult. / The exam really was
2 has / have taught 3 am sharing / share / am going to share /
quite difficult. And question 6 was simply impossible. I think
will share 4 believe 5 will help / helps 6 retired
it’s easily the hardest exam I’ve ever done.
7 had worked / had been working 8 ask 9 have always
9 All the students did really well in their mock exams last week.
focused 10 is 11 believe 12 has worked / works
10 I’m not getting on so well with the people who moved into
13 are forever changing 14 will never change 15 ’ve searched
the next-door apartment last month.
16 ’ve probably heard 17 have you been getting 18 won’t
b 2 The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of
have heard / haven’t heard 19 (will) probably tell 20 dream
nature, but plunges him more deeply into them.
21 constantly feel 22 ‘re not quite achieving 23 have picked /
3 People only use technology to mean digital technology.
have been picking 24 have existed 25 work
Technology is actually everything we make.
4 It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how
5A prepositions and sentence patterns powerful they are.
a 1 to, with, of 2 to, in, of, at, of 3 of, of, of, in 4 with, in, for 5 Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human
b 2 I saved my work frequently, for fear of losing it. history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we
3 The minister said that he had every intention of standing for learn how to avoid the risks.
re-election next year. 6 It may not always be profitable to be online, but it is certainly
4 The house she lives in is 200 years old. going to be unprofitable not to be online.
5 I never had / took any interest in politics until a few years ago. c 2 Just Alex and I went for a drink. 3 I don’t really understand.
6 What’s the point in / of having a piano if you don’t play it? 4 I don’t particularly want to see a horror film, …
c 2 to, for 3 to, about / by 4 for, of 5 of, about 6 in, in 5 Only Dmitry works Tuesday to Thursday. 6 Anneke spoke
7 in, on 8 in, for 9 to, for only to him.
Possible answers:
2 Alex and I just went for a drink. We decided not to bother eating.
5B advanced structures for comparing and 3 I really don’t understand. And I don’t think I ever will!
4 I particularly don’t want to see a horror film. So, you guys go
a 2 vastly cheaper, considerably more expensive
and I’ll meet you afterwards.
3 by far the biggest, anywhere near as big, the next biggest,
5 Dmitry only works Tuesday to Thursday. Lucky him, being able
marginally bigger, slightly bigger, a much greater area, the
to work part-time.
second largest, half that of
6 Only Anneke spoke to him. He left before anyone else had the
4 nothing like as fancy as, far and away the best, every bit as
chance to speak to him.
good as
5 no more difficult, ten times more difficult, the longer, the easier
b 2 Football is played around the world by about 250 million people.
By contrast, only about 5 million people regularly play rugby.


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6B singular and plural agreement better to check with you first. B To be honest, I’d rather you
a 1 is, has, has, have 2 were, was / were, were didn’t / don’t, if you don’t mind. The apartment isn’t very big.
3 is, has been, was 4 has, are, score, is / are, have And it’s only going to be a small gathering. (‘I’d rather you don’t’
5 was, broadcast / broadcasts, is, is, is / are, is is generally more direct.)
6 was / were, was / were 6 A Can anyone tell me how the film starts? B Well, in the
b 1 keep, use, sleep 2 is, is, is 3 is, affects, is 4 are, live, opening scene of the film, we see Blanche arriving at the
inhabit, lives 5 is / are, have, have 6 are, has, contains, train station in New Orleans. She is well-dressed in a tailored
provide, make, make 7 are, are, is, is, is suit and a hat and seems intensely nervous, insecure, and
confused. A sailor notices her agitation and offers to help her.
7 A Suzy just texted - she says they are going to be about half
7A complex passive forms an hour late. B Tell her we will wait for them.
a 2 to be punished 3 is generally accepted 4 is thought
8 A I think Jack would rather we went to that new Italian place
5 is believed 6 is also intended 7 has, however, been argued
tonight. But to be honest, I’d rather we didn’t have Italian
8 is hoped 9 be reformed 10 has largely been shown
food again. B How about we go to that new Indian
11 were thought 12 to have been rehabilitated
restaurant instead?
13 having been released / being released
9 A I hear Dasha and Tyler are getting married. B I know!
14 having been removed / being removed 15 be protected
Hugh told me. I think he said it’s / was sometime next spring.
