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Scheme E

Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code : ME/MH/MI Semester : Fifth

Time : 3 Hrs.

Subject Title : Power Plant Engineering. Marks Instruction: 1) 2) 3) 4) All Questions are compulsory. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Assume suitable data if necessary. : 100

Q. No. 1 [a] Attempt any THREE of the following.

12 Marks

a) Draw feed water heating system in thermal power plant. Give the two advantages of feed water heating system. b) List the four factors to be considered while selecting the site for thermal power plant. Give details of any two factors. c) Draw open cycle for gas turbine power plant. Write the purpose of combustion chamber in it. d) How the waste heat from nuclear power plant can be used for agriculture and animal shelter? Q. No. 1 [b] Attempt any ONE of the following. a) 06 Marks

Describe waste heat recovery boiler. State two advantages over conventional boiler.

b) Describe with neat sketch the working principle of Magneto Hydrodynamic System (MHD). Q. No. 2 Attempt any TWO of the following. a) A power station supplies the following loads to the consumer. Time in hours 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 16 Marks



Loads in MW 20 50 60 40 80 70 40 Find i) Draw the load curve ii)The load factor of power plant iii) What is the load factor of stand by equipment of 20MW capacity if it takes up all loads above 60 MW?

b) Describe construction and working of Benson boiler with labeled diagram. State two advantages. c) Describe the construction and working of Bag filter with labeled diagram. Q. No. 3 Attempt any FOUR of the following. 16 Marks

a) List four advantages of gas turbine power plant over steam turbine power plant. b) State four advantages of wind power plant over other non-convectional power plants. c) State four system used for generating the power using geothermal energy. Draw labeled diagram of any one system. d) Draw P-V and T-S diagram of Carnot cycle. e) Compare fusion and fission process (any four points).

Q. No. 4 [a] Attempt any THREE of the following.

12 Marks

a) List the four components of nuclear reactor. State the working of any two of them. b) Describe the impact of gas turbine power plant on environment. c) Name four impurities present in feed water. State the procedure to remove any one of them. d) Describe the working of Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) in nuclear power plant.

Q. No. 4 [b] Attempt any ONE of the following.

06 Marks

a) List four components of nuclear reactor. Describe the function of moderator and control rod in nuclear reactor. b) Describe with neat sketch the working of closed cycle gas turbine power plant. State four advantages of closed cycle over open cycle gas turbine power plant.

Q. No. 5 Attempt any FOUR of the following.

16 Marks

a) What are the requirements of fuel used in gas turbine? State the important feature of them. b) Explain how unit energy cost is calculated? c) List the major electrical equipment used in power plant. Give the function of generator. d) Describe with neat sketch of Brayton cycle used in gas turbine power plant. e) Draw neat sketch of flat plate collector. State its two limitations.

f) Describe latent heat and sensible heat recovery in thermal power plant.

Q. No. 6 Attempt any FOUR of the following.

16 Marks

a) Differentiate boiling water reactor and pressurized water reactor (any four points). b) Describe with neat sketch regenerative cycle with two feed water heater used in thermal power plant. c) List the basic resources in India for power generation. Which one is used as a major resource of power generation? State reason. d) Describe the construction and working of Fast Breeder Reactor. e) State the meaning of sub-critical and supercritical boiler. Why supercritical boiler is preferred?

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