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The Negative Impact Of Online Class At Sta.

Lucia High School On Senior High Students

In Pasig City From Month Of November To January, S.Y. 2021-2222

Chapter 1
Knowing the negative impact of an online class in the 21st Century to be aware of the
negative impact and overcome the situations.
Based on the study of Kaithreen Cruz (2021) lots of students have a hard time in online
class at some point, the teachers struggled with the same situations. According to the
participants of the study "At some point, yes, they are learning. But since we are not able

to cover all the lessons, there are questions left unanswered and our own expectations are

not entirely met," she added. This is one of the negative impacts of the online class.

(2021, September 13).

Cruz, K. (2021, September 13). Retrieved from The Manila Times:

Based on my research online about the negative impact of online class lots of issues has
been answered already. But also lots of questions or problems are still unanswered at the
moment the issue or problems we have here are based on our research area only or in Sta.
Lucia High School only. And these are the issues we expect to tackle
-Incomplete materials and equipment to participate in an online class.
-Unstable network or internet to participate in an online class.
-lack of technology or using application experience.
Research Objective
The purpose of this study is to determine the negative impact of online learning due to the
pandemic on the student in online learning processes of the students in Sta. Lucia High
School. The goal can be accomplished by having a survey and gathering data to examine
and think about the factors that can influence and affect the students of Sta. Lucia High
School. This Paper is driven by the following objective

- Describe the negative impact of online class on the online learning processes.
- Determine the reason why they are experiencing the negative impact in the online class.
- Identify ways to overcome it.

The benefit of this study is to inform the readers, especially the students that they are not
the one who experiencing difficulties or negative impact in online learning. Also to help
them how to face the difficulties and by this study, we can add more data or information
about the negative impact of online learning there for the next students who will choose
this topic will help them to facilitate their task.

Background of the study

We all know we are still in the pandemic just to keep up learning we must adopt a new style
of learning which is an online class or online learning to be able to continue our studies and don’t
waste the time. And this study is about the negative impact of online class, we all know that all
of us are experiencing the negative impact of online class. There is a website which is
CHILDHOPE the name of the website According to them that the data from DepEd, 4 million
students were not able to enroll for the last school year. This figure will keep growing unless
there’s an upgrade in the educational system or the government’s action to provide funds for
students’ mobile learning. An alarming number of students can’t attend online classes in the
Philippines right now, and are thus are forced to drop out of school. One of which was the fact
that we experience too many difficulties from the negative impact of online class we must cure
but not totally cure but to relieve the difficulties that are experienced from the negative impact of
the online class by the students in Sta. Lucia High School.
Statement of the problem
This study was directed toward its main objective is to know the different impacts of online
class on the students in Sta. Lucia High School. Specifically, the researcher sought answers to
the following questions.
1.1 Age?
1.2 Gender?
1.3 Year level?
2. What is the negative impact of an online class on you?
3. How difficult or easy is it for you to connect to the internet to access your schoolwork?
4.1 Are you getting all the help you need with your schoolwork right now?
4.2 Do you have enough gadgets to participate in the online class?
5. Are you always present or attending your class online?

Conceptual Framework

As you can see this is the process of our conceptual framework for research, by this I.P.O
method we can show our study’s variables.

Figure 1 as an independent model variable as to efficient method and component for

questionnaires to provide and continue the processes.

Figure 2 these are the Processes of our work by conducting a survey to determine the profile of
respondents and they’re experiencing the negative impact of online class after that we must
collect data to administer the questionnaires and organize the student responses to have a
statistical analysis of data that affects the outcome.

Figure 3 the output or the outcome of the processes this is the aim of the study to know the
negative impact of the online class.

Assumption of the study

This research formulated the assumption:
The respondent has a high level of perception about the negative impact of an online class or
online learning.

hypothesis of the study

Online class or online learning has a negative impact on the senior high students in Sta. Lucia
High School.

Scope and delimitation

The study will determine the negative impact of class on the senior high student of Sta. Lucia
High School in Pasig City. The primary subject of this research study will consist of the grade 11
and 12 students enrolled in Sta. Lucia High school in the year 2021- 2022 for the month of
November to January. The respondents were limited to (5) for grade 11 and 12 who are in the
ICT, HUMSS, HE, STEM, ABM section of senior high students of Sta. Lucia High school in
Pasig City.
However, we conduct the survey online because we are still in online class due to the pandemic.