16 is incapacitated 17 has also long been justified
10 A Come on. Hurry up. It really is time we were on our way.
18 is seen 19 is based 20 be punished
B You’re quite right, we’ll be late for the meeting if we don’t
b 1 Journalist Mike Smith said that people around him seemed
leave now.
to have been / to be being indiscriminately arrested by
the police. He added that having been separated from
his cameraman in the crowd, he narrowly avoided being 8A expressing conditionality
detained only after showing an officer his press credentials. a 2 is not, contains 3 want, eat 4 're having, don't have to
2 The difference between a crime and a misdemeanor is that a 5 cannot think, has not dined 6 cooks, should you go
misdemeanor is considered to be of low seriousness while 7 're going, bring 8 was going to starve, might as well starve
a crime is deemed (to be) of high seriousness. Examples of b 1 Provided, will, as long as 2 Had, ’d have made, make
misdemeanors may include disorderly conduct, trespass and 3 Assuming, do hit, as long as, should 4 wouldn’t have
mild vandalism. arranged, didn’t like 5 ’ve never been, should, even if, can,
3 I got stopped by the police last night. One of my back lights do go 6 didn’t have, did have, turned up, didn’t really matter,
wasn’t working. Luckily, they didn’t fine me, but I really need to were, hadn’t been for, ’d have probably missed 7 If you could
get it replaced straight away. just, wouldn’t mind
4 Mr. Holmes agreed to be questioned again as long as his
lawyer was allowed to be present, claiming that she should 8B adjective order
have been allowed to be present when he was first a 2 museums are second to none, art galleries and exhibitions
questioned the day before. galore 3 a lovely old building, early experimental
5 The longest prison sentence handed down by a court is works 4 vast range of global cuisines, traditional hearty British
thought to be that received by Chamoy Thipyaso of Thailand, pub food 5 person responsible 6 present students 7 a few
who in 1989 was given a jail term of 141,078 years. Thipyaso tickets left, only ones available / only available ones 8 regular
had been involved in fraud and her victims included the black coffee
Thai royal family. However, Thipyaso was lucky in one respect b 1 A It looks like an unusual and interesting collection of artists. /
because in 1989, it was decreed by Thai law that regardless It looks like an interesting and unusual collection of artists.
of the sentence (which was) given, the maximum time B I think they’ve still got some tickets available for the opening
anyone could actually be imprisoned for fraud was 20 years. In reception if you fancy it. / I think they’ve still got some tickets
actuality, Thipyaso had her sentence reduced and she was for the opening reception available if you fancy it.
released after serving just eight years. 2 B In a cool, little beach hut right next to the sea.
6 A prisoner who escaped from Bullingdon prison at the 3 B It’s that old brown leather jacket on the chair over there. /
weekend is believed to be hiding somewhere in London. It’s that old brown leather jacket over there on the chair.
Jimmy Green, who was serving a six-year sentence for robbery, 4 B It’s fine, but poor Andrew is alone and having to do
is thought to have stolen a car and travelled to London with everything by himself.
at least one other person. The public has been asked not to 5 B I don’t mind, but something nice and tasty! A How about
approach the man, who is considered to be dangerous. I make my special risotto if there’s some rice left?
6 B Yeah, it’s just sheer madness to charge that much.
7B special uses of tenses A Yeah, I agree and the band really aren’t anything special.
1 A Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had any idea
yet when the meeting might be? B Still not sure, I’m afraid.
But Charles says it won’t be until next week at the earliest.
2 A I gather there’s a leaving do for Olga next week. Is that right?
B Yeah. In fact, we were / are rather hoping you wouldn’t mind
making a short speech, as you’ve worked with her the longest.
3 A This phone of mine is getting very slow these days. And the
battery only lasts five minutes. I think it’s time I got a new one.
B Well, Amy was saying / says they’ve got some good deals
on at the moment at that phone shop in the Queen’s Centre.
4 A So, in a nutshell, that’s how the global economy works. Clear
now? B Sorry. But look, explain it to me again, as if I was /
were a ten-year-old. I might get it then.
5 A Is it OK if I bring a few colleagues along to the party? Anna
said she thought it would be OK, but I thought it would be


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