Class 1. Insights Into Especial Education

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1. Please provide a definition of Special Education.

2. Which is the difference between Specific Educational Support Needs and Special
Educational Needs (SEN)? Give some examples.

SEND/SEN stands for Special Educational Needs/Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A
pupil is deemed to have Special Educational Needs if they are finding it harder than other
pupils to make progress. This may be due to a specific learning difficulty, a recognised disability
such as hearing impairment, emotional or social difficulties, or speech and language difficulties.
Some pupils will only be classified as SEN for a short time, others may remain so for the rest of
their time in school. Schools have an SEN register which records all SEND pupils, and schools
are expected to track the progress of these pupils closely.

3. What is DSM-V?

El Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition

4. What is the percentage of students with SEN in Spain? And in Europe?

2-3 % Spain
4.5 % Europe

5. Children with SEN can attend mainstream schools.

True O False O

6. SEN are characterized as permanent needs.

True O False O

7. Current legislation in Spain (_____________) states that the general objectives for
students with SEN must be the same as for all pupils.
True O False O

8. In Spain, it is possible to reduce the duration of the compulsory schooling in some cases.
True O False O

9. In Spain, it is possible to increase the duration of the compulsory schooling in some cases.
True O False O
E.G: students that came from different countries and do not know Spanish…
10. Please define “curricular adaptations”. When are they used?

11. Please describe the main symptoms of ADHD. Can we find different types of ADHD?

- Difficulties to focus on tasks.

- Hyperactivity
12. We can make a diagnostic of higher intellectual abilities when IQ is higher than 130

13. Intellectual disabilities can be diagnosed when IQ is lower than 69

14. What is the most common physical (motor) impairment in children, which is commonly
identified at very early stages?

Brain stroke O Cerebral Palsy O Hyperkinetic Syndrom O

15. Hearing and visual impairments are also called sensory disorders.

16. People with cerebral palsy normally have severe difficulties with language.
True O False O

17. Cerebral palsy implies intellectual impairment.

True O False O

18. Which of the following disorders are characterized as disruptive behavior disorders?
Conduct Disorder
High intellectual abilities

19. ADHD is commonly associated with Learning Disabilities

True O False O

20. Please define the concept of combined schooling.

Special education school and “normal school”.

21. Do you know how to calculate an individual´s IQ?

Intelligence Quotient

22. There is a direct relationship between family income and a child´s risks to show disruptive
behavior disorders
23. ADHD is more common in boys than in girls
True O False O

24. Children with high intellectual abilities (high functioning children) show a lack of balance
between the intellectual and the emotional and social areas.
True O False O

25. The best way to treat conduct disorder is a pharmacological approach

True O False O

26. Nowadays, the different degrees of intellectual disability must be based on the IQ
True O False O
27. People with Asperger´s Syndrome commonly show below-average IQ.
True O False O

28. Please provide a definition of Compensatory Education. Who is It for?

29. What is the name of the professional responsible for the prevention, assessment, and
intervention in language disorders at school?

Speech therapist

30. What is a “shadow teacher”? When is this professional necessary?

Auxiliar educador.

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