Definition of terms
For a better understanding of this study, the following term are defined in the context of this
1. Online class. Is a type of learning that is conducted over the internet using a browser and
social media
2. Negative impact. is a personality variable that involves the experience of negative emotions
and poor self-concept.
Chapter 2
Review of related literature and studies

This chapter includes the ideas, generalize or conclusions, methodologies, and others. Those
that included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that is relevant to the present
study. In this part, we list 3 main points on our topic and 3 subpoints in every main point on the

1. What is online learning

We all know that we’re facing a pandemic right now so to be able to continue learning we must
adopt a new environment quickly which is the online class I pick this main point to define what
is an online class or online class

1.1 Definition.
Based on a blog by (Taylor, 2020) education that takes place over the internet.
This can be subdivided into asynchronous online courses that do not take place in real-time
and synchronous online courses in which teacher and student interact online simultaneously.

1.2 How does online learning help in the Philippines.

according to an article by (CHILDHOPE Philippines, 2021) The pandemic has forced
everyone to continue having a normal life while staying at home. As such, people have adopted
remote setups like home offices and online classrooms worldwide. And with the growing
demand for online education, the number of online courses and degrees has likewise

1.3 Impacts of online learning on the students in the Philippines.

determined from an article by (CHILDHOPE Philippines, 2021) In the Philippines, children in
vulnerable groups have no access to quality education. They also struggle to find distance-
learning opportunities. According to UNESCO, about 28 million learners are affected by school
closures. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic will severely affect their learning quality
without the help of government and non-government organizations.
2. Challenges in online or online learning.

Having an issue or challenges in an online class was part of it to be able to continue learning. I
pick this main point is to show some of the challenges are experiencing by the students.

2.1 Lack of communication.

Based on the article in (, nd)challenges of online learning In an in-person setting,
communication happens instantaneously, making it easy for students to get answers and clarify
points of confusion. In an e-learning setting, communication is often asynchronous, which means
there’s a gap between teacher and student. It’s easy for misunderstandings to develop in these
gaps — sometimes, allowing a problem to snowball before it can be corrected. 

2.2 Technical issue.

According to a blog by (Klawitter,2022) technical issues are bound to happen in an online-only
environment. This may sound obvious but technical issues, and internet connection only adds to
the online environment’s frustration and interrupt new distance learning sessions. Sometimes
your computer will shut down, or there are moments when your wifi is spotty, and weak
monitors can make it challenging to keep up with your virtual classmates and learning

2.3 Mental health issue.

According to an article by (Psychiatr, nd) The negative mental health consequences of online
learning among students can include increased anxiety and absenteeism. While all students may
be affected, students from lower socioeconomic localities have higher mental distress due to their
limited financial capacity to obtain the necessary gadgets and internet connectivity.

3. Technology efficient.
 it is harder for students to grasp concepts being taught, online learning can cause social
isolation, and can cause students to not develop needed communication skills.

3.1 Lack of technology resources

According to by (Lalu, nd) that 42% of Filipino don’t use devices for distance
learning. Schools are also using either online lessons, modular learning, or hybrid learning
systems to avoid possible COVID-19 transmissions.

3.2 internet problem

Based on an article by (Madarang, 2021), an unstable internet connection remains the main
problem for teachers, students, and parents in distance learning, according to a recent survey.

The poll conducted by an in Accodependent research firm called iOptions Ventures

Corporation showed that more than half of 67% of parents, 84% of teachers, and 71% of students
chose “unstable mobile/internet connection” in the list of challenges encountered in distance

3.3 new environment difficulties

Based on an article by (Debatur, 2020) Since the online classroom is a new environment for
many students, the first challenge is to adapt to online learning. If the platform seems too
complicated, you risk losing your potential students.

Relationship of the previous studies to the present study

According to the research which is “Difficulties in Remote Learning: Voices of Philippine

University Students in the Wake of COVID-19 Crisis” by Rotas & Cahapay, (2020, p152).
Mental health struggles. Lastly, the students feel difficulties in the form of mental struggles
brought by the demands of remote learning. They sometimes overthink and end up feeling sick
Thinking about the difficult lessons, packed schedules, and slow internet without somebody to
talk around makes me feel sick Student. At other times, they entertain the idea of concession
Sometimes I experience a lack of focus and motivation and I nurture the idea of giving up a

It was cleared with the aforementioned related literature and studies show the difficulties in an
online class or online learning one of the possible reason is the mental health problem. And it
may result in being unfocused in class or unattended in the online class and for some reason, it
may result in unpleasant outcomes that can affect physical health. This thought was supported
and strengthen by the research about the negative impact of an online class.

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