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What is Contrast Conjunction?

Contrast conjuction adalah conjunction (kata penghubung) yang berfungsi untuk
menyambung dua kata/ kalimat yang yang secara isi berbeda atau berlawanan

There are several ways we can speak about Contrast.

1. Though (Walaupun)

 Though I wasn't keen on the film, I thought the music was beautiful.
 Though it was raining, we still enjoyed the concert.
 Though it was raining, we went for a walk.

2. Although/ Even Though (Walaupun)

 Although we saw each other every day, we didn't really know each other.
 Although you bought her an expensive gift, Tiara still haven’t forgiven you.
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 Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

 I am still not good at English even though I have joined the course for years.
 Even though she spoke very quietly, he understood every word.
 Even though it was raining, we went for a walk.

3. However (Namun)

 Michael is rich. Alexis, however, is poor.

 We all smiled at each other; however none of us were feeling happy.
 I did well at the interview. However, I didn’t get the job.

4. Even if (Bahkan jika)

 Even if you run, you’ll still be late.

 She’s leaving the company, even if they give her a promotion.
 Even if they are tired, they keep practice for next Basketball competition

5. Unless (kecuali jika)

 we will be so hungry unless you give me many foods

 My father will not give me money unless I beg to him.
 Unless it rains, we will go for swimming.

6. yet (Namun)

 Yet, I must admit that he is smarter than most guys around my age.
 She always get an A on her mathematics, yet her passion is language
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7. But (tetapi)

 It's very strange, but I like it.

 I want to lose weight, but I hate diets.
 Michael is rich, but Alexis is poor.

10. Nevertheless (Namun demikian)

 The place was so beautiful; nevertheless, we did not want to spend our

holiday in here.

 They lost the game; nevertheless, they continued to play.

 It is a very crowded city. Nevertheless, thousands of migrants come to the

city each year.

 Stinky was an old group music. Nevertheless, I like listening to their songs.

11. Whereas (Sedangkan)

 I like tennis, while my brother prefers bowling.
 Chicken meat is white, whereas cow meat is red.
 He loves foreign holidays, whereas his wife prefers to stay at home.

8. in spite of/ Despite (Meskipun)

 Despite having sensitive teeth, she went liked ice cream.

 Kate went to the carnival despite the hot weather.
 Despite the rain, we went for a walk.
 In spite of the pain in his leg, he completed the marathon.
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 In spite of the rain, we went for a walk.

9. Despita the fact that / In spite of the fact that (Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa)

 Our plane arrived on time in spite of the fact that it left 30 minutes late.
 We won the game despite the fact that we had two fewer players.
 In spite of the fact that he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam.

12. Unlike/ In contrast to (tidak seperti)

 Unlike Michael, who is clever, Alexis is lazy.

 In contrast to her brother, she has a bad attitude.

 She is very friendly, unlike her sister.
 She is very friendly, In contrast to her sister.

13. On the other hand (Di sisi lain)

 My husband likes classical music, on the other hand, like all kinds.

 Nuclear power is relatively cheap. On the other hand, you
could argue that it's not safe.
 Michael is rich. Alexis, on the other hand, is poor.



1. ……… the price of gold rises sharply, people keep buying it.
A. However
B. Even though
C. On the other hand

2. Some studies suggest that coffee is healthy food with its abundance of
antioxidants. ……… other studies highlight the negative side effect of caffeine on
our bodies.
A. despite
B. in spite of
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C. Whereas

3. ……… the bad weather, he still chooses to go by air plane.

A. Although
B. Despite
C. While

4. Yossi continued playing game ……… he heard his mother calling.

A. Although
B. Despite
C. However

5. ……… I had free time tomorrow, I wouldn't want to go to the beach because it's
too cold outside
A. Even if
B. However
C. In contrast to

6. There are three empty rooms. ………, we can't use any of them.
A. However
B. Even if
C. Nevertheless

7. Bill likes to stay up late night. ……… today he has to get up early in the morning.
A. Even if
B. However
C. On the other hand

8. Tomy will wake up late ……… he goes to bed early.

A. Even if
B. However
C. On the other hand

9. Her grandfather is 73 years old, ……… he still runs 5 kilometers everyday.

A. but
B. while
C. despite

10. ……… he is very angry, he is still smiling.

A. Despite
B. Whereas
C. Even though

11. ……… Alexandra runs as fast as he can, he will still be late.

A. Despite
B. Even if
C. However

12. My whole family eats meat, ……… I am a vegetarian..

A. whereas
B. though
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C. despite

13. ……… it was raining, we still enjoyed the concert.

A. In spite of
B. Despite
C. Although

14. ……… he said he told the truth, I didn't believe him.

A. In spite of
B. Despite
C. Although

15. I want to buy some drink, ……… I have no money.

A. in spite of
B. despite
C. but


1.  ........ his injury, Messy still scored three goals.

A. However
B. Despite
C. Although

2. She walked home by herself, ...... she knew that it was dangerous.
A. Although
B. In spite off
C. Nonetheless

3. The flight was delayed. ........., I still arived on time

A. Although
B. Even though
C. Nevertheless

4. ........Kevin was tired, He still came to classes.

A. Even though
B. However
C. Nevertheless

5. _____ he's been really ill lately, he insists on going into work.
A. Even though
B. Even if
C. Even when

6. She decided to travel by plane, ______ being very afraid of flying.

A. in spite of
B. despite the fact
C. although
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7. I've had dinner. _______, I'm still hungry.

A. Despite the fact
B. In spite of
C. However

8. _______ the car was quite old, it was still very reliable.
A. Despite
B. In spite of
C. Although

9. _______ of the bad weather, they decided to have a picnic.

A. Despite
B. In spite
C. Although

10. _______ they had studied, they didn't do well in the test.

A. Despite the fact (that)
B. In spite of
C. However

11. They didn't get married _____ they loved each other very much.
A. however
B. even if
C. even though

12. There are three empty rooms. ..., we can't use any of them.
A. However
B. Even if
C. Neverthless

13. Bill likes to stay up late night. ..., today he has to get up early in the morning.
A. Even if
B. However
C. In contrast

14. Aline thinks that caffeine is bad for her. ..., She drinks coffee every morning
A. Nevertheless
B. Even if
C. Eventhough

15. I like living in the city. My parents, ..., prefers the countryside.
A. On the other hand
B. Although
C. Even if

16. They should try to exercise everyday, ... they don't feel like it
A. Even if
B. However
C. On the other hand
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17. Neona is sick. ..., she could sing perfectly.

A. However
B. Even if

18. Anis was tired , .... she went on working for her family.
A. However
B. Even if
C. On the other hand

19. I am fond of volleyball; ...., my brother is enthusiastic about playing football.

A. On the other hand
B. However

20. I love my job. I wouldn't change jobs .... the salary was higher.
A. On the other hand
B. Even if


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